SEBA-405 Convert synchronizer framework to library

Change-Id: If8562f23dc15c7d18d7a8b040b33756708b3c5ec
diff --git a/lib/xos-synchronizer/xossynchronizer/steps/ b/lib/xos-synchronizer/xossynchronizer/steps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed656c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xos-synchronizer/xossynchronizer/steps/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import hashlib
+import os
+import socket
+import sys
+import base64
+import time
+from xosconfig import Config
+from xossynchronizer.steps.syncstep import SyncStep, DeferredException
+from xossynchronizer.ansible_helper import run_template_ssh
+from xossynchronizer.modelaccessor import *
+class SyncInstanceUsingAnsible(SyncStep):
+    # All of the following should be defined for classes derived from this
+    # base class. Examples below use VSGTenant.
+    # provides=[VSGTenant]
+    # observes=VSGTenant
+    # requested_interval=0
+    # template_name = "sync_vcpetenant.yaml"
+    def __init__(self, **args):
+        SyncStep.__init__(self, **args)
+    def skip_ansible_fields(self, o):
+        # Return True if the instance processing and get_ansible_fields stuff
+        # should be skipped. This hook is primarily for the OnosApp
+        # sync step, so it can do its external REST API sync thing.
+        return False
+    def defer_sync(self, o, reason):
+        # zdw, 2017-02-18 - is raising the exception here necessary? - seems like
+        # it's just logging the same thing twice
+"defer object", object=str(o), reason=reason, **o.tologdict())
+        raise DeferredException("defer object %s due to %s" % (str(o), reason))
+    def get_extra_attributes(self, o):
+        # This is a place to include extra attributes that aren't part of the
+        # object itself.
+        return {}
+    def get_instance(self, o):
+        # We need to know what instance is associated with the object. Let's
+        # assume 'o' has a field called 'instance'. If the field is called
+        # something else, or if custom logic is needed, then override this
+        # method.
+        return o.instance
+    def get_external_sync(self, o):
+        hostname = getattr(o, "external_hostname", None)
+        container = getattr(o, "external_container", None)
+        if hostname and container:
+            return (hostname, container)
+        else:
+            return None
+    def run_playbook(self, o, fields, template_name=None):
+        if not template_name:
+            template_name = self.template_name
+        tStart = time.time()
+        run_template_ssh(template_name, fields, object=o)
+            "playbook execution time", time=int(time.time() - tStart), **o.tologdict()
+        )
+    def pre_sync_hook(self, o, fields):
+        pass
+    def post_sync_hook(self, o, fields):
+        pass
+    def sync_fields(self, o, fields):
+        self.run_playbook(o, fields)
+    def prepare_record(self, o):
+        pass
+    def get_node(self, o):
+        return o.node
+    def get_node_key(self, node):
+        # NOTE `node_key` is never defined, does it differ from `proxy_ssh_key`? the value looks to be the same
+        return Config.get("node_key")
+    def get_key_name(self, instance):
+        if instance.isolation == "vm":
+            if (
+                instance.slice
+                and instance.slice.service
+                and instance.slice.service.private_key_fn
+            ):
+                key_name = instance.slice.service.private_key_fn
+            else:
+                raise Exception("Make sure to set private_key_fn in the service")
+        elif instance.isolation == "container":
+            node = self.get_node(instance)
+            key_name = self.get_node_key(node)
+        else:
+            # container in VM
+            key_name = instance.parent.slice.service.private_key_fn
+        return key_name
+    def get_ansible_fields(self, instance):
+        # return all of the fields that tell Ansible how to talk to the context
+        # that's setting up the container.
+        if instance.isolation == "vm":
+            # legacy where container was configured by
+            fields = {
+                "instance_name":,
+                "hostname":,
+                "instance_id": instance.instance_id,
+                "username": "ubuntu",
+                "ssh_ip": instance.get_ssh_ip(),
+            }
+        elif instance.isolation == "container":
+            # container on bare metal
+            node = self.get_node(instance)
+            hostname =
+            fields = {
+                "hostname": hostname,
+                "baremetal_ssh": True,
+                "instance_name": "rootcontext",
+                "username": "root",
+                "container_name": "%s-%s" % (, str(
+                # ssh_ip is not used for container-on-metal
+            }
+        else:
+            # container in a VM
+            if not instance.parent:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM has no parent")
+            if not instance.parent.instance_id:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent is not yet instantiated")
+            if not instance.parent.slice.service:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent has no service")
+            if not instance.parent.slice.service.private_key_fn:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent service has no private_key_fn")
+            fields = {
+                "hostname":,
+                "instance_name":,
+                "instance_id": instance.parent.instance_id,
+                "username": "ubuntu",
+                "ssh_ip": instance.parent.get_ssh_ip(),
+                "container_name": "%s-%s" % (, str(,
+            }
+        key_name = self.get_key_name(instance)
+        if not os.path.exists(key_name):
+            raise Exception("Node key %s does not exist" % key_name)
+        key = file(key_name).read()
+        fields["private_key"] = key
+        # Now the ceilometer stuff
+        # Only do this if the instance is not being deleted.
+        if not instance.deleted:
+            cslice = ControllerSlice.objects.get(
+            if not cslice:
+                raise Exception(
+                    "Controller slice object for %s does not exist"
+                    %
+                )
+            cuser = ControllerUser.objects.get(
+            if not cuser:
+                raise Exception(
+                    "Controller user object for %s does not exist" % instance.creator
+                )
+            fields.update(
+                {
+                    "keystone_tenant_id": cslice.tenant_id,
+                    "keystone_user_id": cuser.kuser_id,
+                    "rabbit_user": getattr(instance.controller, "rabbit_user", None),
+                    "rabbit_password": getattr(
+                        instance.controller, "rabbit_password", None
+                    ),
+                    "rabbit_host": getattr(instance.controller, "rabbit_host", None),
+                }
+            )
+        return fields
+    def sync_record(self, o):
+"sync'ing object", object=str(o), **o.tologdict())
+        self.prepare_record(o)
+        if self.skip_ansible_fields(o):
+            fields = {}
+        else:
+            if self.get_external_sync(o):
+                # sync to some external host
+                # UNTESTED
+                (hostname, container_name) = self.get_external_sync(o)
+                fields = {
+                    "hostname": hostname,
+                    "baremetal_ssh": True,
+                    "instance_name": "rootcontext",
+                    "username": "root",
+                    "container_name": container_name,
+                }
+                key_name = self.get_node_key(node)
+                if not os.path.exists(key_name):
+                    raise Exception("Node key %s does not exist" % key_name)
+                key = file(key_name).read()
+                fields["private_key"] = key
+                # TO DO: Ceilometer stuff
+            else:
+                instance = self.get_instance(o)
+                # sync to an XOS instance
+                if not instance:
+                    self.defer_sync(o, "waiting on instance")
+                    return
+                if not instance.instance_name:
+                    self.defer_sync(o, "waiting on instance.instance_name")
+                    return
+                fields = self.get_ansible_fields(instance)
+        fields["ansible_tag"] = getattr(
+            o, "ansible_tag", o.__class__.__name__ + "_" + str(
+        )
+        # If 'o' defines a 'sync_attributes' list, then we'll copy those
+        # attributes into the Ansible recipe's field list automatically.
+        if hasattr(o, "sync_attributes"):
+            for attribute_name in o.sync_attributes:
+                fields[attribute_name] = getattr(o, attribute_name)
+        fields.update(self.get_extra_attributes(o))
+        self.sync_fields(o, fields)
+    def delete_record(self, o):
+        try:
+            # TODO: This may be broken, as get_controller() does not exist in convenience wrapper
+            controller = o.get_controller()
+            controller_register = json.loads(
+                o.node.site_deployment.controller.backend_register
+            )
+            if controller_register.get("disabled", False):
+                raise InnocuousException(
+                    "Controller %s is disabled" %
+                )
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        instance = self.get_instance(o)
+        if not instance:
+            # the instance is gone. There's nothing left for us to do.
+            return
+        if instance.deleted:
+            # the instance is being deleted. There's nothing left for us to do.
+            return
+        if isinstance(instance, basestring):
+            # sync to some external host
+            # XXX - this probably needs more work...
+            fields = {
+                "hostname": instance,
+                "instance_id": "ubuntu",  # this is the username to log into
+                "private_key": service.key,
+            }
+        else:
+            # sync to an XOS instance
+            fields = self.get_ansible_fields(instance)
+            fields["ansible_tag"] = getattr(
+                o, "ansible_tag", o.__class__.__name__ + "_" + str(
+            )
+        # If 'o' defines a 'sync_attributes' list, then we'll copy those
+        # attributes into the Ansible recipe's field list automatically.
+        if hasattr(o, "sync_attributes"):
+            for attribute_name in o.sync_attributes:
+                fields[attribute_name] = getattr(o, attribute_name)
+        if hasattr(self, "map_delete_inputs"):
+            fields.update(self.map_delete_inputs(o))
+        fields["delete"] = True
+        res = self.run_playbook(o, fields)
+        if hasattr(self, "map_delete_outputs"):
+            self.map_delete_outputs(o, res)