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  1. demo.html
  2. demo.js

A lightweight, extensible directive for fancy tooltip creation. The tooltip directive supports multiple placements, optional transition animation, and more.

There are three versions of the tooltip: uib-tooltip, uib-tooltip-template, and uib-tooltip-html-unsafe:

  • uib-tooltip takes text only and will escape any HTML provided.
  • uib-tooltip-template takes text that specifies the location of a template to use for the tooltip. Note that this needs to be wrapped in a tag.
  • uib-tooltip-html takes whatever HTML is provided and displays it in a tooltip; The user is responsible for ensuring the content is safe to put into the DOM!
  • uib-tooltip-html-unsafe -- deprecated in favour of tooltip-html

The tooltip directives provide several optional attributes to control how they will display:

  • tooltip-placement: Where to place it? Defaults to "top", but also accepts "bottom", "left", "right".
  • tooltip-animation: Should it fade in and out? Defaults to "true".
  • tooltip-popup-delay: For how long should the user have to have the mouse over the element before the tooltip shows (in milliseconds)? Defaults to 0.
  • tooltip-close-popup-delay: For how long should the tooltip remain open after the close trigger event? Defaults to 0.
  • tooltip-trigger: What should trigger a show of the tooltip? Supports a space separated list of event names. Note: this attribute is no longer observable. See tooltip-enable.
  • tooltip-enable: Is it enabled? It will enable or disable the configured tooltip-trigger.
  • tooltip-append-to-body: Should the tooltip be appended to $body instead of the parent element?
  • tooltip-class: Custom class to be applied to the tooltip.
  • tooltip-is-open (Default: false): Whether to show the tooltip.

The tooltip directives require the $position service.


The following show triggers are supported out of the box, along with their provided hide triggers:

  • mouseenter: mouseleave
  • click: click
  • focus: blur
  • none: ``

For any non-supported value, the trigger will be used to both show and hide the tooltip. Using the 'none' trigger will disable the internal trigger(s), one can then use the tooltip-is-open attribute exclusively to show and hide the tooltip.


Through the $uibTooltipProvider, you can change the way tooltips and popovers behave by default; the attributes above always take precedence. The following methods are available:

  • setTriggers(obj): Extends the default trigger mappings mentioned above with mappings of your own. E.g. { 'openTrigger': 'closeTrigger' }.

  • options(obj): Provide a set of defaults for certain tooltip and popover attributes. Currently supports 'placement', 'animation', 'popupDelay', and appendToBody. Here are the defaults:

Known issues

For Safari 7+ support, if you want to use the focus tooltip-trigger, you need to use an anchor tag with a tab index. For example:

<a tabindex="0" uib-tooltip="Test" tooltip-trigger="focus" class="btn btn-default">
  Click Me