| * Visit http://guide.xosproject.org/devguide/addview/ for more information |
| * Created by teone on 3/24/16. |
| describe('The NoHyperlinks factory', () => { |
| let httpProviderObj, httpBackend, http, noHyperlinks; |
| httpProviderObj = $httpProvider; |
| inject(function (_$httpBackend_, _$http_, _NoHyperlinks_) { |
| httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; |
| noHyperlinks = _NoHyperlinks_ |
| httpProviderObj.interceptors.push('NoHyperlinks'); |
| it('should set NoHyperlinks interceptor', () => { |
| expect(httpProviderObj.interceptors).toContain('NoHyperlinks'); |
| it('should attach ?no_hyperlinks=1 to the request url', () => { |
| let result = noHyperlinks.request({url: 'sample.url'}); |
| expect(result.url).toEqual('sample.url?no_hyperlinks=1'); |
| it('should NOT attach ?no_hyperlinks=1 to the request url if is HTML', () => { |
| let result = noHyperlinks.request({url: 'sample.html'}); |
| expect(result.url).toEqual('sample.html'); |