CORD-3077 Document EventStep and Kafka integration

Change-Id: Ie48bf0242e7a1d782698a497e8a35226aabfc56a
diff --git a/docs/dev/ b/docs/dev/
index 662babd..e8bf768 100644
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     o.no_sync = True # this is required to prevent the synchronizer to be invoked and start a loop
+### Event Steps
+Event Steps are similar to pull steps in that they are often used to implement a flow of information from the environment into the data model. However, rather than using polling, event steps rely on externally generated events delivered via an event bus, such as Kafka.
+> NOTE:  You'll need to add this folder in your synchronizer configuration file
+> as:
+> ```yaml
+> event_steps_dir: "/opt/xos/synchronizers/<synchronizer_name>/event_steps"
+> ```
+> You'll also need to make sure the event bus endpoint is specified in the
+> synchronizer config file. For example:
+> ```yaml
+> event_bus:
+>   endpoint: cord-kafka-kafka
+>   kind: kafka
+An event step inherits from the `EventStep` class:
+import json
+from synchronizers.new_base.eventstep import EventStep
+from synchronizers.new_base.modelaccessor import MyModel
+from xosconfig import Config
+from multistructlog import create_logger
+log = create_logger(Config().get('logging'))
+class MyModelEventStep(EventStep):
+    technology = "kafka"
+    topics = ["MyTopic"]
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(MyEventStep, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+Two important class members that are defined in each event step are `technology` and `topics`. `technology` tells what type of event bus to use. There's currently only one bus interface implemented by the synchronizer framework, and that is `kafka`. The `topics` member is a list of topics that will be listened on for events. The precise meaning of `topics` is left to the particular event bus technology that is in use. 
+Service-specific logic is implemented by overriding the `process_event()` method:
+    def process_event(self, event):
+        value = json.loads(event.value)
+        first_name = value["first_name"]
+        last_name = value["last_name"]
+        # See if the object already exists
+        objs = MyModel.filter(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name)
+        if objs:
+            return
+        # Create a new object
+        obj = MyModel()
+        obj.first_name = first_name
+        obj.last_name = last_name
+ = True)
+In this example we've made the assumption that the value of an event is a json-encoded dictionary containing the keys `first_name` and `last_name`. The event step in this case checks to see if an object with those fields already exists, and if not then it creates the object.
+In this example, we've differed from the Pull Step example in that we omitted `no_sync=True` and we added `always_update_timestamp = True` to the `save()` call. This has the effect of causing the synchronizer to excute any sync steps that might exist for `MyModel`. Whether or not you want sync_steps to run is an implementation decision and depends upon the design of your synchronizer. 
+Sending an event to Kafka can be done using a variety of Kafka clients for various languages, Kafka command-line tools, etc. A python example is as follows:
+import json
+from kafka import KafkaProducer
+producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="cord-kafka-kafka")
+producer.send("MyTopic", json.dumps({"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe"}))
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