Checking in initscript to run observer
diff --git a/observer-initscript b/observer-initscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d948eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/observer-initscript
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# observer       Starts and stops Observer daemon
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+[ -f /etc/sysconfig/plstackobserver ] && . /etc/sysconfig/plstackobserver
+plstackobserver=${NODEMANAGER-"python /opt/planetstack/ -d"}
+prog="OpenCloud Observer"
+function start() {
+    action $"Starting $prog: " daemon --pidfile=$pidfile --check=plstackobserver $plstackobserver "$@"
+function stop() {
+    action $"Stopping $prog: " killproc -p $pidfile plstackobserver
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+	start $options
+	;;
+    stop)
+	stop
+	;;
+    status)
+	status -p $pidfile plstackobserver
+	;;
+    restart|reload)
+	shift
+	stop
+	start $options "$@"
+	;;
+    condrestart)
+	shift
+	[ -f ${pidfile} ] && { stop; start $options "$@"; }
+	;;
+    restartverbose)
+	shift
+	stop
+	$plstackobserver $verboseoptions "$@"
+	;;
+    restartdebug)
+	shift
+	stop
+	echo "Restarting with $debugoptions $@ .."
+	$plstackobserver $debugoptions "$@"
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|restartdebug [-d]}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit $RETVAL