blob: b113535992fab9695f90e73fb1406ab96dd2b0b5 [file] [log] [blame]
SLIVER_API = "/plstackapi/slivers/";
SLICE_API = "/plstackapi/slices/";
NODE_API = "/plstackapi/nodes/";
SITE_API = "/plstackapi/sites/";
USER_API = "/plstackapi/users/";
DEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/deployments";
XOSModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
//idAttribute: 'resource_uri',
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function() {
var url = this.attributes.resource_uri;
if (!url) {
url = this.urlRoot +;
if (!url) {
// XXX I'm not sure this does anything useful
url = ( _.isFunction( this.collection.url ) ? this.collection.url() : this.collection.url );
url = url || this.urlRoot;
// remove any existing query parameters
url && ( url.indexOf("?") > -1 ) && ( url = url.split("?")[0] );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
XOSCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
objects: function() {
return { return element.attributes; });
maybeFetch: function(options){
// Helper function to fetch only if this collection has not been fetched before.
// If this has already been fetched, call the success, if it exists
options.success && options.success();
// when the original success function completes mark this collection as fetched
var self = this,
successWrapper = function(success){
return function(){
self._fetched = true;
success && success.apply(this, arguments);
options.success = successWrapper(options.success);
console.log("call fetch");
getOrFetch: function(id, options){
// Helper function to use this collection as a cache for models on the server
var model = this.get(id);
options.success && options.success(model);
model = new this.model({
resource_uri: id
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function( models ) {
var url = this.urlRoot || ( models && models.length && models[0].urlRoot );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
// Build a url to retrieve a set of models. This assume the last part of each model's idAttribute
// (set to 'resource_uri') contains the model's id.
if ( models && models.length ) {
var ids = models, function( model ) {
var parts = _.compact('/') );
return parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
url += 'set/' + ids.join(';') + '/';
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
function xoslib() {
this.sliver = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: SLIVER_API });
this.sliverCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: SLIVER_API,
model: this.sliver});
this.slivers = new this.sliverCollection();
this.slice = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: SLICE_API });
this.sliceCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: SLICE_API,
model: this.slice});
this.slices = new this.sliceCollection();
this.node = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: NODE_API });
this.nodeCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: NODE_API,
model: this.node});
this.nodes = new this.nodeCollection(); = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: SITE_API });
this.siteCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: SITE_API,
this.sites = new this.siteCollection();
this.user = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: USER_API });
this.userCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: USER_API,
model: this.user});
this.users = new this.userCollection();
this.deployment = XOSModel.extend({ urlRoot: DEPLOYMENT_API });
this.deploymentCollection = XOSCollection.extend({ urlRoot: DEPLOYMENT_API,
model: this.deployment});
this.deployments = new this.deploymentCollection();
this.listObjects = function() { return ["slivers", "slices", "nodes", "sites", "users", "deployments"]; };
xos = new xoslib();