added add_external_route(), delete_external_route()
diff --git a/plstackapi/openstack/ b/plstackapi/openstack/
index 640176f..2b0b8e2 100644
--- a/plstackapi/openstack/
+++ b/plstackapi/openstack/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import commands
 from plstackapi.planetstack.config import Config
 from plstackapi.openstack.client import OpenStackClient
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@
                                  'dns_nameservers': ['', ''],
                                  'allocation_pools': allocation_pools}}          
             subnet =['subnet']
+            self.add_external_route(subnet)
         # TODO: Add route to external network
         # e.g. #  route add -net dev br-ex gw 
         return subnet
@@ -218,7 +219,64 @@
             if subnet['id'] == id:
-        return
+                self.delete_external_route(subnet)
+        return 1
+    def add_external_route(self, subnet):
+        ports =['ports']
+        gw_ip = subnet['gateway_ip']
+        subnet_id = subnet['id']
+        # 1. Find the port associated with the subnet's gateway
+        # 2. Find the router associated with that port
+        # 3. Find the port associated with this router and on the external net
+        # 4. Set up route to the subnet through the port from step 3
+        ip_address = None
+        for port in ports:
+            for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
+                if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] == subnet_id and fixed_ip['ip_address'] == gw_ip:
+                    gw_port = port
+                    router_id = gw_port['device_id']
+                    router =['router']
+                    ext_net = router['external_gateway_info']['network_id']
+                    for port in ports:
+                        if port['device_id'] == router_id and port['network_id'] == ext_net:
+                            ip_address = port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
+        if ip_address:
+            cmd = "route add -net %s dev br-ex gw %s" % (subnet['cidr'], ip_address)
+            commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        return 1
+    def delete_external_route(self, subnet):
+        ports =['ports']
+        gw_ip = subnet['gateway_ip']
+        subnet_id = subnet['id']
+        # 1. Find the port associated with the subnet's gateway
+        # 2. Find the router associated with that port
+        # 3. Find the port associated with this router and on the external net
+        # 4. Set up route to the subnet through the port from step 3
+        ip_address = None
+        for port in ports:
+            for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
+                if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] == subnet_id and fixed_ip['ip_address'] == gw_ip:
+                    gw_port = port
+                    router_id = gw_port['device_id']
+                    router =['router']
+                    ext_net = router['external_gateway_info']['network_id']
+                    for port in ports:
+                        if port['device_id'] == router_id and port['network_id'] == ext_net:
+                            ip_address = port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
+        if ip_address:
+            cmd = "route delete -net %s" % (subnet['cidr'])
+            commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        return 1
     def create_keypair(self, name, key):
         keys =