progress bar on startup, and make sure stuff is loaded before we display it
diff --git a/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/xoslib/xosHelper.js b/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/xoslib/xosHelper.js
index 0fc9496..b8e0347 100644
--- a/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/xoslib/xosHelper.js
+++ b/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/xoslib/xosHelper.js
@@ -138,7 +138,13 @@
     detailShower: function(detailName, collection_name, regionName, title) {

         var app=this;

         showModelId = function(model_id) {

-            showModel = function(model) {

+            $("#contentTitle").html(templateFromId("#xos-title-detail")({"title": title}));


+            collection = xos[collection_name];

+            model = collection.get(model_id);

+            if (model == undefined) {

+                app[regionName].show(new HTMLView({html: "failed to load object " + model_id + " from collection " + collection_name}));

+            } else {

                 detailViewClass = app[detailName];

                 detailView = new detailViewClass({model: model});


@@ -146,33 +152,6 @@




-            $("#contentTitle").html(templateFromId("#xos-title-detail")({"title": title}));


-            collection = xos[collection_name];

-            model = collection.get(model_id);

-            if (model == undefined) {

-                if (!collection.isLoaded) {

-                    // If the model cannot be found, then maybe it's because

-                    // we haven't finished loading the collection yet. So wait for

-                    // the sort event to complete, then try again.

-                    collection.once("sort", function() {

-                        collection = xos[collection_name];

-                        model = collection.get(model_id);

-                        if (model == undefined) {

-                            // We tried. It's not here. Complain to the user.

-                            app[regionName].show(new HTMLView({html: "failed to load object " + model_id + " from collection " + collection_name}));

-                        } else {

-                            showModel(model);

-                        }

-                    });

-                } else {

-                    // The collection was loaded, the user must just be asking for something we don't have.

-                    app[regionName].show(new HTMLView({html: "failed to load object " + model_id + " from collection " + collection_name}));

-                }

-            } else {

-                showModel(model);

-            }


         return showModelId;
