blob: cebd22b1b8150a6fb0b8e969c4b0fb08625a4360 [file] [log] [blame]
// MarionetteJS (Backbone.Marionette)
// ----------------------------------
// v2.0.1
// Copyright (c)2014 Derick Bailey, Muted Solutions, LLC.
// Distributed under MIT license
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'backbone.wreqr', 'backbone.babysitter'], function(Backbone, _) {
return (root.Marionette = factory(root, Backbone, _));
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var _ = require('underscore');
var Wreqr = require('backbone.wreqr');
var BabySitter = require('backbone.babysitter');
module.exports = factory(root, Backbone, _);
} else {
root.Marionette = factory(root, root.Backbone, root._);
}(this, function(root, Backbone, _) {
'use strict';
var previousMarionette = root.Marionette;
var Marionette = Backbone.Marionette = {};
Marionette.VERSION = '2.0.1';
Marionette.noConflict = function() {
root.Marionette = previousMarionette;
return this;
// Get the Deferred creator for later use
Marionette.Deferred = Backbone.$.Deferred;
/* jshint unused: false */
// Helpers
// -------
// For slicing `arguments` in functions
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
function throwError(message, name) {
var error = new Error(message); = name || 'Error';
throw error;
// Marionette.extend
// -----------------
// Borrow the Backbone `extend` method so we can use it as needed
Marionette.extend = Backbone.Model.extend;
// Marionette.getOption
// --------------------
// Retrieve an object, function or other value from a target
// object or its `options`, with `options` taking precedence.
Marionette.getOption = function(target, optionName) {
if (!target || !optionName) { return; }
var value;
if (target.options && (target.options[optionName] !== undefined)) {
value = target.options[optionName];
} else {
value = target[optionName];
return value;
// Proxy `Marionette.getOption`
Marionette.proxyGetOption = function(optionName) {
return Marionette.getOption(this, optionName);
// Marionette.normalizeMethods
// ----------------------
// Pass in a mapping of events => functions or function names
// and return a mapping of events => functions
Marionette.normalizeMethods = function(hash) {
var normalizedHash = {}, method;
_.each(hash, function(fn, name) {
method = fn;
if (!_.isFunction(method)) {
method = this[method];
if (!method) {
normalizedHash[name] = method;
}, this);
return normalizedHash;
// allows for the use of the @ui. syntax within
// a given key for triggers and events
// swaps the @ui with the associated selector
Marionette.normalizeUIKeys = function(hash, ui) {
if (typeof(hash) === 'undefined') {
_.each(_.keys(hash), function(v) {
var pattern = /@ui.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*/g;
if (v.match(pattern)) {
hash[v.replace(pattern, function(r) {
return ui[r.slice(4)];
})] = hash[v];
delete hash[v];
return hash;
// Mix in methods from Underscore, for iteration, and other
// collection related features.
// Borrowing this code from Backbone.Collection:
Marionette.actAsCollection = function(object, listProperty) {
var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'find', 'detect', 'filter',
'select', 'reject', 'every', 'all', 'some', 'any', 'include',
'contains', 'invoke', 'toArray', 'first', 'initial', 'rest',
'last', 'without', 'isEmpty', 'pluck'];
_.each(methods, function(method) {
object[method] = function() {
var list = _.values(_.result(this, listProperty));
var args = [list].concat(_.toArray(arguments));
return _[method].apply(_, args);
// Trigger an event and/or a corresponding method name. Examples:
// `this.triggerMethod("foo")` will trigger the "foo" event and
// call the "onFoo" method.
// `this.triggerMethod("foo:bar")` will trigger the "foo:bar" event and
// call the "onFooBar" method.
Marionette.triggerMethod = (function() {
// split the event name on the ":"
var splitter = /(^|:)(\w)/gi;
// take the event section ("section1:section2:section3")
// and turn it in to uppercase name
function getEventName(match, prefix, eventName) {
return eventName.toUpperCase();
// actual triggerMethod implementation
var triggerMethod = function(event) {
// get the method name from the event name
var methodName = 'on' + event.replace(splitter, getEventName);
var method = this[methodName];
var result;
// call the onMethodName if it exists
if (_.isFunction(method)) {
// pass all arguments, except the event name
result = method.apply(this, _.tail(arguments));
// trigger the event, if a trigger method exists
if (_.isFunction(this.trigger)) {
this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
return triggerMethod;
// DOMRefresh
// ----------
// Monitor a view's state, and after it has been rendered and shown
// in the DOM, trigger a "dom:refresh" event every time it is
// re-rendered.
Marionette.MonitorDOMRefresh = (function(documentElement) {
// track when the view has been shown in the DOM,
// using a Marionette.Region (or by other means of triggering "show")
function handleShow(view) {
view._isShown = true;
// track when the view has been rendered
function handleRender(view) {
view._isRendered = true;
// Trigger the "dom:refresh" event and corresponding "onDomRefresh" method
function triggerDOMRefresh(view) {
if (view._isShown && view._isRendered && isInDOM(view)) {
if (_.isFunction(view.triggerMethod)) {
function isInDOM(view) {
return documentElement.contains(view.el);
// Export public API
return function(view) {
view.listenTo(view, 'show', function() {
view.listenTo(view, 'render', function() {
/* jshint maxparams: 5 */
// Marionette.bindEntityEvents & unbindEntityEvents
// ---------------------------
// These methods are used to bind/unbind a backbone "entity" (collection/model)
// to methods on a target object.
// The first parameter, `target`, must have a `listenTo` method from the
// EventBinder object.
// The second parameter is the entity (Backbone.Model or Backbone.Collection)
// to bind the events from.
// The third parameter is a hash of { "event:name": "eventHandler" }
// configuration. Multiple handlers can be separated by a space. A
// function can be supplied instead of a string handler name.
(function(Marionette) {
'use strict';
// Bind the event to handlers specified as a string of
// handler names on the target object
function bindFromStrings(target, entity, evt, methods) {
var methodNames = methods.split(/\s+/);
_.each(methodNames, function(methodName) {
var method = target[methodName];
if (!method) {
throwError('Method "' + methodName +
'" was configured as an event handler, but does not exist.');
target.listenTo(entity, evt, method);
// Bind the event to a supplied callback function
function bindToFunction(target, entity, evt, method) {
target.listenTo(entity, evt, method);
// Bind the event to handlers specified as a string of
// handler names on the target object
function unbindFromStrings(target, entity, evt, methods) {
var methodNames = methods.split(/\s+/);
_.each(methodNames, function(methodName) {
var method = target[methodName];
target.stopListening(entity, evt, method);
// Bind the event to a supplied callback function
function unbindToFunction(target, entity, evt, method) {
target.stopListening(entity, evt, method);
// generic looping function
function iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, functionCallback, stringCallback) {
if (!entity || !bindings) { return; }
// allow the bindings to be a function
if (_.isFunction(bindings)) {
bindings =;
// iterate the bindings and bind them
_.each(bindings, function(methods, evt) {
// allow for a function as the handler,
// or a list of event names as a string
if (_.isFunction(methods)) {
functionCallback(target, entity, evt, methods);
} else {
stringCallback(target, entity, evt, methods);
// Export Public API
Marionette.bindEntityEvents = function(target, entity, bindings) {
iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, bindToFunction, bindFromStrings);
Marionette.unbindEntityEvents = function(target, entity, bindings) {
iterateEvents(target, entity, bindings, unbindToFunction, unbindFromStrings);
// Proxy `bindEntityEvents`
Marionette.proxyBindEntityEvents = function(entity, bindings) {
return Marionette.bindEntityEvents(this, entity, bindings);
// Proxy `unbindEntityEvents`
Marionette.proxyUnbindEntityEvents = function(entity, bindings) {
return Marionette.unbindEntityEvents(this, entity, bindings);
// Callbacks
// ---------
// A simple way of managing a collection of callbacks
// and executing them at a later point in time, using jQuery's
// `Deferred` object.
Marionette.Callbacks = function() {
this._deferred = Marionette.Deferred();
this._callbacks = [];
_.extend(Marionette.Callbacks.prototype, {
// Add a callback to be executed. Callbacks added here are
// guaranteed to execute, even if they are added after the
// `run` method is called.
add: function(callback, contextOverride) {
var promise = _.result(this._deferred, 'promise');
this._callbacks.push({cb: callback, ctx: contextOverride});
promise.then(function(args) {
if (contextOverride){ args.context = contextOverride; }, args.options);
// Run all registered callbacks with the context specified.
// Additional callbacks can be added after this has been run
// and they will still be executed.
run: function(options, context) {
options: options,
context: context
// Resets the list of callbacks to be run, allowing the same list
// to be run multiple times - whenever the `run` method is called.
reset: function() {
var callbacks = this._callbacks;
this._deferred = Marionette.Deferred();
this._callbacks = [];
_.each(callbacks, function(cb) {
this.add(cb.cb, cb.ctx);
}, this);
// Marionette Controller
// ---------------------
// A multi-purpose object to use as a controller for
// modules and routers, and as a mediator for workflow
// and coordination of other objects, views, and more.
Marionette.Controller = function(options) {
this.triggerMethod = Marionette.triggerMethod;
this.options = options || {};
if (_.isFunction(this.initialize)) {
Marionette.Controller.extend = Marionette.extend;
// Controller Methods
// --------------
// Ensure it can trigger events with Backbone.Events
_.extend(Marionette.Controller.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
destroy: function() {
var args =;
this.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['before:destroy'].concat(args));
this.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['destroy'].concat(args));
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod,
// Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name.
getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption
/* jshint maxcomplexity: 10, maxstatements: 27 */
// Region
// ------
// Manage the visual regions of your composite application. See
Marionette.Region = function(options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.el = this.getOption('el');
// Handle when this.el is passed in as a $ wrapped element.
this.el = this.el instanceof Backbone.$ ? this.el[0] : this.el;
if (!this.el) {
throwError('An "el" must be specified for a region.', 'NoElError');
this.$el = this.getEl(this.el);
if (this.initialize) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
this.initialize.apply(this, args);
// Region Class methods
// -------------------
_.extend(Marionette.Region, {
// Build an instance of a region by passing in a configuration object
// and a default region class to use if none is specified in the config.
// The config object should either be a string as a jQuery DOM selector,
// a Region class directly, or an object literal that specifies both
// a selector and regionClass:
// ```js
// {
// selector: "#foo",
// regionClass: MyCustomRegion
// }
// ```
buildRegion: function(regionConfig, defaultRegionClass) {
var regionIsString = _.isString(regionConfig);
var regionSelectorIsString = _.isString(regionConfig.selector);
var regionClassIsUndefined = _.isUndefined(regionConfig.regionClass);
var regionIsClass = _.isFunction(regionConfig);
if (!regionIsClass && !regionIsString && !regionSelectorIsString) {
throwError('Region must be specified as a Region class,' +
'a selector string or an object with selector property');
var selector, RegionClass;
// get the selector for the region
if (regionIsString) {
selector = regionConfig;
if (regionConfig.selector) {
selector = regionConfig.selector;
delete regionConfig.selector;
// get the class for the region
if (regionIsClass) {
RegionClass = regionConfig;
if (!regionIsClass && regionClassIsUndefined) {
RegionClass = defaultRegionClass;
if (regionConfig.regionClass) {
RegionClass = regionConfig.regionClass;
delete regionConfig.regionClass;
if (regionIsString || regionIsClass) {
regionConfig = {};
regionConfig.el = selector;
// build the region instance
var region = new RegionClass(regionConfig);
// override the `getEl` function if we have a parentEl
// this must be overridden to ensure the selector is found
// on the first use of the region. if we try to assign the
// region's `el` to `parentEl.find(selector)` in the object
// literal to build the region, the element will not be
// guaranteed to be in the DOM already, and will cause problems
if (regionConfig.parentEl) {
region.getEl = function(el) {
if (_.isObject(el)) {
return Backbone.$(el);
var parentEl = regionConfig.parentEl;
if (_.isFunction(parentEl)) {
parentEl = parentEl();
return parentEl.find(el);
return region;
// Region Instance Methods
// -----------------------
_.extend(Marionette.Region.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
// Displays a backbone view instance inside of the region.
// Handles calling the `render` method for you. Reads content
// directly from the `el` attribute. Also calls an optional
// `onShow` and `onDestroy` method on your view, just after showing
// or just before destroying the view, respectively.
// The `preventDestroy` option can be used to prevent a view from
// the old view being destroyed on show.
// The `forceShow` option can be used to force a view to be
// re-rendered if it's already shown in the region.
show: function(view, options){
var showOptions = options || {};
var isDifferentView = view !== this.currentView;
var preventDestroy = !!showOptions.preventDestroy;
var forceShow = !!showOptions.forceShow;
// we are only changing the view if there is a view to change to begin with
var isChangingView = !!this.currentView;
// only destroy the view if we don't want to preventDestroy and the view is different
var _shouldDestroyView = !preventDestroy && isDifferentView;
if (_shouldDestroyView) {
// show the view if the view is different or if you want to re-show the view
var _shouldShowView = isDifferentView || forceShow;
if (_shouldShowView) {
if (isChangingView) {
this.triggerMethod('before:swap', view);
this.triggerMethod('before:show', view);, 'before:show');
this.currentView = view;
if (isChangingView) {
this.triggerMethod('swap', view);
this.triggerMethod('show', view);
if (_.isFunction(view.triggerMethod)) {
} else {, 'show');
return this;
return this;
_ensureElement: function(){
if (!_.isObject(this.el)) {
this.$el = this.getEl(this.el);
this.el = this.$el[0];
if (!this.$el || this.$el.length === 0) {
throwError('An "el" ' + this.$el.selector + ' must exist in DOM');
// Override this method to change how the region finds the
// DOM element that it manages. Return a jQuery selector object.
getEl: function(el) {
return Backbone.$(el);
// Override this method to change how the new view is
// appended to the `$el` that the region is managing
attachHtml: function(view) {
// empty the node and append new view
// Destroy the current view, if there is one. If there is no
// current view, it does nothing and returns immediately.
empty: function() {
var view = this.currentView;
if (!view || view.isDestroyed) { return; }
this.triggerMethod('before:empty', view);
// call 'destroy' or 'remove', depending on which is found
if (view.destroy) { view.destroy(); }
else if (view.remove) { view.remove(); }
this.triggerMethod('empty', view);
delete this.currentView;
// Attach an existing view to the region. This
// will not call `render` or `onShow` for the new view,
// and will not replace the current HTML for the `el`
// of the region.
attachView: function(view) {
this.currentView = view;
// Reset the region by destroying any existing view and
// clearing out the cached `$el`. The next time a view
// is shown via this region, the region will re-query the
// DOM for the region's `el`.
reset: function() {
if (this.$el) {
this.el = this.$el.selector;
delete this.$el;
// Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name.
getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption,
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod
// Copy the `extend` function used by Backbone's classes
Marionette.Region.extend = Marionette.extend;
// Marionette.RegionManager
// ------------------------
// Manage one or more related `Marionette.Region` objects.
Marionette.RegionManager = (function(Marionette) {
var RegionManager = Marionette.Controller.extend({
constructor: function(options) {
this._regions = {};, options);
// Add multiple regions using an object literal, where
// each key becomes the region name, and each value is
// the region definition.
addRegions: function(regionDefinitions, defaults) {
var regions = {};
_.each(regionDefinitions, function(definition, name) {
if (_.isString(definition)) {
definition = {selector: definition};
if (definition.selector) {
definition = _.defaults({}, definition, defaults);
var region = this.addRegion(name, definition);
regions[name] = region;
}, this);
return regions;
// Add an individual region to the region manager,
// and return the region instance
addRegion: function(name, definition) {
var region;
var isObject = _.isObject(definition);
var isString = _.isString(definition);
var hasSelector = !!definition.selector;
if (isString || (isObject && hasSelector)) {
region = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(definition, Marionette.Region);
} else if (_.isFunction(definition)) {
region = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(definition, Marionette.Region);
} else {
region = definition;
this.triggerMethod('before:add:region', name, region);
this._store(name, region);
this.triggerMethod('add:region', name, region);
return region;
// Get a region by name
get: function(name) {
return this._regions[name];
// Gets all the regions contained within
// the `regionManager` instance.
getRegions: function(){
return _.clone(this._regions);
// Remove a region by name
removeRegion: function(name) {
var region = this._regions[name];
this._remove(name, region);
// Empty all regions in the region manager, and
// remove them
removeRegions: function() {
_.each(this._regions, function(region, name) {
this._remove(name, region);
}, this);
// Empty all regions in the region manager, but
// leave them attached
emptyRegions: function() {
_.each(this._regions, function(region) {
}, this);
// Destroy all regions and shut down the region
// manager entirely
destroy: function() {
Marionette.Controller.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
// internal method to store regions
_store: function(name, region) {
this._regions[name] = region;
// internal method to remove a region
_remove: function(name, region) {
this.triggerMethod('before:remove:region', name, region);
delete this._regions[name];
this.triggerMethod('remove:region', name, region);
// set the number of regions current held
_setLength: function() {
this.length = _.size(this._regions);
Marionette.actAsCollection(RegionManager.prototype, '_regions');
return RegionManager;
// Template Cache
// --------------
// Manage templates stored in `<script>` blocks,
// caching them for faster access.
Marionette.TemplateCache = function(templateId) {
this.templateId = templateId;
// TemplateCache object-level methods. Manage the template
// caches from these method calls instead of creating
// your own TemplateCache instances
_.extend(Marionette.TemplateCache, {
templateCaches: {},
// Get the specified template by id. Either
// retrieves the cached version, or loads it
// from the DOM.
get: function(templateId) {
var cachedTemplate = this.templateCaches[templateId];
if (!cachedTemplate) {
cachedTemplate = new Marionette.TemplateCache(templateId);
this.templateCaches[templateId] = cachedTemplate;
return cachedTemplate.load();
// Clear templates from the cache. If no arguments
// are specified, clears all templates:
// `clear()`
// If arguments are specified, clears each of the
// specified templates from the cache:
// `clear("#t1", "#t2", "...")`
clear: function() {
var i;
var args =;
var length = args.length;
if (length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
delete this.templateCaches[args[i]];
} else {
this.templateCaches = {};
// TemplateCache instance methods, allowing each
// template cache object to manage its own state
// and know whether or not it has been loaded
_.extend(Marionette.TemplateCache.prototype, {
// Internal method to load the template
load: function() {
// Guard clause to prevent loading this template more than once
if (this.compiledTemplate) {
return this.compiledTemplate;
// Load the template and compile it
var template = this.loadTemplate(this.templateId);
this.compiledTemplate = this.compileTemplate(template);
return this.compiledTemplate;
// Load a template from the DOM, by default. Override
// this method to provide your own template retrieval
// For asynchronous loading with AMD/RequireJS, consider
// using a template-loader plugin as described here:
loadTemplate: function(templateId) {
var template = Backbone.$(templateId).html();
if (!template || template.length === 0) {
throwError('Could not find template: "' + templateId + '"', 'NoTemplateError');
return template;
// Pre-compile the template before caching it. Override
// this method if you do not need to pre-compile a template
// (JST / RequireJS for example) or if you want to change
// the template engine used (Handebars, etc).
compileTemplate: function(rawTemplate) {
return _.template(rawTemplate);
// Renderer
// --------
// Render a template with data by passing in the template
// selector and the data to render.
Marionette.Renderer = {
// Render a template with data. The `template` parameter is
// passed to the `TemplateCache` object to retrieve the
// template function. Override this method to provide your own
// custom rendering and template handling for all of Marionette.
render: function(template, data) {
if (!template) {
throwError('Cannot render the template since its false, null or undefined.',
var templateFunc;
if (typeof template === 'function') {
templateFunc = template;
} else {
templateFunc = Marionette.TemplateCache.get(template);
return templateFunc(data);
/* jshint maxlen: 114, nonew: false */
// Marionette.View
// ---------------
// The core view class that other Marionette views extend from.
Marionette.View = Backbone.View.extend({
constructor: function(options) {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
// this exposes view options to the view initializer
// this is a backfill since backbone removed the assignment
// of this.options
// at some point however this may be removed
this.options = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'options'), _.isFunction(options) ? : options);
// parses out the @ui DSL for events = this.normalizeUIKeys(_.result(this, 'events'));
if (_.isObject(this.behaviors)) {
new Marionette.Behaviors(this);
Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments);
this.listenTo(this, 'show', this.onShowCalled);
// Get the template for this view
// instance. You can set a `template` attribute in the view
// definition or pass a `template: "whatever"` parameter in
// to the constructor options.
getTemplate: function() {
return this.getOption('template');
// Mix in template helper methods. Looks for a
// `templateHelpers` attribute, which can either be an
// object literal, or a function that returns an object
// literal. All methods and attributes from this object
// are copies to the object passed in.
mixinTemplateHelpers: function(target) {
target = target || {};
var templateHelpers = this.getOption('templateHelpers');
if (_.isFunction(templateHelpers)) {
templateHelpers =;
return _.extend(target, templateHelpers);
normalizeUIKeys: function(hash) {
var ui = _.result(this, 'ui');
var uiBindings = _.result(this, '_uiBindings');
return Marionette.normalizeUIKeys(hash, uiBindings || ui);
// Configure `triggers` to forward DOM events to view
// events. `triggers: {"click .foo": "do:foo"}`
configureTriggers: function() {
if (!this.triggers) { return; }
var triggerEvents = {};
// Allow `triggers` to be configured as a function
var triggers = this.normalizeUIKeys(_.result(this, 'triggers'));
// Configure the triggers, prevent default
// action and stop propagation of DOM events
_.each(triggers, function(value, key) {
var hasOptions = _.isObject(value);
var eventName = hasOptions ? value.event : value;
// build the event handler function for the DOM event
triggerEvents[key] = function(e) {
// stop the event in its tracks
if (e) {
var prevent = e.preventDefault;
var stop = e.stopPropagation;
var shouldPrevent = hasOptions ? value.preventDefault : prevent;
var shouldStop = hasOptions ? value.stopPropagation : stop;
if (shouldPrevent && prevent) { prevent.apply(e); }
if (shouldStop && stop) { stop.apply(e); }
// build the args for the event
var args = {
view: this,
model: this.model,
collection: this.collection
// trigger the event
this.triggerMethod(eventName, args);
}, this);
return triggerEvents;
// Overriding Backbone.View's delegateEvents to handle
// the `triggers`, `modelEvents`, and `collectionEvents` configuration
delegateEvents: function(events) {
this.bindEntityEvents(this.model, this.getOption('modelEvents'));
this.bindEntityEvents(this.collection, this.getOption('collectionEvents'));
// internal method to delegate DOM events and triggers
_delegateDOMEvents: function(events) {
events = events ||;
if (_.isFunction(events)) { events =; }
// normalize ui keys
events = this.normalizeUIKeys(events);
var combinedEvents = {};
// look up if this view has behavior events
var behaviorEvents = _.result(this, 'behaviorEvents') || {};
var triggers = this.configureTriggers();
// behavior events will be overriden by view events and or triggers
_.extend(combinedEvents, behaviorEvents, events, triggers);, combinedEvents);
// Overriding Backbone.View's undelegateEvents to handle unbinding
// the `triggers`, `modelEvents`, and `collectionEvents` config
undelegateEvents: function() {
var args =;
Backbone.View.prototype.undelegateEvents.apply(this, args);
this.unbindEntityEvents(this.model, this.getOption('modelEvents'));
this.unbindEntityEvents(this.collection, this.getOption('collectionEvents'));
// Internal method, handles the `show` event.
onShowCalled: function() {},
// Internal helper method to verify whether the view hasn't been destroyed
_ensureViewIsIntact: function() {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
var err = new Error('Cannot use a view thats already been destroyed.'); = 'ViewDestroyedError';
throw err;
// Default `destroy` implementation, for removing a view from the
// DOM and unbinding it. Regions will call this method
// for you. You can specify an `onDestroy` method in your view to
// add custom code that is called after the view is destroyed.
destroy: function() {
if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
var args =;
this.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['before:destroy'].concat(args));
// mark as destroyed before doing the actual destroy, to
// prevent infinite loops within "destroy" event handlers
// that are trying to destroy other views
this.isDestroyed = true;
this.triggerMethod.apply(this, ['destroy'].concat(args));
// unbind UI elements
// remove the view from the DOM
// This method binds the elements specified in the "ui" hash inside the view's code with
// the associated jQuery selectors.
bindUIElements: function() {
if (!this.ui) { return; }
// store the ui hash in _uiBindings so they can be reset later
// and so re-rendering the view will be able to find the bindings
if (!this._uiBindings) {
this._uiBindings = this.ui;
// get the bindings result, as a function or otherwise
var bindings = _.result(this, '_uiBindings');
// empty the ui so we don't have anything to start with
this.ui = {};
// bind each of the selectors
_.each(_.keys(bindings), function(key) {
var selector = bindings[key];
this.ui[key] = this.$(selector);
}, this);
// This method unbinds the elements specified in the "ui" hash
unbindUIElements: function() {
if (!this.ui || !this._uiBindings) { return; }
// delete all of the existing ui bindings
_.each(this.ui, function($el, name) {
delete this.ui[name];
}, this);
// reset the ui element to the original bindings configuration
this.ui = this._uiBindings;
delete this._uiBindings;
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod,
// Imports the "normalizeMethods" to transform hashes of
// events=>function references/names to a hash of events=>function references
normalizeMethods: Marionette.normalizeMethods,
// Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name.
getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption,
// Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` to enable binding view's events from another entity.
bindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyBindEntityEvents,
// Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` to enable unbinding view's events from another entity.
unbindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyUnbindEntityEvents
// Item View
// ---------
// A single item view implementation that contains code for rendering
// with underscore.js templates, serializing the view's model or collection,
// and calling several methods on extended views, such as `onRender`.
Marionette.ItemView = Marionette.View.extend({
// Setting up the inheritance chain which allows changes to
// Marionette.View.prototype.constructor which allows overriding
constructor: function() {
Marionette.View.apply(this, arguments);
// Serialize the model or collection for the view. If a model is
// found, `.toJSON()` is called. If a collection is found, `.toJSON()`
// is also called, but is used to populate an `items` array in the
// resulting data. If both are found, defaults to the model.
// You can override the `serializeData` method in your own view
// definition, to provide custom serialization for your view's data.
serializeData: function() {
var data = {};
if (this.model) {
data = this.model.toJSON();
else if (this.collection) {
data = {items: this.collection.toJSON()};
return data;
// Render the view, defaulting to underscore.js templates.
// You can override this in your view definition to provide
// a very specific rendering for your view. In general, though,
// you should override the `Marionette.Renderer` object to
// change how Marionette renders views.
render: function() {
this.triggerMethod('before:render', this);
var data = this.serializeData();
data = this.mixinTemplateHelpers(data);
var template = this.getTemplate();
var html = Marionette.Renderer.render(template, data);
this.triggerMethod('render', this);
return this;
// Attaches the content of a given view.
// This method can be overriden to optimize rendering,
// or to render in a non standard way.
// For example, using `innerHTML` instead of `$el.html`
// ```js
// attachElContent: function(html) {
// this.el.innerHTML = html;
// return this;
// }
// ```
attachElContent: function(html) {
return this;
// Override the default destroy event to add a few
// more events that are triggered.
destroy: function() {
if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
Marionette.View.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
/* jshint maxstatements: 14 */
// Collection View
// ---------------
// A view that iterates over a Backbone.Collection
// and renders an individual child view for each model.
Marionette.CollectionView = Marionette.View.extend({
// used as the prefix for child view events
// that are forwarded through the collectionview
childViewEventPrefix: 'childview',
// constructor
// option to pass `{sort: false}` to prevent the `CollectionView` from
// maintaining the sorted order of the collection.
// This will fallback onto appending childView's to the end.
constructor: function(options){
var initOptions = options || {};
this.sort = _.isUndefined(initOptions.sort) ? true : initOptions.sort;
Marionette.View.apply(this, arguments);
// Instead of inserting elements one by one into the page,
// it's much more performant to insert elements into a document
// fragment and then insert that document fragment into the page
initRenderBuffer: function() {
this.elBuffer = document.createDocumentFragment();
this._bufferedChildren = [];
startBuffering: function() {
this.isBuffering = true;
endBuffering: function() {
this.isBuffering = false;
this.attachBuffer(this, this.elBuffer);
_triggerBeforeShowBufferedChildren: function() {
if (this._isShown) {
_.invoke(this._bufferedChildren, 'triggerMethod', 'before:show');
_triggerShowBufferedChildren: function() {
if (this._isShown) {
_.each(this._bufferedChildren, function (child) {
if (_.isFunction(child.triggerMethod)) {
} else {, 'show');
this._bufferedChildren = [];
// Configured the initial events that the collection view
// binds to.
_initialEvents: function() {
if (this.collection) {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this._onCollectionAdd);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this._onCollectionRemove);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);
if (this.sort) {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sort', this._sortViews);
// Handle a child added to the collection
_onCollectionAdd: function(child, collection, options) {
var ChildView = this.getChildView(child);
var index = this.collection.indexOf(child);
this.addChild(child, ChildView, index);
// get the child view by model it holds, and remove it
_onCollectionRemove: function(model) {
var view = this.children.findByModel(model);
// Override from `Marionette.View` to trigger show on child views
onShowCalled: function(){
if (_.isFunction(child.triggerMethod)) {
} else {, 'show');
// Render children views. Override this method to
// provide your own implementation of a render function for
// the collection view.
render: function() {
this.triggerMethod('before:render', this);
this.triggerMethod('render', this);
return this;
// Internal method. This checks for any changes in the order of the collection.
// If the index of any view doesn't match, it will render.
_sortViews: function(){
// check for any changes in sort order of views
var orderChanged = this.collection.find(function(item, index){
var view = this.children.findByModel(item);
return view && view._index !== index;
}, this);
if (orderChanged) {
// Internal method. Separated so that CompositeView can have
// more control over events being triggered, around the rendering
// process
_renderChildren: function() {
if (!this.isEmpty(this.collection)) {
this.triggerMethod('before:render:collection', this);
this.triggerMethod('render:collection', this);
} else {
// Internal method to loop through collection and show each child view.
showCollection: function() {
var ChildView;
this.collection.each(function(child, index) {
ChildView = this.getChildView(child);
this.addChild(child, ChildView, index);
}, this);
// Internal method to show an empty view in place of
// a collection of child views, when the collection is empty
showEmptyView: function() {
var EmptyView = this.getEmptyView();
if (EmptyView && !this._showingEmptyView) {
this._showingEmptyView = true;
var model = new Backbone.Model();
this.addEmptyView(model, EmptyView);
// Internal method to destroy an existing emptyView instance
// if one exists. Called when a collection view has been
// rendered empty, and then a child is added to the collection.
destroyEmptyView: function() {
if (this._showingEmptyView) {
delete this._showingEmptyView;
// Retrieve the empty view class
getEmptyView: function() {
return this.getOption('emptyView');
// Render and show the emptyView. Similar to addChild method
// but "child:added" events are not fired, and the event from
// emptyView are not forwarded
addEmptyView: function(child, EmptyView){
// get the emptyViewOptions, falling back to childViewOptions
var emptyViewOptions = this.getOption('emptyViewOptions') ||
if (_.isFunction(emptyViewOptions)){
emptyViewOptions =;
// build the empty view
var view = this.buildChildView(child, EmptyView, emptyViewOptions);
// trigger the 'before:show' event on `view` if the collection view
// has already been shown
if (this._isShown){, 'before:show');
// Store the `emptyView` like a `childView` so we can properly
// remove and/or close it later
// Render it and show it
this.renderChildView(view, -1);
// call the 'show' method if the collection view
// has already been shown
if (this._isShown){, 'show');
// Retrieve the childView class, either from `this.options.childView`
// or from the `childView` in the object definition. The "options"
// takes precedence.
getChildView: function(child) {
var childView = this.getOption('childView');
if (!childView) {
throwError('A "childView" must be specified', 'NoChildViewError');
return childView;
// Render the child's view and add it to the
// HTML for the collection view at a given index.
// This will also update the indices of later views in the collection
// in order to keep the children in sync with the collection.
addChild: function(child, ChildView, index) {
var childViewOptions = this.getOption('childViewOptions');
if (_.isFunction(childViewOptions)) {
childViewOptions =, child, index);
var view = this.buildChildView(child, ChildView, childViewOptions);
// increment indices of views after this one
this._updateIndices(view, true, index);
this._addChildView(view, index);
return view;
// Internal method. This decrements or increments the indices of views after the
// added/removed view to keep in sync with the collection.
_updateIndices: function(view, increment, index) {
if (!this.sort) {
if (increment) {
// assign the index to the view
view._index = index;
// increment the index of views after this one
this.children.each(function (laterView) {
if (laterView._index >= view._index) {
else {
// decrement the index of views after this one
this.children.each(function (laterView) {
if (laterView._index >= view._index) {
// Internal Method. Add the view to children and render it at
// the given index.
_addChildView: function(view, index) {
// set up the child view event forwarding
this.triggerMethod('before:add:child', view);
// Store the child view itself so we can properly
// remove and/or destroy it later
this.renderChildView(view, index);
if (this._isShown && !this.isBuffering){
if (_.isFunction(view.triggerMethod)) {
} else {, 'show');
this.triggerMethod('add:child', view);
// render the child view
renderChildView: function(view, index) {
this.attachHtml(this, view, index);
// Build a `childView` for a model in the collection.
buildChildView: function(child, ChildViewClass, childViewOptions) {
var options = _.extend({model: child}, childViewOptions);
return new ChildViewClass(options);
// Remove the child view and destroy it.
// This function also updates the indices of
// later views in the collection in order to keep
// the children in sync with the collection.
removeChildView: function(view) {
if (view) {
this.triggerMethod('before:remove:child', view);
// call 'destroy' or 'remove', depending on which is found
if (view.destroy) { view.destroy(); }
else if (view.remove) { view.remove(); }
this.triggerMethod('remove:child', view);
// decrement the index of views after this one
this._updateIndices(view, false);
// check if the collection is empty
isEmpty: function(collection) {
return !this.collection || this.collection.length === 0;
// If empty, show the empty view
checkEmpty: function() {
if (this.isEmpty(this.collection)) {
// You might need to override this if you've overridden attachHtml
attachBuffer: function(collectionView, buffer) {
// Append the HTML to the collection's `el`.
// Override this method to do something other
// than `.append`.
attachHtml: function(collectionView, childView, index) {
if (collectionView.isBuffering) {
// buffering happens on reset events and initial renders
// in order to reduce the number of inserts into the
// document, which are expensive.
else {
// If we've already rendered the main collection, append
// the new child into the correct order if we need to. Otherwise
// append to the end.
if (!collectionView._insertBefore(childView, index)){
// Internal method. Check whether we need to insert the view into
// the correct position.
_insertBefore: function(childView, index) {
var currentView;
var findPosition = this.sort && (index < this.children.length - 1);
if (findPosition) {
// Find the view after this one
currentView = this.children.find(function (view) {
return view._index === index + 1;
if (currentView) {
return true;
return false;
// Internal method. Append a view to the end of the $el
_insertAfter: function(childView) {
// Internal method to set up the `children` object for
// storing all of the child views
_initChildViewStorage: function() {
this.children = new Backbone.ChildViewContainer();
// Handle cleanup and other destroying needs for the collection of views
destroy: function() {
if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
Marionette.View.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Destroy the child views that this collection view
// is holding on to, if any
destroyChildren: function() {
this.children.each(this.removeChildView, this);
// Set up the child view event forwarding. Uses a "childview:"
// prefix in front of all forwarded events.
proxyChildEvents: function(view) {
var prefix = this.getOption('childViewEventPrefix');
// Forward all child view events through the parent,
// prepending "childview:" to the event name
this.listenTo(view, 'all', function() {
var args =;
var rootEvent = args[0];
var childEvents = this.normalizeMethods(_.result(this, 'childEvents'));
args[0] = prefix + ':' + rootEvent;
args.splice(1, 0, view);
// call collectionView childEvent if defined
if (typeof childEvents !== 'undefined' && _.isFunction(childEvents[rootEvent])) {
childEvents[rootEvent].apply(this, args.slice(1));
this.triggerMethod.apply(this, args);
}, this);
/* jshint maxstatements: 17, maxlen: 117 */
// Composite View
// --------------
// Used for rendering a branch-leaf, hierarchical structure.
// Extends directly from CollectionView and also renders an
// a child view as `modelView`, for the top leaf
Marionette.CompositeView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
// Setting up the inheritance chain which allows changes to
// Marionette.CollectionView.prototype.constructor which allows overriding
// option to pass '{sort: false}' to prevent the CompositeView from
// maintaining the sorted order of the collection.
// This will fallback onto appending childView's to the end.
constructor: function() {
Marionette.CollectionView.apply(this, arguments);
// Configured the initial events that the composite view
// binds to. Override this method to prevent the initial
// events, or to add your own initial events.
_initialEvents: function() {
// Bind only after composite view is rendered to avoid adding child views
// to nonexistent childViewContainer
this.once('render', function() {
if (this.collection) {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this._onCollectionAdd);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this._onCollectionRemove);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this._renderChildren);
if (this.sort) {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sort', this._sortViews);
// Retrieve the `childView` to be used when rendering each of
// the items in the collection. The default is to return
// `this.childView` or Marionette.CompositeView if no `childView`
// has been defined
getChildView: function(child) {
var childView = this.getOption('childView') || this.constructor;
if (!childView) {
throwError('A "childView" must be specified', 'NoChildViewError');
return childView;
// Serialize the collection for the view.
// You can override the `serializeData` method in your own view
// definition, to provide custom serialization for your view's data.
serializeData: function() {
var data = {};
if (this.model) {
data = this.model.toJSON();
return data;
// Renders the model once, and the collection once. Calling
// this again will tell the model's view to re-render itself
// but the collection will not re-render.
render: function() {
this.isRendered = true;
this.triggerMethod('before:render', this);
this.triggerMethod('render', this);
return this;
_renderChildren: function() {
if (this.isRendered) {;
// Render the root template that the children
// views are appended to
_renderRoot: function() {
var data = {};
data = this.serializeData();
data = this.mixinTemplateHelpers(data);
var template = this.getTemplate();
var html = Marionette.Renderer.render(template, data);
// the ui bindings is done here and not at the end of render since they
// will not be available until after the model is rendered, but should be
// available before the collection is rendered.
// Attaches the content of the root.
// This method can be overriden to optimize rendering,
// or to render in a non standard way.
// For example, using `innerHTML` instead of `$el.html`
// ```js
// attachElContent: function(html) {
// this.el.innerHTML = html;
// return this;
// }
// ```
attachElContent: function(html) {
return this;
// You might need to override this if you've overridden attachHtml
attachBuffer: function(compositeView, buffer) {
var $container = this.getChildViewContainer(compositeView);
// Internal method. Append a view to the end of the $el.
// Overidden from CollectionView to ensure view is appended to
// childViewContainer
_insertAfter: function (childView) {
var $container = this.getChildViewContainer(this);
// Internal method to ensure an `$childViewContainer` exists, for the
// `attachHtml` method to use.
getChildViewContainer: function(containerView) {
if ('$childViewContainer' in containerView) {
return containerView.$childViewContainer;
var container;
var childViewContainer = Marionette.getOption(containerView, 'childViewContainer');
if (childViewContainer) {
var selector = _.isFunction(childViewContainer) ? : childViewContainer;
if (selector.charAt(0) === '@' && containerView.ui) {
container = containerView.ui[selector.substr(4)];
} else {
container = containerView.$(selector);
if (container.length <= 0) {
throwError('The specified "childViewContainer" was not found: ' +
containerView.childViewContainer, 'ChildViewContainerMissingError');
} else {
container = containerView.$el;
containerView.$childViewContainer = container;
return container;
// Internal method to reset the `$childViewContainer` on render
resetChildViewContainer: function() {
if (this.$childViewContainer) {
delete this.$childViewContainer;
// LayoutView
// ----------
// Used for managing application layoutViews, nested layoutViews and
// multiple regions within an application or sub-application.
// A specialized view class that renders an area of HTML and then
// attaches `Region` instances to the specified `regions`.
// Used for composite view management and sub-application areas.
Marionette.LayoutView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
regionClass: Marionette.Region,
// Ensure the regions are available when the `initialize` method
// is called.
constructor: function(options) {
options = options || {};
this._firstRender = true;
this._initializeRegions(options);, options);
// LayoutView's render will use the existing region objects the
// first time it is called. Subsequent calls will destroy the
// views that the regions are showing and then reset the `el`
// for the regions to the newly rendered DOM elements.
render: function() {
if (this._firstRender) {
// if this is the first render, don't do anything to
// reset the regions
this._firstRender = false;
} else {
// If this is not the first render call, then we need to
// re-initialize the `el` for each region
return Marionette.ItemView.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
// Handle destroying regions, and then destroy the view itself.
destroy: function() {
if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
Marionette.ItemView.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Add a single region, by name, to the layoutView
addRegion: function(name, definition) {
this.triggerMethod('before:region:add', name);
var regions = {};
regions[name] = definition;
return this._buildRegions(regions)[name];
// Add multiple regions as a {name: definition, name2: def2} object literal
addRegions: function(regions) {
this.regions = _.extend({}, this.regions, regions);
return this._buildRegions(regions);
// Remove a single region from the LayoutView, by name
removeRegion: function(name) {
this.triggerMethod('before:region:remove', name);
delete this.regions[name];
return this.regionManager.removeRegion(name);
// Provides alternative access to regions
// Accepts the region name
// getRegion('main')
getRegion: function(region) {
return this.regionManager.get(region);
// Get all regions
getRegions: function(){
return this.regionManager.getRegions();
// internal method to build regions
_buildRegions: function(regions) {
var that = this;
var defaults = {
regionClass: this.getOption('regionClass'),
parentEl: function() { return that.$el; }
return this.regionManager.addRegions(regions, defaults);
// Internal method to initialize the regions that have been defined in a
// `regions` attribute on this layoutView.
_initializeRegions: function(options) {
var regions;
if (_.isFunction(this.regions)) {
regions = this.regions(options);
} else {
regions = this.regions || {};
// Enable users to define `regions` as instance options.
var regionOptions =, 'regions');
// enable region options to be a function
if (_.isFunction(regionOptions)) {
regionOptions =, options);
_.extend(regions, regionOptions);
// Internal method to re-initialize all of the regions by updating the `el` that
// they point to
_reInitializeRegions: function() {
this.regionManager.each(function(region) {
// Enable easy overiding of the default `RegionManager`
// for customized region interactions and buisness specific
// view logic for better control over single regions.
getRegionManager: function() {
return new Marionette.RegionManager();
// Internal method to initialize the region manager
// and all regions in it
_initRegionManager: function() {
this.regionManager = this.getRegionManager();
this.listenTo(this.regionManager, 'before:add:region', function(name) {
this.triggerMethod('before:add:region', name);
this.listenTo(this.regionManager, 'add:region', function(name, region) {
this[name] = region;
this.triggerMethod('add:region', name, region);
this.listenTo(this.regionManager, 'before:remove:region', function(name) {
this.triggerMethod('before:remove:region', name);
this.listenTo(this.regionManager, 'remove:region', function(name, region) {
delete this[name];
this.triggerMethod('remove:region', name, region);
// Behavior
// -----------
// A Behavior is an isolated set of DOM /
// user interactions that can be mixed into any View.
// Behaviors allow you to blackbox View specific interactions
// into portable logical chunks, keeping your views simple and your code DRY.
Marionette.Behavior = (function(_, Backbone) {
function Behavior(options, view) {
// Setup reference to the view.
// this comes in handle when a behavior
// wants to directly talk up the chain
// to the view.
this.view = view;
this.defaults = _.result(this, 'defaults') || {};
this.options = _.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
// proxy behavior $ method to the view
// this is useful for doing jquery DOM lookups
// scoped to behaviors view.
this.$ = function() {
return this.view.$.apply(this.view, arguments);
// Call the initialize method passing
// the arguments from the instance constructor
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
_.extend(Behavior.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
initialize: function() {},
// stopListening to behavior `onListen` events.
destroy: function() {
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod,
// Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name.
getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption,
// Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` to enable binding view's events from another entity.
bindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyBindEntityEvents,
// Proxy `unbindEntityEvents` to enable unbinding view's events from another entity.
unbindEntityEvents: Marionette.proxyUnbindEntityEvents
// Borrow Backbones extend implementation
// this allows us to setup a proper
// inheritence pattern that follow in suite
// with the rest of Marionette views.
Behavior.extend = Marionette.extend;
return Behavior;
})(_, Backbone);
/* jshint maxlen: 143, nonew: false */
// Marionette.Behaviors
// --------
// Behaviors is a utility class that takes care of
// glueing your behavior instances to their given View.
// The most important part of this class is that you
// **MUST** override the class level behaviorsLookup
// method for things to work properly.
Marionette.Behaviors = (function(Marionette, _) {
function Behaviors(view, behaviors) {
// Behaviors defined on a view can be a flat object literal
// or it can be a function that returns an object.
behaviors = Behaviors.parseBehaviors(view, behaviors || _.result(view, 'behaviors'));
// Wraps several of the view's methods
// calling the methods first on each behavior
// and then eventually calling the method on the view.
Behaviors.wrap(view, behaviors, [
'bindUIElements', 'unbindUIElements',
'delegateEvents', 'undelegateEvents',
'behaviorEvents', 'triggerMethod',
'setElement', 'destroy'
var methods = {
setElement: function(setElement, behaviors) {
setElement.apply(this, _.tail(arguments, 2));
// proxy behavior $el to the view's $el.
// This is needed because a view's $el proxy
// is not set until after setElement is called.
_.each(behaviors, function(b) {
b.$el = this.$el;
}, this);
destroy: function(destroy, behaviors) {
var args = _.tail(arguments, 2);
destroy.apply(this, args);
// Call destroy on each behavior after
// destroying the view.
// This unbinds event listeners
// that behaviors have registerd for.
_.invoke(behaviors, 'destroy', args);
bindUIElements: function(bindUIElements, behaviors) {
_.invoke(behaviors, bindUIElements);
unbindUIElements: function(unbindUIElements, behaviors) {
_.invoke(behaviors, unbindUIElements);
triggerMethod: function(triggerMethod, behaviors) {
var args = _.tail(arguments, 2);
triggerMethod.apply(this, args);
_.each(behaviors, function(b) {
triggerMethod.apply(b, args);
delegateEvents: function(delegateEvents, behaviors) {
var args = _.tail(arguments, 2);
delegateEvents.apply(this, args);
_.each(behaviors, function(b) {
Marionette.bindEntityEvents(b, this.model, Marionette.getOption(b, 'modelEvents'));
Marionette.bindEntityEvents(b, this.collection, Marionette.getOption(b, 'collectionEvents'));
}, this);
undelegateEvents: function(undelegateEvents, behaviors) {
var args = _.tail(arguments, 2);
undelegateEvents.apply(this, args);
_.each(behaviors, function(b) {
Marionette.unbindEntityEvents(b, this.model, Marionette.getOption(b, 'modelEvents'));
Marionette.unbindEntityEvents(b, this.collection, Marionette.getOption(b, 'collectionEvents'));
}, this);
behaviorEvents: function(behaviorEvents, behaviors) {
var _behaviorsEvents = {};
var viewUI = _.result(this, 'ui');
_.each(behaviors, function(b, i) {
var _events = {};
var behaviorEvents = _.clone(_.result(b, 'events')) || {};
var behaviorUI = _.result(b, 'ui');
// Construct an internal UI hash first using
// the views UI hash and then the behaviors UI hash.
// This allows the user to use UI hash elements
// defined in the parent view as well as those
// defined in the given behavior.
var ui = _.extend({}, viewUI, behaviorUI);
// Normalize behavior events hash to allow
// a user to use the @ui. syntax.
behaviorEvents = Marionette.normalizeUIKeys(behaviorEvents, ui);
_.each(_.keys(behaviorEvents), function(key) {
// Append white-space at the end of each key to prevent behavior key collisions.
// This is relying on the fact that backbone events considers "click .foo" the same as
// "click .foo ".
// +2 is used because new Array(1) or 0 is "" and not " "
var whitespace = (new Array(i + 2)).join(' ');
var eventKey = key + whitespace;
var handler = _.isFunction(behaviorEvents[key]) ? behaviorEvents[key] : b[behaviorEvents[key]];
_events[eventKey] = _.bind(handler, b);
_behaviorsEvents = _.extend(_behaviorsEvents, _events);
return _behaviorsEvents;
_.extend(Behaviors, {
// Placeholder method to be extended by the user.
// The method should define the object that stores the behaviors.
// i.e.
// ```js
// Marionette.Behaviors.behaviorsLookup: function() {
// return App.Behaviors
// }
// ```
behaviorsLookup: function() {
throw new Error('You must define where your behaviors are stored.' +
'See' +
// Takes care of getting the behavior class
// given options and a key.
// If a user passes in options.behaviorClass
// default to using that. Otherwise delegate
// the lookup to the users `behaviorsLookup` implementation.
getBehaviorClass: function(options, key) {
if (options.behaviorClass) {
return options.behaviorClass;
// Get behavior class can be either a flat object or a method
return _.isFunction(Behaviors.behaviorsLookup) ? Behaviors.behaviorsLookup.apply(this, arguments)[key] : Behaviors.behaviorsLookup[key];
// Iterate over the behaviors object, for each behavior
// instantiate it and get its grouped behaviors.
parseBehaviors: function(view, behaviors) {
return _.chain(behaviors).map(function(options, key) {
var BehaviorClass = Behaviors.getBehaviorClass(options, key);
var behavior = new BehaviorClass(options, view);
var nestedBehaviors = Behaviors.parseBehaviors(view, _.result(behavior, 'behaviors'));
return [behavior].concat(nestedBehaviors);
// Wrap view internal methods so that they delegate to behaviors. For example,
// `onDestroy` should trigger destroy on all of the behaviors and then destroy itself.
// i.e.
// `view.delegateEvents = _.partial(methods.delegateEvents, view.delegateEvents, behaviors);`
wrap: function(view, behaviors, methodNames) {
_.each(methodNames, function(methodName) {
view[methodName] = _.partial(methods[methodName], view[methodName], behaviors);
return Behaviors;
})(Marionette, _);
// AppRouter
// ---------
// Reduce the boilerplate code of handling route events
// and then calling a single method on another object.
// Have your routers configured to call the method on
// your object, directly.
// Configure an AppRouter with `appRoutes`.
// App routers can only take one `controller` object.
// It is recommended that you divide your controller
// objects in to smaller pieces of related functionality
// and have multiple routers / controllers, instead of
// just one giant router and controller.
// You can also add standard routes to an AppRouter.
Marionette.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
constructor: function(options) {
Backbone.Router.apply(this, arguments);
this.options = options || {};
var appRoutes = this.getOption('appRoutes');
var controller = this._getController();
this.processAppRoutes(controller, appRoutes);
this.on('route', this._processOnRoute, this);
// Similar to route method on a Backbone Router but
// method is called on the controller
appRoute: function(route, methodName) {
var controller = this._getController();
this._addAppRoute(controller, route, methodName);
// process the route event and trigger the onRoute
// method call, if it exists
_processOnRoute: function(routeName, routeArgs) {
// find the path that matched
var routePath = _.invert(this.appRoutes)[routeName];
// make sure an onRoute is there, and call it
if (_.isFunction(this.onRoute)) {
this.onRoute(routeName, routePath, routeArgs);
// Internal method to process the `appRoutes` for the
// router, and turn them in to routes that trigger the
// specified method on the specified `controller`.
processAppRoutes: function(controller, appRoutes) {
if (!appRoutes) { return; }
var routeNames = _.keys(appRoutes).reverse(); // Backbone requires reverted order of routes
_.each(routeNames, function(route) {
this._addAppRoute(controller, route, appRoutes[route]);
}, this);
_getController: function() {
return this.getOption('controller');
_addAppRoute: function(controller, route, methodName) {
var method = controller[methodName];
if (!method) {
throwError('Method "' + methodName + '" was not found on the controller');
this.route(route, methodName, _.bind(method, controller));
// Proxy `getOption` to enable getting options from this or this.options by name.
getOption: Marionette.proxyGetOption
// Application
// -----------
// Contain and manage the composite application as a whole.
// Stores and starts up `Region` objects, includes an
// event aggregator as `app.vent`
Marionette.Application = function(options) {
this._initCallbacks = new Marionette.Callbacks();
var globalCh ='global');
this.vent = globalCh.vent;
this.commands = globalCh.commands;
this.reqres = globalCh.reqres;
this.submodules = {};
_.extend(this, options);
_.extend(Marionette.Application.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
// Command execution, facilitated by Backbone.Wreqr.Commands
execute: function() {
this.commands.execute.apply(this.commands, arguments);
// Request/response, facilitated by Backbone.Wreqr.RequestResponse
request: function() {
return this.reqres.request.apply(this.reqres, arguments);
// Add an initializer that is either run at when the `start`
// method is called, or run immediately if added after `start`
// has already been called.
addInitializer: function(initializer) {
// kick off all of the application's processes.
// initializes all of the regions that have been added
// to the app, and runs all of the initializer functions
start: function(options) {
this.triggerMethod('before:start', options);, this);
this.triggerMethod('start', options);
// Add regions to your app.
// Accepts a hash of named strings or Region objects
// addRegions({something: "#someRegion"})
// addRegions({something: Region.extend({el: "#someRegion"}) });
addRegions: function(regions) {
return this._regionManager.addRegions(regions);
// Empty all regions in the app, without removing them
emptyRegions: function() {
// Removes a region from your app, by name
// Accepts the regions name
// removeRegion('myRegion')
removeRegion: function(region) {
// Provides alternative access to regions
// Accepts the region name
// getRegion('main')
getRegion: function(region) {
return this._regionManager.get(region);
// Get all the regions from the region manager
getRegions: function(){
return this._regionManager.getRegions();
// Create a module, attached to the application
module: function(moduleNames, moduleDefinition) {
// Overwrite the module class if the user specifies one
var ModuleClass = Marionette.Module.getClass(moduleDefinition);
// slice the args, and add this application object as the
// first argument of the array
var args =;
// see the Marionette.Module object for more information
return ModuleClass.create.apply(ModuleClass, args);
// Internal method to set up the region manager
_initRegionManager: function() {
this._regionManager = new Marionette.RegionManager();
this.listenTo(this._regionManager, 'before:add:region', function(name) {
this.triggerMethod('before:add:region', name);
this.listenTo(this._regionManager, 'add:region', function(name, region) {
this[name] = region;
this.triggerMethod('add:region', name, region);
this.listenTo(this._regionManager, 'before:remove:region', function(name) {
this.triggerMethod('before:remove:region', name);
this.listenTo(this._regionManager, 'remove:region', function(name, region) {
delete this[name];
this.triggerMethod('remove:region', name, region);
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod
// Copy the `extend` function used by Backbone's classes
Marionette.Application.extend = Marionette.extend;
/* jshint maxparams: 9 */
// Module
// ------
// A simple module system, used to create privacy and encapsulation in
// Marionette applications
Marionette.Module = function(moduleName, app, options) {
this.moduleName = moduleName;
this.options = _.extend({}, this.options, options);
// Allow for a user to overide the initialize
// for a given module instance.
this.initialize = options.initialize || this.initialize;
// Set up an internal store for sub-modules.
this.submodules = {};
// Set an internal reference to the app
// within a module. = app;
// By default modules start with their parents.
this.startWithParent = true;
if (_.isFunction(this.initialize)) {
this.initialize(moduleName, app, this.options);
Marionette.Module.extend = Marionette.extend;
// Extend the Module prototype with events / listenTo, so that the module
// can be used as an event aggregator or pub/sub.
_.extend(Marionette.Module.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
// Initialize is an empty function by default. Override it with your own
// initialization logic when extending Marionette.Module.
initialize: function() {},
// Initializer for a specific module. Initializers are run when the
// module's `start` method is called.
addInitializer: function(callback) {
// Finalizers are run when a module is stopped. They are used to teardown
// and finalize any variables, references, events and other code that the
// module had set up.
addFinalizer: function(callback) {
// Start the module, and run all of its initializers
start: function(options) {
// Prevent re-starting a module that is already started
if (this._isInitialized) { return; }
// start the sub-modules (depth-first hierarchy)
_.each(this.submodules, function(mod) {
// check to see if we should start the sub-module with this parent
if (mod.startWithParent) {
// run the callbacks to "start" the current module
this.triggerMethod('before:start', options);, this);
this._isInitialized = true;
this.triggerMethod('start', options);
// Stop this module by running its finalizers and then stop all of
// the sub-modules for this module
stop: function() {
// if we are not initialized, don't bother finalizing
if (!this._isInitialized) { return; }
this._isInitialized = false;
// stop the sub-modules; depth-first, to make sure the
// sub-modules are stopped / finalized before parents
_.each(this.submodules, function(mod) { mod.stop(); });
// run the finalizers, this);
// reset the initializers and finalizers
// Configure the module with a definition function and any custom args
// that are to be passed in to the definition function
addDefinition: function(moduleDefinition, customArgs) {
this._runModuleDefinition(moduleDefinition, customArgs);
// Internal method: run the module definition function with the correct
// arguments
_runModuleDefinition: function(definition, customArgs) {
// If there is no definition short circut the method.
if (!definition) { return; }
// build the correct list of arguments for the module definition
var args = _.flatten([
Backbone.$, _,
definition.apply(this, args);
// Internal method: set up new copies of initializers and finalizers.
// Calling this method will wipe out all existing initializers and
// finalizers.
_setupInitializersAndFinalizers: function() {
this._initializerCallbacks = new Marionette.Callbacks();
this._finalizerCallbacks = new Marionette.Callbacks();
// import the `triggerMethod` to trigger events with corresponding
// methods if the method exists
triggerMethod: Marionette.triggerMethod
// Class methods to create modules
_.extend(Marionette.Module, {
// Create a module, hanging off the app parameter as the parent object.
create: function(app, moduleNames, moduleDefinition) {
var module = app;
// get the custom args passed in after the module definition and
// get rid of the module name and definition function
var customArgs =;
customArgs.splice(0, 3);
// Split the module names and get the number of submodules.
// i.e. an example module name of `Doge.Wow.Amaze` would
// then have the potential for 3 module definitions.
moduleNames = moduleNames.split('.');
var length = moduleNames.length;
// store the module definition for the last module in the chain
var moduleDefinitions = [];
moduleDefinitions[length - 1] = moduleDefinition;
// Loop through all the parts of the module definition
_.each(moduleNames, function(moduleName, i) {
var parentModule = module;
module = this._getModule(parentModule, moduleName, app, moduleDefinition);
this._addModuleDefinition(parentModule, module, moduleDefinitions[i], customArgs);
}, this);
// Return the last module in the definition chain
return module;
_getModule: function(parentModule, moduleName, app, def, args) {
var options = _.extend({}, def);
var ModuleClass = this.getClass(def);
// Get an existing module of this name if we have one
var module = parentModule[moduleName];
if (!module) {
// Create a new module if we don't have one
module = new ModuleClass(moduleName, app, options);
parentModule[moduleName] = module;
// store the module on the parent
parentModule.submodules[moduleName] = module;
return module;
// ## Module Classes
// Module classes can be used as an alternative to the define pattern.
// The extend function of a Module is identical to the extend functions
// on other Backbone and Marionette classes.
// This allows module lifecyle events like `onStart` and `onStop` to be called directly.
getClass: function(moduleDefinition) {
var ModuleClass = Marionette.Module;
if (!moduleDefinition) {
return ModuleClass;
// If all of the module's functionality is defined inside its class,
// then the class can be passed in directly. `MyApp.module("Foo", FooModule)`.
if (moduleDefinition.prototype instanceof ModuleClass) {
return moduleDefinition;
return moduleDefinition.moduleClass || ModuleClass;
// Add the module definition and add a startWithParent initializer function.
// This is complicated because module definitions are heavily overloaded
// and support an anonymous function, module class, or options object
_addModuleDefinition: function(parentModule, module, def, args) {
var fn = this._getDefine(def);
var startWithParent = this._getStartWithParent(def, module);
if (fn) {
module.addDefinition(fn, args);
this._addStartWithParent(parentModule, module, startWithParent);
_getStartWithParent: function(def, module) {
var swp;
if (_.isFunction(def) && (def.prototype instanceof Marionette.Module)) {
swp = module.constructor.prototype.startWithParent;
return _.isUndefined(swp) ? true : swp;
if (_.isObject(def)) {
swp = def.startWithParent;
return _.isUndefined(swp) ? true : swp;
return true;
_getDefine: function(def) {
if (_.isFunction(def) && !(def.prototype instanceof Marionette.Module)) {
return def;
if (_.isObject(def)) {
return def.define;
return null;
_addStartWithParent: function(parentModule, module, startWithParent) {
module.startWithParent = module.startWithParent && startWithParent;
if (!module.startWithParent || !!module.startWithParentIsConfigured) {
module.startWithParentIsConfigured = true;
parentModule.addInitializer(function(options) {
if (module.startWithParent) {
return Marionette;