blob: 382f78e5f147c24dc3e58fc3e5e6c4def33983a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// TODO write tests for log
.config([ '$provide', function( $provide )
// Use the `decorator` solution to substitute or attach behaviors to
// original service instance; @see angular-mocks for more examples....
$provide.decorator( '$log', [ '$delegate', function( $delegate )
const isLogEnabled = () => {
return window.location.href.indexOf('debug=true') >= 0;
// Save the original $log.debug()
let debugFn = $;
// create the replacement function
const replacement = (fn) => {
return function(){
console.log('logging is disabled');
let args = [];
let now = new Date();
// Prepend timestamp
args[0] = `[${now.getHours()}:${now.getMinutes()}:${now.getSeconds()}] ${args[0]}`;
// Call the original with the output prepended with formatted timestamp
fn.apply(null, args)
$ = replacement(debugFn);
return $delegate;