Started serviceGrid view
diff --git a/apiary.apib b/apiary.apib
index 25915e9..0f9632d 100644
--- a/apiary.apib
+++ b/apiary.apib
@@ -421,6 +421,129 @@
+# Group Services
+List of the XOS Services
+## Services [/api/core/services/{id}/]
+### List all Services [GET]
++ Response 200 (application/json)
+        [
+            {
+                "humanReadableName": "MyService",
+                "id": 1,
+                "created": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835277Z",
+                "updated": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835302Z",
+                "enacted": null,
+                "policed": null,
+                "backend_register": "{}",
+                "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "write_protect": false,
+                "lazy_blocked": false,
+                "no_sync": false,
+                "no_policy": false,
+                "description": null,
+                "enabled": true,
+                "kind": "vROUTER",
+                "name": "MyService",
+                "versionNumber": null,
+                "published": true,
+                "view_url": "/admin/vrouter/vrouterservice/$id$/",
+                "icon_url": null,
+                "public_key": null,
+                "private_key_fn": null,
+                "service_specific_id": null,
+                "service_specific_attribute": null
+            }
+        ]
+### Create a Service [POST]
++ Request (application/json)
+        {
+            "name": "MyService",
+            "kind": "vROUTER"
+        }
++ Response 200 (application/json)
+        {
+            "humanReadableName": "MyService",
+            "id": 1,
+            "created": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835277Z",
+            "updated": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835302Z",
+            "enacted": null,
+            "policed": null,
+            "backend_register": "{}",
+            "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress",
+            "deleted": false,
+            "write_protect": false,
+            "lazy_blocked": false,
+            "no_sync": false,
+            "no_policy": false,
+            "description": null,
+            "enabled": true,
+            "kind": "vROUTER",
+            "name": "MyService",
+            "versionNumber": null,
+            "published": true,
+            "view_url": "/admin/vrouter/vrouterservice/$id$/",
+            "icon_url": null,
+            "public_key": null,
+            "private_key_fn": null,
+            "service_specific_id": null,
+            "service_specific_attribute": null
+        }
+### View a Service Detail [GET]
++ Parameters
+    + id: 1 (number) - ID of the Service in the form of an integer
++ Response 200 (application/json)
+        {
+                "humanReadableName": "MyService",
+                "id": 1,
+                "created": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835277Z",
+                "updated": "2016-05-05T23:06:33.835302Z",
+                "enacted": null,
+                "policed": null,
+                "backend_register": "{}",
+                "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress",
+                "deleted": false,
+                "write_protect": false,
+                "lazy_blocked": false,
+                "no_sync": false,
+                "no_policy": false,
+                "description": null,
+                "enabled": true,
+                "kind": "vROUTER",
+                "name": "MyService",
+                "versionNumber": null,
+                "published": true,
+                "view_url": "/admin/vrouter/vrouterservice/$id$/",
+                "icon_url": null,
+                "public_key": null,
+                "private_key_fn": null,
+                "service_specific_id": null,
+                "service_specific_attribute": null
+            }
+### Delete a Service [DELETE]
++ Parameters
+    + id: 1 (number) - ID of the Service in the form of an integer
++ Response 204
 # Group Sites
 List of the XOS sites