split developer and cdnoperations out of welcome.html
diff --git a/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/cdnoperations.html b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/cdnoperations.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abd6af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/cdnoperations.html
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+    <div id="HPCDashboard">
+    <h1>CDN Operations View</h1>
+    <span id="hpcSummary">
+        <span class="summary-attr"><b>Allocated Slivers:</b> <span id="active-slivers-value"> </span> </span>
+        <span class="summary-attr"><b>CDN Bandwidth:</b> <span id="overall-throughput-value"> </span>  </span>
+        <span class="summary-attr-util"><b>CDN Load:</b> <span id="cpu-utilization-value"> </span>  </span>
+    </span>
+    <div id="map-us" ></div>
+    <div style="line-height: 30%"><br></div><table border=0><tr>
+    <td>Least Loaded&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+    <td bgcolor="#0000FF" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td bgcolor="#00FFFF" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td bgcolor="#00FF00" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td bgcolor="#FFFF00" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td bgcolor="#FF0000" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Most Loaded</td>
+    </tr></table>
+    </div>
+$( "#confirmNodeAdded" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false,
+                    modal: true,
+                    buttons: {
+                        Ok: function() {
+                           $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+                        }
+                    }});
+$( "#confirmNodeRemoved" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
+L.Map = L.Map.extend({
+    openPopup: function(popup) {
+        this._popup = popup;
+        return this.addLayer(popup).fire('popupopen', {
+            popup: this._popup
+        });
+    }
+//Iterate through data and find the max/min coordinates to include all of our points to start
+var map = L.map('map-us'); //.setView([0, 0], 1);
+// Great tiles, but starting to occasionally see 403 errors on certain tiles causing grey out effect
+//L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707/997/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
+// Swapping out cloudmade tiles to openstreetmap - too many grey tiles showing
+L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
+    maxZoom: 18,
+    attribution: 'Test'
+var arrayOfLatLngs = [];
+var mapData = {{ cdnData|safe }};
+log.debug( mapData );
+for ( var key in mapData ) {
+    arrayOfLatLngs.push([mapData[key]['lat'],mapData[key]['long']]);
+    log.debug( arrayOfLatLngs );
+    mapData[key]['marker'] = L.marker([mapData[key]['lat'], mapData[key]['long']], {icon: getIcon(mapData[key]['numNodes'], mapData[key]['numHPCSlivers'], 0, mapData[key]['hot']) });
+    mapData[key]['marker'].addTo(map).bindPopup(setPopupVals(key, mapData[key]));
+var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(arrayOfLatLngs);
+var popup = L.popup();
+function setPopupVals (site, siteData) {
+    var retVal = '<span class="SiteDetail"><b>' + site + '</b></span>' +
+                   '</br><a href="' + siteData['siteUrl'] + '">' + siteData['siteUrl'] + '</a>' +
+                   '</br><b>HPC Slivers: </b>' + siteData['numHPCSlivers'] +
+                   '</br><b>Total Nodes: </b>' + siteData['numNodes'] +
+//                   '</br><b>Hot: </b>' + Math.round(siteData['hot']*100) +
+                   '</br><b>Measured Load: </b>' + siteData['load'] + '%' +
+                   '<span id="addSlivers"></br><a href="#" id="addHPCSliver" data-site="' + site + '" data-availNodes="' + siteData['numNodes'] +'">Add HPC Slivers</a> </span>' +
+                   '<span id="remSlivers"><a href="#" id="remHPCSliver" data-site="' + site + '">Remove HPC Slivers</a> </span>';
+   return retVal;
+$('#map-us').on('click', '#remHPCSliver', function() {
+    $.ajax({
+        url : '/dashboardaddorremsliver/',
+        dataType : 'json',
+        data: {site: $(this).data('site'),
+               actionToDo: "rem",
+               csrfmiddlewaretoken: "{{ csrf_token }}",   // < here
+               state:"inactive" },
+        type : 'POST',
+        //success: function(response)
+        //{
+         //   alert("Successfully posted request to REMOVE sliver");
+        //},
+        complete:function(){
+            confirmDialog("Info","Removed an HPC Sliver from Site ");
+        },
+        //error:function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError){
+         //   alert("Could not request to remove HPC Sliver");
+        //}
+    });
+$('#map-us').on('click', '#addHPCSliver', function() {
+    $.ajax({
+        url : '/dashboardaddorremsliver/',
+        dataType : 'json',
+        data: {site: $(this).data('site'),
+               actionToDo: "add",
+               csrfmiddlewaretoken: "{{ csrf_token }}",   // < here
+               state:"inactive" },
+        type : 'POST',
+        success: function(response)
+        {
+            //alert("Successfully posted request to add sliver");
+        },
+        complete:function()
+        {
+            confirmDialog("Info","Added an HPC Sliver to Site ");
+        },
+        //error:function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError){
+         //   alert("error doing something");
+        //}
+    });
+  //  confirmDialog("Add HPC Slivers","Add some HPC Slivers to site " + $(this).data('site'));
+function getIcon(numNodes, numHPCSlivers, currentBW, hot) {
+    //var colorChoices = ["#007FFF", "#0000FF", "#7f00ff", "#FF00FF", "#FF007F", "#FF0000"];
+    var colorChoices = ["#0000FF", "#00FFFF", "#00FF00", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000"];
+    var ratio = hot * 100; //(numHPCSlivers/numNodes) * 100;
+    var numColors = colorChoices.length;
+    var colorBands = 100/numColors;
+    //Algorithm for color tone should consider the number of available nodes
+    // on the site, and then how much the current dedicated nodes are impacted
+    //var iconColor = 0;
+    var iconColor = colorChoices.length-1;
+    for (colorBand = 0; colorBand < numColors; colorBand ++) {
+        if (ratio < colorBands * colorBand+1) {
+            iconColor = colorBand
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (numHPCSlivers < 1) {
+        iconColor = "#7F7F7F";
+    } else {
+        iconColor = colorChoices[iconColor];
+    }
+    var icon = L.MakiMarkers.icon({icon: "star-stroked", color: iconColor , size: "s"});
+    return icon;
+function updateMaps() {
+    log.debug("Attempting to update Maps");
+    $.ajax({
+    url : '/hpcdashboard',
+    dataType : 'json',
+    type : 'GET',
+    success: function(newData)
+    {
+        log.debug("Successfully got data back...");
+        log.debug(newData);
+        log.debug("Still have old data too");
+        log.debug(mapData);
+        updateMapData(newData);
+    }
+    setTimeout(updateMaps, 30000)
+function updateMapData(newData) {
+    for ( site in newData ) {
+        var isNewSite = false;
+        //check to see if the site is new or not
+        if (site in mapData) {
+            log.debug("Site " + site + " already mapped");
+            //take ownership of marker
+            newData[site]['marker'] = mapData[site]['marker'];
+            delete mapData[site];
+            newData[site]['marker'].setIcon(getIcon(newData[site]['numNodes'], newData[site]['numHPCSlivers'],  0, newData[site]['hot']));
+            // workaround, markers currently don't have a setPopup Content method -- so have to grab object directly
+            newData[site]['marker']._popup.setContent(setPopupVals(site, newData[site]));
+        }
+        else {
+            isNewSite = true;
+            log.debug("New Site detected: " + site);
+            newData[site]['marker'] = L.marker([newData[site]['lat'], newData[site]['long']],
+                                              {icon: getIcon(newData[site]['numNodes'], newData[site]['numHPCSlivers'],  0, newData[site]['hot']) });
+            newData[site]['marker'].addTo(map).bindPopup(setPopupVals(site, newData[site])); //.openPopup();
+            log.debug("Should have added the new site");
+        }
+    }
+    // Anything still in data needs to be removed since it is no longer a valid site
+    for (remSite in mapData) {
+        log.warn("Site: " + remSite + " is no longer valid, removing from map");
+        map.removeLayer(data[remSite]['marker']);
+    }
+    mapData = newData;
+function onMapClick(e) {
+    popup
+    .setLatLng(e.latlng)
+    .setContent("You clicked the map at " + e.latlng.toString())
+    .openOn(map);
+setTimeout(updateMaps, 5000)
+// from stackexchange
+function setInnerText (elementId, text) {
+    var element;
+    if (document.getElementById) {
+        element = document.getElementById(elementId);
+    } else if (document.all) {
+        element = document.all[elementId];
+    }
+    if (element) {
+        if (typeof element.textContent != 'undefined') {
+            element.textContent = text;
+        } else if (typeof element.innerText != 'undefined') {
+            element.innerText = text;
+        } else if (typeof element.removeChild != 'undefined') {
+            while (element.hasChildNodes()) {
+                element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
+            }
+            element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)) ;
+        }
+    }
+function updateLabelData(summaryData) {
+    setInnerText("active-slivers-value", summaryData["total_slivers"]);
+    setInnerText("overall-throughput-value", (summaryData["total_bandwidth"]*8/1024/1024/1024).toFixed(2) + " Gbps");
+    setInnerText("cpu-utilization-value", summaryData["average_cpu"] + "%");
+function updateLabels() {
+    log.debug("Attempting to update Labels");
+    $.ajax({
+    url : '/hpcsummary',
+    dataType : 'json',
+    type : 'GET',
+    success: function(newData)
+    {
+        updateLabelData(newData);
+    }
+    setTimeout(updateLabels, 30000)
+setTimeout(updateLabels, 5000)
diff --git a/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d2421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<div id="developerview"></div>
+<div id="confirmNodeAdded" title="Added Node to Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
+<div id="confirmNodeRemoved" title="Removed Node from Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
+var oTable;
+function updateUserSliceTable(){
+    log.debug("Should grab user slice info");
+    jQuery.ajax({
+        async:true,
+        dataType: 'json',
+        url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+        success: function(data){
+            log.info("Got Data back for User SliceTable");
+            //parseData(data);
+            //createUserSliceTable(data);
+            setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
+        },
+        error: function(data){
+            log.debug("COULDNT GET DATA BACK");
+            setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
+        }
+    });
+function createUserSliceTable(data) {
+    log.debug("Creating User Slice Table");
+    //Add check for #dynamicusersliceinfo_filter label-> input having focus here
+    $('#developerview').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="dynamicusersliceinfo"></table>' );
+    var actualEntries = [];
+    log.debug(data['userSliceInfo']['rows'][0]['slicename']);
+    var rows = data['userSliceInfo']['rows'];
+    for (row in rows) {
+        log.debug(row[0]);
+        slicename = rows[row]['slicename'];
+        sliceid = rows[row]['sliceid'];
+        role = rows[row]['role'];
+        slivercount = rows[row]['slivercount'];
+        sitecount = rows[row]['sitecount'];
+        actualEntries.push(['<a href="http://{{request.get_host}}/admin/core/slice/' + sliceid + '">' + slicename + '</a>',
+                            role, slivercount, sitecount]);
+    }
+    oTable = $('#dynamicusersliceinfo').dataTable( {
+        "bJQueryUI": true,
+        "aaData":  actualEntries ,
+        "bStateSave": true,
+        "aoColumns": [
+            { "sTitle": "Slice" },
+            { "sTitle": "Privilege" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+            { "sTitle": "Number of Slivers" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+            { "sTitle": "Number of Sites" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
+        ]
+    } );
+    // If the filter had focus, reapply here
+    setTimeout(function() {
+       jQuery.ajax({
+           url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+           dataType: 'json',
+           success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
+           complete: function(){ },
+       });
+    },  10000);
+function initTable(){
+    log.debug("Initializing Table")
+    jQuery.ajax({
+        url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
+        dataType: 'json',
+        success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
+        complete: function(){
+        }
+    });
+    updateUserSliceTable();
diff --git a/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/welcome.html b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/welcome.html
index d8c3b70..49dd4b7 100644
--- a/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/welcome.html
+++ b/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/welcome.html
@@ -27,6 +27,17 @@
+var consoleAppender = new log4javascript.BrowserConsoleAppender();
+var patternLayout = new log4javascript.PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %l{s:l} %-5p - %m{1}%n");
+//var log  = log4javascript.getDefaultLogger();
+var log  = log4javascript.getRootLogger();
 function confirmDialog(title,msg) {
@@ -66,28 +77,13 @@
     <li><a href="#tabs-3">Historical</a></li>
     <li><a href="#tabs-4">Slice Interactions</a></li>
     <li><a href="#tabs-5">Tenant</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#tabs-6">CDN Nodes</a></lib>
 <div id="tabs-1">
+{% include "/opt/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/developer.html" %}
 <div id="tabs-2">
-    <div id="HPCDashboard">
-    <h1>CDN Operations View</h1>
-    <span id="hpcSummary">
-        <span class="summary-attr"><b>Allocated Slivers:</b> <span id="active-slivers-value"> </span> </span>
-        <span class="summary-attr"><b>Bytes Served:</b> <span id="overall-throughput-value"> </span>  </span>
-        <span class="summary-attr-util"><b>Average CPU Utilization:</b> <span id="cpu-utilization-value"> </span>  </span>
-    </span>
-    <div id="map-us" ></div>
-    <div style="line-height: 30%"><br></div><table border=0><tr>
-    <td>Least Loaded&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
-    <td bgcolor="#0000FF" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
-    <td bgcolor="#00FFFF" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
-    <td bgcolor="#00FF00" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
-    <td bgcolor="#FFFF00" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
-    <td bgcolor="#FF0000" width=40>&nbsp;</td>
-    <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Most Loaded</td>
-    </tr></table>
-    </div>
+{% include "/opt/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/cdnoperations.html" %}
 <div id="tabs-3">
 {% include "/opt/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/hpc_historical.html" %}
@@ -98,346 +94,9 @@
 <div id="tabs-5">
 {% include "/opt/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/tenant.html" %}
+<div id="tabs-6">
+{% include "/opt/planetstack/templates/admin/dashboard/cdn_nodes.html" %}
-<div id="confirmNodeAdded" title="Added Node to Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
-<div id="confirmNodeRemoved" title="Removed Node from Site"><p>Added Node to Site</p></div>
-var oTable;
-var consoleAppender = new log4javascript.BrowserConsoleAppender();
-var patternLayout = new log4javascript.PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %l{s:l} %-5p - %m{1}%n");
-//var log  = log4javascript.getDefaultLogger();
-var log  = log4javascript.getRootLogger();
-function updateUserSliceTable(){
-    log.debug("Should grab user slice info");
-    jQuery.ajax({
-        async:true,
-        dataType: 'json',
-        url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
-        success: function(data){
-            log.info("Got Data back for User SliceTable");
-            //parseData(data);
-            //createUserSliceTable(data);
-            setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
-        },
-        error: function(data){
-            log.debug("COULDNT GET DATA BACK");
-            setTimeout(function () { updateUserSliceTable() }, 5000);
-        }
-    });
-function createUserSliceTable(data) {
-    log.debug("Creating User Slice Table");
-    //Add check for #dynamicusersliceinfo_filter label-> input having focus here
-    $('#tabs-1').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="dynamicusersliceinfo"></table>' );
-    var actualEntries = [];
-    log.debug(data['userSliceInfo']['rows'][0]['slicename']);
-    var rows = data['userSliceInfo']['rows'];
-    for (row in rows) {
-        log.debug(row[0]);
-        slicename = rows[row]['slicename'];
-        sliceid = rows[row]['sliceid'];
-        role = rows[row]['role'];
-        slivercount = rows[row]['slivercount'];
-        sitecount = rows[row]['sitecount'];
-        actualEntries.push(['<a href="http://{{request.get_host}}/admin/core/slice/' + sliceid + '">' + slicename + '</a>',
-                            role, slivercount, sitecount]);
-    }
-    oTable = $('#dynamicusersliceinfo').dataTable( {
-        "bJQueryUI": true,
-        "aaData":  actualEntries ,
-        "bStateSave": true,
-        "aoColumns": [
-            { "sTitle": "Slice" },
-            { "sTitle": "Privilege" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
-            { "sTitle": "Number of Slivers" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
-            { "sTitle": "Number of Sites" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
-        ]
-    } );
-    // If the filter had focus, reapply here
-    setTimeout(function() {
-       jQuery.ajax({
-           url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
-           dataType: 'json',
-           success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
-           complete: function(){ },
-       });
-    },  10000);
-function initTable(){
-    log.debug("Initializing Table")
-    jQuery.ajax({
-        url: '/hpcdashuserslices',
-        dataType: 'json',
-        success: function(data){ createUserSliceTable(data); },
-        complete: function(){
-        }
-    });
-    updateUserSliceTable();
-$( "#confirmNodeAdded" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false,
-                    modal: true,
-                    buttons: {
-                        Ok: function() {
-                           $( this ).dialog( "close" );
-                        }
-                    }});
-$( "#confirmNodeRemoved" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
-L.Map = L.Map.extend({
-    openPopup: function(popup) {
-        this._popup = popup;
-        return this.addLayer(popup).fire('popupopen', {
-            popup: this._popup
-        });
-    }
-//Iterate through data and find the max/min coordinates to include all of our points to start
-var map = L.map('map-us'); //.setView([0, 0], 1);
-// Great tiles, but starting to occasionally see 403 errors on certain tiles causing grey out effect
-//L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707/997/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
-// Swapping out cloudmade tiles to openstreetmap - too many grey tiles showing
-L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
-    maxZoom: 18,
-    attribution: 'Test'
-var arrayOfLatLngs = [];
-var mapData = {{ cdnData|safe }};
-log.debug( mapData );
-for ( var key in mapData ) {
-    arrayOfLatLngs.push([mapData[key]['lat'],mapData[key]['long']]);
-    log.debug( arrayOfLatLngs );
-    mapData[key]['marker'] = L.marker([mapData[key]['lat'], mapData[key]['long']], {icon: getIcon(mapData[key]['numNodes'], mapData[key]['numHPCSlivers'], 0, mapData[key]['hot']) });
-    mapData[key]['marker'].addTo(map).bindPopup(setPopupVals(key, mapData[key]));
-var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(arrayOfLatLngs);
-var popup = L.popup();
-function setPopupVals (site, siteData) {
-    var retVal = '<span class="SiteDetail"><b>' + site + '</b></span>' + 
-                   '</br><a href="' + siteData['siteUrl'] + '">' + siteData['siteUrl'] + '</a>' + 
-                   '</br><b>HPC Slivers: </b>' + siteData['numHPCSlivers'] + 
-                   '</br><b>Total Nodes: </b>' + siteData['numNodes'] +
-//                   '</br><b>Hot: </b>' + Math.round(siteData['hot']*100) +
-                   '</br><b>Measured Load: </b>' + siteData['load'] + '%' +
-                   '<span id="addSlivers"></br><a href="#" id="addHPCSliver" data-site="' + site + '" data-availNodes="' + siteData['numNodes'] +'">Add HPC Slivers</a> </span>' +
-                   '<span id="remSlivers"><a href="#" id="remHPCSliver" data-site="' + site + '">Remove HPC Slivers</a> </span>';
-   return retVal;
-$('#map-us').on('click', '#remHPCSliver', function() {
-    $.ajax({
-        url : '/dashboardaddorremsliver/',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        data: {site: $(this).data('site'),
-               actionToDo: "rem",
-               csrfmiddlewaretoken: "{{ csrf_token }}",   // < here 
-               state:"inactive" },
-        type : 'POST',
-        //success: function(response)
-        //{
-         //   alert("Successfully posted request to REMOVE sliver");
-        //},
-        complete:function(){
-            confirmDialog("Info","Removed an HPC Sliver from Site ");
-        },
-        //error:function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError){
-         //   alert("Could not request to remove HPC Sliver");
-        //}
-    });
-$('#map-us').on('click', '#addHPCSliver', function() {
-    $.ajax({
-        url : '/dashboardaddorremsliver/',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        data: {site: $(this).data('site'),
-               actionToDo: "add",
-               csrfmiddlewaretoken: "{{ csrf_token }}",   // < here 
-               state:"inactive" },
-        type : 'POST',
-        success: function(response)
-        {
-            //alert("Successfully posted request to add sliver");
-        },
-        complete:function()
-        { 
-            confirmDialog("Info","Added an HPC Sliver to Site ");
-        },
-        //error:function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError){
-         //   alert("error doing something");
-        //}
-    });
-  //  confirmDialog("Add HPC Slivers","Add some HPC Slivers to site " + $(this).data('site'));
-function getIcon(numNodes, numHPCSlivers, currentBW, hot) {
-    //var colorChoices = ["#007FFF", "#0000FF", "#7f00ff", "#FF00FF", "#FF007F", "#FF0000"];
-    var colorChoices = ["#0000FF", "#00FFFF", "#00FF00", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000"];
-    var ratio = hot * 100; //(numHPCSlivers/numNodes) * 100;
-    var numColors = colorChoices.length;
-    var colorBands = 100/numColors;
-    //Algorithm for color tone should consider the number of available nodes
-    // on the site, and then how much the current dedicated nodes are impacted
-    //var iconColor = 0;
-    var iconColor = colorChoices.length-1;
-    for (colorBand = 0; colorBand < numColors; colorBand ++) {
-        if (ratio < colorBands * colorBand+1) {
-            iconColor = colorBand
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (numHPCSlivers < 1) {
-        iconColor = "#7F7F7F";
-    } else {
-        iconColor = colorChoices[iconColor];
-    }
-    var icon = L.MakiMarkers.icon({icon: "star-stroked", color: iconColor , size: "s"});
-    return icon;
-function updateMaps() {
-    log.debug("Attempting to update Maps");
-    $.ajax({
-    url : '/hpcdashboard',
-    dataType : 'json',
-    type : 'GET',
-    success: function(newData)
-    {
-        log.debug("Successfully got data back...");
-        log.debug(newData);
-        log.debug("Still have old data too");
-        log.debug(mapData);
-        updateMapData(newData);
-    }
-    setTimeout(updateMaps, 30000)
-function updateMapData(newData) {
-    for ( site in newData ) {
-        var isNewSite = false;
-        //check to see if the site is new or not
-        if (site in mapData) {
-            log.debug("Site " + site + " already mapped");
-            //take ownership of marker
-            newData[site]['marker'] = mapData[site]['marker'];
-            delete mapData[site];
-            newData[site]['marker'].setIcon(getIcon(newData[site]['numNodes'], newData[site]['numHPCSlivers'],  0, newData[site]['hot']));
-            // workaround, markers currently don't have a setPopup Content method -- so have to grab object directly
-            newData[site]['marker']._popup.setContent(setPopupVals(site, newData[site]));
-        }
-        else {
-            isNewSite = true;
-            log.debug("New Site detected: " + site);
-            newData[site]['marker'] = L.marker([newData[site]['lat'], newData[site]['long']], 
-                                              {icon: getIcon(newData[site]['numNodes'], newData[site]['numHPCSlivers'],  0, newData[site]['hot']) });
-            newData[site]['marker'].addTo(map).bindPopup(setPopupVals(site, newData[site])); //.openPopup();
-            log.debug("Should have added the new site");
-        }
-    }
-    // Anything still in data needs to be removed since it is no longer a valid site
-    for (remSite in mapData) {
-        log.warn("Site: " + remSite + " is no longer valid, removing from map");
-        map.removeLayer(data[remSite]['marker']);
-    }
-    mapData = newData;
-function onMapClick(e) {
-    popup
-    .setLatLng(e.latlng)
-    .setContent("You clicked the map at " + e.latlng.toString())
-    .openOn(map);
-setTimeout(updateMaps, 5000)
-// from stackexchange
-function setInnerText (elementId, text) {
-    var element;
-    if (document.getElementById) {
-        element = document.getElementById(elementId);
-    } else if (document.all) {
-        element = document.all[elementId];
-    }
-    if (element) {
-        if (typeof element.textContent != 'undefined') {
-            element.textContent = text;
-        } else if (typeof element.innerText != 'undefined') {
-            element.innerText = text;
-        } else if (typeof element.removeChild != 'undefined') {
-            while (element.hasChildNodes()) {
-                element.removeChild(element.lastChild);
-            }
-            element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)) ;
-        }
-    }
-function updateLabelData(summaryData) {
-    setInnerText("active-slivers-value", summaryData["total_slivers"]);
-    setInnerText("overall-throughput-value", (summaryData["total_bandwidth"]*8/1024/1024/1024).toFixed(2) + " Gbps");
-    setInnerText("cpu-utilization-value", summaryData["average_cpu"] + "%");
-function updateLabels() {
-    log.debug("Attempting to update Labels");
-    $.ajax({
-    url : '/hpcsummary',
-    dataType : 'json',
-    type : 'GET',
-    success: function(newData)
-    {
-        updateLabelData(newData);
-    }
-    setTimeout(updateLabels, 30000)
-setTimeout(updateLabels, 5000)
 {% endblock %}