hpc_config view for cdn autoconfiguration
diff --git a/xos/core/views/hpc_config.py b/xos/core/views/hpc_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e24c3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/core/views/hpc_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from monitor import driver
+from core.models import *
+from hpc.models import *
+from requestrouter.models import *
+import xos.settings
+import json
+import os
+import time
+def HpcConfig(request):
+    hpc = HpcService.objects.all()
+    if (not hpc):
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: no HPC service")
+    hpc = hpc[0]
+    try:
+       slices = hpc.slices.all()
+    except:
+       # this field used to be improperly named, and makemigrations won't fix it
+       slices = hpc.service.all()
+    for slice in slices:
+        if "cmi" in slice.name:
+            cmiSlice = slice
+        elif ("hpc" in slice.name) or ("vcoblitz" in slice.name):
+            hpcSlice = slice
+    if not cmiSlice:
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: no CMI slice")
+    if len(cmiSlice.slivers.all())==0:
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: CMI slice has no slivers")
+    if not hpcSlice:
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: not HPC slice")
+    rr = RequestRouterService.objects.all()
+    if not (rr):
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: no RR service")
+    rr = rr[0]
+    try:
+       slices = rr.slices.all()
+    except:
+       # this field used to be improperly named, and makemigrations won't fix it
+       slices = rr.service.all()
+    for slice in slices:
+        if "redir" in slice.name:
+            redirSlice = slice
+        elif "demux" in slice.name:
+            demuxSlice = slice
+    if not redirSlice:
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: no dnsredir slice")
+    if not demuxSlice:
+        return HttpResponse("# Error: no dnsdemux slice")
+    # for now, assuming not using NAT
+    cmi_hostname = cmiSlice.slivers.all()[0].node.name
+    d = {}
+    d["hpc_slicename"] = hpcSlice.name
+    d["redir_slicename"] = redirSlice.name
+    d["demux_slicename"] = demuxSlice.name
+    d["cmi_hostname"] = cmi_hostname
+    d["xos_hostname"] = xos.settings.RESTAPI_HOSTNAME
+    d["xos_port"] = str(xos.settings.RESTAPI_PORT)
+    return HttpResponse("""# auto-generated by HpcConfig
+RELEVANT_SERVICE_NAMES=['vcoblitz', 'coredirect', 'codnsdemux', "syndicate_comon_server"]













diff --git a/xos/xos/urls.py b/xos/xos/urls.py
index f5b1e78..7f7f5bc 100644
--- a/xos/xos/urls.py
+++ b/xos/xos/urls.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     url(r'^stats', 'core.views.stats.Stats', name='stats'),
     url(r'^observer', 'core.views.observer.Observer', name='observer'),
     url(r'^serviceGrid', ServiceGridView.as_view(), name='serviceGrid'),
+    url(r'^hpcConfig', 'core.views.hpc_config.HpcConfig', name='hpcConfig'),
     url(r'^docs/', include('rest_framework_swagger.urls')),