blob: 8ed5f4ff176179c27da2c42676087e4e583ee8f6 [file] [log] [blame]
DB = function() {
print = function(msg) {
friendlyEqual = function( a , b ){
if ( a == b )
return true;
if ( tojson( a ) == tojson( b ) )
return true;
return false;
doassert = function( msg ){
print( "assert: " + msg );
throw msg;
assert = function( b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( b )
doassert( "assert failed : " + msg );
assert.eq = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a == b )
if ( ( a != null && b != null ) && friendlyEqual( a , b ) )
doassert( "[" + tojson( a ) + "] != [" + tojson( b ) + "] are not equal : " + msg );
assert.neq = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a != b )
doassert( "[" + a + "] != [" + b + "] are equal : " + msg );
assert.soon = function( f, msg, timeout, interval ) {
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
var start = new Date();
timeout = timeout || 30000;
interval = interval || 200;
var last;
while( 1 ) {
if ( typeof( f ) == "string" ){
if ( eval( f ) )
else {
if ( f() )
if ( ( new Date() ).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout )
doassert( "assert.soon failed: " + f + ", msg:" + msg );
sleep( interval );
assert.throws = function( func , params , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
try {
func.apply( null , params );
catch ( e ){
return e;
doassert( "did not throw exception: " + msg );
assert.commandWorked = function( res , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( res.ok == 1 )
doassert( "command failed: " + tojson( res ) + " : " + msg );
assert.commandFailed = function( res , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( res.ok == 0 )
doassert( "command worked when it should have failed: " + tojson( res ) + " : " + msg );
assert.isnull = function( what , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( what == null )
doassert( "supposed to null (" + ( msg || "" ) + ") was: " + tojson( what ) );
} = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a < b )
doassert( a + " is not less than " + b + " : " + msg );
} = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a > b )
doassert( a + " is not greater than " + b + " : " + msg );
Object.extend = function( dst , src , deep ){
for ( var k in src ){
var v = src[k];
if ( deep && typeof(v) == "object" ){
v = Object.extend( typeof ( v.length ) == "number" ? [] : {} , v , true );
dst[k] = v;
return dst;
argumentsToArray = function( a ){
var arr = [];
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ )
arr[i] = a[i];
return arr;
isString = function( x ){
return typeof( x ) == "string";
isNumber = function(x){
return typeof( x ) == "number";
isObject = function( x ){
return typeof( x ) == "object";
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
String.prototype.ltrim = function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+/,"");
String.prototype.rtrim = function() {
return this.replace(/\s+$/,"");
Date.timeFunc = function( theFunc , numTimes ){
var start = new Date();
numTimes = numTimes || 1;
for ( var i=0; i<numTimes; i++ ){
theFunc.apply( null , argumentsToArray( arguments ).slice( 2 ) );
return (new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime();
Date.prototype.tojson = function(){
return "\"" + this.toString() + "\"";
RegExp.prototype.tojson = RegExp.prototype.toString;
Array.contains = function( a , x ){
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){
if ( a[i] == x )
return true;
return false;
Array.unique = function( a ){
var u = [];
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
var o = a[i];
if ( ! Array.contains( u , o ) ){
u.push( o );
return u;
Array.shuffle = function( arr ){
for ( var i=0; i<arr.length-1; i++ ){
var pos = i+Math.floor(Math.random()*(arr.length-i));
var save = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[pos];
arr[pos] = save;
return arr;
Array.tojson = function( a , indent , x , html){
if (!indent)
indent = "";
var spacer = "";
if(html) {
spacer = "<br/>";
indent = " &nbsp; "
var s = spacer + "[ " + spacer;
indent += " ";
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
s += indent + tojson( a[i], indent );
if ( i < a.length - 1 ){
s += "," + spacer;
if ( a.length == 0 ) {
s += indent;
indent = indent.substring(1);
s += spacer + " "+"]";
return s;
Array.fetchRefs = function( arr , coll ){
var n = [];
for ( var i=0; i<arr.length; i ++){
var z = arr[i];
if ( coll && coll != z.getCollection() )
n.push( z.fetch() );
return n;
Array.sum = function( arr ){
if ( arr.length == 0 )
return null;
var s = arr[0];
for ( var i=1; i<arr.length; i++ )
s += arr[i];
return s;
Array.avg = function( arr ){
if ( arr.length == 0 )
return null;
return Array.sum( arr ) / arr.length;
Array.stdDev = function( arr ){
var avg = Array.avg( arr );
var sum = 0;
for ( var i=0; i<arr.length; i++ ){
sum += Math.pow( arr[i] - avg , 2 );
return Math.sqrt( sum / arr.length );
if ( ! ObjectId.prototype )
ObjectId.prototype = {}
ObjectId.prototype.toString = function(){
return this.str;
ObjectId.prototype.tojson = function(){
return "ObjectId(\"" + this.str + "\")";
ObjectId.prototype.isObjectId = true;
tojson = function( x, indent , nolint , html){
if ( x == null )
return "null";
if ( x == undefined )
return "undefined";
if (!indent)
indent = "";
switch ( typeof x ){
case "string": {
var s = "\"";
for ( var i=0; i<x.length; i++ ){
if ( x[i] == '"' ){
s += "\\\"";
s += x[i];
return s + "\"";
case "number":
case "boolean":
return "" + x;
case "object":{
var s = tojsonObject( x, indent , nolint , html);
if ( ( nolint == null || nolint == true ) && s.length < 80 && ( indent == null || indent.length == 0 ) ){
s = s.replace( /[\s\r\n ]+/gm , " " );
return s;
case "function":
return x.toString();
throw "tojson can't handle type " + ( typeof x );
tojsonObject = function( x, indent , nolint , html){
if(html) {
var lineEnding = "<br/>";
var tabSpace = "&nbsp;";
else {
var lineEnding = nolint ? " " : "\n";
var tabSpace = nolint ? "" : "\t";
assert.eq( ( typeof x ) , "object" , "tojsonObject needs object, not [" + ( typeof x ) + "]" );
if (!indent)
indent = "";
if ( x.hasOwnProperty("__str__")) {
return x.__str__();
if ( typeof( x.tojson ) == "function" && x.tojson != tojson ) {
return x.tojson(indent,nolint,html);
if ( typeof( x.constructor.tojson ) == "function" && x.constructor.tojson != tojson ) {
return x.constructor.tojson( x, indent , nolint, html );
if ( x.toString() == "[object MaxKey]" )
return "{ $maxKey : 1 }";
if ( x.toString() == "[object MinKey]" )
return "{ $minKey : 1 }";
var s = "{" + lineEnding;
// push one level of indent
indent += tabSpace;
var total = 0;
for ( var k in x ) total++;
if ( total == 0 ) {
s += indent + lineEnding;
var keys = x;
if ( typeof( x._simpleKeys ) == "function" )
keys = x._simpleKeys();
var num = 1;
for ( var k in keys ){
var val = x[k];
s += indent + "\"" + k + "\" : " + tojson( val, indent , nolint );
if (num != total) {
s += ",";
s += lineEnding;
// pop one level of indent
indent = indent.substring(1);
return s + indent + "}";
shellPrint = function( x ){
it = x;
if ( x != undefined )
shellPrintHelper( x );
printjson = function(x){
print( tojson( x ) );
shellPrintHelper = function( x ){
if ( typeof( x ) == "undefined" ){
if ( x == null ){
print( "null" );
if ( typeof x != "object" )
return print( x );
var p = x.shellPrint;
if ( typeof p == "function" )
return x.shellPrint();
var p = x.tojson;
if ( typeof p == "function" )
print( x.tojson() );
print( tojson( x ) );
shellHelper = function( command , rest , shouldPrint ){
command = command.trim();
var args = rest.trim().replace(/;$/,"").split( "\s+" );
if ( ! shellHelper[command] )
throw "no command [" + command + "]";
var res = shellHelper[command].apply( null , args );
if ( shouldPrint ){
shellPrintHelper( res );
return res;
help = = function(){
print( "HELP" );
print( "\t" + "show dbs show database names");
print( "\t" + "show collections show collections in current database");
print( "\t" + "show users show users in current database");
print( "\t" + "show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms");
print( "\t" + "use <db name> set curent database to <db name>" );
print( "\t" + " help on DB methods");
print( "\t" + " help on collection methods");
print( "\t" + " list objects in collection foo" );
print( "\t" + " { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1" );
print( "\t" + "it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate");
if ( typeof( Map ) == "undefined" ){
Map = function(){
this._data = {};
Map.hash = function( val ){
if ( ! val )
return val;
switch ( typeof( val ) ){
case 'string':
case 'number':
case 'date':
return val.toString();
case 'object':
case 'array':
var s = "";
for ( var k in val ){
s += k + val[k];
return s;
throw "can't hash : " + typeof( val );
Map.prototype.put = function( key , value ){
var o = this._get( key );
var old = o.value;
o.value = value;
return old;
Map.prototype.get = function( key ){
return this._get( key ).value;
Map.prototype._get = function( key ){
var h = Map.hash( key );
var a = this._data[h];
if ( ! a ){
a = [];
this._data[h] = a;
for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ){
if ( friendlyEqual( key , a[i].key ) ){
return a[i];
var o = { key : key , value : null };
a.push( o );
return o;
Map.prototype.values = function(){
var all = [];
for ( var k in this._data ){
this._data[k].forEach( function(z){ all.push( z.value ); } );
return all;
if ( typeof( gc ) == "undefined" ){
gc = function(){
Math.sigFig = function( x , N ){
if ( ! N ){
N = 3;
var p = Math.pow( 10, N - Math.ceil( Math.log( Math.abs(x) ) / Math.log( 10 )) );
return Math.round(x*p)/p;