XOS UI Development

This configuration launches the XOS GUI and database in separate containers using docker-compose. The Synchronizer is not started and there is no openstack backend connected for XOS. This configuration is intended for developing the XOS GUI.

Getting Started

  • Navigate to /xos/configurations/frontend folder
  • Run make command

You'll be able to visit XOS at and the xos/core/xoslib folder is shared with the container. This means that any update to that folder is automatically reported in the container.

If you need to work on the Django application itself, comment out the "sleep" command for the xos container in docker-compose.yml and run make. Once the containers are up then type make enter to enter the running container.

NOTE: Please be careful and do not commit migrations, private keys or other autogenerated files.

Docker Helpers

Stop the containers: make stop

Restart the containers: make stop; make start

Open a container shell: make enter

View logs: make showlogs


You can find a Swagger documentation for endpoint at:


To run the FE tests, navigate to: xos/core/xoslib, and run 'npm test'.

This will install the required npm dependencies and run the test.

Tests are runned in a headless browser (PhantomJs) by Karma and the assertions are made with Jasmine. This is a pretty common standard for FE testing so you should feel at home.

You can find the tests in the spec/ folder, each source file has a corresponding .test file in it.

After test have run you can find a Coverage report in xos/core/xoslib/coverage folder

JS Styleguide

This project is following Google JavaScript Style Guide. To contribute please install Eslint in your editor and run npm run eslint before commit.

NOTE: Many of the already present file were not Style compliant. Linting for them has been disabled as it was to time consuming fix all of them. If you are going to work on that files, please start fixing style issues, and then remove the /* eslint-disable */ comment