resolve merge conflict
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/disable-onboarding.yaml b/xos/configurations/common/disable-onboarding.yaml
similarity index 92%
rename from xos/configurations/cord-pod/disable-onboarding.yaml
rename to xos/configurations/common/disable-onboarding.yaml
index 0dd1ded..acb75c8 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/disable-onboarding.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/common/disable-onboarding.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,5 @@
         no-create: true
         no-delete: true
-        no-update: true
         enable_build: false
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/enable-onboarding.yaml b/xos/configurations/common/enable-onboarding.yaml
similarity index 92%
rename from xos/configurations/cord-pod/enable-onboarding.yaml
rename to xos/configurations/common/enable-onboarding.yaml
index b31ac1d..98e433c 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/enable-onboarding.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/common/enable-onboarding.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,5 @@
         no-create: true
         no-delete: true
-        no-update: true
         enable_build: true
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/Makefile b/xos/configurations/cord-pod/Makefile
index f3d6a7e..1d5f68c 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord-pod/Makefile
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord-pod/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 	echo "[ONBOARDING]"
 	# on-board any services here
 	bash ../common/ 81 xos
-	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/cord-pod/disable-onboarding.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/common/disable-onboarding.yaml
 	sudo cp id_rsa key_import/vsg_rsa
 	sudo cp key_import/
 	sudo cp id_rsa key_import/volt_rsa
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/fabric/fabric-onboard.yaml
 	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/vtr/vtr-onboard.yaml
 	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/cord-pod/synchronizers.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/cord-pod/enable-onboarding.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/common/enable-onboarding.yaml
 	bash ../common/ 81 services/vrouter
 	bash ../common/ 81 services/volt
 	bash ../common/ 81 services/vsg
@@ -73,16 +73,27 @@
 new-nodes: clean-nodes update-nodes vtn
-	sudo cp id_rsa key_import/exampleservice_rsa
-	sudo cp key_import/
-	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/onboard/exampleservice/exampleservice-onboard.yaml
-	bash ../common/ 81 xos
-	bash ../common/ 80
+exampleservice: onboard-exampleservice
 	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /root/setup/pod-exampleservice.yaml
-cord-ceilometer: ceilometer_custom_images cord
-	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/ /root/setup/ceilometer.yaml
+	sudo cp id_rsa key_import/exampleservice_rsa
+	sudo cp key_import/
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/exampleservice/exampleservice-onboard.yaml
+	bash ../common/ 81 services/exampleservice
+	bash ../common/ 81 xos
+	bash ../common/ 80
+cord-ceilometer: ceilometer_custom_images cord onboard-ceilometer
+	sudo docker-compose  -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /root/setup/ceilometer.yaml
+	sudo cp id_rsa key_import/monitoring_channel_rsa
+	sudo cp key_import/
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/ceilometer/ceilometer-onboard.yaml
+	bash ../common/ 81 services/ceilometer
+	bash ../common/ 81 xos
+	bash ../common/ 80
 	export SETUPDIR=.; bash ../common/
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
index 9eafa61..9807e5d 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 MYIP:=$(shell hostname -i)
+CONFIG_DIR:=$(shell pwd)
 	CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION truncate_tables(username IN VARCHAR) RETURNS void AS $$$$
@@ -16,13 +22,40 @@
 prepare: xos
-	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm install --production"
-	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_1 pip install dredd_hooks
+	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_ui_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm install --production"
+	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_ui_1 pip install dredd_hooks
+xos: prereqs bootstrap onboarding
 	sudo make -f ../common/Makefile.prereqs
-	sudo docker-compose up -d
-	bash ../common/
+	echo "[BOOTSTRAP]"
+	sudo rm -f onboarding-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f docker-compose-bootstrap.yml up -d
+	bash ../common/ 9998
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run -e CONFIG_DIR=$(CONFIG_DIR) xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/test-standalone/xos.yaml
+	echo "[ONBOARDING]"
+	bash ../common/ 9998 xos
+	sudo bash -c "echo somekey > key_import/vsg_rsa"
+	sudo bash -c "echo somekey > key_import/"
+	sudo bash -c "echo somekey > key_import/volt_rsa"
+	sudo bash -c "echo somekey > key_import/"
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/common/disable-onboarding.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/vrouter/vrouter-onboard.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/volt/volt-onboard.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/vsg/vsg-onboard.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/onboard/vtr/vtr-onboard.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ None /opt/xos/configurations/common/enable-onboarding.yaml
+	bash ../common/ 9998 services/vrouter
+	bash ../common/ 9998 services/volt
+	bash ../common/ 9998 services/vsg
+	bash ../common/ 9998 services/vtr
+	bash ../common/ 9998 xos
+	bash ../common/ 9999
 	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_db_1 psql -U postgres -d xos -c "$$TRUNCATE_FN" >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -31,43 +64,47 @@
 	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_db_1 psql -U postgres -d xos -c "SELECT setval('core_deployment_id_seq', 1)" >/dev/null 2>&1
 	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_db_1 psql -U postgres -d xos -c "SELECT setval('core_flavor_id_seq', 1)" >/dev/null 2>&1
 	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_db_1 psql -U postgres -d xos -c "SELECT setval('core_service_id_seq', 1)" >/dev/null 2>&1
-	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/ --noobserver --nomodelpolicy loaddata /opt/xos/core/fixtures/core_initial_data.json
-	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/mydeployment.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/sample.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/ --noobserver --nomodelpolicy loaddata /opt/xos/core/fixtures/core_initial_data.json
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/mydeployment.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/sample.yaml
 test: restore-initial-db-status
-	sudo docker cp ../../../apiary.apib teststandalone_xos_1:/opt/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib
-	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm test"
+	sudo docker cp ../../../apiary.apib teststandalone_xos_ui_1:/opt/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib
+	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_ui_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm test"
 test-tosca: restore-initial-db-status
-	sudo docker-compose run xos bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tosca/tests; python ./"
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tosca/tests; python ./"
 	cd ../../../containers/xos; make base
 devel-container: base-container
 	cd ../../../containers/xos; make devel
+	cd ../../../containers/synchronizer; make
+	cd ../../../containers/onboarding_synchronizer; make
 containers: devel-container
 	cd ../../../containers/xos; make test
-	sudo docker-compose stop
+	test ! -s $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) || sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) stop
+	sudo docker-compose -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) stop
 	sudo docker-compose logs
 rm: stop
-	sudo docker-compose rm -f
+	test ! -s $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) || sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) rm
+	sudo docker-compose -p $(DOCKER_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) rm
 	sudo docker rm -f $(shell sudo docker ps -aq)
-	sudo docker exec -ti teststandalone_xos_1 bash
+	sudo docker exec -ti teststandalone_xos_ui_1 bash
 	sudo docker exec -ti teststandalone_xos_db_1 bash
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a43f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+    image: xosproject/xos-postgres
+    expose:
+        - "5432"
+    image: xosproject/xos
+    command: python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations
+    ports:
+        - "9998:9998"
+    links:
+        - xos_db
+    volumes:
+      - ../common/xos_common_config:/opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_common_config
+      - ../vtn/files/xos_vtn_config:/opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_vtn_config:ro
+    image: xosproject/xos-synchronizer-onboarding
+    command: bash -c "cd /opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding; ./"
+#    command: sleep 86400
+    labels:
+        org.xosproject.kind: synchronizer
+ onboarding
+    links:
+        - xos_db
+    volumes:
+#        - .:/root/setup:ro
+        - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
+        - ./key_import:/opt/xos/key_import:ro
+        - ./onboarding-docker-compose:/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose
+    log_driver: "json-file"
+    log_opt:
+            max-size: "100k"
+            max-file: "5"
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b87ed..0000000
--- a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-    image: xosproject/xos-postgres
-    expose:
-        - "5432"
-#    image: xosproject/xos-swarm-synchronizer
-#    labels:
-#        org.xosproject.kind: synchronizer
-# swarm
-    image: xosproject/xos-test
-    command: python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations
-    #command: sleep 86400    # For interactive session
-    ports:
-        - "9999:8000"
-    links:
-        - xos_db
-    volumes:
-      - ../common/xos_common_config:/opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_common_config
-      - ../../core/xoslib:/opt/xos/core/xoslib
-      - ../../core/static:/opt/xos/core/static
-      - ../../templates/admin:/opt/xos/templates/admin
-      - ../../configurations:/opt/xos/configurations
-      - ../../tests:/opt/xos/tests
-      - ../../api:/opt/xos/api
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/xos.yaml b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/xos.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62331d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/xos.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
+description: Onboard the exampleservice
+   - custom_types/xos.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    xos:
+      type: tosca.nodes.XOS
+      properties:
+        ui_port: 9999
+        bootstrap_ui_port: 9998
+        docker_project_name: teststandalone
+        frontend_only: true
+        source_ui_image: xosproject/xos-test
+    /opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_common_config:
+      type: tosca.nodes.XOSVolume
+      properties:
+          host_path: { path_join: [ SELF, CONFIG_DIR, ../common/xos_common_config, ENV_VAR ] }
+          read_only: false
+      requirements:
+          - xos:
+             node: xos
+             relationship: tosca.relationships.UsedByXOS
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index 01c9514..ea53bd1 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
     docker_project_name = StrippedCharField(max_length=200, help_text="docker project name")
     enable_build = models.BooleanField(help_text="True if Onboarding Synchronizer should build XOS as necessary", default=True)
     frontend_only = models.BooleanField(help_text="If True, XOS will not start synchronizer containers", default=False)
+    source_ui_image = StrippedCharField(max_length=200, default="xosproject/xos")
     def __unicode__(self):  return u'%s' % (
diff --git a/xos/services/ceilometer/ b/xos/services/ceilometer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/ceilometer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/ b/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3dd15..0000000
--- a/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.db import models, migrations
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('core', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='CeilometerService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'Ceilometer Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='MonitoringChannel',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.tenantwithcontainer',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='SFlowService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'sFlow Collection Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='SFlowTenant',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.tenant',),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/ b/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/xos/services/ceilometer/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/xos/services/fabric/ b/xos/services/fabric/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/fabric/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/onos/ b/xos/services/onos/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/onos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/onos/migrations/ b/xos/services/onos/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df9da7..0000000
--- a/xos/services/onos/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.db import models, migrations
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('core', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='ONOSApp',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.tenant',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='ONOSService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'ONOS Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/xos/services/onos/migrations/ b/xos/services/onos/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/xos/services/onos/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/xos/services/vrouter/ b/xos/services/vrouter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vrouter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/ b/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index f11fc91..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.db import models, migrations
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('core', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='VRouterService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'vRouter Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='VRouterTenant',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.tenant',),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/ b/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vrouter/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/xos/services/vtn/ b/xos/services/vtn/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtn/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/vtn/migrations/ b/xos/services/vtn/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90bf43f..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtn/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.db import models, migrations
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('core', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='VTNService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'VTN Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/xos/services/vtn/migrations/ b/xos/services/vtn/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtn/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/xos/services/vtr_old/ b/xos/services/vtr_old/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtr_old/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/ b/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index 540eccb..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from django.db import models, migrations
-class Migration(migrations.Migration):
-    dependencies = [
-        ('core', '0001_initial'),
-    ]
-    operations = [
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='VTRService',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'verbose_name': 'vTR Service',
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.service',),
-        ),
-        migrations.CreateModel(
-            name='VTRTenant',
-            fields=[
-            ],
-            options={
-                'proxy': True,
-            },
-            bases=('core.tenant',),
-        ),
-    ]
diff --git a/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/ b/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/xos/services/vtr_old/migrations/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/steps/ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/steps/
index dec7a34..567e0ad 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/steps/
+++ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/steps/
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
     def sync_record(self, xos):"Sync'ing XOS %s" % xos)
+        if not xos.docker_project_name:
+            raise Exception("xos.docker_project_name is not set")
         if (not xos.enable_build):
             raise DeferredException("XOS build is currently disabled")
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
index e7a3e1c..51499bd 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
+++ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
     SYNC_ALLCONTROLLER_KINDS=["models", "django_library"]
     def __init__(self):
-        self.source_ui_image = "xosproject/xos"
         self.source_sync_image = "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-openstack"
         self.build_dir = "/opt/xos/BUILD/"
@@ -183,12 +182,13 @@
             file(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "opt/xos/xos/%s_xosbuilder_migration_list") % name, "w").write("\n".join(migration_list)+"\n")
     def create_ui_dockerfile(self):
+        xos = XOS.objects.all()[0]
         dockerfile_fn = "Dockerfile.UI"
         app_list = []
         migration_list = []
-        dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % self.source_ui_image]
+        dockerfile = ["FROM %s" % xos.source_ui_image]
         script = []
         for controller in ServiceController.objects.all():
             if self.check_controller_unready(controller):
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4 b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
index ef852af..04d7641 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Docker project name
+            source_ui_image:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Source UI docker image name
                 type: boolean
                 required: false
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
index 93dad18..e52c0e1 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Docker project name
+            source_ui_image:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Source UI docker image name
                 type: boolean
                 required: false
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index b397686..86aa8a8 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 class XOSXOS(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.XOS"
     xos_model = XOS
-    copyin_props = ["ui_port", "bootstrap_ui_port", "docker_project_name", "enable_build", "frontend_only"]
+    copyin_props = ["ui_port", "bootstrap_ui_port", "docker_project_name", "enable_build", "frontend_only", "source_ui_image"]
 class XOSVolume(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.XOSVolume"