changes made to the ubuntu14-vcpe image to disable resolvconf
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
index 18a56da..cb8f92b 100644
--- a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
@@ -61,8 +61,14 @@
- name: make sure /etc/dnsmasq.d exists
file: path=/etc/dnsmasq.d state=directory owner=root group=root
- - name: Disable resolvconf updates (to avoid overwriting /etc/resolv.conf on host)
- shell: service resolvconf disable-updates
+ - name: Disable resolvconf service
+ shell: service resolvconf stop
+ shell: echo manual > /etc/init/resolvconf.override
+ shell: rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
+ - name: Install resolv.conf
+ copy src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/files/vm-resolv.conf
+ dest=/etc/resolv.conf
{% endif %}
- name: vCPE upstart