Xos Config

This module is responsible to read, validate and distribute the configuration for all the XOS based components.

The code for this module can be found in lib/xos-config

The xosconfig module use a combination of parameters provided via a .yaml file and a service discovery mechanism.

How to use this module

This module needs to be initialized once (and only once) when you application start, you can do it with:

from xosconfig import Config

By default the xosconfig module will look for a configuration file in /opt/xos/config.yaml, if for any reason you need to pass a different config file it can be done with:

from xosconfig import Config

Reading data from the configuration file

To access static information defined in the config.yaml file you can use this api:

from xosconfig import Config
res = Config.get('database')

this call will return something like:

    'username': 'test',
    'password': 'safe'

Since the configuration support nested dictionary is possible to query directly nested values using a dot notation, for example:

from xosconfig import Config
res = Config.get('database.username')

will return:


The configuration schema is defined in /lib/xos-config/config-schema.yaml

Reading service information

XOS is composed by a plethora of services, to discover them and their address we are using a tool called registrator.

Retrieve a list of services:

from xosconfig import Config

this call will return an array of available services, by default:


You can get the same information on the head node using:

curl consul:8500/v1/catalog/services

Retrieve information for a single service:

from xosconfig import Config

that will return:

    'name': 'xos-db',
    'url': '',
    'port': 5432

You can get the same information on the head node using:

curl consul:8500/v1/catalog/service/xos-db

Retrieve endpoint for a single service:

from xosconfig import Config

that will return:
