blob: 36df6ebf64f59370f2d5233fc4edde8c39c390bd [file] [log] [blame]
if (! window.XOSLIB_LOADED ) {
SLIVER_API = "/plstackapi/slivers/";
SLICE_API = "/plstackapi/slices/";
SLICEROLE_API = "/plstackapi/slice_roles/";
NODE_API = "/plstackapi/nodes/";
SITE_API = "/plstackapi/sites/";
USER_API = "/plstackapi/users/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/user_deployments/";
DEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/deployments/";
IMAGE_API = "/plstackapi/images/";
NETWORKTEMPLATE_API = "/plstackapi/networktemplates/";
NETWORK_API = "/plstackapi/networks/";
NETWORKSLIVER_API = "/plstackapi/networkslivers/";
SERVICE_API = "/plstackapi/services/";
SLICEPRIVILEGE_API = "/plstackapi/slice_privileges/";
NETWORKDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/networkdeployments/";
/* changed as a side effect of the big rename
SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/slice_deployments/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/user_deployments/";
SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/slicedeployments/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/userdeployments/";
SLICEPLUS_API = "/xoslib/slicesplus/";
XOSModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
//idAttribute: 'resource_uri',
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function() {
var url = this.attributes.resource_uri;
if (!url) {
if ( {
url = this.urlRoot +;
} else {
// this happens when creating a new model.
url = this.urlRoot;
if (!url) {
// XXX I'm not sure this does anything useful
url = ( _.isFunction( this.collection.url ) ? this.collection.url() : this.collection.url );
url = url || this.urlRoot;
// remove any existing query parameters
url && ( url.indexOf("?") > -1 ) && ( url = url.split("?")[0] );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
XOSCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
objects: function() {
return { return element.attributes; });
initialize: function(){
this.isLoaded = false;
this.failedLoad = false;
this.startedLoad = false;
this.sortVar = 'name';
this.sortOrder = 'asc';
this.on( "sort", this.sorted );
relatedCollections: [],
foreignCollections: [],
sorted: function() {
//console.log("sorted " + this.modelName);
simpleComparator: function( model ){
result = model.get(parts[0]);
for (index=1; index<parts.length; ++index) {
return result;
comparator: function (left, right) {
var l = this.simpleComparator(left);
var r = this.simpleComparator(right);
if (l === void 0) return -1;
if (r === void 0) return 1;
if (this.sortOrder=="desc") {
return l < r ? 1 : l > r ? -1 : 0;
} else {
return l < r ? -1 : l > r ? 1 : 0;
fetchSuccess: function(collection, response, options) {
this.failedLoad = false;
if (!this.isLoaded) {
this.isLoaded = true;
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options["orig_success"]) {
options["orig_success"](collection, response, options);
fetchFailure: function(collection, response, options) {
if ((!this.isLoaded) && (!this.failedLoad)) {
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options["orig_failure"]) {
options["orig_failure"](collection, response, options);
fetch: function(options) {
var self=this;
if (!this.startedLoad) {
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options == undefined) {
options = {};
options["orig_success"] = options["success"];
options["orig_failure"] = options["failure"];
options["success"] = function(collection, response, options) {, collection, response, options); };
options["failure"] = this.fetchFailure;, options);
startPolling: function() {
if (!this._polling) {
var collection=this;
setInterval(function() { collection.fetch(); }, 10000);
maybeFetch: function(options){
// Helper function to fetch only if this collection has not been fetched before.
// If this has already been fetched, call the success, if it exists
options.success && options.success();
// when the original success function completes mark this collection as fetched
var self = this,
successWrapper = function(success){
return function(){
self._fetched = true;
success && success.apply(this, arguments);
options.success = successWrapper(options.success);
console.log("call fetch");
getOrFetch: function(id, options){
// Helper function to use this collection as a cache for models on the server
var model = this.get(id);
options.success && options.success(model);
model = new this.model({
resource_uri: id
filterBy: function(fieldName, value) {
filtered = this.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.get(fieldName) == value;
return new this.constructor(filtered);
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function( models ) {
var url = this.urlRoot || ( models && models.length && models[0].urlRoot );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
// Build a url to retrieve a set of models. This assume the last part of each model's idAttribute
// (set to 'resource_uri') contains the model's id.
if ( models && models.length ) {
var ids = models, function( model ) {
var parts = _.compact('/') );
return parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
url += 'set/' + ids.join(';') + '/';
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
function define_model(lib, attrs) {
modelName = attrs.modelName;
modelClassName = modelName;
collectionClassName = modelName + "Collection";
collectionName = modelName + "s";
modelAttrs = {}
collectionAttrs = {}
for (key in attrs) {
value = attrs[key];
if ($.inArray(key, ["urlRoot", "modelName"])>=0) {
modelAttrs[key] = value;
if ($.inArray(key, ["urlRoot", "modelName", "relatedCollections", "foreignCollections"])>=0) {
collectionAttrs[key] = value;
if (xosdefaults && xosdefaults[modelName]) {
modelAttrs["defaults"] = xosdefaults[modelName];
lib[modelName] = XOSModel.extend(modelAttrs);
collectionAttrs["model"] = lib[modelName];
lib[collectionClassName] = XOSCollection.extend(collectionAttrs);
lib[collectionName] = new lib[collectionClassName]();
function xoslib() {
this.allCollectionNames = [];
this.allCollections = [];
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLIVER_API,
relatedCollections: {"networkSlivers": "sliver"},
foreignCollections: ["slices", "deployments", "images", "nodes", "users"],
modelName: "sliver"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICE_API,
relatedCollections: {"slivers": "slice", "sliceDeployments": "slice", "slicePrivileges": "slice", "networks": "owner"},
foreignCollections: ["services", "sites"],
modelName: "slice"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API,
foreignCollections: ["slices", "deployments"],
modelName: "sliceDeployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEPRIVILEGE_API,
foreignCollections: ["slices", "users", "sliceRoles"],
modelName: "slicePrivilege"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEROLE_API,
modelName: "sliceRole"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NODE_API,
foreignCollections: ["sites", "deployments"],
modelName: "node"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SITE_API,
relatedCollections: {"users": "site", "slices": "site", "nodes": "site"},
modelName: "site"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: USER_API,
relatedCollections: {"slicePrivileges": "user", "slices": "owner", "userDeployments": "user"},
foreignCollections: ["sites"],
modelName: "user"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: USERDEPLOYMENT_API,
foreignCollections: ["users","deployments"],
modelName: "userDeployment"});
define_model(this, { urlRoot: DEPLOYMENT_API,
relatedCollections: {"nodes": "deployment", "slivers": "deploymentNetwork", "networkDeployments": "deployment", "userDeployments": "deployment"},
modelName: "deployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: IMAGE_API,
model: this.image,
modelName: "image"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKTEMPLATE_API,
modelName: "networkTemplate"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORK_API,
relatedCollections: {"networkDeployments": "network", "networkSlivers": "network"},
foreignCollections: ["slices", "networkTemplates"],
modelName: "network"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKSLIVER_API,
modelName: "networkSliver"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKDEPLOYMENT_API,
modelName: "networkDeployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SERVICE_API,
modelName: "service"});
// enhanced REST
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEPLUS_API,
relatedCollections: {'slivers': "slice"},
modelName: "slicePlus"});
this.listObjects = function() { return this.allCollectionNames; };
this.getCollectionStatus = function() {
stats = {isLoaded: 0, failedLoad: 0, startedLoad: 0};
for (index in this.allCollections) {
collection = this.allCollections[index];
if (collection.isLoaded) {
stats["isLoaded"] = stats["isLoaded"] + 1;
if (collection.failedLoad) {
stats["failedLoad"] = stats["failedLoad"] + 1;
if (collection.startedLoad) {
stats["startedLoad"] = stats["startedLoad"] + 1;
stats["completedLoad"] = stats["failedLoad"] + stats["isLoaded"];
return stats;
xos = new xoslib();
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
(function() {
var _sync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options){
options.beforeSend = function(xhr){
var token = getCookie("csrftoken");
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', token);
return _sync(method, model, options);