Exporting Tosca from UI

Change-Id: Ie7e58ac5bd51a56d028daa1c1e2577e7723a8297
diff --git a/views/ngXosViews/serviceGrid/src/js/service_encorder.service.js b/views/ngXosViews/serviceGrid/src/js/service_encorder.service.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..485d46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/ngXosViews/serviceGrid/src/js/service_encorder.service.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * © OpenCORD
+ *
+ * Visit http://guide.xosproject.org/devguide/addview/ for more information
+ *
+ * Created by teone on 6/22/16.
+ */
+(function () {
+  'use strict';
+  /**
+   * @ngdoc service
+   * @name xos.toscaExporter.serviceGrid
+   **/
+  angular.module('xos.serviceGrid')
+    .service('ServiceEncoder', function($q, ArchiveManager, Tenants, Services){
+      const serviceTypes = {
+        fabric: 'tosca.nodes.FabricService',
+        onos: 'tosca.nodes.ONOSService',
+        vCPE: 'tosca.nodes.VSGService',
+        vOLT: 'tosca.nodes.VOLTService',
+        vROUTER: 'tosca.nodes.VRouterService',
+        VTN: 'tosca.nodes.VTNService',
+        vTR: 'tosca.nodes.Service'
+      };
+      this.formatServiceProperties = (service, toscaSpec) => {
+        const d = $q.defer();
+        const serviceName = `service#${service.name}`;
+        // create the structure to hold the service
+        toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[serviceName] = {};
+        toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[serviceName].type = serviceTypes[service.kind] || 'tosca.nodes.Service';
+        const res = {
+          properties: {
+            kind: service.kind
+          }
+        };
+        if(angular.isDefined(service.view_url)){
+          res.properties.view_url = service.view_url;
+        }
+        if(angular.isDefined(service.icon_url)){
+          res.properties.icon_url = service.icon_url;
+        }
+        if(angular.isDefined(service.private_key_fn)){
+          res.properties.private_key_fn = service.private_key_fn;
+        }
+        if(angular.isDefined(service.public_key)){
+          ArchiveManager.addFile(`${service.name}_rsa.pub`, service.public_key);
+          res.properties.public_key = '{ get_artifact: [ SELF, pubkey, LOCAL_FILE] }'
+          res['artifacts'] = {
+            pubkey: `/opt/xos/tosca/${service.name}/${service.name}_rsa.pub`
+          };
+          toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[serviceName].artifacts = res.artifacts;
+        }
+        toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[serviceName].properties = res.properties;
+        d.resolve(toscaSpec);
+        return d.promise;
+      };
+      this.getServiceRequirements = (service, toscaSpec) => {
+        const d = $q.defer();
+        Tenants.query({subscriber_service: service.id}).$promise
+          .then(tenants => {
+            const services = [];
+            // avoid multiple request for the same service
+            tenants = _.uniqBy(tenants, 'provider_service');
+            _.forEach(tenants, t => {
+              services.push(Services.get({id: t.provider_service}).$promise);
+            });
+            return $q.all(services)
+          })
+          .then((deps) => {
+            // Get the provider service and create an array of unique names
+            let requirements = _.reduce(deps, (list, d) => list.concat(d.name), []);
+            // create a object for requirements, later will parsed in Yaml
+            requirements = _.reduce(requirements, (list, r) => {
+              let name = `${r}_tenant`;
+              let obj = {};
+              obj[name] = {
+                node: `service#${r}`,
+                relationship: 'tosca.relationships.TenantOfService'
+              };
+              return list.concat(obj);
+            }, []);
+            if(requirements.length > 0){
+              // NOTE set a reference to the requirements in tosca
+              _.forEach(requirements, r => {
+                let reqName = r[Object.keys(r)[0]].node;
+                toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[reqName] = {
+                  type: 'tosca.nodes.Service',
+                  properties: {
+                    'no-create': true,
+                    'no-delete': true,
+                    'no-update': true
+                  }
+                };
+              });
+              const serviceName = `service#${service.name}`;
+              toscaSpec.topology_template.node_templates[serviceName].requirements = requirements;
+            }
+            d.resolve(toscaSpec);
+          });
+        return d.promise;
+      };
+    });