Added support for Generic Tags.  Tags can be applied to Node, Site, Slice, Sliver.  Adjusted relation_name for SliceTags to not conflict with generic tag.
diff --git a/planetstack/core/models/ b/planetstack/core/models/
index 38343b3..76cc669 100644
--- a/planetstack/core/models/
+++ b/planetstack/core/models/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from core.models import Slice
 class SliceTag(PlCoreBase):
-    slice = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name='tags')
+    slice = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name='slicetags')
     NAME_CHOICES = (('privatekey', 'Private Key'), ('publickey', 'Public Key'))
     name = models.CharField(help_text="The name of this tag", max_length=30, choices=NAME_CHOICES)