XOS Configuration for CORD development POD


This directory holds files that are used to configure a development POD for CORD. For more information on the CORD project, check out the CORD website.

XOS is composed of several core services:

  • A database backend (postgres)
  • A webserver front end (django)
  • A synchronizer daemon that interacts with the openstack backend
  • A synchronizer for each configured XOS service

Each service runs in a separate Docker container. The containers are built automatically by Docker Hub using the HEAD of the XOS repository.

How to bring up CORD

Installing a CORD POD requires three steps:

  1. Installing OpenStack on a cluster
  2. Setting up the ONOS VTN app and configuring OVS on the nova-compute nodes to be controlled by VTN
  3. Bringing up XOS with the CORD services

Installing OpenStack

Follow the instructions in the README.md file of the open-cloud/openstack-cluster-setup repository.

Setting up ONOS VTN

The OpenStack installer above creates a VM called onos-cord on the head node. To bring up ONOS in this VM, log into the head node and run:

$ ssh ubuntu@onos-cord
ubuntu@onos-cord:~$ cd cord; docker-compose up -d

Currently it's also necessary to do some manual configuration on each compute node. As root do the following:

  1. Disable neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent, if running:
$ service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop
$ echo manual > /etc/init/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent.override
  1. Delete br-int and all other bridges from OVS
  2. Configure OVS to listen for connections from VTN:
$ ovs-appctl -t ovsdb-server ovsdb-server/add-remote ptcp:6641

Bringing up XOS

The OpenStack installer above creates a VM called xos on the head node. To bring up XOS in this VM, first log into the head node and run:

$ ssh ubuntu@xos
ubuntu@xos:~$ cd xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod

Next, put the following files in this directory:

  • admin-openrc.sh: Admin credentials for your OpenStack cloud
  • id_rsa[.pub]: A keypair that will be used by the various services
  • node_key: A private key that allows root login to the compute nodes

Then XOS can be brought up for CORD by running a few 'make' commands:

ubuntu@xos:~/xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod$ make
ubuntu@xos:~/xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod$ make vtn
ubuntu@xos:~/xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod$ make cord

After the first 'make' command above, you will be able to login to XOS at http://xos/ using username/password padmin@vicci.org/letmein.