blob: 926a17b359c6cc78353862c1b92866941766f2eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" ModelAccessor
A class for abstracting access to models. Used to get any djangoisms out
of the synchronizer code base.
This module will import all models into this module's global scope, so doing
a "from modelaccessor import *" from a calling module ought to import all
models into the calling module's scope.
import functools
import importlib
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
from loadmodels import ModelLoadClient
from xosconfig import Config
from multistructlog import create_logger
from xosutil.autodiscover_version import autodiscover_version_of_main
log = create_logger(Config().get("logging"))
orig_sigint = None
model_accessor = None
class ModelAccessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.all_model_classes = self.get_all_model_classes()
def get_all_model_classes(self):
""" Build a dictionary of all model class names """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def get_model_class(self, name):
""" Given a class name, return that model class """
return self.all_model_classes[name]
def has_model_class(self, name):
""" Given a class name, return that model class """
return name in self.all_model_classes
def fetch_pending(self, main_objs, deletion=False):
""" Execute the default fetch_pending query """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def fetch_policies(self, main_objs, deletion=False):
""" Execute the default fetch_pending query """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def reset_queries(self):
""" Reset any state between passes of synchronizer. For django, to
limit memory consumption of cached queries.
def connection_close(self):
""" Close any active database connection. For django, to limit memory
def check_db_connection_okay(self):
""" Checks to make sure the db connection is okay """
def obj_exists(self, o):
""" Return True if the object exists in the data model """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def obj_in_list(self, o, olist):
""" Return True if o is the same as one of the objects in olist """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def now(self):
""" Return the current time for timestamping purposes """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def is_type(self, obj, name):
""" returns True is obj is of model type "name" """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def is_instance(self, obj, name):
""" returns True if obj is of model type "name" or is a descendant """
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def get_content_type_id(self, obj):
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def journal_object(self, o, operation, msg=None, timestamp=None):
def create_obj(self, cls, **kwargs):
raise Exception("Not Implemented")
def import_models_to_globals():
# add all models to globals
for (k, v) in model_accessor.all_model_classes.items():
globals()[k] = v
# xosbase doesn't exist from the synchronizer's perspective, so fake out
# ModelLink.
if "ModelLink" not in globals():
class ModelLink:
def __init__(self, dest, via, into=None):
self.dest = dest
self.via = via
self.into = into
globals()["ModelLink"] = ModelLink
def keep_trying(client, reactor):
# Keep checking the connection to wait for it to become unavailable.
# Then reconnect. The strategy is to send NoOp operations, one per second, until eventually a NoOp throws an
# exception. This will indicate the server has reset. When that happens, we force the client to reconnect, and
# it will download a new API from the server.
from xosapi.xos_grpc_client import Empty
except Exception as e:
# If we caught an exception, then the API has become unavailable.
# So reconnect.
log.exception("exception in NoOp", e=e)"restarting synchronizer")
os.execv(sys.executable, ["python"] + sys.argv)
reactor.callLater(1, functools.partial(keep_trying, client, reactor))
def grpcapi_reconnect(client, reactor):
global model_accessor
# Make sure to try to load models before trying to initialize the ORM. It might be the ORM is broken because it
# is waiting on our models.
if Config.get("models_dir"):
version = autodiscover_version_of_main(max_parent_depth=0) or "unknown""Service version is %s" % version)
Config.get("name"), Config.get("models_dir"), version=version
except Exception as e: # TODO: narrow exception scope
if (
hasattr(e, "code")
and callable(e.code)
and hasattr(e.code(), "name")
and (e.code().name) == "UNAVAILABLE"
# We need to make sure we force a reconnection, as it's possible that we will end up downloading a
# new xos API."grpc unavailable during loadmodels. Force a reconnect")
client.connected = False
log.exception("failed to onboard models")
# If it's some other error, then we don't need to force a reconnect. Just try the LoadModels() again.
reactor.callLater(10, functools.partial(grpcapi_reconnect, client, reactor))
# If the ORM is broken, then wait for the orm to become available.
if not getattr(client, "xos_orm", None):
log.warning("No xos_orm. Will keep trying...")
reactor.callLater(1, functools.partial(keep_trying, client, reactor))
# this will prevent updated timestamps from being automatically updated
client.xos_orm.caller_kind = "synchronizer"
client.xos_orm.restart_on_disconnect = True
from apiaccessor import CoreApiModelAccessor
model_accessor = CoreApiModelAccessor(orm=client.xos_orm)
# If required_models is set, then check to make sure the required_models
# are present. If not, then the synchronizer needs to go to sleep until
# the models show up.
required_models = Config.get("required_models")
if required_models:
required_models = [x.strip() for x in required_models]
missing = []
found = []
for model in required_models:
if model_accessor.has_model_class(model):
missing.append(model)"required_models, found:", models=", ".join(found))
if missing:
log.warning("required_models: missing", models=", ".join(missing))
# We're missing a required model. Give up and wait for the connection
# to reconnect, and hope our missing model has shown up.
reactor.callLater(1, functools.partial(keep_trying, client, reactor))
# import all models to global space
# Synchronizer framework isn't ready to embrace reactor yet...
# Restore the sigint handler
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orig_sigint)
def config_accessor_grpcapi():
global orig_sigint"Connecting to the gRPC API")
grpcapi_endpoint = Config.get("accessor.endpoint")
grpcapi_username = Config.get("accessor.username")
grpcapi_password = Config.get("accessor.password")
# if password starts with "@", then retreive the password from a file
if grpcapi_password.startswith("@"):
fn = grpcapi_password[1:]
if not os.path.exists(fn):
raise Exception("%s does not exist" % fn)
grpcapi_password = open(fn).readline().strip()
from xosapi.xos_grpc_client import SecureClient
from twisted.internet import reactor
grpcapi_client = SecureClient(
endpoint=grpcapi_endpoint, username=grpcapi_username, password=grpcapi_password
functools.partial(grpcapi_reconnect, grpcapi_client, reactor)
# Start reactor. This will cause the client to connect and then execute
# grpcapi_callback().
# Reactor will take over SIGINT during, but does not return it when reactor.stop() is called.
orig_sigint = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
# Start reactor. This will cause the client to connect and then execute
# grpcapi_callback().
def config_accessor_mock():
global model_accessor
from mock_modelaccessor import model_accessor as mock_model_accessor
model_accessor = mock_model_accessor
# mock_model_accessor doesn't have an all_model_classes field, so make one.
import mock_modelaccessor as mma
all_model_classes = {}
for k in dir(mma):
v = getattr(mma, k)
if hasattr(v, "leaf_model_name"):
all_model_classes[k] = v
model_accessor.all_model_classes = all_model_classes
def config_accessor():
accessor_kind = Config.get("accessor.kind")
if accessor_kind == "testframework":
elif accessor_kind == "grpcapi":
raise Exception("Unknown accessor kind %s" % accessor_kind)
# now import any wrappers that the synchronizer needs to add to the ORM
if Config.get("wrappers"):
for wrapper_name in Config.get("wrappers"):