blob: 7bf8ae198fba264e601f411ce8cd7831e20b196c [file] [log] [blame]
(function () {
* @ngdoc service
* @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
* @description
* This service is used to store the user preferences in cookies, so that they survive to page changes.
* The structure of the user preference is:
* ```
* {
* synchronizers: {
* notification: {
* 'volt': boolean,
* 'openstack': boolean,
* ...
* }
* }
* }
* ```
.service('XosUserPrefs', function($cookies){
let userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};
* @ngdoc method
* @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getAll
* @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
* @description
* Return all the user preferences stored in cookies
* @returns {object} The user preferences
this.getAll = () => {
userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};
return userPrefs;
* @ngdoc method
* @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setAll
* @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
* @description
* Override all user preferences
* @param {object} prefs The user preferences
this.setAll = (prefs) => {
$cookies.put('xosUserPrefs', angular.toJson(prefs));
* @ngdoc method
* @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getSynchronizerNotificationStatus
* @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
* @description
* Return the synchronizer notification status, if name is not provided return the status for all synchronizers
* @param {string=} prefs The synchronizer name
* @returns {object | string} The synchronizer status
this.getSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false) => {
return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification[name];
return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification;
* @ngdoc method
* @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setSynchronizerNotificationStatus
* @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
* @description
* Update the notification status for a single synchronizer
* @param {string} name The synchronizer name
* @param {boolean} value The notification status (true means that it has been sent)
this.setSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false, value) => {
throw new Error('[XosUserPrefs] When updating a synchronizer is mandatory to provide a name.')
let cookies = this.getAll();
cookies.synchronizers = {
notification: {}
cookies.synchronizers.notification[name] = value;