From xproto to protobuf

XOS exposes a gRPC API, here is the guide to generate .proto files starting from xproto files.


The XOS data model is defined through xProto (you can read more on it here) and services load their models at runtime, so the corresponding gRPC API is subject to changes.

There is a set of gRPC API that is stable and defined in xos/coreapi/protos/utility.proto

The way we address this is to generate the proto files at runtime when a client connects. You can find an example of this in the xos-tosca container, but here a short description of the workflow:

  • Load the xProto files using the GetXproto rpc call
  • Generate the .proto files using the xosgenx toolchain with the protoapi .xtarget

NOTE: if your are developing against a fixed version you don't need to do this

Generate proto files

The models that XOS uses are spread in few places:

  • core models are in the xos repo: xos/core/models/core.xproto
  • service models are in the service repo: xos/synchronizer/models/<service-name>.xproto

Once you have located the models you need and you have the virtualenv installed, you can use this command to generate the .proto files:

xosgenx --target=protoapi.xtarget --write-to-file=single --output=. --dest-file=xos.proto hippie-oss/xos/synchronizer/models/hippie-oss.xproto olt-service/xos/synchronizer/models/volt.xproto

NOTE: in the above command we are passing two files to the xproto toolchain: hippie-oss/xos/synchronizer/models/hippie-oss.xproto and olt-service/xos/synchronizer/models/volt.xproto we are also storing the output in a file called xos.proto in the current workdir

After generating the .proto files you need to grab:

  • xos/coreapi/protos/annotations.proto
  • xos/coreapi/protos/common.proto
  • xos/coreapi/protos/xosoptions.proto
  • xos/coreapi/protos/http.proto

before generating code using the gRPC toolchain