adding changes to Tennant View
diff --git a/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/ui/form.helpers.js b/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/ui/form.helpers.js
index 88cff60..c312e6d 100644
--- a/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/ui/form.helpers.js
+++ b/views/ngXosLib/xosHelpers/src/services/helpers/ui/form.helpers.js
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@
this.buildFormStructure = (modelField, customField, model) => {
- // modelField = Object.keys(modelField).length > 0 ? modelField : customField; //if no model field are provided, check custom
modelField = angular.extend(modelField, customField);
customField = customField || {};
diff --git a/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/main.js b/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/main.js
index 105e54e..468d4d6 100644
--- a/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/main.js
+++ b/views/ngXosViews/tenant/src/js/main.js
@@ -529,6 +529,10 @@
this.users = users;
data = users;
+ this.model = {
+ first_name : users.firstname;
+ };
.catch((e) => {
throw new Error(e);
@@ -536,9 +540,7 @@
- this.model = {
- first_name : "Teo"
- };
diff --git a/xos/core/xoslib/static/js/vendor/ngXosHelpers.js b/xos/core/xoslib/static/js/vendor/ngXosHelpers.js
index c8890b8..cb88acb 100644
--- a/xos/core/xoslib/static/js/vendor/ngXosHelpers.js
+++ b/xos/core/xoslib/static/js/vendor/ngXosHelpers.js
@@ -31,460 +31,6 @@
'use strict';
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * @ngdoc service
- * @name xos.uiComponents.LabelFormatter
- * @description This factory define a set of helper function to format label started from an object property
- **/
- angular.module('xos.uiComponents').factory('LabelFormatter', labelFormatter);
- function labelFormatter() {
- var _formatByUnderscore = function _formatByUnderscore(string) {
- return string.split('_').join(' ').trim();
- };
- var _formatByUppercase = function _formatByUppercase(string) {
- return string.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).map(function (w) {
- return w.toLowerCase();
- }).join(' ');
- };
- var _capitalize = function _capitalize(string) {
- return string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
- };
- var format = function format(string) {
- string = _formatByUnderscore(string);
- string = _formatByUppercase(string);
- string = _capitalize(string).replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ') + ':';
- return string.replace('::', ':');
- };
- return {
- // test export
- _formatByUnderscore: _formatByUnderscore,
- _formatByUppercase: _formatByUppercase,
- _capitalize: _capitalize,
- // export to use
- format: format
- };
- }
-//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/services/helpers/ui/
-'use strict';
-var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
-(function () {
- angular.module('xos.uiComponents')
- /**
- * @ngdoc service
- * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
- * @requires xos.uiComponents.LabelFormatter
- * @requires xos.helpers._
- **/
- .service('XosFormHelpers', ["_", "LabelFormatter", function (_, LabelFormatter) {
- var _this = this;
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#_isEmail
- * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
- * @description
- * Return true if the string is an email address
- * @param {string} text The string to be evaluated
- * @returns {boolean} If the string match an email format
- **/
- this._isEmail = function (text) {
- var re = /(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))/;
- return re.test(text);
- };
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#_getFieldFormat
- * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
- * @description
- * Return the type of the input
- * @param {mixed} value The data to be evaluated
- * @returns {string} The type of the input
- **/
- this._getFieldFormat = function (value) {
- if (angular.isArray(value)) {
- return 'array';
- }
- // check if is date
- if (_.isDate(value) || !Number.isNaN(Date.parse(value)) && new Date(value).getTime() > 631180800000) {
- return 'date';
- }
- // check if is boolean
- // isNaN(false) = false, false is a number (0), true is a number (1)
- if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
- return 'boolean';
- }
- // check if a string is an email
- if (_this._isEmail(value)) {
- return 'email';
- }
- // if null return string
- if (typeof value === 'string' || value === null) {
- return 'text';
- }
- return typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value);
- };
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#buildFormStructure
- * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
- * @description
- * Return the type of the input
- * @param {object} modelField An object containing one property for each field of the model
- * @param {object} customField An object containing one property for each field custom field
- * @param {object} model The actual model on wich build the form structure (it is used to determine the type of the input)
- * @returns {object} An object describing the form structure in the form of:
- * ```
- * {
- * 'field-name': {
- * label: 'Label',
- * type: 'number', //typeof field
- * validators: {}, // see xosForm for more details
- * hint: 'A Custom hint for the field'
- * }
- * }
- * ```
- **/
- this.buildFormStructure = function (modelField, customField, model) {
- // modelField = Object.keys(modelField).length > 0 ? modelField : customField; //if no model field are provided, check custom
- modelField = angular.extend(modelField, customField);
- customField = customField || {};
- return _.reduce(Object.keys(modelField), function (form, f) {
- form[f] = {
- label: customField[f] && customField[f].label ? customField[f].label + ':' : LabelFormatter.format(f),
- type: customField[f] && customField[f].type ? customField[f].type : _this._getFieldFormat(model[f]),
- validators: customField[f] && customField[f].validators ? customField[f].validators : {},
- hint: customField[f] && customField[f].hint ? customField[f].hint : ''
- };
- if (customField[f] && customField[f].options) {
- form[f].options = customField[f].options;
- }
- if (form[f].type === 'date') {
- model[f] = new Date(model[f]);
- }
- if (form[f].type === 'number') {
- model[f] = parseInt(model[f], 10);
- }
- return form;
- }, {});
- };
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#parseModelField
- * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
- * @description
- * Helpers for buildFormStructure, convert a list of model properties in an object used to build the form structure, eg:
- * ```
- * // input:
- * ['id', 'name'm 'mail']
- *
- * // output
- * {
- * id: {},
- * name: {},
- * mail: {}
- * }
- * ```
- * @param {array} fields An array of fields representing the model properties
- * @returns {object} An object containing one property for each field of the model
- **/
- this.parseModelField = function (fields) {
- return _.reduce(fields, function (form, f) {
- form[f] = {};
- return form;
- }, {});
- };
- }]);
-//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/services/helpers/ui/
-'use strict';
- * © OpenCORD
- *
- * Visit for more information
- *
- * Created by teone on 3/24/16.
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- angular.module('xos.uiComponents')
- /**
- * @ngdoc directive
- * @name xos.uiComponents.directive:xosSmartPie
- * @restrict E
- * @description The xos-table directive
- * @param {Object} config The configuration for the component,
- * it is composed by the name of an angular [$resource]($resource)
- * and a field name that is used to group the data.
- * ```
- * {
- resource: 'Users',
- groupBy: 'fieldName',
- classes: 'my-custom-class',
- labelFormatter: (labels) => {
- // here you can format your label,
- // you should return an array with the same order
- return labels;
- }
- }
- * ```
- * @scope
- * @example
- Displaying Local data
- <example module="sampleSmartPieLocal">
- <file name="index.html">
- <div ng-controller="SampleCtrlLocal as vm">
- <xos-smart-pie config="vm.configLocal"></xos-smart-pie>
- </div>
- </file>
- <file name="script.js">
- angular.module('sampleSmartPieLocal', ['xos.uiComponents'])
- .factory('_', function($window){
- return $window._;
- })
- .controller('SampleCtrlLocal', function($timeout){
- this.datas = [
- {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'aaa', category: 2},
- {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 1},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 2}
- ];
- this.configLocal = {
- data: [],
- groupBy: 'category',
- classes: 'local',
- labelFormatter: (labels) => {
- return => l === '1' ? 'North' : 'Dragon');
- }
- };
- $timeout(() => {
- // this need to be triggered in this way just because of ngDoc,
- // otherwise you can assign data directly in the config
- = this.datas;
- }, 1)
- });
- </file>
- </example>
- Fetching data from API
- <example module="sampleSmartPieResource">
- <file name="index.html">
- <div ng-controller="SampleCtrl as vm">
- <xos-smart-pie config="vm.config"></xos-smart-pie>
- </div>
- </file>
- <file name="script.js">
- angular.module('sampleSmartPieResource', ['xos.uiComponents', 'ngResource', 'ngMockE2E'])
- .controller('SampleCtrl', function(){
- this.config = {
- resource: 'SampleResource',
- groupBy: 'category',
- classes: 'resource',
- labelFormatter: (labels) => {
- return => l === '1' ? 'North' : 'Dragon');
- }
- };
- });
- </file>
- <file name="backendPoll.js">
- angular.module('sampleSmartPieResource')
- .run(function($httpBackend, _){
- let datas = [
- {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
- {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1}
- ];
- $httpBackend.whenGET('/test').respond(200, datas)
- })
- .factory('_', function($window){
- return $window._;
- })
- .service('SampleResource', function($resource){
- return $resource('/test/:id', {id: '@id'});
- })
- </file>
- </example>
- Polling data from API
- <example module="sampleSmartPiePoll">
- <file name="index.html">
- <div ng-controller="SampleCtrl as vm">
- <xos-smart-pie config="vm.config"></xos-smart-pie>
- </div>
- </file>
- <file name="script.js">
- angular.module('sampleSmartPiePoll', ['xos.uiComponents', 'ngResource', 'ngMockE2E'])
- .controller('SampleCtrl', function(){
- this.config = {
- resource: 'SampleResource',
- groupBy: 'category',
- poll: 2,
- labelFormatter: (labels) => {
- return => l === '1' ? 'Active' : 'Banned');
- }
- };
- });
- </file>
- <file name="backend.js">
- angular.module('sampleSmartPiePoll')
- .run(function($httpBackend, _){
- let mock = [
- [
- {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
- {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 1}
- ],
- [
- {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
- {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 2},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 2}
- ],
- [
- {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
- {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1},
- {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 2}
- ]
- ];
- $httpBackend.whenGET('/test').respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
- return [200, mock[Math.round(Math.random() * 3)]];
- });
- })
- .factory('_', function($window){
- return $window._;
- })
- .service('SampleResource', function($resource){
- return $resource('/test/:id', {id: '@id'});
- })
- </file>
- </example>
- */
- .directive('xosSmartPie', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- scope: {
- config: '='
- },
- template: '\n <canvas\n class="chart chart-pie {{vm.config.classes}}"\n chart-data="" chart-labels="vm.labels"\n chart-legend="{{vm.config.legend}}">\n </canvas>\n ',
- bindToController: true,
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- controller: ["$injector", "$interval", "$scope", "$timeout", "_", function controller($injector, $interval, $scope, $timeout, _) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!this.config.resource && ! {
- throw new Error('[xosSmartPie] Please provide a resource or an array of data in the configuration');
- }
- var groupData = function groupData(data) {
- return _.groupBy(data, _this.config.groupBy);
- };
- var formatData = function formatData(data) {
- return _.reduce(Object.keys(data), function (list, group) {
- return list.concat(data[group].length);
- }, []);
- };
- var formatLabels = function formatLabels(data) {
- return angular.isFunction(_this.config.labelFormatter) ? _this.config.labelFormatter(Object.keys(data)) : Object.keys(data);
- };
- var prepareData = function prepareData(data) {
- // group data
- var grouped = groupData(data);
- = formatData(grouped);
- // create labels
- _this.labels = formatLabels(grouped);
- };
- if (this.config.resource) {
- (function () {
- _this.Resource = $injector.get(_this.config.resource);
- var getData = function getData() {
- _this.Resource.query().$promise.then(function (res) {
- if (!res[0]) {
- return;
- }
- prepareData(res);
- });
- };
- getData();
- if (_this.config.poll) {
- $interval(function () {
- getData();
- }, _this.config.poll * 1000);
- }
- })();
- } else {
- $scope.$watch(function () {
- return;
- }, function (data) {
- if (data) {
- prepareData(;
- }
- }, true);
- }
- $scope.$on('create', function (event, chart) {
- console.log('create: ' +;
- });
- $scope.$on('destroy', function (event, chart) {
- console.log('destroy: ' +;
- });
- }]
- };
- });
-//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/ui_components/smartComponents/smartPie/
-'use strict';
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
@@ -826,6 +372,255 @@
'use strict';
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc directive
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.directive:xosSmartPie
+ * @restrict E
+ * @description The xos-table directive
+ * @param {Object} config The configuration for the component,
+ * it is composed by the name of an angular [$resource]($resource)
+ * and a field name that is used to group the data.
+ * ```
+ * {
+ resource: 'Users',
+ groupBy: 'fieldName',
+ classes: 'my-custom-class',
+ labelFormatter: (labels) => {
+ // here you can format your label,
+ // you should return an array with the same order
+ return labels;
+ }
+ }
+ * ```
+ * @scope
+ * @example
+ Displaying Local data
+ <example module="sampleSmartPieLocal">
+ <file name="index.html">
+ <div ng-controller="SampleCtrlLocal as vm">
+ <xos-smart-pie config="vm.configLocal"></xos-smart-pie>
+ </div>
+ </file>
+ <file name="script.js">
+ angular.module('sampleSmartPieLocal', ['xos.uiComponents'])
+ .factory('_', function($window){
+ return $window._;
+ })
+ .controller('SampleCtrlLocal', function($timeout){
+ this.datas = [
+ {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'aaa', category: 2},
+ {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 1},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 2}
+ ];
+ this.configLocal = {
+ data: [],
+ groupBy: 'category',
+ classes: 'local',
+ labelFormatter: (labels) => {
+ return => l === '1' ? 'North' : 'Dragon');
+ }
+ };
+ $timeout(() => {
+ // this need to be triggered in this way just because of ngDoc,
+ // otherwise you can assign data directly in the config
+ = this.datas;
+ }, 1)
+ });
+ </file>
+ </example>
+ Fetching data from API
+ <example module="sampleSmartPieResource">
+ <file name="index.html">
+ <div ng-controller="SampleCtrl as vm">
+ <xos-smart-pie config="vm.config"></xos-smart-pie>
+ </div>
+ </file>
+ <file name="script.js">
+ angular.module('sampleSmartPieResource', ['xos.uiComponents', 'ngResource', 'ngMockE2E'])
+ .controller('SampleCtrl', function(){
+ this.config = {
+ resource: 'SampleResource',
+ groupBy: 'category',
+ classes: 'resource',
+ labelFormatter: (labels) => {
+ return => l === '1' ? 'North' : 'Dragon');
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ </file>
+ <file name="backendPoll.js">
+ angular.module('sampleSmartPieResource')
+ .run(function($httpBackend, _){
+ let datas = [
+ {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
+ {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1}
+ ];
+ $httpBackend.whenGET('/test').respond(200, datas)
+ })
+ .factory('_', function($window){
+ return $window._;
+ })
+ .service('SampleResource', function($resource){
+ return $resource('/test/:id', {id: '@id'});
+ })
+ </file>
+ </example>
+ Polling data from API
+ <example module="sampleSmartPiePoll">
+ <file name="index.html">
+ <div ng-controller="SampleCtrl as vm">
+ <xos-smart-pie config="vm.config"></xos-smart-pie>
+ </div>
+ </file>
+ <file name="script.js">
+ angular.module('sampleSmartPiePoll', ['xos.uiComponents', 'ngResource', 'ngMockE2E'])
+ .controller('SampleCtrl', function(){
+ this.config = {
+ resource: 'SampleResource',
+ groupBy: 'category',
+ poll: 2,
+ labelFormatter: (labels) => {
+ return => l === '1' ? 'Active' : 'Banned');
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ </file>
+ <file name="backend.js">
+ angular.module('sampleSmartPiePoll')
+ .run(function($httpBackend, _){
+ let mock = [
+ [
+ {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
+ {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 1}
+ ],
+ [
+ {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
+ {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 2},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 2}
+ ],
+ [
+ {id: 1, first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Snow', category: 1},
+ {id: 2, first_name: 'Danaerys', last_name: 'Targaryen', category: 2},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Aria', last_name: 'Stark', category: 1},
+ {id: 3, first_name: 'Tyrion', last_name: 'Lannister', category: 2}
+ ]
+ ];
+ $httpBackend.whenGET('/test').respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
+ return [200, mock[Math.round(Math.random() * 3)]];
+ });
+ })
+ .factory('_', function($window){
+ return $window._;
+ })
+ .service('SampleResource', function($resource){
+ return $resource('/test/:id', {id: '@id'});
+ })
+ </file>
+ </example>
+ */
+ .directive('xosSmartPie', function () {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'E',
+ scope: {
+ config: '='
+ },
+ template: '\n <canvas\n class="chart chart-pie {{vm.config.classes}}"\n chart-data="" chart-labels="vm.labels"\n chart-legend="{{vm.config.legend}}">\n </canvas>\n ',
+ bindToController: true,
+ controllerAs: 'vm',
+ controller: ["$injector", "$interval", "$scope", "$timeout", "_", function controller($injector, $interval, $scope, $timeout, _) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (!this.config.resource && ! {
+ throw new Error('[xosSmartPie] Please provide a resource or an array of data in the configuration');
+ }
+ var groupData = function groupData(data) {
+ return _.groupBy(data, _this.config.groupBy);
+ };
+ var formatData = function formatData(data) {
+ return _.reduce(Object.keys(data), function (list, group) {
+ return list.concat(data[group].length);
+ }, []);
+ };
+ var formatLabels = function formatLabels(data) {
+ return angular.isFunction(_this.config.labelFormatter) ? _this.config.labelFormatter(Object.keys(data)) : Object.keys(data);
+ };
+ var prepareData = function prepareData(data) {
+ // group data
+ var grouped = groupData(data);
+ = formatData(grouped);
+ // create labels
+ _this.labels = formatLabels(grouped);
+ };
+ if (this.config.resource) {
+ (function () {
+ _this.Resource = $injector.get(_this.config.resource);
+ var getData = function getData() {
+ _this.Resource.query().$promise.then(function (res) {
+ if (!res[0]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ prepareData(res);
+ });
+ };
+ getData();
+ if (_this.config.poll) {
+ $interval(function () {
+ getData();
+ }, _this.config.poll * 1000);
+ }
+ })();
+ } else {
+ $scope.$watch(function () {
+ return;
+ }, function (data) {
+ if (data) {
+ prepareData(;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ }
+ $scope.$on('create', function (event, chart) {
+ console.log('create: ' +;
+ });
+ $scope.$on('destroy', function (event, chart) {
+ console.log('destroy: ' +;
+ });
+ }]
+ };
+ });
+//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/ui_components/smartComponents/smartPie/
+'use strict';
+ * © OpenCORD
+ *
+ * Visit for more information
+ *
+ * Created by teone on 3/24/16.
+ */
+(function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular.module('xos.uiComponents')
* @ngdoc directive
@@ -1840,6 +1635,210 @@
(function () {
'use strict';
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.LabelFormatter
+ * @description This factory define a set of helper function to format label started from an object property
+ **/
+ angular.module('xos.uiComponents').factory('LabelFormatter', labelFormatter);
+ function labelFormatter() {
+ var _formatByUnderscore = function _formatByUnderscore(string) {
+ return string.split('_').join(' ').trim();
+ };
+ var _formatByUppercase = function _formatByUppercase(string) {
+ return string.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).map(function (w) {
+ return w.toLowerCase();
+ }).join(' ');
+ };
+ var _capitalize = function _capitalize(string) {
+ return string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
+ };
+ var format = function format(string) {
+ string = _formatByUnderscore(string);
+ string = _formatByUppercase(string);
+ string = _capitalize(string).replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ') + ':';
+ return string.replace('::', ':');
+ };
+ return {
+ // test export
+ _formatByUnderscore: _formatByUnderscore,
+ _formatByUppercase: _formatByUppercase,
+ _capitalize: _capitalize,
+ // export to use
+ format: format
+ };
+ }
+//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/services/helpers/ui/
+'use strict';
+var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
+(function () {
+ angular.module('xos.uiComponents')
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
+ * @requires xos.uiComponents.LabelFormatter
+ * @requires xos.helpers._
+ **/
+ .service('XosFormHelpers', ["_", "LabelFormatter", function (_, LabelFormatter) {
+ var _this = this;
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#_isEmail
+ * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
+ * @description
+ * Return true if the string is an email address
+ * @param {string} text The string to be evaluated
+ * @returns {boolean} If the string match an email format
+ **/
+ this._isEmail = function (text) {
+ var re = /(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))/;
+ return re.test(text);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#_getFieldFormat
+ * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
+ * @description
+ * Return the type of the input
+ * @param {mixed} value The data to be evaluated
+ * @returns {string} The type of the input
+ **/
+ this._getFieldFormat = function (value) {
+ if (angular.isArray(value)) {
+ return 'array';
+ }
+ // check if is date
+ if (_.isDate(value) || !Number.isNaN(Date.parse(value)) && new Date(value).getTime() > 631180800000) {
+ return 'date';
+ }
+ // check if is boolean
+ // isNaN(false) = false, false is a number (0), true is a number (1)
+ if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ return 'boolean';
+ }
+ // check if a string is an email
+ if (_this._isEmail(value)) {
+ return 'email';
+ }
+ // if null return string
+ if (typeof value === 'string' || value === null) {
+ return 'text';
+ }
+ return typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#buildFormStructure
+ * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
+ * @description
+ * Return the type of the input
+ * @param {object} modelField An object containing one property for each field of the model
+ * @param {object} customField An object containing one property for each field custom field
+ * @param {object} model The actual model on wich build the form structure (it is used to determine the type of the input)
+ * @returns {object} An object describing the form structure in the form of:
+ * ```
+ * {
+ * 'field-name': {
+ * label: 'Label',
+ * type: 'number', //typeof field
+ * validators: {}, // see xosForm for more details
+ * hint: 'A Custom hint for the field'
+ * }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ **/
+ this.buildFormStructure = function (modelField, customField, model) {
+ modelField = angular.extend(modelField, customField);
+ customField = customField || {};
+ return _.reduce(Object.keys(modelField), function (form, f) {
+ form[f] = {
+ label: customField[f] && customField[f].label ? customField[f].label + ':' : LabelFormatter.format(f),
+ type: customField[f] && customField[f].type ? customField[f].type : _this._getFieldFormat(model[f]),
+ validators: customField[f] && customField[f].validators ? customField[f].validators : {},
+ hint: customField[f] && customField[f].hint ? customField[f].hint : ''
+ };
+ if (customField[f] && customField[f].options) {
+ form[f].options = customField[f].options;
+ }
+ if (form[f].type === 'date') {
+ model[f] = new Date(model[f]);
+ }
+ if (form[f].type === 'number') {
+ model[f] = parseInt(model[f], 10);
+ }
+ return form;
+ }, {});
+ };
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers#parseModelField
+ * @methodOf xos.uiComponents.XosFormHelpers
+ * @description
+ * Helpers for buildFormStructure, convert a list of model properties in an object used to build the form structure, eg:
+ * ```
+ * // input:
+ * ['id', 'name'm 'mail']
+ *
+ * // output
+ * {
+ * id: {},
+ * name: {},
+ * mail: {}
+ * }
+ * ```
+ * @param {array} fields An array of fields representing the model properties
+ * @returns {object} An object containing one property for each field of the model
+ **/
+ this.parseModelField = function (fields) {
+ return _.reduce(fields, function (form, f) {
+ form[f] = {};
+ return form;
+ }, {});
+ };
+ }]);
+//# sourceMappingURL=../../../maps/services/helpers/ui/
+'use strict';
+(function () {
+ 'use strict';
config.$inject = ["$httpProvider", "$interpolateProvider", "$resourceProvider"];
angular.module('bugSnag', []).factory('$exceptionHandler', function () {
return function (exception, cause) {