blob: 69a4d56554bbf3a55e8f956deef3c96f55afed0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Backbone-tastypie.js 0.1
* (c) 2011 Paul Uithol
* Backbone-tastypie may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
* Add or override Backbone.js functionality, for compatibility with django-tastypie.
(function( undefined ) {
var Backbone = this.Backbone;
* Override Backbone's sync function, to do a GET upon receiving a HTTP CREATED.
* This requires 2 requests to do a create, so you may want to use some other method in production.
* Modified from
Backbone.oldSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function( method, model, options ) {
if ( method === 'create' ) {
var dfd = new $.Deferred();
// Set up 'success' handling
dfd.done( options.success );
options.success = function( resp, status, xhr ) {
// If create is successful but doesn't return a response, fire an extra GET.
// Otherwise, resolve the deferred (which triggers the original 'success' callbacks).
if ( xhr.status === 201 && !resp ) { // 201 CREATED; response null or empty.
var location = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Location' );
return $.ajax( {
url: location,
success: dfd.resolve,
error: dfd.reject
else {
return dfd.resolveWith( options.context || options, [ resp, status, xhr ] );
// Set up 'error' handling options.error );
options.error = dfd.reject;
// Make the request, make it accessibly by assigning it to the 'request' property on the deferred
dfd.request = Backbone.oldSync( method, model, options );
return dfd;
return Backbone.oldSync( method, model, options );
Backbone.Model.prototype.idAttribute = 'resource_uri';
Backbone.Model.prototype.url = function() {
// Use the id if possible
var url =;
// If there's no idAttribute, try to have the collection construct a url. Fallback to 'urlRoot'.
if ( !url ) {
url = this.collection && ( _.isFunction( this.collection.url ) ? this.collection.url() : this.collection.url );
url = url || this.urlRoot;
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
return url;
* Return 'data.objects' if it exists and is an array, or else just plain 'data'.
Backbone.Model.prototype.parse = function( data ) {
return data && data.objects && ( _.isArray( data.objects ) ? data.objects[ 0 ] : data.objects ) || data;
Backbone.Collection.prototype.parse = function( data ) {
return data && data.objects;
Backbone.Collection.prototype.url = function( models ) {
var url = this.urlRoot || ( models && models.length && models[0].urlRoot );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
// Build a url to retrieve a set of models. This assume the last part of each model's idAttribute
// (set to 'resource_uri') contains the model's id.
if ( models && models.length ) {
var ids = models, function( model ) {
var parts = _.compact('/') );
return parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
url += 'set/' + ids.join(';') + '/';
return url;