added new endpoint to retrieve user information and Updated tenant view

Change-Id: I93d00eb203bf7626221dc6e107fefa9f097d8011
diff --git a/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/createslice.js b/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/createslice.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..933542e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/createslice.js
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@

+ * Created by arpit on 7/7/2016.

+ */

+'use strict';



+.directive('createSlice', function(){

+  return {

+    //sites : {},

+    restrict: 'E',

+    scope: {},

+    bindToController: true,

+    controllerAs: 'cs',

+    templateUrl: 'templates/createslice.html',

+    controller: function(Slices, SlicesPlus, Sites, Images, $stateParams, $http, $state, $q, XosUserPrefs){

+      this.config = {

+        exclude: ['site', 'password', 'last_login', 'mount_data_sets', 'default_flavor', 'creator', 'exposed_ports', 'networks', 'omf_friendly', 'omf_friendly', 'no_sync', 'no_policy', 'lazy_blocked', 'write_protect', 'deleted', 'backend_status', 'backend_register', 'policed', 'enacted', 'updated', 'created', 'validators', 'humanReadableName'],

+        formName: 'SliceDetails',

+        feedback: {

+          show: false,

+          message: 'Form submitted successfully !!!',

+          type: 'success'

+        },

+        actions: [

+          {

+            label: 'Save',

+            icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon

+            cb: (model, form) => { // receive the model

+              saveform(model, form).then(()=> {

+                $state.go('site', {id:});

+              });

+            },

+            class: 'success'

+          },  {

+            label: 'Save and continue editing',

+            icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon

+            cb: (model, form) => { // receive the model

+              saveform(model,form);

+            },

+            class: 'primary'

+          },

+          {

+            label: 'Save and add another',

+            icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon

+            cb: (model, form) => {

+              saveform(model,form).then(()=> {

+                $state.go('createslice',{site :,id : ''});

+              });

+            },

+            class: 'primary'

+          }

+        ],

+        fields:

+        {

+          site: {

+            label: 'Site',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: { required: true},

+            hint: 'The Site this Slice belongs to',

+            options: []


+          },

+          name: {

+            label: 'Name',

+            type: 'string',

+            hint: 'The Name of the Slice',

+            validators: {

+              required: true

+            }

+          },

+          serviceClass: {

+            label: 'ServiceClass',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: {required: true},

+            hint: 'The Site this Slice belongs to',

+            options: [

+              {

+                id: 1,

+                label: 'Best effort'

+              }

+            ]

+          },

+          enabled: {

+            label: 'Enabled',

+            type: 'boolean',

+            hint: 'Status for this Slice'

+          },

+          description: {

+            label: 'Description',

+            type: 'string',

+            hint: 'High level description of the slice and expected activities',

+            validators: {

+              required: false,

+              minlength: 10

+            }

+          },

+          service: {

+            label: 'Service',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: { required: false},

+            options: [

+              {

+                id: 0,

+                label: '--------'

+              }

+            ]

+          },

+          slice_url: {

+            label: 'Slice url',

+            type: 'string',

+            validators: {

+              required: false,

+              minlength: 10

+            }

+          },

+          max_instances: {

+            label: 'Max Instances',

+            type: 'number',

+            validators: {

+              required: false,

+              min: 0

+            }

+          },

+          default_isolation: {

+            label: 'Default Isolation',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: { required: false},

+            options: [

+              {

+                id: 'vm',

+                label: 'Virtual Machine'

+              },

+              {

+                id: 'container',

+                label: 'Container'

+              },

+              {

+                id: 'container_vm',

+                label: 'Container in VM'

+              }

+            ]

+          },

+          default_image: {

+            label: 'Default image',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: { required: false},

+            options: []

+          },

+          network: {

+            label: 'Network',

+            type: 'select',

+            validators: { required: false},

+            options: [

+              {

+                id: 'default',

+                label: 'Default'

+              },

+              {

+                id: 'host',

+                label: 'Host'

+              },

+              {

+                id: 'bridged',

+                label: 'Bridged'

+              },

+              {

+                id: 'noauto',

+                label: 'No Automatic Networks'

+              }

+            ]

+          }


+        }

+      };

+      var data;

+      Images.query().$promise

+          .then((users) => {

+            this.users = users;

+            data = this.users;

+            this.optionValImg = this.setData(data, {field1: 'id', field2: 'name'});

+            this.config.fields['default_image'].options = this.optionValImg;

+          })

+          .catch((e) => {

+            throw new Error(e);

+          });


+      // Use this method for select by seting object in fields variable of format { field1 : "val1", field2 : "val2"}

+      this.setData = (data, fields) => {

+        var i;

+        var retObj=[];

+        for(i = 0; i<data.length; i++){

+          var optVal = {id: data[i][fields.field1], label: data[i][fields.field2]};

+          retObj.push(optVal);


+        }

+        return retObj;

+      };


+      // retrieving user list


+      if ($

+      {

+        delete this.config.fields['site'];

+        this.config.exclude.push('site');


+        Slices.get({id: $}).$promise

+          .then((users) => {

+            this.users = users;

+            data = users;


+            this.model = data;

+          })

+          .catch((e) => {

+            throw new Error(e);

+          });

+      }

+      else

+      {



+        this.model = {};

+        XosUserPrefs.getUserDetailsCookie().$promise

+        .then((userdata)=>{

+          this.model['creator'] =userdata.current_user_id;

+        })

+        .catch ((e) => {

+          throw new Error(e);

+        });


+        Sites.query().$promise

+        .then((users) => {

+          this.users_site = users;

+          this.optionVal = this.setData(this.users_site, {field1: 'id', field2: 'name'});

+          this.config.fields['site'].options = this.optionVal;

+        })

+        .catch((e) => {

+          throw new Error(e);

+        });

+      }


+      var  saveform = (model,form) =>

+      { // receive the model

+        var deferred = $q.defer();

+        delete model.networks;

+        if (form.$valid )

+        {

+          if({

+            var pr = Slices.update(model).$promise;

+          }

+          else{

+            var pr =$promise;

+          }

+          pr.then((users) => {

+            this.model = users;

+            //data = users;

+            //this.model = this.users;

+   = true;

+            deferred.resolve(this.model);

+          })

+          .catch((e) => {

+   = true;

+  'danger';

+            if( && )

+            {

+     =;

+            }

+            else {

+    ;

+            }

+            deferred.reject(e);

+          });

+        }


+        return  deferred.promise;

+      }

+    }

+  };

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