initial checkin
diff --git a/containers/nagios/ b/containers/nagios/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c5e205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/containers/nagios/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# This script is used by Nagios to post alerts into a Slack channel
+# using the Incoming WebHooks integration. Create the channel, botname
+# and integration first and then add this notification script in your
+# Nagios configuration.
+# All variables that start with NAGIOS_ are provided by Nagios as
+# environment variables when an notification is generated.
+# A list of the env variables is available here:
+# More info on Slack
+# Website:
+# Twitter: @slackhq, @slackapi
+# My info
+# Website:
+# Twitter: @matthewmcmillan
+#Modify these variables for your environment
+MY_NAGIOS_HOSTNAME=""        # This server's hostname
+WEBHOOK_URL=""               # Incomming webhook url for the slack account 
+#Set the message icon based on Nagios service state
+    ICON=":exclamation:"
+    ICON=":warning:"
+    ICON=":white_check_mark:"
+    ICON=":question:"
+    ICON=":white_medium_square:"
+#Send message to Slack
+curl -X POST --data-urlencode "payload={\"channel\": \"${SLACK_CHANNEL}\", \"username\": \"${SLACK_USERNAME}\", \"text\": \"${ICON} HOST: ${MY_NAGIOS_HOSTNAME}   SERVICE: ${NAGIOS_SERVICEDISPLAYNAME}     MESSAGE: ${NAGIOS_SERVICEOUTPUT} <https://${MY_NAGIOS_HOSTNAME}/cgi-bin/nagios3/extinfo.cgi?type=1&host=${NAGIOS_HOSTNAME}|See Nagios>\"}" $WEBHOOK_URL