Test configuration working
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2083af5..4adf44a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
index 0a8def6..c67b495 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/Makefile
@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
 MYIP:=$(shell hostname -i)
-test: frontend
-	# MOVE THIS TO FIXTURES inside dredd hooks
-	#sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py padmin@vicci.org /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
-	#sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py padmin@vicci.org /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/mocks/cord.yaml
-	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm install --production"
-	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_1 pip install dredd_hooks
-	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm test"
 	sudo make -f ../common/Makefile.prereqs
 	sudo docker-compose up -d
 	bash ../common/wait_for_xos.sh
 	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py padmin@vicci.org /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/sample.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose run xos python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py padmin@vicci.org /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
+	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm install --production"
+	sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_1 pip install dredd_hooks
+	sudo docker exec -i teststandalone_xos_1 bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tests/api; npm test"
 	cd ../../../containers/xos; make devel
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/README.md b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbee0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# API Test Configuration
+This configuration is intended to be used to test the API,
+to use it:
+- `make containers` //rebuild the container with current code
+- `make xos` //start the container with fixtures data
+- `make prepare` //install test dependencies
+Then anytime is needed `make test` (`xos/api` folder is shared with the container)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml
index b3be0ba..5039f08 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/xos/configurations/test-standalone/docker-compose.yml
@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@
       - ../../templates/admin:/opt/xos/templates/admin
       - ../../configurations:/opt/xos/configurations
       - ../../tests:/opt/xos/tests
+      - ../../api:/opt/xos/api
diff --git a/xos/services/cord/models.py b/xos/services/cord/models.py
index 7adc4cc..07c169d 100644
--- a/xos/services/cord/models.py
+++ b/xos/services/cord/models.py
@@ -647,6 +647,7 @@
     def get_slice(self):
         if not self.provider_service.slices.count():
+            print self, "dio porco"
             raise XOSConfigurationError("The service has no slices")
         slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()[0]
         return slice
diff --git a/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib b/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib
index e6092cb..62ec236 100644
--- a/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib
+++ b/xos/tests/api/apiary.apib
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@
-                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
-                "id": 3,
+                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
+                "id": 1,
                 "service_specific_id": "123",
                 "s_tag": "222",
                 "c_tag": "432",
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
 + Response 200 (application/json)
-                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
+                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
                 "id": 1,
                 "service_specific_id": "123",
                 "s_tag": "222",
@@ -378,15 +378,15 @@
 A virtual volt is complete once is_synced equal true
 + Parameters
-    + volt_id: 3 (number) - ID of the vOLT in the form of an integer
+    + volt_id: 1 (number) - ID of the vOLT in the form of an integer
 ### View a vOLT Detail [GET]
 + Response 200 (application/json)
-            "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
-            "id": 3,
+            "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
+            "id": 1,
             "service_specific_id": "123",
             "s_tag": "222",
             "c_tag": "432",
diff --git a/xos/tests/api/helpers/subscriber.py b/xos/tests/api/helpers/subscriber.py
index eaae294..8e6d004 100644
--- a/xos/tests/api/helpers/subscriber.py
+++ b/xos/tests/api/helpers/subscriber.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# NOT used, see https://github.com/apiaryio/dredd-hooks-python/issues/17#issuecomment-206950166
 import os
 import sys
@@ -8,13 +10,115 @@
 from services.cord.models import *
-def createTestSubscriber():
+def cleanDB():
     # deleting all subscribers
     for s in CordSubscriberRoot.objects.all():
-        print(s.name)
+    # deleting all slices
+    for s in Slice.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Services
+    for s in Service.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Tenants
+    for s in Tenant.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Networks
+    for s in Network.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all NetworkTemplates
+    for s in NetworkTemplate.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    for s in NetworkSlice.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+def createTestSubscriber():
+    cleanDB()
+    # load user
+    user = User.objects.get(email="padmin@vicci.org")
+    # network template
+    private_template = NetworkTemplate()
+    private_template.name = 'Private Network'
+    private_template.save()
     # creating the test subscriber
-    subscriber = CordSubscriberRoot(name='Test Subscriber 1')
+    subscriber = CordSubscriberRoot(name='Test Subscriber 1', id=1)
+    # Site
+    site = Site.objects.get(name='MySite')
+    # vSG service
+    vsg_service = VSGService()
+    vsg_service.name = 'service_vsg'
+    # vSG slice
+    vsg_slice = Slice()
+    vsg_slice.name = site.login_base + "_testVsg"
+    vsg_slice.service = vsg_service.id
+    vsg_slice.site = site
+    vsg_slice.caller = user
+    vsg_slice.save()
+    vsg_service.save()
+    # volt service
+    volt_service = VOLTService()
+    volt_service.name = 'service_volt'
+    volt_service.save()
+    # vcpe slice
+    vcpe_slice = Slice()
+    vcpe_slice.name = site.login_base + "_testVcpe"
+    vcpe_slice.service = Service.objects.get(kind='vCPE')
+    vcpe_slice.site = site
+    vcpe_slice.caller = user
+    vcpe_slice.save()
+    print 'vcpe_slice created'
+    # create a lan network
+    lan_net = Network()
+    lan_net.name = 'lan_network'
+    lan_net.owner = vcpe_slice
+    lan_net.template = private_template
+    lan_net.save()
+    print 'lan_network created'
+    # add relation between vcpe slice and lan network
+    vcpe_network = NetworkSlice()
+    vcpe_network.network = lan_net
+    vcpe_network.slice = vcpe_slice
+    vcpe_network.save()
+    print 'vcpe network relation added'
+    # vbng service
+    vbng_service = VBNGService()
+    vbng_service.name = 'service_vbng'
+    vbng_service.save()
+    # volt tenant
+    vt = VOLTTenant(subscriber=subscriber.id, id=1)
+    vt.s_tag = "222"
+    vt.c_tag = "432"
+    vt.provider_service_id = volt_service.id
+    vt.caller = user
+    vt.save()
     print "Subscriber Created"
diff --git a/xos/tests/api/hooks.py b/xos/tests/api/hooks.py
index 3ad996e..f806cb1 100644
--- a/xos/tests/api/hooks.py
+++ b/xos/tests/api/hooks.py
@@ -2,15 +2,133 @@
 import sys
-from helpers import subscriber
+# NOTE move in separated module
+import os
+import sys
+os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "xos.settings")
+import django
+from core.models import *
+from services.cord.models import *
-restoreSubscriber = "sudo docker exec teststandalone_xos_1_db psql -U postgres -d xos -c \"UPDATE core_tenantroot SET deleted=false WHERE id=1;\""
+def cleanDB():
+    # deleting all subscribers
+    for s in CordSubscriberRoot.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all slices
+    for s in Slice.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Services
+    for s in Service.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Tenants
+    for s in Tenant.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all Networks
+    for s in Network.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    # deleting all NetworkTemplates
+    for s in NetworkTemplate.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+    for s in NetworkSlice.objects.all():
+        s.delete(purge=True)
+def createTestSubscriber():
+    cleanDB()
+    # load user
+    user = User.objects.get(email="padmin@vicci.org")
+    # network template
+    private_template = NetworkTemplate()
+    private_template.name = 'Private Network'
+    private_template.save()
+    # creating the test subscriber
+    subscriber = CordSubscriberRoot(name='Test Subscriber 1', id=1)
+    subscriber.save()
+    # Site
+    site = Site.objects.get(name='MySite')
+    # vSG service
+    vsg_service = VSGService()
+    vsg_service.name = 'service_vsg'
+    # vSG slice
+    vsg_slice = Slice()
+    vsg_slice.name = site.login_base + "_testVsg"
+    vsg_slice.service = vsg_service.id
+    vsg_slice.site = site
+    vsg_slice.caller = user
+    vsg_slice.save()
+    vsg_service.save()
+    # volt service
+    volt_service = VOLTService()
+    volt_service.name = 'service_volt'
+    volt_service.save()
+    # vcpe slice
+    vcpe_slice = Slice()
+    vcpe_slice.name = site.login_base + "_testVcpe"
+    vcpe_slice.service = Service.objects.get(kind='vCPE')
+    vcpe_slice.site = site
+    vcpe_slice.caller = user
+    vcpe_slice.save()
+    # print 'vcpe_slice created'
+    # create a lan network
+    lan_net = Network()
+    lan_net.name = 'lan_network'
+    lan_net.owner = vcpe_slice
+    lan_net.template = private_template
+    lan_net.save()
+    # print 'lan_network created'
+    # add relation between vcpe slice and lan network
+    vcpe_network = NetworkSlice()
+    vcpe_network.network = lan_net
+    vcpe_network.slice = vcpe_slice
+    vcpe_network.save()
+    # print 'vcpe network relation added'
+    # vbng service
+    vbng_service = VBNGService()
+    vbng_service.name = 'service_vbng'
+    vbng_service.save()
+    # volt tenant
+    vt = VOLTTenant(subscriber=subscriber.id, id=1)
+    vt.s_tag = "222"
+    vt.c_tag = "432"
+    vt.provider_service_id = volt_service.id
+    vt.caller = user
+    vt.save()
+    # print "Subscriber Created"
 def my_before_each_hook(transaction):
     # print('before each restore', transaction['name'])
     # commands.getstatusoutput(restoreSubscriber)
-    Subs.createTestSubscriber()
+    createTestSubscriber()
diff --git a/xos/tests/api/source/tenant/cord/volt.md b/xos/tests/api/source/tenant/cord/volt.md
index b9879ad..8f045f7 100644
--- a/xos/tests/api/source/tenant/cord/volt.md
+++ b/xos/tests/api/source/tenant/cord/volt.md
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
-                "id": 3,
+                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
+                "id": 1,
                 "service_specific_id": "123",
                 "s_tag": "222",
                 "c_tag": "432",
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 + Response 200 (application/json)
-                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
+                "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
                 "id": 1,
                 "service_specific_id": "123",
                 "s_tag": "222",
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@
 A virtual volt is complete once is_synced equal true
 + Parameters
-    + volt_id: 3 (number) - ID of the vOLT in the form of an integer
+    + volt_id: 1 (number) - ID of the vOLT in the form of an integer
 ### View a vOLT Detail [GET]
 + Response 200 (application/json)
-            "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3",
-            "id": 3,
+            "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-1",
+            "id": 1,
             "service_specific_id": "123",
             "s_tag": "222",
             "c_tag": "432",