blob: 6da60da5a552c236b500712f383b88f315d3ac89 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This is an example that uses xoslib + datatables to display the developer
For an example that uses xoslib + marionette, see xosDeveloper.js
function updateSliceTable(data) {
$('#developerView').html( '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="dynamicusersliceinfo"></table>' );
var actualEntries = [];
for (rowkey in data.models) {
row = data.models[rowkey];
slicename = row.get("name");
sliceid = row.get("id");
role = row.get("sliceInfo").roles[0] || "";
slivercount = row.get("sliceInfo").sliverCount;
sitecount = row.get("sliceInfo").siteCount;
actualEntries.push(['<a href="/admin/core/slice/' + sliceid + '">' + slicename + '</a>',
role, slivercount, sitecount]);
oTable = $('#dynamicusersliceinfo').dataTable( {
"bJQueryUI": true,
"aaData": actualEntries ,
"bStateSave": true,
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "Slice" },
{ "sTitle": "Privilege" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
{ "sTitle": "Number of Slivers" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
{ "sTitle": "Number of Sites" , sClass: "alignCenter"},
} );
xos.slicesPlus.on("change", function() { console.log("change"); updateSliceTable(xos.slicesPlus); });
xos.slicesPlus.on("remove", function() { console.log("sort"); updateSliceTable(xos.slicesPlus); });
xos.slicesPlus.on("sort", function() { console.log("sort"); updateSliceTable(xos.slicesPlus); });