service as a query argument, merge data model, hpcdash format
diff --git a/planetstack/hpc_wizard/ b/planetstack/hpc_wizard/
index d567e22..a558bbc 100644
--- a/planetstack/hpc_wizard/
+++ b/planetstack/hpc_wizard/
@@ -1,12 +1,38 @@
 from bigquery_analytics import BigQueryAnalytics
+import os
+import sys
 import json
 import traceback
+if os.path.exists("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack"):
+    sys.path.append("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack")
+    sys.path.append("/opt/planetstack")
+os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "planetstack.settings")
+from django import db
+from django.db import connection
+from core.models import Slice, Sliver, ServiceClass, Reservation, Tag, Network, User, Node, Image, Deployment, Site, NetworkTemplate, NetworkSlice, Service
 class PlanetStackAnalytics(BigQueryAnalytics):
     def __init__(self, tableName="demoevents"):
         BigQueryAnalytics.__init__(self, tableName)
-    def compose_query(self, slice=None, site=None, node=None, timeField="MinuteTime", avg=[], sum=[], count=[], computed=[], groupBy=["MinuteTime"], orderBy=["MinuteTime"], tableName="demoevents"):
+    def service_to_sliceNames(self, serviceName):
+        service=Service.objects.get(name=serviceName)
+        try:
+            slices = service.slices.all()
+        except:
+            # BUG in data model -- Slice.service has related name 'service' and
+            #                      it should be 'slices'
+            slices = service.service.all()
+        return [ for slice in slices]
+    def compose_query(self, slice=None, site=None, node=None, service=None, timeField="MinuteTime", avg=[], sum=[], count=[], computed=[], groupBy=["MinuteTime"], orderBy=["MinuteTime"], tableName="demoevents"):
         tablePart = "%s.%s@-3600000--1" % ("vicci", tableName)
         fields = []
@@ -42,6 +68,11 @@
             fields.append("SUM(%s)%sSUM(%s) as %s" % (parts[0], operator, parts[1], computedFieldName))
+        for fieldName in groupBy:
+            if (fieldName not in ["MinuteTime", "HourTime", "DayTime"]):
+                fields.append(fieldName)
+                fieldNames.append(fieldName)
         fields = ", ".join(fields)
         where = []
@@ -52,6 +83,10 @@
             where.append("%%site='%s'" % site)
         if node:
             where.append("%%hostname='%s'" % node)
+        if service:
+            sliceNames = self.service_to_sliceNames(service)
+            if sliceNames:
+                where.append("(" + " OR ".join(["%%slice='%s'" % sliceName for sliceName in sliceNames]) +")")
         if where:
             where = " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where)
@@ -59,8 +94,10 @@
             where =""
         if groupBy:
+            groupBySub = " GROUP BY " + ",".join(groupBy + ["%hostname"])
             groupBy = " GROUP BY " + ",".join(groupBy)
+            groupBySub = " GROUP BY %hostname"
             groupBy = ""
         if orderBy:
@@ -72,14 +109,18 @@
             subQuery = "SELECT %%hostname, %s FROM [%s]" % (fields, tablePart)
             if where:
                 subQuery = subQuery + where
-            subQuery = subQuery + " GROUP BY %s,%%hostname" % timeField
+            subQuery = subQuery + groupBySub
+            #subQuery = subQuery + " GROUP BY %s,%%hostname" % timeField
             sumFields = []
             for fieldName in fieldNames:
                 if fieldName.startswith("avg"):
                     sumFields.append("AVG(%s) as avg_%s"%(fieldName,fieldName))
-                else:
+                    sumFields.append("MAX(%s) as max_%s"%(fieldName,fieldName))
+                elif (fieldName.startswith("count")) or (fieldName.startswith("sum")) or (fieldName.startswith("computed")):
                     sumFields.append("SUM(%s) as sum_%s"%(fieldName,fieldName))
+                else:
+                    sumFields.append(fieldName)
             sumFields = ",".join(sumFields)
@@ -132,6 +173,49 @@
             return ("text/html", new_result)
+        elif (format == "json_hpcdash"):
+            new_rows = {}
+            for row in result:
+                new_row = {"lat": float(row.get("lat", 0)),
+                           "long": float(row.get("long", 0)),
+                           "health": 0,
+                           "numNodes": int(row.get("numNodes",0)),
+                           "numHPCSlivers": int(row.get("sum_count_hostname", 0)),
+                           "siteUrl": row.get("url", ""),
+                           "hot": float(row.get("hotness", 0.0)),
+                           "load": int(float(row.get("max_avg_cpu", 0)))}
+                new_rows[row["site"]] = new_row
+            return ("application/javascript", json.dumps(new_rows))
+    def only_largest(self, rows, fieldName):
+        """ Given a fieldName, only return the set of rows that had the
+            maximum value of that fieldName.
+        """
+        maxVal = max( [int(row[fieldName]) for row in rows] )
+        new_rows = [row for row in rows if int(row[fieldName])==maxVal]
+        return new_rows
+    def merge_datamodel_sites(self, rows):
+        """ For a query that included "site" in its groupby, merge in the
+            opencloud site information.
+        """
+        for row in rows:
+            sitename = row["site"]
+            try:
+                model_site = Site.objects.get(name=sitename)
+            except:
+                # we didn't find it in the data model
+                continue
+            row["lat"] = float(model_site.location.latitude)
+            row["long"] = float(model_site.location.longitude)
+            row["url"] = model_site.site_url
+            row["numNodes"] = model_site.nodes.count()
+            if "max_avg_cpu" in row:
+                cpu=float(row["max_avg_cpu"])/100.0
+                row["hotness"] = max(0.0, ((cpu*RED_LOAD) - BLUE_LOAD)/(RED_LOAD-BLUE_LOAD))
     def process_request(self, req):
         print req.GET
@@ -140,6 +224,7 @@
         slice = req.GET.get("slice", None)
         site = req.GET.get("site", None)
         node = req.GET.get("node", None)
+        service = req.GET.get("service", None)
         format = req.GET.get("format", "json_dicts")
@@ -152,8 +237,10 @@
         orderBy = self.get_list_from_req(req, "orderBy", ["MinuteTime"])
         maxRows = req.GET.get("maxRows", None)
+        onlyLargest = req.GET.get("onlyLargest", None)
+        mergeDataModelSites = req.GET.get("mergeDataModelSites", None)
-        q = self.compose_query(slice, site, node, timeField, avg, sum, count, computed, groupBy, orderBy)
+        q = self.compose_query(slice, site, node, service, timeField, avg, sum, count, computed, groupBy, orderBy)
         print q
@@ -164,6 +251,12 @@
             result = self.run_query(q)
+            if onlyLargest:
+                result = self.only_largest(result, onlyLargest)
+            if mergeDataModelSites:
+                self.merge_datamodel_sites(result)
             if maxRows:
                 result = result[-int(maxRows):]
@@ -179,6 +272,7 @@
 def main():
     bq = PlanetStackAnalytics()
+    """
     q=bq.compose_query(avg=["%cpu"], count=["%hostname"], slice="HyperCache")
     print q
@@ -187,12 +281,21 @@
     print q
-    #print bq.run_query_raw(q)
     q=bq.compose_query(timeField="HourTime", avg=["%cpu"], count=["%hostname"], computed=["%bytes_sent/%elapsed"], groupBy=["HourTime"], orderBy=["HourTime"])
     print q
+    """
+    q=bq.compose_query(avg=["%cpu"], count=["%hostname"], computed=["%bytes_sent/%elapsed"], service="HPC Service", groupBy=["MinuteTime","%site"])
+    print
+    print q
+    result=bq.run_query(q)
+    result = bq.only_largest(result, "MinuteTime")
+    bq.merge_datamodel_sites(result)
+    #bq.dump_table(result)
+    print bq.format_result("json_hpcdash", result, q)
 if __name__ == "__main__":