| /** |
| * © OpenCORD |
| * |
| * Created by teone on 5/25/16. |
| */ |
| |
| (function () { |
| 'use strict'; |
| |
| let element, scope, isolatedScope, rootScope, compile; |
| const compileElement = (el) => { |
| element = el; |
| |
| if(!scope){ |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| } |
| if(!angular.isDefined(element)){ |
| element = angular.element('<xos-field name="name" field="field" ng-model="ngModel"></xos-field>'); |
| } |
| compile(element)(scope); |
| scope.$digest(); |
| isolatedScope = element.isolateScope().vm; |
| } |
| |
| describe('The xos.helper module', function(){ |
| |
| describe('The xosField component', () => { |
| |
| beforeEach(module('xos.helpers')); |
| |
| beforeEach(inject(function ($compile, $rootScope) { |
| compile = $compile; |
| rootScope = $rootScope; |
| })); |
| |
| it('should throw an error if no name is passed', inject(($compile, $rootScope) => { |
| function errorFunctionWrapper(){ |
| // setup the parent scope |
| scope = $rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'number', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = 1; |
| compileElement(); |
| } |
| expect(errorFunctionWrapper).toThrow(new Error('[xosField] Please provide a field name')); |
| })); |
| |
| it('should throw an error if no field definition is passed', inject(($compile, $rootScope) => { |
| function errorFunctionWrapper(){ |
| // setup the parent scope |
| scope = $rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.ngModel = 1; |
| compileElement(); |
| } |
| expect(errorFunctionWrapper).toThrow(new Error('[xosField] Please provide a field definition')); |
| })); |
| |
| it('should throw an error if no field model is passed', inject(($compile, $rootScope) => { |
| function errorFunctionWrapper(){ |
| // setup the parent scope |
| scope = $rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'number', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| compileElement(angular.element('<xos-field name="name" field="field"></xos-field>')); |
| } |
| expect(errorFunctionWrapper).toThrow(new Error('[xosField] Please provide an ng-model')); |
| })); |
| |
| describe('when a text input is passed', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'text', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = 'label'; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should print a text field', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('[name="label"]')).toHaveAttr('type', 'text'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| describe('when a option is selected in dropdown', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'select', |
| validators: {}, |
| options:[{ |
| id:0, |
| label:"---Site---" |
| },{ |
| id:1, |
| label:"---Site1---" |
| }] |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = 'label'; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('No of select elements', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('select').children('option').length).toEqual(3); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should show a selected value', () => { |
| var elem = angular.element($(element).find('select').children('option')[1]); |
| expect(elem.text()).toEqual('---Site---'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('when a number input is passed', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'number', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = 10; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should print a number field', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('[name="label"]')).toHaveAttr('type', 'number'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('when a boolean input is passed', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'boolean', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = true; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| let setFalse, setTrue; |
| |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| setFalse= $(element).find('.boolean-field > button:first-child'); |
| setTrue = $(element).find('.boolean-field > button:last-child'); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should print two buttons', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('.boolean-field > button').length).toEqual(2) |
| }); |
| |
| it('should change value to false', () => { |
| expect(isolatedScope.ngModel).toEqual(true); |
| setFalse.click() |
| expect(isolatedScope.ngModel).toEqual(false); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should change value to true', () => { |
| isolatedScope.ngModel = false; |
| scope.$apply(); |
| expect(isolatedScope.ngModel).toEqual(false); |
| setTrue.click() |
| expect(isolatedScope.ngModel).toEqual(true); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('when an object input is passed', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope = rootScope.$new(); |
| scope.name = 'label'; |
| scope.field = { |
| label: 'Label', |
| type: 'object', |
| validators: {} |
| }; |
| scope.ngModel = { |
| baz: true, |
| foo: 'bar', |
| foz: 1, |
| }; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should print a panel to contain object property field', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('.panel.object-field')).toExist() |
| }); |
| |
| it('should print the right input type for each property', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('input').length).toBe(2); |
| expect($(element).find('.boolean-field > button').length).toEqual(2); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should format labels', () => { |
| expect($(element).find('input[name="foo"]').parent().find('label').text()).toBe('Foo:'); |
| }); |
| |
| describe('and the model is empty', () => { |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| scope.ngModel = { |
| }; |
| compileElement(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('should not print the panel', () => { |
| // console.log($(element).find('.panel.object-field')); |
| expect($(element).find('.panel.object-field')).not.toExist() |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| })(); |