added new endpoint to retrieve user information and Updated tenant view

Change-Id: I93d00eb203bf7626221dc6e107fefa9f097d8011
diff --git a/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/user-prefs.service.js b/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/user-prefs.service.js
index 7bf8ae1..bb8a810 100644
--- a/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/user-prefs.service.js
+++ b/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/user-prefs.service.js
@@ -1,95 +1,164 @@
-(function () {
-  angular.module('xos.helpers')
-  /**
-  * @ngdoc service
-  * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
-  * @description
-  * This service is used to store the user preferences in cookies, so that they survive to page changes.
-  * The structure of the user preference is:
-  * ```
-  * {
-  *   synchronizers: {
-  *     notification: {
-  *       'volt': boolean,
-  *       'openstack': boolean,
-  *       ...
-  *     }
-  *   }
-  * }
-  * ```
-  **/
-  .service('XosUserPrefs', function($cookies){
-    let userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};
-    /**
-    * @ngdoc method
-    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getAll
-    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
-    * @description
-    * Return all the user preferences stored in cookies
-    * @returns {object} The user preferences
-    **/
-    this.getAll = () => {
-      userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};
-      return userPrefs;
-    };
-    /**
-    * @ngdoc method
-    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setAll
-    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
-    * @description
-    * Override all user preferences
-    * @param {object} prefs The user preferences
-    **/
-    this.setAll = (prefs) => {
-      $cookies.put('xosUserPrefs', angular.toJson(prefs));
-    };
-    /**
-    * @ngdoc method
-    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getSynchronizerNotificationStatus
-    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
-    * @description
-    * Return the synchronizer notification status, if name is not provided return the status for all synchronizers
-    * @param {string=} prefs The synchronizer name
-    * @returns {object | string} The synchronizer status
-    **/
-    this.getSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false) => {
-      if(name){
-        return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification[name];
-      }
-      return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification;
-    };
-    /**
-    * @ngdoc method
-    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setSynchronizerNotificationStatus
-    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs
-    * @description
-    * Update the notification status for a single synchronizer
-    * @param {string} name The synchronizer name
-    * @param {boolean} value The notification status (true means that it has been sent)
-    **/
-    this.setSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false, value) => {
-      if(!name){
-        throw new Error('[XosUserPrefs] When updating a synchronizer is mandatory to provide a name.')
-      }
-      let cookies = this.getAll();
-      if(!cookies.synchronizers){
-        cookies.synchronizers = {
-          notification: {}
-        }
-      }
-      cookies.synchronizers.notification[name] = value;
-      this.setAll(cookies);
-    }
-  });
+(function () {


+  angular.module('xos.helpers')


+  /**

+  * @ngdoc service

+  * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+  * @description

+  * This service is used to store the user preferences in cookies, so that they survive to page changes.

+  * The structure of the user preference is:

+  * ```

+  * {

+  *   synchronizers: {

+  *     notification: {

+  *       'volt': boolean,

+  *       'openstack': boolean,

+  *       ...

+  *     }

+  *   }

+  *   userData: {

+  *     current_user_site_id: Number,

+  *     current_user_site_user_names: Array[1],

+  *     ...

+  *     }

+  * }

+  * ```

+  **/


+  .service('XosUserPrefs', function($cookies, Me, $q){


+    let userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};


+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getAll

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Return all the user preferences stored in cookies

+    * @returns {object} The user preferences

+    **/

+    this.getAll = () => {

+      userPrefs = $cookies.get('xosUserPrefs') ? angular.fromJson($cookies.get('xosUserPrefs')) : {};

+      return userPrefs;

+    };


+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setAll

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Override all user preferences

+    * @param {object} prefs The user preferences

+    **/

+    this.setAll = (prefs) => {

+      $cookies.put('xosUserPrefs', angular.toJson(prefs));

+    };


+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getSynchronizerNotificationStatus

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Return the synchronizer notification status, if name is not provided return the status for all synchronizers

+    * @param {string=} prefs The synchronizer name

+    * @returns {object | string} The synchronizer status

+    **/

+    this.getSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false) => {

+      if(name){

+        return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification[name];

+      }

+      return this.getAll().synchronizers.notification;

+    };



+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#getUserDetailsCookie

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Return all the user details stored in cookies or call the service

+    * @returns {object} The user details

+    **/

+    this.getUserDetailsCookie = () => {

+      var defer = $q.defer();

+      let localPref  = this.getAll();

+      if(!localPref.userData){

+        this.setUserDetailsCookie(localPref).$promise.then((data)=>{

+          defer.resolve(data);

+        });

+      }

+      else{

+        defer.resolve(localPref.userData);

+      }

+      return {$promise: defer.promise};

+    };


+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setDataUser

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Return all the user details from the endpoint (api/utility/me)

+    * @returns {object} The user details

+    **/


+    this.setDataUser = ()=>{

+      //var deff = $q.defer();

+      return Me.get().$promise;


+    };


+    /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setUserDetailsCookie

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Save the user details in the cookie

+    * @param {object} details stored in cookie

+    * @param {objects} returns the user details as a promise

+    **/

+    this.setUserDetailsCookie = (localPref = localPref)=> {


+      var defer = $q.defer();

+      this.setDataUser().then((user)=>{

+        this.model = user;

+        defer.resolve(this.model);

+      }).then(() => {

+        localPref.userData =;

+        this.setAll(localPref);

+      })

+      .catch ((e) => {

+        defer.reject(e);

+        throw new Error(e);

+      });

+      return {$promise: defer.promise};

+    }


+     /**

+    * @ngdoc method

+    * @name xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs#setSynchronizerNotificationStatus

+    * @methodOf xos.helpers.XosUserPrefs

+    * @description

+    * Update the notification status for a single synchronizer

+    * @param {string} name The synchronizer name

+    * @param {boolean} value The notification status (true means that it has been sent)

+    **/


+    this.setSynchronizerNotificationStatus = (name = false, value) => {

+      if(!name){

+        throw new Error('[XosUserPrefs] When updating a synchronizer is mandatory to provide a name.')

+      }


+      let cookies = this.getAll();


+      if(!cookies.synchronizers){

+        cookies.synchronizers = {

+          notification: {}

+        }

+      }

+      cookies.synchronizers.notification[name] = value;

+      this.setAll(cookies);

+    }

+  });

\ No newline at end of file