Added generic depth first search for parallel execution
diff --git a/planetstack/ec2_observer/ b/planetstack/ec2_observer/
index a2c9389..6d28f4a 100644
--- a/planetstack/ec2_observer/
+++ b/planetstack/ec2_observer/
@@ -10,6 +10,103 @@
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
+# Assumes that there are no empty dependencies
+# in the graph. E.g. Foo -> []
+def dfs(graph, visit):
+ nodes = graph.keys()
+ edge_nodes = set()
+ for n in nodes:
+ edge_nodes|=set(graph[n])
+ print 'Edge nodes=',edge_nodes
+ print 'Nodes=',nodes
+ sinks = list(edge_nodes - set(nodes))
+ sources = list(set(nodes) - edge_nodes)
+ print 'Sinks =',sinks
+ print 'Sources =',sources
+ nodes.extend(sinks)
+ for s in sinks:
+ graph[s]=[]
+ visited = set(sources)
+ stack = sources
+ while stack:
+ current = stack.pop()
+ visit(current)
+ for node in graph[current]:
+ if node not in visited:
+ stack.append(node)
+ visited.add(node)
+# Topological sort + find connected components
+# Notes:
+# - Uses a stack instead of recursion
+# - Forfeits optimization involving tracking currently visited nodes
+def toposort_with_components(g, steps=None):
+ # Get set of all nodes, including those without outgoing edges
+ keys = set(g.keys())
+ values = set({})
+ for v in g.values():
+ values=values | set(v)
+ all_nodes=list(keys|values)
+ if (not steps):
+ steps = all_nodes
+ # Final order
+ order = {}
+ # Index of newest component
+ cidx = 0
+ # DFS stack, not using recursion
+ stack = []
+ # Unmarked set
+ unmarked = all_nodes
+ # visiting = [] - skip, don't expect 1000s of nodes, |E|/|V| is small
+ while unmarked:
+ stack.insert(0,unmarked[0]) # push first unmarked
+ while (stack):
+ n = stack[0]
+ add = True
+ try:
+ for m in g[n]:
+ if (m in unmarked):
+ if (m not in stack):
+ add = False
+ stack.insert(0,m)
+ else:
+ # Should not happen, if so there's a loop
+ print 'Loop at %s'%m
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if (add):
+ if (n in steps):
+ order.append(n)
+ item = stack.pop(0)
+ unmarked.remove(item)
+ noorder = list(set(steps) - set(order))
+ # Steps that do not have an order get pushed as
+ # separate components that run in parallel.
+ for s in noorder:
+ order['%d'%cidx] = [s]
+ cidx+=1
+ return order + noorder
# Topological sort
# Notes:
# - Uses a stack instead of recursion