Created mCord service page
diff --git a/xos/configurations/frontend/docker-compose.yml b/xos/configurations/frontend/docker-compose.yml
index c7c9c19..9c4680a 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/frontend/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/xos/configurations/frontend/docker-compose.yml
@@ -24,3 +24,5 @@
       - ../../core/static:/opt/xos/core/static
       - ../../templates/admin:/opt/xos/templates/admin
       - ../../configurations:/opt/xos/configurations
+      - ../../xos:/opt/xos/xos
+      - ../../core/views:/opt/xos/core/views
diff --git a/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/mcord.yaml b/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/mcord.yaml
index 2c6648b..c738a49 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/mcord.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/mcord.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,52 @@
     # M-CORD Services
+    # RAN
+    vBBU:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/vBBU.html
+          kind: RAN
+    # EPC
+    vMME:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/vMME.html
+          kind: EPC
+    vSGW:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/vSGW.html
+          kind: EPC
+    vPGW:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/vPGW.html
+          kind: EPC
+    # EDGE
+    Cache:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/cache.html
+          kind: EDGE
+    Firewall:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /static/mCordServices/firewall.html
+          kind: EDGE
+    Video Optimization:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Service
+      properties:
+          view_url: /mcord/video
+          kind: EDGE
     # Images
       type: tosca.nodes.Image
@@ -245,6 +290,11 @@
           url: template:xosMcordTopology
+    Ceilometer:
+      type: tosca.nodes.DashboardView
+      properties:
+          url: template:xosCeilometerDashboard
       type: tosca.nodes.User
@@ -255,3 +305,6 @@
           - mcord_dashboard:
               node: Topology
               relationship: tosca.relationships.UsesDashboard
+          - ceilometer_dashboard:
+              node: Ceilometer
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.UsesDashboard
diff --git a/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/xos_mcord_config b/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/xos_mcord_config
index f0611e0..7730f3b 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/xos_mcord_config
+++ b/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/xos_mcord_config
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/xos/core/static/mCordServices/vMME.html b/xos/core/static/mCordServices/vMME.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..879f70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/core/static/mCordServices/vMME.html
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post" id="ceilometerservice_form" class="form-horizontal" novalidate="">
+      <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="B9gutUN7l65x3BBXOtAirdnXxRg7v9ZH">
+      <div class="tab-content tab-content-main">
+    <div class="suit-include suit-tab suit-tab-administration hide"><div class="left-nav">
+<li><a href="/admin/ceilometer/monitoringchannel/">Monitoring Channels</a></li>
+<fieldset class="module aligned suit-tab suit-tab-general show">
+  <div class="panel fieldset-body">
+            <div class="form-group field-backend_status_text ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label>Backend status text:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <p><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_clock.gif"> Pending sync, last_status = 0 - Provisioning in progress</p>
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-name ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label class="required" for="id_name">Name:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-AdminTextInputWidget col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_name" maxlength="30" name="name" type="text" value="service_ceilometer">
+            <div class="help-block">Service Name</div>
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-enabled ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label class="vCheckboxLabel" for="id_enabled">Enabled</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-CheckboxInput col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input checked="checked" id="id_enabled" name="enabled" type="checkbox">
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-versionNumber ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label class="required" for="id_versionNumber">VersionNumber:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-AdminTextInputWidget col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_versionNumber" maxlength="30" name="versionNumber" type="text">
+            <div class="help-block">Version of Service Definition</div>
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-description ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label for="id_description">Description:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-AdminTextareaWidget col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <textarea class="vLargeTextField form-control" cols="40" id="id_description" maxlength="254" name="description" rows="10"></textarea>
+            <div class="help-block">Description of Service</div>
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-ceilometer_pub_sub_url ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label for="id_ceilometer_pub_sub_url">Ceilometer pub sub url:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-TextInput col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input class="form-control" id="id_ceilometer_pub_sub_url" maxlength="1024" name="ceilometer_pub_sub_url" type="text" value="">
+            <div class="help-block">REST URL of ceilometer PUB/SUB component in http://IP:port/ format</div>
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-view_url ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label for="id_view_url">View url:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-AdminTextInputWidget col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_view_url" maxlength="1024" name="view_url" type="text" value="/admin/ceilometer/ceilometerservice/$id$/">
+        </div>
+          </div>
+            <div class="form-group field-icon_url ">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"><label for="id_icon_url">Icon url:</label></label>
+        <div class="form-column widget-AdminTextInputWidget col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+            <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_icon_url" maxlength="1024" name="icon_url" type="text">
+        </div>
+          </div>
+  </div>
+      </div>
+<div class="inline-group suit-tab suit-tab-slices hide" id="slices-group">
+  <div class="tabular inline-related ">
+<input id="id_slices-TOTAL_FORMS" name="slices-TOTAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1" autocomplete="off"><input id="id_slices-INITIAL_FORMS" name="slices-INITIAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1"><input id="id_slices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" name="slices-MIN_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"><input id="id_slices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" name="slices-MAX_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1000" autocomplete="off">
+<fieldset class="module">
+   <h2>Slices</h2>
+  <div class="panel-border">
+   <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-primary">
+     <thead><tr>
+         <th colspan="1">
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">Name
+         &nbsp;<img src="/static/admin/img/icon-unknown.gif" class="help help-tooltip" width="10" height="10" alt="(The Name of the Slice)" title="The Name of the Slice">
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">Site
+         &nbsp;<img src="/static/admin/img/icon-unknown.gif" class="help help-tooltip" width="10" height="10" alt="(The Site this Slice belongs to)" title="The Site this Slice belongs to">
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">ServiceClass
+         </th>
+         <th>Details
+         </th>
+     <th>Delete?</th>
+     </tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+        <tr class="form-row row1 has_original dynamic-slices" id="slices-0">
+        <td class="original">
+          <input id="id_slices-0-id" name="slices-0-id" type="hidden" value="1">
+          <input id="id_slices-0-service" name="slices-0-service" type="hidden" value="1">
+        </td>
+              <td class="field-backend_status_icon">
+                  <p><br>        <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function () {$("#show_details_1").click(function () {$("#status1").dialog({modal: true, height: 200, width: 200 });});});</script><br>         <br>        </p><div style="display:none;" id="status1" title="Details"><br>                <p>Backoff Exponent: 0</p><br>                <p>Last Success: '2016-02-27 14:09'</p><br>                <p>Failures: None</p><br>                <p>Last Failure: None</p><br>                    </div><br>         <span style="min-width:16px;" title="successfully enacted"><a id="show_details_1" href="#"><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_success.gif"></a></span><p></p>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-name">
+                  <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_slices-0-name" maxlength="80" name="slices-0-name" type="text" value="mysite_ceilometer">
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-site">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_slices-0-site" name="slices-0-site">
+<option value="">---------</option>
+<option value="1" selected="selected">mysite</option>
+</select><span class="input-group-btn"><a href="/admin/core/site/add/?_to_field=id" class="add-another btn btn-default" id="add_id_slices-0-site" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);" title="Add Another"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign color-success"></span></a></span></div>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-serviceClass">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_slices-0-serviceClass" name="slices-0-serviceClass">
+<option value="1" selected="selected">Best Effort</option>
+</select><span class="input-group-btn"><a href="/admin/core/serviceclass/add/?_to_field=id" class="add-another btn btn-default" id="add_id_slices-0-serviceClass" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);" title="Add Another"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign color-success"></span></a></span></div><input id="initial-slices-0-id_slices-0-serviceClass" name="initial-slices-0-serviceClass" type="hidden" value="1">
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-selflink">
+                  <p><a href="/admin/core/slice/1/">Details</a></p>
+              </td>
+          <td class="delete"><input id="id_slices-0-DELETE" name="slices-0-DELETE" type="checkbox"></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="form-row row2  empty-form" id="slices-empty">
+        <td class="original">
+          <input id="id_slices-__prefix__-id" name="slices-__prefix__-id" type="hidden">
+          <input id="id_slices-__prefix__-service" name="slices-__prefix__-service" type="hidden" value="1">
+        </td>
+              <td class="field-backend_status_icon">
+                  <p>  <span style="min-width:16px;" title="Pending sync, last_status = 0 - Provisioning in progress"><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_clock.gif"></span></p>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-name">
+                  <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_slices-__prefix__-name" maxlength="80" name="slices-__prefix__-name" type="text">
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-site">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_slices-__prefix__-site" name="slices-__prefix__-site">
+<option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>
+<option value="1">mysite</option>
+</select><span class="input-group-btn"><a href="/admin/core/site/add/?_to_field=id" class="add-another btn btn-default" id="add_id_slices-__prefix__-site" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);" title="Add Another"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign color-success"></span></a></span></div>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-serviceClass">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_slices-__prefix__-serviceClass" name="slices-__prefix__-serviceClass">
+<option value="1" selected="selected">Best Effort</option>
+</select><span class="input-group-btn"><a href="/admin/core/serviceclass/add/?_to_field=id" class="add-another btn btn-default" id="add_id_slices-__prefix__-serviceClass" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);" title="Add Another"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign color-success"></span></a></span></div><input id="initial-slices-__prefix__-id_slices-__prefix__-serviceClass" name="initial-slices-__prefix__-serviceClass" type="hidden" value="1">
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-selflink">
+                  <p>Not present</p>
+              </td>
+          <td class="delete"></td>
+        </tr>
+     <tr class="add-row"><td colspan="7"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Add another Slice</a></td></tr></tbody>
+   </table>
+  </div>
+  </div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+(function($) {
+  $("#slices-group .tabular.inline-related tbody tr").tabularFormset({
+    prefix: "slices",
+    adminStaticPrefix: '/static/admin/',
+    addText: "Add another Slice",
+    deleteText: "Remove"
+  });
+<div class="inline-group suit-tab suit-tab-serviceattrs hide" id="serviceattributes-group">
+  <div class="tabular inline-related ">
+<input id="id_serviceattributes-TOTAL_FORMS" name="serviceattributes-TOTAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0" autocomplete="off"><input id="id_serviceattributes-INITIAL_FORMS" name="serviceattributes-INITIAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"><input id="id_serviceattributes-MIN_NUM_FORMS" name="serviceattributes-MIN_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"><input id="id_serviceattributes-MAX_NUM_FORMS" name="serviceattributes-MAX_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1000" autocomplete="off">
+<fieldset class="module">
+   <h2>Service attributes</h2>
+  <div class="panel-border">
+   <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-primary">
+     <thead><tr>
+         <th colspan="1" class="required">Name
+         &nbsp;<img src="/static/admin/img/icon-unknown.gif" class="help help-tooltip" width="10" height="10" alt="(Attribute Name)" title="Attribute Name">
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">Value
+         &nbsp;<img src="/static/admin/img/icon-unknown.gif" class="help help-tooltip" width="10" height="10" alt="(Attribute Value)" title="Attribute Value">
+         </th>
+     <th>Delete?</th>
+     </tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+        <tr class="form-row row1  empty-form" id="serviceattributes-empty">
+        <td class="original">
+          <input id="id_serviceattributes-__prefix__-id" name="serviceattributes-__prefix__-id" type="hidden">
+          <input id="id_serviceattributes-__prefix__-service" name="serviceattributes-__prefix__-service" type="hidden" value="1">
+        </td>
+              <td class="field-name">
+                  <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_serviceattributes-__prefix__-name" maxlength="128" name="serviceattributes-__prefix__-name" type="text">
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-value">
+                  <input class="vTextField form-control" id="id_serviceattributes-__prefix__-value" maxlength="1024" name="serviceattributes-__prefix__-value" type="text">
+              </td>
+          <td class="delete"></td>
+        </tr>
+     <tr class="add-row"><td colspan="4"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Add another Service attribute</a></td></tr></tbody>
+   </table>
+  </div>
+  </div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+(function($) {
+  $("#serviceattributes-group .tabular.inline-related tbody tr").tabularFormset({
+    prefix: "serviceattributes",
+    adminStaticPrefix: '/static/admin/',
+    addText: "Add another Service attribute",
+    deleteText: "Remove"
+  });
+<div class="inline-group suit-tab suit-tab-serviceprivileges hide" id="serviceprivileges-group">
+  <div class="tabular inline-related last-related">
+<input id="id_serviceprivileges-TOTAL_FORMS" name="serviceprivileges-TOTAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0" autocomplete="off"><input id="id_serviceprivileges-INITIAL_FORMS" name="serviceprivileges-INITIAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"><input id="id_serviceprivileges-MIN_NUM_FORMS" name="serviceprivileges-MIN_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"><input id="id_serviceprivileges-MAX_NUM_FORMS" name="serviceprivileges-MAX_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1000" autocomplete="off">
+<fieldset class="module">
+   <h2>Service privileges</h2>
+  <div class="panel-border">
+   <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-primary">
+     <thead><tr>
+         <th colspan="1">
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">User
+         </th>
+         <th class="required">Role
+         </th>
+     <th>Delete?</th>
+     </tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+        <tr class="form-row row1  empty-form" id="serviceprivileges-empty">
+        <td class="original">
+          <input id="id_serviceprivileges-__prefix__-id" name="serviceprivileges-__prefix__-id" type="hidden">
+          <input id="id_serviceprivileges-__prefix__-service" name="serviceprivileges-__prefix__-service" type="hidden" value="1">
+        </td>
+              <td class="field-backend_status_icon">
+                  <p>  <span style="min-width:16px;" title="Pending sync, last_status = 0 - Provisioning in progress"><img src="/static/admin/img/icon_clock.gif"></span></p>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-user">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_serviceprivileges-__prefix__-user" name="serviceprivileges-__prefix__-user">
+<option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>
+<option value="1"></option>
+</select><span class="input-group-btn"><a href="/admin/core/user/add/?_to_field=id" class="add-another btn btn-default" id="add_id_serviceprivileges-__prefix__-user" onclick="return showAddAnotherPopup(this);" title="Add Another"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign color-success"></span></a></span></div>
+              </td>
+              <td class="field-role">
+                  <div class="input-group"><select class="form-control" id="id_serviceprivileges-__prefix__-role" name="serviceprivileges-__prefix__-role">
+<option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>
+              </td>
+          <td class="delete"></td>
+        </tr>
+     <tr class="add-row"><td colspan="5"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Add another Service privilege</a></td></tr></tbody>
+   </table>
+  </div>
+  </div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+(function($) {
+  $("#serviceprivileges-group .tabular.inline-related tbody tr").tabularFormset({
+    prefix: "serviceprivileges",
+    adminStaticPrefix: '/static/admin/',
+    addText: "Add another Service privilege",
+    deleteText: "Remove"
+  });
+<div class="form-buttons clearfix">
+  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-high btn-success" name="_save">Save</button>
+  <button type="submit" name="_continue" class=" btn btn-high btn-info">Save and continue editing</button>
+  <button type="submit" name="_addanother" class="btn btn-info">Save and add another</button>
+          <a href="delete/" class="text-error deletelink">Delete</a>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+(function($) {
+    var field;
+    </form>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/core/static/xos.css b/xos/core/static/xos.css
index d00e625..8315b2b 100644
--- a/xos/core/static/xos.css
+++ b/xos/core/static/xos.css
@@ -82,10 +82,6 @@
   min-height: 900px;
-.ui-tabs-panel {
-    min-height: 700px;
 #wrapper.toggled #page-content-wrapper {
     position: absolute;
     margin-right: -250px;
@@ -335,6 +331,11 @@
 border: 0px;
+.ui-tabs-panel {
+  min-height: 700px;
+  position: relative;
 .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav {
   padding: 0 !important;
@@ -1384,12 +1385,25 @@
 button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close:after {
     content: "\e014";
-/*form#vcpeservice_form ul li {
-    display: inline-block;
-    background: red;
-    margin-top: 10px;
-    width: auto;
-    padding: 10px;
-    border-radius: 5px;
+.m-cord .kind-container h2{
+  background-color: #337ab7;
+  padding: 10px;
+  color: #fff;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+.m-cord .kind-container img.img-responsive {
+  display: inline-block;
+.m-cord .kind-container .service-container{
+  height: 0px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  transition: all .5s ease-in-out;
+.m-cord .service-container{
+  height: 162px
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/core/views/ b/xos/core/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a1c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/core/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.views.generic import TemplateView, View
+from django import template
+from django.shortcuts import render
+from core.models import *
+import json
+import os
+import time
+import tempfile
+class ServiceGridView(TemplateView):
+    head_template = r"""{% extends "admin/dashboard/dashboard_base.html" %}
+       {% load admin_static %}
+       {% block content %}
+    """
+    # I hate myself for doing this
+    script = """
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        $(window).ready(function(){
+            $('.kind-container').on('click', function(){
+                $(this).toggleClass('active')
+            });
+        })
+    </script>
+    """
+    tail_template = r"{% endblock %}"
+    def get(self, request, name="root", *args, **kwargs):
+        head_template = self.head_template
+        tail_template = self.tail_template
+        html = self.script
+        html = html + '<div class="col-xs-12 m-cord">'
+        # Select the unique kind of services
+        for kind in Service.objects.values('kind').distinct():
+            html = html + '<div class="kind-container row">'
+            html = html + '<div class="col-xs-12"><h2>%s</h2></div>' % (kind["kind"])
+            # for each kind select services
+            for service in Service.objects.filter(kind=kind["kind"]):
+                image_url = service.icon_url
+                if (not image_url):
+                    image_url = "/static/primarycons_blue/gear_2.png"
+                html = html + '<div class="col-xs-4 text-center service-container">'
+                html = html + '<a href="%s">' % (service.view_url)
+                html = html + '<img class="img-responsive" src="%s">' % (image_url)
+                html = html + "<h4>" + + "</h4>"
+                html = html + '</a>'
+                html = html + "</div>"
+            html = html + "</div>"
+        html = html + "</div>"
+        t = template.Template(head_template + html + self.tail_template)
+        response_kwargs = {}
+        response_kwargs.setdefault('content_type', self.content_type)
+        return self.response_class(
+            request=request,
+            template=t,
+            **response_kwargs
+        )
diff --git a/xos/core/views/ b/xos/core/views/
index 5ce0581..874d7a4 100644
--- a/xos/core/views/
+++ b/xos/core/views/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import time
 import tempfile
 class ServiceGridView(TemplateView):
     head_template = r"""{% extends "admin/dashboard/dashboard_base.html" %}
        {% load admin_static %}
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
         html = '<table class="service-grid"><tr>'
-        icons=[]
+        icons = []
         for service in Service.objects.all():
             view_url = service.view_url
             if (not view_url):
@@ -32,27 +33,27 @@
             if (not image_url):
                 image_url = "/static/primarycons_blue/gear_2.png"
-            icons.append( {"name":, "view_url": view_url, "image_url": image_url} )
+            icons.append({"name":, "view_url": view_url, "image_url": image_url})
-        icons.append( {"name": "Tenancy Graph", "view_url": "/serviceGraph.png", "image_url": "/static/primarycons_blue/service_graph.png", "horiz_rule": True} )
-        icons.append( {"name": "Add Service", "view_url": "/admin/core/service/add/", "image_url": "/static/primarycons_blue/plus.png"} )
+        icons.append({"name": "Tenancy Graph", "view_url": "/serviceGraph.png", "image_url": "/static/primarycons_blue/service_graph.png", "horiz_rule": True})
+        icons.append({"name": "Add Service", "view_url": "/admin/core/service/add/", "image_url": "/static/primarycons_blue/plus.png"})
-        i=0
+        i = 0
         for icon in icons:
             if icon.get("horiz_rule", False):
                 html = html + "</tr><tr><td colspan=4><hr></td></tr><tr>"
-                i=0
+                i = 0
             service_name = icon["name"]
             view_url = icon["view_url"]
             image_url = icon["image_url"]
-            if (i%4) == 0:
+            if (i % 4) == 0:
                 html = html + '</tr><tr>'
             html = html + '<td width=96 height=128 valign=top align=center><a class="service-grid-icon" href="%s"><img src="%s" height=64 width=64></img></a>' % (view_url, image_url)
             html = html + '<p><a class="service-grid-icon-link" href="%s">%s</a></p></td>' % (view_url, service_name)
-            i=i+1
+            i = i+1
         html = html + '</tr></table>'
@@ -61,9 +62,11 @@
         response_kwargs = {}
         response_kwargs.setdefault('content_type', self.content_type)
         return self.response_class(
-            request = request,
-            template = t,
-            **response_kwargs)
+            request=request,
+            template=t,
+            **response_kwargs
+        )
 class ServiceGraphViewOld(TemplateView):
     #  this attempt used networkx
@@ -78,14 +81,14 @@
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
         import nxedges
-        plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
+        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
         g = nx.DiGraph()
         labels = {}
         for service in Service.objects.all():
-            if len(>8:
+            if len( > 8:
                 labels[] =[:8] + "\n" +[8:]
                 labels[] =
@@ -96,13 +99,14 @@
         pos = nx.graphviz_layout(g)
-        nxedges.xos_draw_networkx_edges(g,pos,arrow_len=30)
-        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g,pos,node_size=5000)
-        nx.draw_networkx_labels(g,pos,labels,font_size=12)
-        #plt.axis('off')
+        nxedges.xos_draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, arrow_len=30)
+        nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, node_size=5000)
+        nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, labels, font_size=12)
+        # plt.axis('off')
-        return HttpResponse(open("/tmp/foo.png","r").read(), content_type="image/png")
+        return HttpResponse(open("/tmp/foo.png", "r").read(), content_type="image/png")
 class ServiceGraphView(TemplateView):
     # this attempt just uses graphviz directly
@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@
         g = pgv.AGraph(directed=True)
-        #g.graph_attr.update(nodesep="2.5")
+        # g.graph_attr.update(nodesep="2.5")
@@ -123,8 +127,8 @@
             provided_tenants = Tenant.objects.filter(provider_service=service, subscriber_service__isnull=False)
             subscribed_tenants = Tenant.objects.filter(subscriber_service=service, provider_service__isnull=False)
             if not (provided_tenants or subscribed_tenants):
-               # nodes with no edges aren't interesting
-               continue
+                # nodes with no edges aren't interesting
+                continue
         for tenant in Tenant.objects.all():
diff --git a/xos/services/ b/xos/services/
index 8b13789..e69de29 100644
--- a/xos/services/
+++ b/xos/services/
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/mcord/ b/xos/services/mcord/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/services/mcord/
diff --git a/xos/services/mcord/ b/xos/services/mcord/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c2963be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/services/mcord/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.views.generic import TemplateView, View
+from django import template
+from core.models import *
+import json
+import os
+import time
+import tempfile
+class MCordView(TemplateView):
+    head_template = r"""{% extends "admin/dashboard/dashboard_base.html" %}
+       {% load admin_static %}
+       {% block content %}
+    """
+    tail_template = r"{% endblock %}"
+    def get(self, request, name="root", *args, **kwargs):
+        head_template = self.head_template
+        tail_template = self.tail_template
+        try:
+            hello_name = request.GET['hello_name']
+            world_name = request.GET['world_name']
+            instance_id_str = request.GET['instance_id']
+            instance_id = int(instance_id_str)
+            i = Instance.objects.get(pk=instance_id)
+            i.userData=None
+            i.instance_id=None
+            i.instance_name=None
+            i.enacted=None
+            h = Hello(name=hello_name,instance_backref=i)
+            w = World(hello=h,name=world_name)
+            t = template.Template(head_template + 'Done. New instance id: %r' + self.tail_template)
+        except KeyError:
+            html = """<form>
+                Hello string: <input type="text" name="hello_name" placeholder="Planet"><br>
+                World string: <input type="text" name="world_name" placeholder="Earth"><br>
+                Id of instance to copy: <input type="text" name="instance_id" placeholder="3"><br>
+                <input type="submit" value="Submit">
+                  </form>"""
+            t = template.Template(head_template + html + self.tail_template)
+        response_kwargs = {}
+        response_kwargs.setdefault('content_type', self.content_type)
+        return self.response_class(
+            request = request,
+            template = t,
+            **response_kwargs)
diff --git a/xos/xos/ b/xos/xos/
index c8b0b07..04b54aa 100644
--- a/xos/xos/
+++ b/xos/xos/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 from config import set_override
 config = Config()
 # Override the config from the environment. This is used leverage the LINK
 # capability of docker. It would be far better to use DNS and that can be
 # done in environments like kubernetes. Look for environment variables that
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
     config.db_port = parsed.port
 env_to_config_dict = {
-    "XOS_DB_PORT" : overrideDbSettings
+    "XOS_DB_PORT": overrideDbSettings
 for key, ofunc in env_to_config_dict.items():
@@ -30,21 +31,21 @@
 GEOIP_PATH = "/usr/share/GeoIP"
 XOS_DIR = "/opt/xos"
-DEBUG = False
+DEBUG = True
     # ('Your Name', ''),
-#LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/admin/core/user'
+# LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/admin/core/user'
 LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/admin/loggedin/'
     'default': {
-        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
+        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',  # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
         'NAME': config.db_name,                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
         # The following settings are not used with sqlite3:
         'USER': config.db_user,
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@
-#    'django.contrib.sites',
+    # 'django.contrib.sites',
     # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@
+if DJANGO_VERSION[1] >= 7:
     # if django >= 1.7, then change the admin module
     INSTALLED_APPS[INSTALLED_APPS.index('django.contrib.admin')] = 'django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig'
diff --git a/xos/xos/ b/xos/xos/
index 4c3f07d..65af931 100644
--- a/xos/xos/
+++ b/xos/xos/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import importlib
 from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
 # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
@@ -10,26 +11,57 @@
 from core.views.legacyapi import LegacyXMLRPC
 from core.views.serviceGraph import ServiceGridView, ServiceGraphView
 from services.helloworld.view import *
-#from import AnalyticsAjaxView
+from services.helloworld.view import *
+# from import AnalyticsAjaxView
 from core.models import *
 from rest_framework import generics
 from core.dashboard.sites import SitePlus
 from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
-#from core.xoslib import XOSLibDataView
+# from core.xoslib import XOSLibDataView
+# Django settings for XOS.
+from config import Config
+from config import set_override
+config = Config()
+def load_class(full_class_string):
+    """
+    dynamically load a class from a string
+    """
+    class_data = full_class_string.split(".")
+    module_path = ".".join(class_data[:-1])
+    class_str = class_data[-1]
+    module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
+    # Finally, we retrieve the Class
+    return getattr(module, class_str)
+servicePage = getattr(config, "gui_service_view_class", ServiceGridView)
+if(isinstance(servicePage, basestring)):
+    serviceClass = getattr(load_class(servicePage), "as_view")
+    serviceClass = getattr(servicePage, "as_view") = SitePlus()
-def redirect_to_apache(request):
-     """ bounce a request back to the apache server that is running on the machine """
-     apache_url = "http://%s%s" % (request.META['HOSTNAME'], request.path)
-     return HttpResponseRedirect(apache_url)
-urlpatterns = patterns('',
-    # Examples:
+def redirect_to_apache(request):
+    """ bounce a request back to the apache server that is running on the machine """
+    apache_url = "http://%s%s" % (request.META['HOSTNAME'], request.path)
+    return HttpResponseRedirect(apache_url)
+urlpatterns = patterns(
+    '',
     url(r'^observer', '', name='observer'),
     url(r'^helloworld', HelloWorldView.as_view(), name='helloWorld'),
-    url(r'^serviceGrid', ServiceGridView.as_view(), name='serviceGrid'),
+    # url(r'^mcord', MCordView.as_view(), name='mcord'),
+    url(r'^serviceGrid', serviceClass(), name='serviceGrid'),
     url(r'^serviceGraph.png', ServiceGraphView.as_view(), name='serviceGraph'),
     url(r'^hpcConfig', 'core.views.hpc_config.HpcConfig', name='hpcConfig'),
@@ -41,20 +73,19 @@
     # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
     url(r'^admin/', include(,
     url(r'^', include(,
-    #url(r'^profile/home', 'core.views.home'),
+    # url(r'^profile/home', 'core.views.home'),
-#    url(r'^admin/xoslib/(?P<name>\w+)/$', XOSLibDataView.as_view(), name="xoslib"),
+    # url(r'^admin/xoslib/(?P<name>\w+)/$', XOSLibDataView.as_view(), name="xoslib"),
     url(r'^xmlrpc/legacyapi/$', 'core.views.legacyapi.LegacyXMLRPC', name='xmlrpc'),
-#    url(r'^analytics/(?P<name>\w+)/$', AnalyticsAjaxView.as_view(), name="analytics"),
+    # url(r'^analytics/(?P<name>\w+)/$', AnalyticsAjaxView.as_view(), name="analytics"),
     url(r'^files/', redirect_to_apache),
-    #Adding in rest_framework urls
+    # Adding in rest_framework urls
     url(r'^xos/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')),
     # XOSLib rest methods
     url(r'^xoslib/', include('core.xoslib.methods', namespace='xoslib')),
   ) + get_REST_patterns() + get_hpc_REST_patterns()