modify test.js to use navigateToModel; move code out to xosHelper.js
diff --git a/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/test.js b/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/test.js
index c0f4146..f657fa3 100644
--- a/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/test.js
+++ b/planetstack/core/xoslib/static/js/test.js
@@ -18,7 +18,23 @@
     linkedObjs4: "#linkedObjs4"
-TestApp.on("start", function() {
+//TestApp.navigateToDetail = function(detailView) {
+//     $(TestApp.detailBoxId).show();




+TestApp.navigateToModel = function(app, detailClass, detailNavLink, model) {


+    var detailView = new detailClass({

+        model: model,

+    });


+    $(app.detailBoxId).show();


+    detailView.showLinkedItems();



+TestApp.on("start", function() {

      var objs = ['deployment', 'image', 'networkTemplate', 'network', 'networkSliver', 'networkDeployment', 'node', 'service', 'site', 'slice', 'sliceDeployment', 'slicePrivilege', 'sliver', 'user', 'sliceRole', 'userDeployment'];
      for (var index in objs) {
@@ -29,106 +45,23 @@
          collection_name = name + "s";
          region_name = name + "List";
-         detailClass = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
+         detailClass = XOSDetailView.extend({
             template: detail_template,

-            tagName: 'div',


-            events: {"click button.js-submit": "submitClicked",

-                     "change input": "inputChanged"},


-            /* inputChanged is watching the onChange events of the input controls. We

-               do this to track when this view is 'dirty', so we can throw up a warning

-               if the user tries to change his slices without saving first.

-            */


-            inputChanged: function(e) {

-                this.dirty = true;

-            },


-            saveError: function(model, result, xhr) {

-                TestApp.showError(result);

-            },


-            saveSuccess: function(model, result, xhr) {

-                TestApp.showSuccess({status: xhr.xhr.status, statusText: xhr.xhr.statusText});

-            },


-            submitClicked: function(e) {

-                TestApp.hideError();

-                e.preventDefault();

-                var data = Backbone.Syphon.serialize(this);

-                var thisView = this;

-      , {error: function(model, result, xhr) { thisView.saveError(model, result, xhr); },

-                                       success: function(model, result, xhr) { thisView.saveSuccess(model, result, xhr); }});

-                this.dirty = false;

-            },

-         });
+            app: TestApp,

+         });

-         itemViewClass = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
+         itemViewClass = XOSItemView.extend({
              detailClass: detailClass,
              template: tr_template,
-             tagName: 'tr',
-             className: 'test-tablerow',
-             events: {"click": "changeItem"},

-             changeItem: function(e) {

-                    TestApp.hideError();

-                    e.preventDefault();

-                    e.stopPropagation();


-                    index=0;

-                    for (relatedName in this.model.collection.relatedCollections) {

-                        relatedField = this.model.collection.relatedCollections[relatedName];


-                        relatedListViewClassName = relatedName + "ListView";

-                        if (TestApp[relatedListViewClassName] == undefined) {

-                            console.log("warning: " + relatedListViewClassName + " not found");

-                        }

-                        relatedListViewClass = TestApp[relatedListViewClassName].extend({collection: xos[relatedName].filterBy(relatedField,});

-                        TestApp["linkedObjs" + (index+1)].show(new relatedListViewClass());

-                        index = index + 1;

-                    }


-                    while (index<4) {

-                        TestApp["linkedObjs" + (index+1)].empty();

-                        index = index + 1;

-                    }


-                    var detailView = new this.detailClass({

-                        model: this.model,

-                    });

-                    $('#detailBox').show();

-          ;

-              },
+             app: TestApp,
-         listViewClass = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
+         listViewClass = XOSListView.extend({
              childView: itemViewClass,
-             childViewContainer: 'tbody',
              template: table_template,
              collection: xos[collection_name],
              title: name + "s",
-             initialize: function() {
-                 this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change', this._renderChildren)
-                 // Because many of the templates use idToName(), we need to
-                 // listen to the collections that hold the names for the ids
-                 // that we want to display.
-                 for (i in this.collection.foreignCollections) {
-                     foreignName = this.collection.foreignCollections[i];
-                     if (xos[foreignName] == undefined) {
-                         console.log("Failed to find xos class " + foreignName);
-                     }
-                     this.listenTo(xos[foreignName], 'change', this._renderChildren);
-                     this.listenTo(xos[foreignName], 'sort', this._renderChildren);
-                 }
-             },
-             templateHelpers: function() {
-                return { title: this.title };
-             },
+             app: TestApp,
          TestApp[collection_name + "ListView"] = listViewClass;