Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/containers/xos/Dockerfile b/containers/xos/Dockerfile
index dc9a638..c70085f 100644
--- a/containers/xos/Dockerfile
+++ b/containers/xos/Dockerfile
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     django-crispy-forms \
     django-encrypted-fields \
     django-extensions \
-    django-filter \
+    django-filter==0.11.0 \
     django-geoposition \
     django-ipware \
     django_rest_swagger \
diff --git a/containers/xos/Dockerfile.templ b/containers/xos/Dockerfile.templ
index 216ceb5..4bb201e 100644
--- a/containers/xos/Dockerfile.templ
+++ b/containers/xos/Dockerfile.templ
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     django-encrypted-fields \
     django_evolution \
     django-extensions \
-    django-filter \
+    django-filter==0.11.0 \
     django-geoposition \
     django-ipware \
     django_rest_swagger \
diff --git a/xos/configurations/common/Dockerfile.common b/xos/configurations/common/Dockerfile.common
index d78585a..ac8931f 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/common/Dockerfile.common
+++ b/xos/configurations/common/Dockerfile.common
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 RUN pip install djangorestframework==2.4.4
 RUN pip install markdown  # Markdown support for the browseable API.
 RUN pip install pyyaml    # YAML content-type support.
-RUN pip install django-filter  # Filtering support
+RUN pip install django-filter==0.11.0  # Filtering support
 RUN pip install lxml  # XML manipulation library
 RUN pip install netaddr # IP Addr library
 RUN pip install pytz