blob: 223be9f5364b0b5244f60cfcaeaa60051afd71bf [file] [log] [blame]
(function () {
'use strict';
.service('SliceGraph', function(_, NodePositioner){
const g = new graphlib.Graph();
* @ngdoc method
* @name xos.mcord-slicing.SliceGraph#buildGraph
* @methodOf xos.mcord-slicing.SliceGraph
* @description
* buildGraph
* @param {object} data An object in the for of {nodes: [], links: []} describing the graph
* @returns {null}
this.buildGraph = (data) => {
_.forEach(data.nodes, n => g.setNode(, n));
_.forEach(data.links, n => g.setEdge(n.source,, n));
this.getLinks = () => {
return g.edges().map(e => {
return {
source: g.node(e.v),
target: g.node(e.w),
data: g.edge(e)
this.getGraph = () => g;
// find the successor of a node
this.getNodeSuccessors = (node) => {
return, n => {
return g.node(n);
this.getNodePredecessors = (node) => {
return, n => {
return g.node(n);
// get data plane successors of a node
this.getNodeDataPlaneSuccessors = (node) => {
return _.filter(this.getNodeSuccessors(node), n => {
return n.plane === 'data';
// find the end of the graph toward upstream
this.getUpstreamSinks = (el) => {
const sinks = _.reduce(g.sinks(), (sinks, node, i) => {
let n = g.node(node);
if(n.type === 'upstream'){
return sinks;
}, []);
return, (s, i) => {
s.position = {
top: 0,
bottom: el.clientHeight,
total: sinks.length,
index: i + 1
return s;
this.positionGraph = (el) => {
// get root node
let nodes = this.getUpstreamSinks(el);
// find children, recursively
let children = [];
_.forEach(nodes, (n, i) => {
children = children.concat(this.findPredecessor(n));
nodes = nodes.concat(children);
// calculate the position for all nodes
nodes =, r => {
return NodePositioner.getDataPlaneNodePos(r, el);
return nodes;
// this iterate on all the nodes, and add position information
this.findPredecessor = (node) => {
let preds = g.predecessors(;
// saving predecessor information
preds =, i) => {
p = g.node(p);
const parentAvailableSpace = (node.position.bottom - /;
const parentY = NodePositioner.getVpos(node);
p.position = {
top: parentY - (parentAvailableSpace / 2),
bottom: (parentY + (parentAvailableSpace / 2)),
total: preds.length,
index: i + 1
return p;
const predsChild = _.reduce(preds, (list, p) => {
return list.concat(this.findPredecessor(p));
}, []);
return preds.concat(predsChild);
this.getGraphLinks = (nodes) => {
const links = [];
_.forEach(nodes, n => {
const edges = g.inEdges(;
_.forEach(edges, e => {
source: g.node(e.v),
target: g.node(e.w),
data: g.edge(e)
return links;
this.getDataPlaneForSlice = (ranRu, sliceId) => {
// hardcoded, likely to be improved
const ranCu = g.node(g.successors([0]);
const sgw = g.node(g.successors([0]);
const pgw = g.node(g.successors([0]);
// augmenting nodes with sliceId
ranRu.sliceId = sliceId;
ranCu.sliceId = sliceId;
sgw.sliceId = sliceId;
pgw.sliceId = sliceId;
return [ranRu, ranCu, sgw, pgw];
this.getControlPlaneForSlice = (dataPlane, sliceId) => {
return _.reduce(dataPlane, (cp_nodes, dp_node) => {
// NOTE: looks that all the time the cplane version of the node is successors number 1, we may need to check
let cp_node = g.node(g.successors([1]);
// position relative to their data-plane node
cp_node = NodePositioner.getControlPlaneNodePos(cp_node, dp_node);
cp_node.sliceId = sliceId;
// hardcoded
// if control plane node is a sgw, there is an MME attached
if(cp_node.type === 'sgw'){
let mme = g.node(g.successors([1]);
// position relative to their data-plane node
mme = NodePositioner.getControlPlaneNodePos(mme, cp_node);
mme.sliceId = sliceId;
return cp_nodes.concat(cp_node);
}, []);
this.activeSlices = [];
// this.usedSlicesId = [];
this.getSliceDetail= (node) => {
if(node.sliceId && this.activeSlices.indexOf(node.sliceId) > -1){
// the slice is already active, return an empty set
return [[], []];
// let sliceId;
// if (node.sliceId){
// sliceId = node.sliceId;
// }
// else{
const sliceId = _.min(this.activeSlices) ? _.min(this.activeSlices) + 1 : 1;
// }
// this.usedSlicesId.push(sliceId);
// getting the beginning of the slice
const ranRu = (function getRanRu(n) {
if(n.type === 'ran-ru'){
return n;
// we assume that in the slice node have only one predecessor
const pred = g.predecessors(;
return getRanRu(g.node(pred[0]));
// get data plane nodes for this slice (need them to get the corresponding control plane)
const dp_nodes = this.getDataPlaneForSlice(ranRu, sliceId);
// get control plane nodes for this slice
const cp_nodes = this.getControlPlaneForSlice(dp_nodes, sliceId);
const links = this.getGraphLinks(cp_nodes);
// add a close button
let closeButton = {
name: 'Close',
id: `close-button-${sliceId}`,
type: 'button',
sliceId: sliceId
closeButton = NodePositioner.getControlPlaneNodePos(closeButton, cp_nodes[3]);
return [cp_nodes, links];
this.removeActiveSlice = sliceId => {
// nodes are remove from the d3 nodes identified by id
this.activeSlices.splice(this.activeSlices.indexOf(sliceId), 1);
.service('NodePositioner', function(_, sliceElOrder){
let el;
this.storeEl = (_el) => {
el = _el;
this.getHpos = (node, el) => {
let elPos = sliceElOrder.indexOf(node.type) + 1;
// hardcoded
if(node.type === 'mme'){
elPos = sliceElOrder.indexOf('sgw') + 1
if(node.type === 'button'){
elPos = sliceElOrder.indexOf('pgw') + 1
let x = (el.clientWidth / (sliceElOrder.length + 1)) * elPos;
return x;
this.getVpos = (node) => {
// calculate the available space to distribute items
const availableSpace = node.position.bottom -;
// calculate the distance between each item
const step = availableSpace / ( + 1);
// vertical position
const y = (step * node.position.index) +;
return y;
// for nodes that are part of the data plane
this.getDataPlaneNodePos = (node) => {
const x = this.getHpos(node, el);
const y = this.getVpos(node);
node.x = x;
node.y = y;
node.transform = `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
node.fixed = true;
return node;
// control element nodes are positioned relatively to their corresponding data plane node
this.getControlPlaneNodePos = (cp_node, dp_node) => {
const x = this.getHpos(cp_node, el);
const y = dp_node.y - 75;
cp_node.x = x;
cp_node.y = y;
cp_node.transform = `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
cp_node.fixed = true;
return cp_node;
.value('sliceElOrder', [