SEBA-513 Validation of xproto

Change-Id: I300e86c3b7b6839aa12d726d6bdf9ab59adece94
diff --git a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
index 9a6a249..ec21d34 100644
--- a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
+++ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@
 import plyxproto.parser as plyxproto
 import yaml
 from colorama import Fore
+import sys
 from . import jinja2_extensions
 from .proto2xproto import Proto2XProto
 from .xos2jinja import XOS2Jinja
+from .validator import XProtoValidator
 loader = jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, "templates")
 env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@
     )  # If neither include_models nor include_apps is specified, then all models will
     default_include_apps = []  # be included.
+    default_strict_validation = False
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         # set defaults
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@
         self.default_checkers = XOSProcessorArgs.default_target
         self.include_models = XOSProcessorArgs.default_include_models
         self.include_apps = XOSProcessorArgs.default_include_apps
+        self.strict_validation = XOSProcessorArgs.default_strict_validation
         # override defaults with kwargs
         for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
@@ -73,11 +77,18 @@
 class XOSProcessor:
     def _read_input_from_files(files):
+        """ Read the files and return the combined text read.
+            Also returns a list of (line_number, filename) tuples that tell which
+            starting line corresponds to each file.
+        """
+        line_map = []
         input = ""
         for fname in files:
             with open(fname) as infile:
+                line_map.append( (len(input.split("\n")), fname) )
                 input +=
-        return input
+        return (input, line_map)
     def _attach_parser(ast, args):
@@ -249,9 +260,10 @@
             raise Exception("[XosGenX] The output dir (%s) must be a directory!" % args.output)
         if hasattr(args, "files"):
-            inputs = XOSProcessor._read_input_from_files(args.files)
+            (inputs, line_map) = XOSProcessor._read_input_from_files(args.files)
         elif hasattr(args, "inputs"):
             inputs = args.inputs
+            line_map = []
             raise Exception("[XosGenX] No inputs provided!")
@@ -320,6 +332,14 @@
             for message in v.messages:
                 message["is_included"] = True
+        validator = XProtoValidator(v.models, line_map)
+        validator.validate()
+        if validator.errors:
+            if args.strict_validation or (args.verbosity>=0):
+                validator.print_errors()
+            if args.strict_validation:
+                sys.exit(-1)
         if args.output is not None and args.write_to_file == "model":
             rendered = {}
             for i, model in enumerate(v.models):
diff --git a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/jinja2_extensions/ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/jinja2_extensions/
index 0c34d3e..6fac823 100644
--- a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/jinja2_extensions/
+++ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/jinja2_extensions/
@@ -124,11 +124,7 @@
     if modifier == "required":
-        if field_type == "string":
-            if "blank" not in out:  # if blank is already set, honor that value
-                mod_out["blank"] = 'True'  # by default, required strings can be blank
-        else:
-            mod_out["blank"] = 'False'  # but other required fields can't be blank
+        mod_out["blank"] = 'False'
         if link_type != "manytomany":
             mod_out["null"] = 'False'
diff --git a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384689b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+  This module is used to validate xproto models and fields. The basic guiding principle is everything that isn't
+  specifically allowed here should be denied by default.
+  Note: While xproto must maintain some compatibility with django give the implementation choice of using django
+  in the core, it's the case that the allowable set of xproto options may be a subset of what is allowed under
+  django. For example, there may be django features that do not need exposure in xproto and/or are incompatible
+  with other design aspects of XOS such as the XOS gRPC API  implementation.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import os
+# Options that are always allowed
+COMMON_OPTIONS = ["help_text", "gui_hidden", "tosca_key", "tosca_key_one_of", "feedback_state", "unique", "unique_with"]
+# Options that must be either "True" or "False"
+BOOLEAN_OPTIONS = ["blank", "db_index", "feedback_state", "gui_hidden", "null", "tosca_key", "unique", "varchar"]
+class XProtoValidator(object):
+    def __init__(self, models, line_map):
+        """
+            models: a list of model definitions. Each model is a dictionary.
+            line_map: a list of tuples (start_line_no, filename) that tells which file goes with which line number.
+        """
+        self.models = models
+        self.line_map = line_map
+        self.errors = []
+    def error(self, model, field, message):
+        if field and field.get("_linespan"):
+            error_first_line_number = field["_linespan"][0]
+            error_last_line_number = field["_linespan"][1]
+        else:
+            error_first_line_number = model["_linespan"][0]
+            error_last_line_number = model["_linespan"][1]
+        error_filename = "unknown"
+        error_line_offset = 0
+        for (start_line, fn) in self.line_map:
+            if start_line>error_first_line_number:
+                break
+            error_filename = fn
+            error_line_offset = start_line
+        self.errors.append({"model": model,
+                            "field": field,
+                            "message": message,
+                            "filename": error_filename,
+                            "first_line_number": error_first_line_number - error_line_offset,
+                            "last_line_number": error_last_line_number - error_line_offset,
+                            "absolute_line_number": error_first_line_number})
+    def print_errors(self):
+        # Sort by line number
+        for error in sorted(self.errors, key=lambda error:error["absolute_line_number"]):
+            model = error["model"]
+            field = error["field"]
+            message = error["message"]
+            first_line_number = error["first_line_number"]
+            last_line_number = error["last_line_number"]
+            if first_line_number != last_line_number:
+                linestr = "%d-%d" % (first_line_number, last_line_number)
+            else:
+                linestr = "%d" % first_line_number
+            print("[ERROR] %s:%s %s.%s (Type %s): %s" % (os.path.basename(error["filename"]),
+                                                           linestr,
+                                                           model.get("name"),
+                                                           field.get("name"),
+                                                           field.get("type"),
+                                                           message), file=sys.stderr)
+    def is_option_true(self, field, name):
+        options = field.get("options")
+        if not options:
+            return False
+        option = options.get(name)
+        return option == "True"
+    def allow_options(self, model, field, options):
+        """ Only allow the options specified in `options`. If some option is present that isn't in allowed, then
+            register an error.
+            `options` is a list of options which can either be simple names, or `name=value`.
+        """
+        options = COMMON_OPTIONS + options
+        for (k, v) in field.get("options", {}).items():
+            allowed = False
+            for option in options:
+                if "=" in option:
+                    (optname, optval) = option.split("=")
+                    if optname==k and optval==v:
+                        allowed = True
+                else:
+                    if option==k:
+                        allowed = True
+            if not allowed:
+                self.error(model, field, "Option %s=%s is not allowed" % (k,v))
+            if k in BOOLEAN_OPTIONS and (v not in ["True", "False"]):
+                self.error(model, field, "Option `%s` must be either True or False, but is '%s'" % (k, v))
+    def require_options(self, model, field, options):
+        """ Require an option to be present.
+        """
+        for optname in options:
+            if not field.get(optname):
+                self.error(model, field, "Required option '%s' is not present" % optname)
+    def check_modifier_consistent(self, model, field):
+        """ Validates that "modifier" is consistent with options.
+            Required/optional imply some settings for blank= and null=. These settings are dependent on the type
+            of field. See also jinja2_extensions/ which has to implement some of the same logic.
+        """
+        field_type = field["type"]
+        options = field.get("options", {})
+        modifier = options.get('modifier')
+        link_type = field.get("link_type")
+        mod_out = {}
+        if modifier == "required":
+            mod_out["blank"] = 'False'
+            if link_type != "manytomany":
+                mod_out["null"] = 'False'
+        elif modifier == "optional":
+            mod_out["blank"] = 'True'
+            # set defaults on link types
+            if link_type != "manytomany" and field_type != "bool":
+                mod_out["null"] = 'True'
+        else:
+            self.error(model, field, "Unknown modifier type '%s'" % modifier)
+        # print an error if there's a field conflict
+        for kmo in mod_out.keys():
+            if (kmo in options) and (options[kmo] != mod_out[kmo]):
+                self.error(model, field, "Option `%s`=`%s` is inconsistent with modifier `%s`" % (kmo, options[kmo], modifier))
+    def validate_field_date(self, model, field):
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field, ["auto_now_add", "blank", "db_index", "default", "max_length", "modifier", "null", "content_type"])
+    def validate_field_string(self, model, field):
+        # A string with a `content_type="date"` is actually a date
+        # TODO: Investigate why there are double-quotes around "date"
+        content_type = field.get("options", {}).get("content_type")
+        if content_type in ["\"date\""]:
+            self.validate_field_date(model, field)
+            return
+        # TODO: Investigate why there are double-quotes around the content types
+        if content_type and content_type not in ["\"stripped\"", "\"ip\"", "\"url\""]:
+            self.error(model, field, "Content type %s is not allowed" % content_type)
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field,
+                           ["blank", "choices", "content_type", "db_index", "default", "max_length", "modifier", "null",
+                            "varchar"])
+    def validate_field_bool(self, model, field):
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field, ["db_index", "default=True", "default=False", "modifier", "null=False"])
+        self.require_options(model, field, ["default"])
+    def validate_field_float(self, model, field):
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field, ["blank", "db_index", "default", "modifier", "null"])
+    def validate_field_link_onetomany(self, model, field):
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field,
+                           ["blank", "db_index", "default", "model", "link_type=manytoone",
+                            "modifier", "null", "port", "type=link"])
+    def validate_field_link_manytomany(self, model, field):
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field,
+                           ["blank", "db_index", "default", "model", "link_type=manytomany",
+                            "modifier", "null", "port", "type=link"])
+    def validate_field_link(self, model, field):
+        link_type = field.get("options",{}).get("link_type")
+        if link_type == "manytoone":
+            self.validate_field_link_onetomany(model, field)
+        elif link_type == "manytomany":
+            self.validate_field_link_manytomany(model, field)
+        else:
+            self.error("Unknown link_type %s" % link_type)
+    def validate_field_integer(self, model, field):
+        # An integer with an option "type=link" is actually a link
+        if field.get("options", {}).get("type") == "link":
+            self.validate_field_link(model, field)
+            return
+        self.check_modifier_consistent(model, field)
+        self.allow_options(model, field, ["blank", "db_index", "default", "max_value", "min_value", "modifier", "null"])
+        if self.is_option_true(field, "blank") and not self.is_option_true(field, "null"):
+            self.error(model, field, "If blank is true then null must also be true")
+    def validate_field(self, model, field):
+        if field["type"] == "string":
+            self.validate_field_string(model, field)
+        elif field["type"] in ["int32", "uint32"]:
+            self.validate_field_integer(model, field)
+        elif field["type"] == "float":
+            self.validate_field_float(model, field)
+        elif field["type"] == "bool":
+            self.validate_field_bool(model, field)
+        else:
+            self.error(model, field, "Unknown field type %s" % field["type"])
+    def validate_model(self, model):
+        for field in model["fields"]:
+            self.validate_field(model, field)
+    def validate(self):
+        """ Validate all models. This is the main entrypoint for validating xproto. """
+        for (name, model) in self.models.items():
+            self.validate_model(model)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
index e4ff7db..c61bf55 100644
--- a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
+++ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
@@ -267,6 +267,7 @@
         except BaseException:
         s["_type"] = "field"
+        s["_linespan"] = obj.linespan
         return True
@@ -327,6 +328,7 @@
             "package": self.package,
             "fqn": model_name,
             "rlinks": [],
+            "_linespan": obj.linespan,       # first and last line number
             model_def["policy"] = obj.policy.pval
diff --git a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
index 2da8962..608cae7 100755
--- a/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
+++ b/lib/xos-genx/xosgenx/
@@ -125,6 +125,14 @@
     help="xproto files to compile",
+    "--strict-validation",
+    dest="strict_validation",
+    action="store_true",
+    default=XOSProcessorArgs.default_strict_validation,
+    help="Exit if validation fails",
 CHECK = 1
 GEN = 2