| google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages' : ['controls','table','corechart','geochart']}); |
| |
| function renderChart(origQuery, yColumn, xColumn, title, aggFunc) { |
| $('#graph').empty(); |
| $('#chartsModal').modal('show'); |
| $('.modal-body').scrollTop(0) |
| |
| var queryString = encodeURIComponent(origQuery); |
| var serverPart = "http://cloud-scrutiny.appspot.com/command?table=demoevents&action=send_query&force=ColumnChart&q="; |
| var dataSourceUrl = serverPart + queryString; |
| |
| //var dataSourceUrl = "http://node36.princeton.vicci.org:8000/analytics/bigquery/?avg=%25cpu&count=%25hostname&format=raw"; |
| |
| var query = new google.visualization.Query(dataSourceUrl) |
| query && query.abort(); |
| console.log("query.send") |
| query.send(function(response) {handleResponse_psg(response, yColumn, xColumn, title, aggFunc);}); |
| console.log("query.sent") |
| } |
| |
| // NOTE: appended _psg to showLine() and handleResponse() to prevent conflict |
| // with Sapan's analytics page. |
| |
| function agg_bandwidth(arr) { |
| var ret = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
| ret+=arr[i]*8.0/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0; |
| } |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| function showLine_psg(dt, title) { |
| console.log("showline") |
| var lineChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ |
| 'chartType': 'LineChart', |
| 'containerId': 'graph', |
| 'options': { |
| 'width': 520, |
| 'height': 300, |
| 'title': title, |
| 'pages': true, |
| 'numRows': 9, |
| 'backgroundColor': 'transparent', |
| 'titleTextStyle': {"color": "white"}, |
| 'legend': 'none', |
| // 'legend': {"textStyle": {"color": "white"}}, |
| 'hAxis': {"baselineColor": "white", |
| "textStyle": {"color": "white"}}, |
| 'vAxis': {"baselineColor": "white", |
| "textStyle": {"color": "white"}}, |
| }, |
| 'view': {'columns': [0, 1]} |
| }); |
| lineChart.setDataTable(dt); |
| lineChart.draw(); |
| } |
| |
| function fixDate(unixDate) { |
| return new Date(unixDate*1000); |
| } |
| |
| function handleResponse_psg(response, yColumn, xColumn, title, aggFunc) { |
| console.log("handleResponse") |
| |
| var supportedClasses = { |
| 'Table':google.visualization.Table, |
| 'LineChart':google.visualization.LineChart, |
| 'ScatterChart':google.visualization.ScatterChart, |
| 'ColumnChart':google.visualization.ColumnChart, |
| 'GeoChart':google.visualization.GeoChart, |
| 'PieChart':google.visualization.PieChart, |
| 'Histogram':google.visualization.Histogram}; |
| |
| var proxy = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ |
| 'chartType': 'Table', |
| 'containerId': 'graph_work', |
| 'options': { |
| 'width': 800, |
| 'height': 300, |
| pageSize:5, |
| page:'enable', |
| 'legend': 'none', |
| 'title': 'Nodes' |
| }, |
| 'view': {'columns': [0,1]} |
| }); |
| |
| google.visualization.events.addListener(proxy, 'ready', function () { |
| var dt = proxy.getDataTable(); |
| var groupedData1 = google.visualization.data.group(dt, [{ |
| column: yColumn, |
| type: 'datetime', |
| modifier: fixDate, |
| }], |
| [{ |
| column: xColumn, |
| type: 'number', |
| label: dt.getColumnLabel(xColumn), |
| aggregation: aggFunc}]); |
| |
| showLine_psg(groupedData1, title); |
| |
| console.log(xColumn); |
| }); |
| |
| console.log(response.getReasons()); |
| console.log(response.getDataTable()); |
| console.log(response.getDetailedMessage()); |
| console.log(response.getMessage()); |
| |
| proxy.setDataTable(response.getDataTable()); |
| |
| proxy.draw(); |
| } |
| |
| $('.nodesLabel, .nodesValue').click(function() { |
| var jsonData = window.pageAnalyticsData; |
| renderChart(jsonData.query, 0, 2, "Node Count", google.visualization.data.sum); |
| //renderChartJson(jsonData, "MinuteTime", "count_hostname", "Node Count"); |
| }); |
| |
| $('.cpuLabel, .cpuValue').click(function() { |
| var jsonData = window.pageAnalyticsData; |
| renderChart(jsonData.query, 0, 1, "Average CPU", google.visualization.data.sum); |
| }); |
| $('.bandwidthLabel, .bandwidthValue').click(function() { |
| var jsonData = window.pageBandData; |
| renderChart(jsonData.query, 0, 1, "Total Bandwidth", agg_bandwidth); |
| }); |