Added in support for new HPC Dashboard View, ability to retrieve HPC Dashboard view from in separate function, support for log4javascript to provide integration with browser console for debugging, and leaflet support for MakiMarkers on encodings.
diff --git a/planetstack/core/static/log4javascript-1.4.6/console_uncompressed.html b/planetstack/core/static/log4javascript-1.4.6/console_uncompressed.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55679f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/core/static/log4javascript-1.4.6/console_uncompressed.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2279 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

+<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

+	<head>

+		<title>log4javascript</title>

+		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

+		<!-- Make IE8 behave like IE7, having gone to all the trouble of making IE work -->

+		<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />

+		<script type="text/javascript">var isIe = false, isIePre7 = false;</script>

+		<!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript">isIe = true</script><![endif]-->

+		<!--[if lt IE 7]><script type="text/javascript">isIePre7 = true</script><![endif]-->

+		<script type="text/javascript">

+			//<![CDATA[

+			var loggingEnabled = true;

+			var logQueuedEventsTimer = null;

+			var logEntries = [];

+			var logEntriesAndSeparators = [];

+			var logItems = [];

+			var renderDelay = 100;

+			var unrenderedLogItemsExist = false;

+			var rootGroup, currentGroup = null;

+			var loaded = false;

+			var currentLogItem = null;

+			var logMainContainer;


+			function copyProperties(obj, props) {

+				for (var i in props) {

+					obj[i] = props[i];

+				}

+			}


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogItem() {

+			}


+			LogItem.prototype = {

+				mainContainer: null,

+				wrappedContainer: null,

+				unwrappedContainer: null,

+				group: null,


+				appendToLog: function() {

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.elementContainers[i].appendToLog();

+					}


+				},


+				doRemove: function(doUpdate, removeFromGroup) {

+					if (this.rendered) {

+						for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+							this.elementContainers[i].remove();

+						}

+						this.unwrappedElementContainer = null;

+						this.wrappedElementContainer = null;

+						this.mainElementContainer = null;

+					}

+					if ( && removeFromGroup) {

+, doUpdate);

+					}

+					if (this === currentLogItem) {

+						currentLogItem = null;

+					}

+				},


+				remove: function(doUpdate, removeFromGroup) {

+					this.doRemove(doUpdate, removeFromGroup);

+				},


+				render: function() {},


+				accept: function(visitor) {

+					visitor.visit(this);

+				},


+				getUnwrappedDomContainer: function() {

+					return;

+				},


+				getWrappedDomContainer: function() {

+					return;

+				},


+				getMainDomContainer: function() {

+					return;

+				}

+			};


+			LogItem.serializedItemKeys = {LOG_ENTRY: 0, GROUP_START: 1, GROUP_END: 2};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogItemContainerElement() {

+			}


+			LogItemContainerElement.prototype = {

+				appendToLog: function() {

+					var insertBeforeFirst = (newestAtTop && this.containerDomNode.hasChildNodes());

+					if (insertBeforeFirst) {

+						this.containerDomNode.insertBefore(this.mainDiv, this.containerDomNode.firstChild);

+					} else {

+						this.containerDomNode.appendChild(this.mainDiv);

+					}

+				}

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function SeparatorElementContainer(containerDomNode) {

+				this.containerDomNode = containerDomNode;

+				this.mainDiv = document.createElement("div");

+				this.mainDiv.className = "separator";

+				this.mainDiv.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";

+			}


+			SeparatorElementContainer.prototype = new LogItemContainerElement();


+			SeparatorElementContainer.prototype.remove = function() {

+				this.mainDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.mainDiv);

+				this.mainDiv = null;

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function Separator() {

+				this.rendered = false;

+			}


+			Separator.prototype = new LogItem();


+			copyProperties(Separator.prototype, {

+				render: function() {

+					var containerDomNode =;

+					if (isIe) {

+						this.unwrappedElementContainer = new SeparatorElementContainer(this.getUnwrappedDomContainer());

+						this.wrappedElementContainer = new SeparatorElementContainer(this.getWrappedDomContainer());

+						this.elementContainers = [this.unwrappedElementContainer, this.wrappedElementContainer];

+					} else {

+						this.mainElementContainer = new SeparatorElementContainer(this.getMainDomContainer());

+						this.elementContainers = [this.mainElementContainer];

+					}

+					this.content = this.formattedMessage;

+					this.rendered = true;

+				}

+			});


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function GroupElementContainer(group, containerDomNode, isRoot, isWrapped) {

+ = group;

+				this.containerDomNode = containerDomNode;

+				this.isRoot = isRoot;

+				this.isWrapped = isWrapped;

+				this.expandable = false;


+				if (this.isRoot) {

+					if (isIe) {

+						this.contentDiv = logMainContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

+ = this.isWrapped ? "log_wrapped" : "log_unwrapped";

+					} else {

+						this.contentDiv = logMainContainer;

+					}

+				} else {

+					var groupElementContainer = this;


+					this.mainDiv = document.createElement("div");

+					this.mainDiv.className = "group";


+					this.headingDiv = this.mainDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

+					this.headingDiv.className = "groupheading";


+					this.expander = this.headingDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));

+					this.expander.className = "expander unselectable greyedout";

+					this.expander.unselectable = true;

+					var expanderText = ? "-" : "+";

+					this.expanderTextNode = this.expander.appendChild(document.createTextNode(expanderText));


+					this.headingDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " +;


+					this.contentDiv = this.mainDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

+					var contentCssClass = ? "expanded" : "collapsed";

+					this.contentDiv.className = "groupcontent " + contentCssClass;


+					this.expander.onclick = function() {

+						if ( {


+						}

+					};

+				}

+			}


+			GroupElementContainer.prototype = new LogItemContainerElement();


+			copyProperties(GroupElementContainer.prototype, {

+				toggleExpanded: function() {

+					if (!this.isRoot) {

+						var oldCssClass, newCssClass, expanderText;

+						if ( {

+							newCssClass = "expanded";

+							oldCssClass = "collapsed";

+							expanderText = "-";

+						} else {

+							newCssClass = "collapsed";

+							oldCssClass = "expanded";

+							expanderText = "+";

+						}

+						replaceClass(this.contentDiv, newCssClass, oldCssClass);

+						this.expanderTextNode.nodeValue = expanderText;

+					}

+				},


+				remove: function() {

+					if (!this.isRoot) {

+						this.headingDiv = null;

+						this.expander.onclick = null;

+						this.expander = null;

+						this.expanderTextNode = null;

+						this.contentDiv = null;

+						this.containerDomNode = null;

+						this.mainDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.mainDiv);

+						this.mainDiv = null;

+					}

+				},


+				reverseChildren: function() {

+					// Invert the order of the log entries

+					var node = null;


+					// Remove all the log container nodes

+					var childDomNodes = [];

+					while ((node = this.contentDiv.firstChild)) {

+						this.contentDiv.removeChild(node);

+						childDomNodes.push(node);

+					}


+					// Put them all back in reverse order

+					while ((node = childDomNodes.pop())) {

+						this.contentDiv.appendChild(node);

+					}

+				},


+				update: function() {

+					if (!this.isRoot) {

+						if ( {

+							removeClass(this.expander, "greyedout");

+						} else {

+							addClass(this.expander, "greyedout");

+						}

+					}

+				},


+				clear: function() {

+					if (this.isRoot) {

+						this.contentDiv.innerHTML = "";

+					}

+				}

+			});


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function Group(name, isRoot, initiallyExpanded) {

+ = name;

+ = null;

+				this.isRoot = isRoot;

+				this.initiallyExpanded = initiallyExpanded;

+				this.elementContainers = [];

+				this.children = [];

+				this.expanded = initiallyExpanded;

+				this.rendered = false;

+				this.expandable = false;

+			}


+			Group.prototype = new LogItem();


+			copyProperties(Group.prototype, {

+				addChild: function(logItem) {

+					this.children.push(logItem);

+ = this;

+				},


+				render: function() {

+					if (isIe) {

+						var unwrappedDomContainer, wrappedDomContainer;

+						if (this.isRoot) {

+							unwrappedDomContainer = logMainContainer;

+							wrappedDomContainer = logMainContainer;

+						} else {

+							unwrappedDomContainer = this.getUnwrappedDomContainer();

+							wrappedDomContainer = this.getWrappedDomContainer();

+						}

+						this.unwrappedElementContainer = new GroupElementContainer(this, unwrappedDomContainer, this.isRoot, false);

+						this.wrappedElementContainer = new GroupElementContainer(this, wrappedDomContainer, this.isRoot, true);

+						this.elementContainers = [this.unwrappedElementContainer, this.wrappedElementContainer];

+					} else {

+						var mainDomContainer = this.isRoot ? logMainContainer : this.getMainDomContainer();

+						this.mainElementContainer = new GroupElementContainer(this, mainDomContainer, this.isRoot, false);

+						this.elementContainers = [this.mainElementContainer];

+					}

+					this.rendered = true;

+				},


+				toggleExpanded: function() {

+					this.expanded = !this.expanded;

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.elementContainers[i].toggleExpanded();

+					}

+				},


+				expand: function() {

+					if (!this.expanded) {

+						this.toggleExpanded();

+					}

+				},


+				accept: function(visitor) {

+					visitor.visitGroup(this);

+				},


+				reverseChildren: function() {

+					if (this.rendered) {

+						for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+							this.elementContainers[i].reverseChildren();

+						}

+					}

+				},


+				update: function() {

+					var previouslyExpandable = this.expandable;

+					this.expandable = (this.children.length !== 0);

+					if (this.expandable !== previouslyExpandable) {

+						for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+							this.elementContainers[i].update();

+						}

+					}

+				},


+				flatten: function() {

+					var visitor = new GroupFlattener();

+					this.accept(visitor);

+					return visitor.logEntriesAndSeparators;

+				},


+				removeChild: function(child, doUpdate) {

+					array_remove(this.children, child);

+ = null;

+					if (doUpdate) {

+						this.update();

+					}

+				},


+				remove: function(doUpdate, removeFromGroup) {

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.children[i].remove(false, false);

+					}

+					this.children = [];

+					this.update();

+					if (this === currentGroup) {

+						currentGroup =;

+					}

+					this.doRemove(doUpdate, removeFromGroup);

+				},


+				serialize: function(items) {

+					items.push([LogItem.serializedItemKeys.GROUP_START,]);

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.children[i].serialize(items);

+					}

+					if (this !== currentGroup) {

+						items.push([LogItem.serializedItemKeys.GROUP_END]);

+					}

+				},


+				clear: function() {

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.elementContainers[i].clear();

+					}

+				}

+			});


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogEntryElementContainer() {

+			}


+			LogEntryElementContainer.prototype = new LogItemContainerElement();


+			copyProperties(LogEntryElementContainer.prototype, {

+				remove: function() {

+					this.doRemove();

+				},


+				doRemove: function() {

+					this.mainDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.mainDiv);

+					this.mainDiv = null;

+					this.contentElement = null;

+					this.containerDomNode = null;

+				},


+				setContent: function(content, wrappedContent) {

+					if (content === this.formattedMessage) {

+						this.contentElement.innerHTML = "";

+						this.contentElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.formattedMessage));

+					} else {

+						this.contentElement.innerHTML = content;

+					}

+				},


+				setSearchMatch: function(isMatch) {

+					var oldCssClass = isMatch ? "searchnonmatch" : "searchmatch";

+					var newCssClass = isMatch ? "searchmatch" : "searchnonmatch";

+					replaceClass(this.mainDiv, newCssClass, oldCssClass);

+				},


+				clearSearch: function() {

+					removeClass(this.mainDiv, "searchmatch");

+					removeClass(this.mainDiv, "searchnonmatch");

+				}

+			});


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogEntryWrappedElementContainer(logEntry, containerDomNode) {

+				this.logEntry = logEntry;

+				this.containerDomNode = containerDomNode;

+				this.mainDiv = document.createElement("div");

+				this.mainDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.logEntry.formattedMessage));

+				this.mainDiv.className = "logentry wrapped " + this.logEntry.level;

+				this.contentElement = this.mainDiv;

+			}


+			LogEntryWrappedElementContainer.prototype = new LogEntryElementContainer();


+			LogEntryWrappedElementContainer.prototype.setContent = function(content, wrappedContent) {

+				if (content === this.formattedMessage) {

+					this.contentElement.innerHTML = "";

+					this.contentElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.formattedMessage));

+				} else {

+					this.contentElement.innerHTML = wrappedContent;

+				}

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogEntryUnwrappedElementContainer(logEntry, containerDomNode) {

+				this.logEntry = logEntry;

+				this.containerDomNode = containerDomNode;

+				this.mainDiv = document.createElement("div");

+				this.mainDiv.className = "logentry unwrapped " + this.logEntry.level;

+				this.pre = this.mainDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("pre"));

+				this.pre.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.logEntry.formattedMessage));

+				this.pre.className = "unwrapped";

+				this.contentElement = this.pre;

+			}


+			LogEntryUnwrappedElementContainer.prototype = new LogEntryElementContainer();


+			LogEntryUnwrappedElementContainer.prototype.remove = function() {

+				this.doRemove();

+				this.pre = null;

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogEntryMainElementContainer(logEntry, containerDomNode) {

+				this.logEntry = logEntry;

+				this.containerDomNode = containerDomNode;

+				this.mainDiv = document.createElement("div");

+				this.mainDiv.className = "logentry nonielogentry " + this.logEntry.level;

+				this.contentElement = this.mainDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));

+				this.contentElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.logEntry.formattedMessage));

+			}


+			LogEntryMainElementContainer.prototype = new LogEntryElementContainer();


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogEntry(level, formattedMessage) {

+				this.level = level;

+				this.formattedMessage = formattedMessage;

+				this.rendered = false;

+			}


+			LogEntry.prototype = new LogItem();


+			copyProperties(LogEntry.prototype, {

+				render: function() {

+					var logEntry = this;

+					var containerDomNode =;


+					// Support for the CSS attribute white-space in IE for Windows is

+					// non-existent pre version 6 and slightly odd in 6, so instead

+					// use two different HTML elements

+					if (isIe) {

+						this.formattedMessage = this.formattedMessage.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"); // Workaround for IE's treatment of white space

+						this.unwrappedElementContainer = new LogEntryUnwrappedElementContainer(this, this.getUnwrappedDomContainer());

+						this.wrappedElementContainer = new LogEntryWrappedElementContainer(this, this.getWrappedDomContainer());

+						this.elementContainers = [this.unwrappedElementContainer, this.wrappedElementContainer];

+					} else {

+						this.mainElementContainer = new LogEntryMainElementContainer(this, this.getMainDomContainer());

+						this.elementContainers = [this.mainElementContainer];

+					}

+					this.content = this.formattedMessage;

+					this.rendered = true;

+				},


+				setContent: function(content, wrappedContent) {

+					if (content != this.content) {

+						if (isIe && (content !== this.formattedMessage)) {

+							content = content.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r"); // Workaround for IE's treatment of white space

+						}

+						for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+							this.elementContainers[i].setContent(content, wrappedContent);

+						}

+						this.content = content;

+					}

+				},


+				getSearchMatches: function() {

+					var matches = [];

+					var i, len;

+					if (isIe) {

+						var unwrappedEls = getElementsByClass(this.unwrappedElementContainer.mainDiv, "searchterm", "span");

+						var wrappedEls = getElementsByClass(this.wrappedElementContainer.mainDiv, "searchterm", "span");

+						for (i = 0, len = unwrappedEls.length; i < len; i++) {

+							matches[i] = new Match(this.level, null, unwrappedEls[i], wrappedEls[i]);

+						}

+					} else {

+						var els = getElementsByClass(this.mainElementContainer.mainDiv, "searchterm", "span");

+						for (i = 0, len = els.length; i < len; i++) {

+							matches[i] = new Match(this.level, els[i]);

+						}

+					}

+					return matches;

+				},


+				setSearchMatch: function(isMatch) {

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.elementContainers[i].setSearchMatch(isMatch);

+					}

+				},


+				clearSearch: function() {

+					for (var i = 0, len = this.elementContainers.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.elementContainers[i].clearSearch();

+					}

+				},


+				accept: function(visitor) {

+					visitor.visitLogEntry(this);

+				},


+				serialize: function(items) {

+					items.push([LogItem.serializedItemKeys.LOG_ENTRY, this.level, this.formattedMessage]);

+				}

+			});


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogItemVisitor() {

+			}


+			LogItemVisitor.prototype = {

+				visit: function(logItem) {

+				},


+				visitParent: function(logItem) {

+					if ( {


+					}

+				},


+				visitChildren: function(logItem) {

+					for (var i = 0, len = logItem.children.length; i < len; i++) {

+						logItem.children[i].accept(this);

+					}

+				},


+				visitLogEntry: function(logEntry) {

+					this.visit(logEntry);

+				},


+				visitSeparator: function(separator) {

+					this.visit(separator);

+				},


+				visitGroup: function(group) {

+					this.visit(group);

+				}

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function GroupFlattener() {

+				this.logEntriesAndSeparators = [];

+			}


+			GroupFlattener.prototype = new LogItemVisitor();


+			GroupFlattener.prototype.visitGroup = function(group) {

+				this.visitChildren(group);

+			};


+			GroupFlattener.prototype.visitLogEntry = function(logEntry) {

+				this.logEntriesAndSeparators.push(logEntry);

+			};


+			GroupFlattener.prototype.visitSeparator = function(separator) {

+				this.logEntriesAndSeparators.push(separator);

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			window.onload = function() {

+				// Sort out document.domain

+				if ( {

+					var queryBits = unescape("&"), nameValueBits;

+					for (var i = 0, len = queryBits.length; i < len; i++) {

+						nameValueBits = queryBits[i].split("=");

+						if (nameValueBits[0] == "log4javascript_domain") {

+							document.domain = nameValueBits[1];

+							break;

+						}

+					}

+				}


+				// Create DOM objects

+				logMainContainer = $("log");

+				if (isIePre7) {

+					addClass(logMainContainer, "oldIe");

+				}


+				rootGroup = new Group("root", true);

+				rootGroup.render();

+				currentGroup = rootGroup;


+				setCommandInputWidth();

+				setLogContainerHeight();

+				toggleLoggingEnabled();

+				toggleSearchEnabled();

+				toggleSearchFilter();

+				toggleSearchHighlight();

+				applyFilters();

+				checkAllLevels();

+				toggleWrap();

+				toggleNewestAtTop();

+				toggleScrollToLatest();

+				renderQueuedLogItems();

+				loaded = true;

+				$("command").value = "";

+				$("command").autocomplete = "off";

+				$("command").onkeydown = function(evt) {

+					evt = getEvent(evt);

+					if (evt.keyCode == 10 || evt.keyCode == 13) { // Return/Enter

+						evalCommandLine();

+						stopPropagation(evt);

+					} else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { // Escape

+						this.value = "";

+						this.focus();

+					} else if (evt.keyCode == 38 && commandHistory.length > 0) { // Up

+						currentCommandIndex = Math.max(0, currentCommandIndex - 1);

+						this.value = commandHistory[currentCommandIndex];

+						moveCaretToEnd(this);

+					} else if (evt.keyCode == 40 && commandHistory.length > 0) { // Down

+						currentCommandIndex = Math.min(commandHistory.length - 1, currentCommandIndex + 1);

+						this.value = commandHistory[currentCommandIndex];

+						moveCaretToEnd(this);

+					}

+				};


+				// Prevent the keypress moving the caret in Firefox

+				$("command").onkeypress = function(evt) {

+					evt = getEvent(evt);

+					if (evt.keyCode == 38 && commandHistory.length > 0 && evt.preventDefault) { // Up

+						evt.preventDefault();

+					}

+				};


+				// Prevent the keyup event blurring the input in Opera

+				$("command").onkeyup = function(evt) {

+					evt = getEvent(evt);

+					if (evt.keyCode == 27 && evt.preventDefault) { // Up

+						evt.preventDefault();

+						this.focus();

+					}

+				};


+				// Add document keyboard shortcuts

+				document.onkeydown = function keyEventHandler(evt) {

+					evt = getEvent(evt);

+					switch (evt.keyCode) {

+						case 69: // Ctrl + shift + E: re-execute last command

+							if (evt.shiftKey && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey)) {

+								evalLastCommand();

+								cancelKeyEvent(evt);

+								return false;

+							}

+							break;

+						case 75: // Ctrl + shift + K: focus search

+							if (evt.shiftKey && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey)) {

+								focusSearch();

+								cancelKeyEvent(evt);

+								return false;

+							}

+							break;

+						case 40: // Ctrl + shift + down arrow: focus command line

+						case 76: // Ctrl + shift + L: focus command line

+							if (evt.shiftKey && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey)) {

+								focusCommandLine();

+								cancelKeyEvent(evt);

+								return false;

+							}

+							break;

+					}

+				};


+				// Workaround to make sure log div starts at the correct size

+				setTimeout(setLogContainerHeight, 20);


+				setShowCommandLine(showCommandLine);

+				doSearch();

+			};


+			window.onunload = function() {

+				if (mainWindowExists()) {

+					appender.unload();

+				}

+				appender = null;

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function toggleLoggingEnabled() {

+				setLoggingEnabled($("enableLogging").checked);

+			}


+			function setLoggingEnabled(enable) {

+				loggingEnabled = enable;

+			}


+			var appender = null;


+			function setAppender(appenderParam) {

+				appender = appenderParam;

+			}


+			function setShowCloseButton(showCloseButton) {

+				$("closeButton").style.display = showCloseButton ? "inline" : "none";

+			}


+			function setShowHideButton(showHideButton) {

+				$("hideButton").style.display = showHideButton ? "inline" : "none";

+			}


+			var newestAtTop = false;


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function LogItemContentReverser() {

+			}


+			LogItemContentReverser.prototype = new LogItemVisitor();


+			LogItemContentReverser.prototype.visitGroup = function(group) {

+				group.reverseChildren();

+				this.visitChildren(group);

+			};


+			/*----------------------------------------------------------------*/


+			function setNewestAtTop(isNewestAtTop) {

+				var oldNewestAtTop = newestAtTop;

+				var i, iLen, j, jLen;

+				newestAtTop = Boolean(isNewestAtTop);

+				if (oldNewestAtTop != newestAtTop) {

+					var visitor = new LogItemContentReverser();

+					rootGroup.accept(visitor);


+					// Reassemble the matches array

+					if (currentSearch) {

+						var currentMatch = currentSearch.matches[currentMatchIndex];

+						var matchIndex = 0;

+						var matches = [];

+						var actOnLogEntry = function(logEntry) {

+							var logEntryMatches = logEntry.getSearchMatches();

+							for (j = 0, jLen = logEntryMatches.length; j < jLen; j++) {

+								matches[matchIndex] = logEntryMatches[j];

+								if (currentMatch && logEntryMatches[j].equals(currentMatch)) {

+									currentMatchIndex = matchIndex;

+								}

+								matchIndex++;

+							}

+						};

+						if (newestAtTop) {

+							for (i = logEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

+								actOnLogEntry(logEntries[i]);

+							}

+						} else {

+							for (i = 0, iLen = logEntries.length; i < iLen; i++) {

+								actOnLogEntry(logEntries[i]);

+							}

+						}

+						currentSearch.matches = matches;

+						if (currentMatch) {

+							currentMatch.setCurrent();

+						}

+					} else if (scrollToLatest) {

+						doScrollToLatest();

+					}

+				}

+				$("newestAtTop").checked = isNewestAtTop;

+			}


+			function toggleNewestAtTop() {

+				var isNewestAtTop = $("newestAtTop").checked;

+				setNewestAtTop(isNewestAtTop);

+			}


+			var scrollToLatest = true;


+			function setScrollToLatest(isScrollToLatest) {

+				scrollToLatest = isScrollToLatest;

+				if (scrollToLatest) {

+					doScrollToLatest();

+				}

+				$("scrollToLatest").checked = isScrollToLatest;

+			}


+			function toggleScrollToLatest() {

+				var isScrollToLatest = $("scrollToLatest").checked;

+				setScrollToLatest(isScrollToLatest);

+			}


+			function doScrollToLatest() {

+				var l = logMainContainer;

+				if (typeof l.scrollTop != "undefined") {

+					if (newestAtTop) {

+						l.scrollTop = 0;

+					} else {

+						var latestLogEntry = l.lastChild;

+						if (latestLogEntry) {

+							l.scrollTop = l.scrollHeight;

+						}

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			var closeIfOpenerCloses = true;


+			function setCloseIfOpenerCloses(isCloseIfOpenerCloses) {

+				closeIfOpenerCloses = isCloseIfOpenerCloses;

+			}


+			var maxMessages = null;


+			function setMaxMessages(max) {

+				maxMessages = max;

+				pruneLogEntries();

+			}


+			var showCommandLine = false;


+			function setShowCommandLine(isShowCommandLine) {

+				showCommandLine = isShowCommandLine;

+				if (loaded) {

+					$("commandLine").style.display = showCommandLine ? "block" : "none";

+					setCommandInputWidth();

+					setLogContainerHeight();

+				}

+			}


+			function focusCommandLine() {

+				if (loaded) {

+					$("command").focus();

+				}

+			}


+			function focusSearch() {

+				if (loaded) {

+					$("searchBox").focus();

+				}

+			}


+			function getLogItems() {

+				var items = [];

+				for (var i = 0, len = logItems.length; i < len; i++) {

+					logItems[i].serialize(items);

+				}

+				return items;

+			}


+			function setLogItems(items) {

+				var loggingReallyEnabled = loggingEnabled;

+				// Temporarily turn logging on

+				loggingEnabled = true;

+				for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {

+					switch (items[i][0]) {

+						case LogItem.serializedItemKeys.LOG_ENTRY:

+							log(items[i][1], items[i][2]);

+							break;

+						case LogItem.serializedItemKeys.GROUP_START:

+							group(items[i][1]);

+							break;

+						case LogItem.serializedItemKeys.GROUP_END:

+							groupEnd();

+							break;

+					}

+				}

+				loggingEnabled = loggingReallyEnabled;

+			}


+			function log(logLevel, formattedMessage) {

+				if (loggingEnabled) {

+					var logEntry = new LogEntry(logLevel, formattedMessage);

+					logEntries.push(logEntry);

+					logEntriesAndSeparators.push(logEntry);

+					logItems.push(logEntry);

+					currentGroup.addChild(logEntry);

+					if (loaded) {

+						if (logQueuedEventsTimer !== null) {

+							clearTimeout(logQueuedEventsTimer);

+						}

+						logQueuedEventsTimer = setTimeout(renderQueuedLogItems, renderDelay);

+						unrenderedLogItemsExist = true;

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function renderQueuedLogItems() {

+				logQueuedEventsTimer = null;

+				var pruned = pruneLogEntries();


+				// Render any unrendered log entries and apply the current search to them

+				var initiallyHasMatches = currentSearch ? currentSearch.hasMatches() : false;

+				for (var i = 0, len = logItems.length; i < len; i++) {

+					if (!logItems[i].rendered) {

+						logItems[i].render();

+						logItems[i].appendToLog();

+						if (currentSearch && (logItems[i] instanceof LogEntry)) {

+							currentSearch.applyTo(logItems[i]);

+						}

+					}

+				}

+				if (currentSearch) {

+					if (pruned) {

+						if (currentSearch.hasVisibleMatches()) {

+							if (currentMatchIndex === null) {

+								setCurrentMatchIndex(0);

+							}

+							displayMatches();

+						} else {

+							displayNoMatches();

+						}

+					} else if (!initiallyHasMatches && currentSearch.hasVisibleMatches()) {

+						setCurrentMatchIndex(0);

+						displayMatches();

+					}

+				}

+				if (scrollToLatest) {

+					doScrollToLatest();

+				}

+				unrenderedLogItemsExist = false;

+			}


+			function pruneLogEntries() {

+				if ((maxMessages !== null) && (logEntriesAndSeparators.length > maxMessages)) {

+					var numberToDelete = logEntriesAndSeparators.length - maxMessages;

+					var prunedLogEntries = logEntriesAndSeparators.slice(0, numberToDelete);

+					if (currentSearch) {

+						currentSearch.removeMatches(prunedLogEntries);

+					}

+					var group;

+					for (var i = 0; i < numberToDelete; i++) {

+						group = logEntriesAndSeparators[i].group;

+						array_remove(logItems, logEntriesAndSeparators[i]);

+						array_remove(logEntries, logEntriesAndSeparators[i]);

+						logEntriesAndSeparators[i].remove(true, true);

+						if (group.children.length === 0 && group !== currentGroup && group !== rootGroup) {

+							array_remove(logItems, group);

+							group.remove(true, true);

+						}

+					}

+					logEntriesAndSeparators = array_removeFromStart(logEntriesAndSeparators, numberToDelete);

+					return true;

+				}

+				return false;

+			}


+			function group(name, startExpanded) {

+				if (loggingEnabled) {

+					initiallyExpanded = (typeof startExpanded === "undefined") ? true : Boolean(startExpanded);

+					var newGroup = new Group(name, false, initiallyExpanded);

+					currentGroup.addChild(newGroup);

+					currentGroup = newGroup;

+					logItems.push(newGroup);

+					if (loaded) {

+						if (logQueuedEventsTimer !== null) {

+							clearTimeout(logQueuedEventsTimer);

+						}

+						logQueuedEventsTimer = setTimeout(renderQueuedLogItems, renderDelay);

+						unrenderedLogItemsExist = true;

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function groupEnd() {

+				currentGroup = (currentGroup === rootGroup) ? rootGroup :;

+			}


+			function mainPageReloaded() {

+				currentGroup = rootGroup;

+				var separator = new Separator();

+				logEntriesAndSeparators.push(separator);

+				logItems.push(separator);

+				currentGroup.addChild(separator);

+			}


+			function closeWindow() {

+				if (appender && mainWindowExists()) {

+					appender.close(true);

+				} else {

+					window.close();

+				}

+			}


+			function hide() {

+				if (appender && mainWindowExists()) {

+					appender.hide();

+				}

+			}


+			var mainWindow = window;

+			var windowId = "log4javascriptConsoleWindow_" + new Date().getTime() + "_" + ("" + Math.random()).substr(2);


+			function setMainWindow(win) {

+				mainWindow = win;

+				mainWindow[windowId] = window;

+				// If this is a pop-up, poll the opener to see if it's closed

+				if (opener && closeIfOpenerCloses) {

+					pollOpener();

+				}

+			}


+			function pollOpener() {

+				if (closeIfOpenerCloses) {

+					if (mainWindowExists()) {

+						setTimeout(pollOpener, 500);

+					} else {

+						closeWindow();

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function mainWindowExists() {

+				try {

+					return (mainWindow && !mainWindow.closed &&

+						mainWindow[windowId] == window);

+				} catch (ex) {}

+				return false;

+			}


+			var logLevels = ["TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL"];


+			function getCheckBox(logLevel) {

+				return $("switch_" + logLevel);

+			}


+			function getIeWrappedLogContainer() {

+				return $("log_wrapped");

+			}


+			function getIeUnwrappedLogContainer() {

+				return $("log_unwrapped");

+			}


+			function applyFilters() {

+				for (var i = 0; i < logLevels.length; i++) {

+					if (getCheckBox(logLevels[i]).checked) {

+						addClass(logMainContainer, logLevels[i]);

+					} else {

+						removeClass(logMainContainer, logLevels[i]);

+					}

+				}

+				updateSearchFromFilters();

+			}


+			function toggleAllLevels() {

+				var turnOn = $("switch_ALL").checked;

+				for (var i = 0; i < logLevels.length; i++) {

+					getCheckBox(logLevels[i]).checked = turnOn;

+					if (turnOn) {

+						addClass(logMainContainer, logLevels[i]);

+					} else {

+						removeClass(logMainContainer, logLevels[i]);

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function checkAllLevels() {

+				for (var i = 0; i < logLevels.length; i++) {

+					if (!getCheckBox(logLevels[i]).checked) {

+						getCheckBox("ALL").checked = false;

+						return;

+					}

+				}

+				getCheckBox("ALL").checked = true;

+			}


+			function clearLog() {

+				rootGroup.clear();

+				currentGroup = rootGroup;

+				logEntries = [];

+				logItems = [];

+				logEntriesAndSeparators = [];

+ 				doSearch();

+			}


+			function toggleWrap() {

+				var enable = $("wrap").checked;

+				if (enable) {

+					addClass(logMainContainer, "wrap");

+				} else {

+					removeClass(logMainContainer, "wrap");

+				}

+				refreshCurrentMatch();

+			}


+			/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */


+			// Search


+			var searchTimer = null;


+			function scheduleSearch() {

+				try {

+					clearTimeout(searchTimer);

+				} catch (ex) {

+					// Do nothing

+				}

+				searchTimer = setTimeout(doSearch, 500);

+			}


+			function Search(searchTerm, isRegex, searchRegex, isCaseSensitive) {

+				this.searchTerm = searchTerm;

+				this.isRegex = isRegex;

+				this.searchRegex = searchRegex;

+				this.isCaseSensitive = isCaseSensitive;

+				this.matches = [];

+			}


+			Search.prototype = {

+				hasMatches: function() {

+					return this.matches.length > 0;

+				},


+				hasVisibleMatches: function() {

+					if (this.hasMatches()) {

+						for (var i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) {

+							if (this.matches[i].isVisible()) {

+								return true;

+							}

+						}

+					}

+					return false;

+				},


+				match: function(logEntry) {

+					var entryText = String(logEntry.formattedMessage);

+					var matchesSearch = false;

+					if (this.isRegex) {

+						matchesSearch = this.searchRegex.test(entryText);

+					} else if (this.isCaseSensitive) {

+						matchesSearch = (entryText.indexOf(this.searchTerm) > -1);

+					} else {

+						matchesSearch = (entryText.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.searchTerm.toLowerCase()) > -1);

+					}

+					return matchesSearch;

+				},


+				getNextVisibleMatchIndex: function() {

+					for (var i = currentMatchIndex + 1; i < this.matches.length; i++) {

+						if (this.matches[i].isVisible()) {

+							return i;

+						}

+					}

+					// Start again from the first match

+					for (i = 0; i <= currentMatchIndex; i++) {

+						if (this.matches[i].isVisible()) {

+							return i;

+						}

+					}

+					return -1;

+				},


+				getPreviousVisibleMatchIndex: function() {

+					for (var i = currentMatchIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

+						if (this.matches[i].isVisible()) {

+							return i;

+						}

+					}

+					// Start again from the last match

+					for (var i = this.matches.length - 1; i >= currentMatchIndex; i--) {

+						if (this.matches[i].isVisible()) {

+							return i;

+						}

+					}

+					return -1;

+				},


+				applyTo: function(logEntry) {

+					var doesMatch = this.match(logEntry);

+					if (doesMatch) {


+						logEntry.setSearchMatch(true);

+						var logEntryContent;

+						var wrappedLogEntryContent;

+						var searchTermReplacementStartTag = "<span class=\"searchterm\">";

+						var searchTermReplacementEndTag = "<" + "/span>";

+						var preTagName = isIe ? "pre" : "span";

+						var preStartTag = "<" + preTagName + " class=\"pre\">";

+						var preEndTag = "<" + "/" + preTagName + ">";

+						var startIndex = 0;

+						var searchIndex, matchedText, textBeforeMatch;

+						if (this.isRegex) {

+							var flags = this.isCaseSensitive ? "g" : "gi";

+							var capturingRegex = new RegExp("(" + this.searchRegex.source + ")", flags);


+							// Replace the search term with temporary tokens for the start and end tags

+							var rnd = ("" + Math.random()).substr(2);

+							var startToken = "%%s" + rnd + "%%";

+							var endToken = "%%e" + rnd + "%%";

+							logEntryContent = logEntry.formattedMessage.replace(capturingRegex, startToken + "$1" + endToken);


+							// Escape the HTML to get rid of angle brackets

+							logEntryContent = escapeHtml(logEntryContent);


+							// Substitute the proper HTML back in for the search match

+							var result;

+							var searchString = logEntryContent;

+							logEntryContent = "";

+							wrappedLogEntryContent = "";

+							while ((searchIndex = searchString.indexOf(startToken, startIndex)) > -1) {

+								var endTokenIndex = searchString.indexOf(endToken, searchIndex);

+								matchedText = searchString.substring(searchIndex + startToken.length, endTokenIndex);

+								textBeforeMatch = searchString.substring(startIndex, searchIndex);

+								logEntryContent += preStartTag + textBeforeMatch + preEndTag;

+								logEntryContent += searchTermReplacementStartTag + preStartTag + matchedText +

+									preEndTag + searchTermReplacementEndTag;

+								if (isIe) {

+									wrappedLogEntryContent += textBeforeMatch + searchTermReplacementStartTag +

+										matchedText + searchTermReplacementEndTag;

+								}

+								startIndex = endTokenIndex + endToken.length;

+							}

+							logEntryContent += preStartTag + searchString.substr(startIndex) + preEndTag;

+							if (isIe) {

+								wrappedLogEntryContent += searchString.substr(startIndex);

+							}

+						} else {

+							logEntryContent = "";

+							wrappedLogEntryContent = "";

+							var searchTermReplacementLength = searchTermReplacementStartTag.length +

+								this.searchTerm.length + searchTermReplacementEndTag.length;

+							var searchTermLength = this.searchTerm.length;

+							var searchTermLowerCase = this.searchTerm.toLowerCase();

+							var logTextLowerCase = logEntry.formattedMessage.toLowerCase();

+							while ((searchIndex = logTextLowerCase.indexOf(searchTermLowerCase, startIndex)) > -1) {

+								matchedText = escapeHtml(logEntry.formattedMessage.substr(searchIndex, this.searchTerm.length));

+								textBeforeMatch = escapeHtml(logEntry.formattedMessage.substring(startIndex, searchIndex));

+								var searchTermReplacement = searchTermReplacementStartTag +

+									preStartTag + matchedText + preEndTag + searchTermReplacementEndTag;

+								logEntryContent += preStartTag + textBeforeMatch + preEndTag + searchTermReplacement;

+								if (isIe) {

+									wrappedLogEntryContent += textBeforeMatch + searchTermReplacementStartTag +

+										matchedText + searchTermReplacementEndTag;

+								}

+								startIndex = searchIndex + searchTermLength;

+							}

+							var textAfterLastMatch = escapeHtml(logEntry.formattedMessage.substr(startIndex));

+							logEntryContent += preStartTag + textAfterLastMatch + preEndTag;

+							if (isIe) {

+								wrappedLogEntryContent += textAfterLastMatch;

+							}

+						}

+						logEntry.setContent(logEntryContent, wrappedLogEntryContent);

+						var logEntryMatches = logEntry.getSearchMatches();

+						this.matches = this.matches.concat(logEntryMatches);

+					} else {

+						logEntry.setSearchMatch(false);

+						logEntry.setContent(logEntry.formattedMessage, logEntry.formattedMessage);

+					}

+					return doesMatch;

+				},


+				removeMatches: function(logEntries) {

+					var matchesToRemoveCount = 0;

+					var currentMatchRemoved = false;

+					var matchesToRemove = [];

+					var i, iLen, j, jLen;


+					// Establish the list of matches to be removed

+					for (i = 0, iLen = this.matches.length; i < iLen; i++) {

+						for (j = 0, jLen = logEntries.length; j < jLen; j++) {

+							if (this.matches[i].belongsTo(logEntries[j])) {

+								matchesToRemove.push(this.matches[i]);

+								if (i === currentMatchIndex) {

+									currentMatchRemoved = true;

+								}

+							}

+						}

+					}


+					// Set the new current match index if the current match has been deleted

+					// This will be the first match that appears after the first log entry being

+					// deleted, if one exists; otherwise, it's the first match overall

+					var newMatch = currentMatchRemoved ? null : this.matches[currentMatchIndex];

+					if (currentMatchRemoved) {

+						for (i = currentMatchIndex, iLen = this.matches.length; i < iLen; i++) {

+							if (this.matches[i].isVisible() && !array_contains(matchesToRemove, this.matches[i])) {

+								newMatch = this.matches[i];

+								break;

+							}

+						}

+					}


+					// Remove the matches

+					for (i = 0, iLen = matchesToRemove.length; i < iLen; i++) {

+						array_remove(this.matches, matchesToRemove[i]);

+						matchesToRemove[i].remove();

+					}


+					// Set the new match, if one exists

+					if (this.hasVisibleMatches()) {

+						if (newMatch === null) {

+							setCurrentMatchIndex(0);

+						} else {

+							// Get the index of the new match

+							var newMatchIndex = 0;

+							for (i = 0, iLen = this.matches.length; i < iLen; i++) {

+								if (newMatch === this.matches[i]) {

+									newMatchIndex = i;

+									break;

+								}

+							}

+							setCurrentMatchIndex(newMatchIndex);

+						}

+					} else {

+						currentMatchIndex = null;

+						displayNoMatches();

+					}

+				}

+			};


+			function getPageOffsetTop(el, container) {

+				var currentEl = el;

+				var y = 0;

+				while (currentEl && currentEl != container) {

+					y += currentEl.offsetTop;

+					currentEl = currentEl.offsetParent;

+				}

+				return y;

+			}


+			function scrollIntoView(el) {

+				var logContainer = logMainContainer;

+				// Check if the whole width of the element is visible and centre if not

+				if (!$("wrap").checked) {

+					var logContainerLeft = logContainer.scrollLeft;

+					var logContainerRight = logContainerLeft  + logContainer.offsetWidth;

+					var elLeft = el.offsetLeft;

+					var elRight = elLeft + el.offsetWidth;

+					if (elLeft < logContainerLeft || elRight > logContainerRight) {

+						logContainer.scrollLeft = elLeft - (logContainer.offsetWidth - el.offsetWidth) / 2;

+					}

+				}

+				// Check if the whole height of the element is visible and centre if not

+				var logContainerTop = logContainer.scrollTop;

+				var logContainerBottom = logContainerTop  + logContainer.offsetHeight;

+				var elTop = getPageOffsetTop(el) - getToolBarsHeight();

+				var elBottom = elTop + el.offsetHeight;

+				if (elTop < logContainerTop || elBottom > logContainerBottom) {

+					logContainer.scrollTop = elTop - (logContainer.offsetHeight - el.offsetHeight) / 2;

+				}

+			}


+			function Match(logEntryLevel, spanInMainDiv, spanInUnwrappedPre, spanInWrappedDiv) {

+				this.logEntryLevel = logEntryLevel;

+				this.spanInMainDiv = spanInMainDiv;

+				if (isIe) {

+					this.spanInUnwrappedPre = spanInUnwrappedPre;

+					this.spanInWrappedDiv = spanInWrappedDiv;

+				}

+				this.mainSpan = isIe ? spanInUnwrappedPre : spanInMainDiv;

+			}


+			Match.prototype = {

+				equals: function(match) {

+					return this.mainSpan === match.mainSpan;

+				},


+				setCurrent: function() {

+					if (isIe) {

+						addClass(this.spanInUnwrappedPre, "currentmatch");

+						addClass(this.spanInWrappedDiv, "currentmatch");

+						// Scroll the visible one into view

+						var elementToScroll = $("wrap").checked ? this.spanInWrappedDiv : this.spanInUnwrappedPre;

+						scrollIntoView(elementToScroll);

+					} else {

+						addClass(this.spanInMainDiv, "currentmatch");

+						scrollIntoView(this.spanInMainDiv);

+					}

+				},


+				belongsTo: function(logEntry) {

+					if (isIe) {

+						return isDescendant(this.spanInUnwrappedPre, logEntry.unwrappedPre);

+					} else {

+						return isDescendant(this.spanInMainDiv, logEntry.mainDiv);

+					}

+				},


+				setNotCurrent: function() {

+					if (isIe) {

+						removeClass(this.spanInUnwrappedPre, "currentmatch");

+						removeClass(this.spanInWrappedDiv, "currentmatch");

+					} else {

+						removeClass(this.spanInMainDiv, "currentmatch");

+					}

+				},


+				isOrphan: function() {

+					return isOrphan(this.mainSpan);

+				},


+				isVisible: function() {

+					return getCheckBox(this.logEntryLevel).checked;

+				},


+				remove: function() {

+					if (isIe) {

+						this.spanInUnwrappedPre = null;

+						this.spanInWrappedDiv = null;

+					} else {

+						this.spanInMainDiv = null;

+					}

+				}

+			};


+			var currentSearch = null;

+			var currentMatchIndex = null;


+			function doSearch() {

+				var searchBox = $("searchBox");

+				var searchTerm = searchBox.value;

+				var isRegex = $("searchRegex").checked;

+				var isCaseSensitive = $("searchCaseSensitive").checked;

+				var i;


+				if (searchTerm === "") {

+					$("searchReset").disabled = true;

+					$("searchNav").style.display = "none";

+					removeClass(document.body, "searching");

+					removeClass(searchBox, "hasmatches");

+					removeClass(searchBox, "nomatches");

+					for (i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {

+						logEntries[i].clearSearch();

+						logEntries[i].setContent(logEntries[i].formattedMessage, logEntries[i].formattedMessage);

+					}

+					currentSearch = null;

+					setLogContainerHeight();

+				} else {

+					$("searchReset").disabled = false;

+					$("searchNav").style.display = "block";

+					var searchRegex;

+					var regexValid;

+					if (isRegex) {

+						try {

+							searchRegex = isCaseSensitive ? new RegExp(searchTerm, "g") : new RegExp(searchTerm, "gi");

+							regexValid = true;

+							replaceClass(searchBox, "validregex", "invalidregex");

+							searchBox.title = "Valid regex";

+						} catch (ex) {

+							regexValid = false;

+							replaceClass(searchBox, "invalidregex", "validregex");

+							searchBox.title = "Invalid regex: " + (ex.message ? ex.message : (ex.description ? ex.description : "unknown error"));

+							return;

+						}

+					} else {

+						searchBox.title = "";

+						removeClass(searchBox, "validregex");

+						removeClass(searchBox, "invalidregex");

+					}

+					addClass(document.body, "searching");

+					currentSearch = new Search(searchTerm, isRegex, searchRegex, isCaseSensitive);

+					for (i = 0; i < logEntries.length; i++) {

+						currentSearch.applyTo(logEntries[i]);

+					}

+					setLogContainerHeight();


+					// Highlight the first search match

+					if (currentSearch.hasVisibleMatches()) {

+						setCurrentMatchIndex(0);

+						displayMatches();

+					} else {

+						displayNoMatches();

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function updateSearchFromFilters() {

+				if (currentSearch) {

+					if (currentSearch.hasMatches()) {

+						if (currentMatchIndex === null) {

+							currentMatchIndex = 0;

+						}

+						var currentMatch = currentSearch.matches[currentMatchIndex];

+						if (currentMatch.isVisible()) {

+							displayMatches();

+							setCurrentMatchIndex(currentMatchIndex);

+						} else {

+							currentMatch.setNotCurrent();

+							// Find the next visible match, if one exists

+							var nextVisibleMatchIndex = currentSearch.getNextVisibleMatchIndex();

+							if (nextVisibleMatchIndex > -1) {

+								setCurrentMatchIndex(nextVisibleMatchIndex);

+								displayMatches();

+							} else {

+								displayNoMatches();

+							}

+						}

+					} else {

+						displayNoMatches();

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function refreshCurrentMatch() {

+				if (currentSearch && currentSearch.hasVisibleMatches()) {

+					setCurrentMatchIndex(currentMatchIndex);

+				}

+			}


+			function displayMatches() {

+				replaceClass($("searchBox"), "hasmatches", "nomatches");

+				$("searchBox").title = "" + currentSearch.matches.length + " matches found";

+				$("searchNav").style.display = "block";

+				setLogContainerHeight();

+			}


+			function displayNoMatches() {

+				replaceClass($("searchBox"), "nomatches", "hasmatches");

+				$("searchBox").title = "No matches found";

+				$("searchNav").style.display = "none";

+				setLogContainerHeight();

+			}


+			function toggleSearchEnabled(enable) {

+				enable = (typeof enable == "undefined") ? !$("searchDisable").checked : enable;

+				$("searchBox").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchReset").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchRegex").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchNext").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchPrevious").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchCaseSensitive").disabled = !enable;

+				$("searchNav").style.display = (enable && ($("searchBox").value !== "") &&

+						currentSearch && currentSearch.hasVisibleMatches()) ?

+					"block" : "none";

+				if (enable) {

+					removeClass($("search"), "greyedout");

+					addClass(document.body, "searching");

+					if ($("searchHighlight").checked) {

+						addClass(logMainContainer, "searchhighlight");

+					} else {

+						removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchhighlight");

+					}

+					if ($("searchFilter").checked) {

+						addClass(logMainContainer, "searchfilter");

+					} else {

+						removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchfilter");

+					}

+					$("searchDisable").checked = !enable;

+				} else {

+					addClass($("search"), "greyedout");

+					removeClass(document.body, "searching");

+					removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchhighlight");

+					removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchfilter");

+				}

+				setLogContainerHeight();

+			}


+			function toggleSearchFilter() {

+				var enable = $("searchFilter").checked;

+				if (enable) {

+					addClass(logMainContainer, "searchfilter");

+				} else {

+					removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchfilter");

+				}

+				refreshCurrentMatch();

+			}


+			function toggleSearchHighlight() {

+				var enable = $("searchHighlight").checked;

+				if (enable) {

+					addClass(logMainContainer, "searchhighlight");

+				} else {

+					removeClass(logMainContainer, "searchhighlight");

+				}

+			}


+			function clearSearch() {

+				$("searchBox").value = "";

+				doSearch();

+			}


+			function searchNext() {

+				if (currentSearch !== null && currentMatchIndex !== null) {

+					currentSearch.matches[currentMatchIndex].setNotCurrent();

+					var nextMatchIndex = currentSearch.getNextVisibleMatchIndex();

+					if (nextMatchIndex > currentMatchIndex || confirm("Reached the end of the page. Start from the top?")) {

+						setCurrentMatchIndex(nextMatchIndex);

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function searchPrevious() {

+				if (currentSearch !== null && currentMatchIndex !== null) {

+					currentSearch.matches[currentMatchIndex].setNotCurrent();

+					var previousMatchIndex = currentSearch.getPreviousVisibleMatchIndex();

+					if (previousMatchIndex < currentMatchIndex || confirm("Reached the start of the page. Continue from the bottom?")) {

+						setCurrentMatchIndex(previousMatchIndex);

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function setCurrentMatchIndex(index) {

+				currentMatchIndex = index;

+				currentSearch.matches[currentMatchIndex].setCurrent();

+			}


+			/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


+			// CSS Utilities


+			function addClass(el, cssClass) {

+				if (!hasClass(el, cssClass)) {

+					if (el.className) {

+						el.className += " " + cssClass;

+					} else {

+						el.className = cssClass;

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function hasClass(el, cssClass) {

+				if (el.className) {

+					var classNames = el.className.split(" ");

+					return array_contains(classNames, cssClass);

+				}

+				return false;

+			}


+			function removeClass(el, cssClass) {

+				if (hasClass(el, cssClass)) {

+					// Rebuild the className property

+					var existingClasses = el.className.split(" ");

+					var newClasses = [];

+					for (var i = 0, len = existingClasses.length; i < len; i++) {

+						if (existingClasses[i] != cssClass) {

+							newClasses[newClasses.length] = existingClasses[i];

+						}

+					}

+					el.className = newClasses.join(" ");

+				}

+			}


+			function replaceClass(el, newCssClass, oldCssClass) {

+				removeClass(el, oldCssClass);

+				addClass(el, newCssClass);

+			}


+			/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


+			// Other utility functions


+			function getElementsByClass(el, cssClass, tagName) {

+				var elements = el.getElementsByTagName(tagName);

+				var matches = [];

+				for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {

+					if (hasClass(elements[i], cssClass)) {

+						matches.push(elements[i]);

+					}

+				}

+				return matches;

+			}


+			// Syntax borrowed from Prototype library

+			function $(id) {

+				return document.getElementById(id);

+			}


+			function isDescendant(node, ancestorNode) {

+				while (node != null) {

+					if (node === ancestorNode) {

+						return true;

+					}

+					node = node.parentNode;

+				}

+				return false;

+			}


+			function isOrphan(node) {

+				var currentNode = node;

+				while (currentNode) {

+					if (currentNode == document.body) {

+						return false;

+					}

+					currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;

+				}

+				return true;

+			}


+			function escapeHtml(str) {

+				return str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/[<]/g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");

+			}


+			function getWindowWidth() {

+				if (window.innerWidth) {

+					return window.innerWidth;

+				} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {

+					return document.documentElement.clientWidth;

+				} else if (document.body) {

+					return document.body.clientWidth;

+				}

+				return 0;

+			}


+			function getWindowHeight() {

+				if (window.innerHeight) {

+					return window.innerHeight;

+				} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {

+					return document.documentElement.clientHeight;

+				} else if (document.body) {

+					return document.body.clientHeight;

+				}

+				return 0;

+			}


+			function getToolBarsHeight() {

+				return $("switches").offsetHeight;

+			}


+			function getChromeHeight() {

+				var height = getToolBarsHeight();

+				if (showCommandLine) {

+					height += $("commandLine").offsetHeight;

+				}

+				return height;

+			}


+			function setLogContainerHeight() {

+				if (logMainContainer) {

+					var windowHeight = getWindowHeight();

+					$("body").style.height = getWindowHeight() + "px";

+ = "" +

+						Math.max(0, windowHeight - getChromeHeight()) + "px";

+				}

+			}


+			function setCommandInputWidth() {

+				if (showCommandLine) {

+					$("command").style.width = "" + Math.max(0, $("commandLineContainer").offsetWidth -

+						($("evaluateButton").offsetWidth + 13)) + "px";

+				}

+			}


+			window.onresize = function() {

+				setCommandInputWidth();

+				setLogContainerHeight();

+			};


+			if (!Array.prototype.push) {

+				Array.prototype.push = function() {

+			        for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++){

+			            this[this.length] = arguments[i];

+			        }

+			        return this.length;

+				};

+			}


+			if (!Array.prototype.pop) {

+				Array.prototype.pop = function() {

+					if (this.length > 0) {

+						var val = this[this.length - 1];

+						this.length = this.length - 1;

+						return val;

+					}

+				};

+			}


+			if (!Array.prototype.shift) {

+				Array.prototype.shift = function() {

+					if (this.length > 0) {

+						var firstItem = this[0];

+						for (var i = 0, len = this.length - 1; i < len; i++) {

+							this[i] = this[i + 1];

+						}

+						this.length = this.length - 1;

+						return firstItem;

+					}

+				};

+			}


+			if (!Array.prototype.splice) {

+				Array.prototype.splice = function(startIndex, deleteCount) {

+					var itemsAfterDeleted = this.slice(startIndex + deleteCount);

+					var itemsDeleted = this.slice(startIndex, startIndex + deleteCount);

+					this.length = startIndex;

+					// Copy the arguments into a proper Array object

+					var argumentsArray = [];

+					for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {

+						argumentsArray[i] = arguments[i];

+					}

+					var itemsToAppend = (argumentsArray.length > 2) ?

+						itemsAfterDeleted = argumentsArray.slice(2).concat(itemsAfterDeleted) : itemsAfterDeleted;

+					for (i = 0, len = itemsToAppend.length; i < len; i++) {

+						this.push(itemsToAppend[i]);

+					}

+					return itemsDeleted;

+				};

+			}


+			function array_remove(arr, val) {

+				var index = -1;

+				for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {

+					if (arr[i] === val) {

+						index = i;

+						break;

+					}

+				}

+				if (index >= 0) {

+					arr.splice(index, 1);

+					return index;

+				} else {

+					return false;

+				}

+			}


+			function array_removeFromStart(array, numberToRemove) {

+				if (Array.prototype.splice) {

+					array.splice(0, numberToRemove);

+				} else {

+					for (var i = numberToRemove, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {

+						array[i - numberToRemove] = array[i];

+					}

+					array.length = array.length - numberToRemove;

+				}

+				return array;

+			}


+			function array_contains(arr, val) {

+				for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {

+					if (arr[i] == val) {

+						return true;

+					}

+				}

+				return false;

+			}


+			function getErrorMessage(ex) {

+				if (ex.message) {

+					return ex.message;

+				} else if (ex.description) {

+					return ex.description;

+				}

+				return "" + ex;

+			}


+			function moveCaretToEnd(input) {

+				if (input.setSelectionRange) {

+					input.focus();

+					var length = input.value.length;

+					input.setSelectionRange(length, length);

+				} else if (input.createTextRange) {

+					var range = input.createTextRange();

+					range.collapse(false);


+				}

+				input.focus();

+			}


+			function stopPropagation(evt) {

+				if (evt.stopPropagation) {

+					evt.stopPropagation();

+				} else if (typeof evt.cancelBubble != "undefined") {

+					evt.cancelBubble = true;

+				}

+			}


+			function getEvent(evt) {

+				return evt ? evt : event;

+			}


+			function getTarget(evt) {

+				return ? : evt.srcElement;

+			}


+			function getRelatedTarget(evt) {

+				if (evt.relatedTarget) {

+					return evt.relatedTarget;

+				} else if (evt.srcElement) {

+					switch(evt.type) {

+						case "mouseover":

+							return evt.fromElement;

+						case "mouseout":

+							return evt.toElement;

+						default:

+							return evt.srcElement;

+					}

+				}

+			}


+			function cancelKeyEvent(evt) {

+				evt.returnValue = false;

+				stopPropagation(evt);

+			}


+			function evalCommandLine() {

+				var expr = $("command").value;

+				evalCommand(expr);

+				$("command").value = "";

+			}


+			function evalLastCommand() {

+				if (lastCommand != null) {

+					evalCommand(lastCommand);

+				}

+			}


+			var lastCommand = null;

+			var commandHistory = [];

+			var currentCommandIndex = 0;


+			function evalCommand(expr) {

+				if (appender) {

+					appender.evalCommandAndAppend(expr);

+				} else {

+					var prefix = ">>> " + expr + "\r\n";

+					try {

+						log("INFO", prefix + eval(expr));

+					} catch (ex) {

+						log("ERROR", prefix + "Error: " + getErrorMessage(ex));

+					}

+				}

+				// Update command history

+				if (expr != commandHistory[commandHistory.length - 1]) {

+					commandHistory.push(expr);

+					// Update the appender

+					if (appender) {

+						appender.storeCommandHistory(commandHistory);

+					}

+				}

+				currentCommandIndex = (expr == commandHistory[currentCommandIndex]) ? currentCommandIndex + 1 : commandHistory.length;

+				lastCommand = expr;

+			}

+			//]]>

+		</script>

+		<style type="text/css">

+			body {

+				background-color: white;

+				color: black;

+				padding: 0;

+				margin: 0;

+				font-family: tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

+				overflow: hidden;

+			}


+			div#switchesContainer input {

+				margin-bottom: 0;

+			}


+			div.toolbar {

+				border-top: solid #ffffff 1px;

+				border-bottom: solid #aca899 1px;

+				background-color: #f1efe7;

+				padding: 3px 5px;

+				font-size: 68.75%;

+			}


+			div.toolbar, div#search input {

+				font-family: tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

+			}


+			div.toolbar input.button {

+				padding: 0 5px;

+				font-size: 100%;

+			}


+			div.toolbar input.hidden {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			div#switches input#clearButton {

+				margin-left: 20px;

+			}


+			div#levels label {

+				font-weight: bold;

+			}


+			div#levels label, div#options label {

+				margin-right: 5px;

+			}


+			div#levels label#wrapLabel {

+				font-weight: normal;

+			}


+			div#search label {

+				margin-right: 10px;

+			}


+			div#search label.searchboxlabel {

+				margin-right: 0;

+			}


+			div#search input {

+				font-size: 100%;

+			}


+			div#search input.validregex {

+				color: green;

+			}


+			div#search input.invalidregex {

+				color: red;

+			}


+			div#search input.nomatches {

+				color: white;

+				background-color: #ff6666;

+			}


+			div#search input.nomatches {

+				color: white;

+				background-color: #ff6666;

+			}


+			div#searchNav {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			div#commandLine {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			div#commandLine input#command {

+				font-size: 100%;

+				font-family: Courier New, Courier;

+			}


+			div#commandLine input#evaluateButton {

+			}


+			*.greyedout {

+				color: gray !important;

+				border-color: gray !important;

+			}


+			*.greyedout *.alwaysenabled { color: black; }


+			*.unselectable {

+				-khtml-user-select: none;

+				-moz-user-select: none;

+				user-select: none;

+			}


+			div#log {

+				font-family: Courier New, Courier;

+				font-size: 75%;

+				width: 100%;

+				overflow: auto;

+				clear: both;

+				position: relative;

+			}


+ {

+				border-color: #cccccc;

+				border-style: solid;

+				border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;

+				overflow: visible;

+			}


+			div.oldIe, div.oldIe *, div.oldIe *.logentry {

+				height: 1%;

+			}


+ div.groupheading span.expander {

+				border: solid black 1px;

+				font-family: Courier New, Courier;

+				font-size: 0.833em;

+				background-color: #eeeeee;

+				position: relative;

+				top: -1px;

+				color: black;

+				padding: 0 2px;

+				cursor: pointer;

+				cursor: hand;

+				height: 1%;

+			}


+ div.groupcontent {

+				margin-left: 10px;

+				padding-bottom: 2px;

+				overflow: visible;

+			}


+ div.expanded {

+				display: block;

+			}


+ div.collapsed {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			*.logentry {

+				overflow: visible;

+				display: none;

+				white-space: pre;

+			}


+			span.pre {

+				white-space: pre;

+			}


+			pre.unwrapped {

+				display: inline !important;

+			}


+			pre.unwrapped pre.pre, div.wrapped pre.pre {

+				display: inline;

+			}


+			div.wrapped pre.pre {

+				white-space: normal;

+			}


+			div.wrapped {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			body.searching *.logentry span.currentmatch {

+				color: white !important;

+				background-color: green !important;

+			}


+			body.searching div.searchhighlight *.logentry span.searchterm {

+				color: black;

+				background-color: yellow;

+			}


+			div.wrap *.logentry {

+				white-space: normal !important;

+				border-width: 0 0 1px 0;

+				border-color: #dddddd;

+				border-style: dotted;

+			}


+			div.wrap #log_wrapped, #log_unwrapped {

+				display: block;

+			}


+			div.wrap #log_unwrapped, #log_wrapped {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			div.wrap *.logentry span.pre {

+				overflow: visible;

+				white-space: normal;

+			}


+			div.wrap *.logentry pre.unwrapped {

+				display: none;

+			}


+			div.wrap *.logentry span.wrapped {

+				display: inline;

+			}


+			div.searchfilter *.searchnonmatch {

+				display: none !important;

+			}


+			div#log *.TRACE, label#label_TRACE {

+				color: #666666;

+			}


+			div#log *.DEBUG, label#label_DEBUG {

+				color: green;

+			}


+			div#log *.INFO, label#label_INFO {

+				color: #000099;

+			}


+			div#log *.WARN, label#label_WARN {

+				color: #999900;

+			}


+			div#log *.ERROR, label#label_ERROR {

+				color: red;

+			}


+			div#log *.FATAL, label#label_FATAL {

+				color: #660066;

+			}


+			div.TRACE#log *.TRACE,

+			div.DEBUG#log *.DEBUG,

+			div.INFO#log *.INFO,

+			div.WARN#log *.WARN,

+			div.ERROR#log *.ERROR,

+			div.FATAL#log *.FATAL {

+				display: block;

+			}


+			div#log div.separator {

+				background-color: #cccccc;

+				margin: 5px 0;

+				line-height: 1px;

+			}

+		</style>

+	</head>


+	<body id="body">

+		<div id="switchesContainer">

+			<div id="switches">

+				<div id="levels" class="toolbar">

+					Filters:

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_TRACE" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide trace messages" /><label for="switch_TRACE" id="label_TRACE">trace</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_DEBUG" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide debug messages" /><label for="switch_DEBUG" id="label_DEBUG">debug</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_INFO" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide info messages" /><label for="switch_INFO" id="label_INFO">info</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_WARN" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide warn messages" /><label for="switch_WARN" id="label_WARN">warn</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_ERROR" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide error messages" /><label for="switch_ERROR" id="label_ERROR">error</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_FATAL" onclick="applyFilters(); checkAllLevels()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide fatal messages" /><label for="switch_FATAL" id="label_FATAL">fatal</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="switch_ALL" onclick="toggleAllLevels(); applyFilters()" checked="checked" title="Show/hide all messages" /><label for="switch_ALL" id="label_ALL">all</label>

+				</div>

+				<div id="search" class="toolbar">

+					<label for="searchBox" class="searchboxlabel">Search:</label> <input type="text" id="searchBox" onclick="toggleSearchEnabled(true)" onkeyup="scheduleSearch()" size="20" />

+					<input type="button" id="searchReset" disabled="disabled" value="Reset" onclick="clearSearch()" class="button" title="Reset the search" />

+					<input type="checkbox" id="searchRegex" onclick="doSearch()" title="If checked, search is treated as a regular expression" /><label for="searchRegex">Regex</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="searchCaseSensitive" onclick="doSearch()" title="If checked, search is case sensitive" /><label for="searchCaseSensitive">Match case</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="searchDisable" onclick="toggleSearchEnabled()" title="Enable/disable search" /><label for="searchDisable" class="alwaysenabled">Disable</label>

+					<div id="searchNav">

+						<input type="button" id="searchNext" disabled="disabled" value="Next" onclick="searchNext()" class="button" title="Go to the next matching log entry" />

+						<input type="button" id="searchPrevious" disabled="disabled" value="Previous" onclick="searchPrevious()" class="button" title="Go to the previous matching log entry" />

+						<input type="checkbox" id="searchFilter" onclick="toggleSearchFilter()" title="If checked, non-matching log entries are filtered out" /><label for="searchFilter">Filter</label>

+						<input type="checkbox" id="searchHighlight" onclick="toggleSearchHighlight()" title="Highlight matched search terms" /><label for="searchHighlight" class="alwaysenabled">Highlight all</label>

+					</div>

+				</div>

+				<div id="options" class="toolbar">

+					Options:

+					<input type="checkbox" id="enableLogging" onclick="toggleLoggingEnabled()" checked="checked" title="Enable/disable logging" /><label for="enableLogging" id="enableLoggingLabel">Log</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="wrap" onclick="toggleWrap()" title="Enable / disable word wrap" /><label for="wrap" id="wrapLabel">Wrap</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="newestAtTop" onclick="toggleNewestAtTop()" title="If checked, causes newest messages to appear at the top" /><label for="newestAtTop" id="newestAtTopLabel">Newest at the top</label>

+					<input type="checkbox" id="scrollToLatest" onclick="toggleScrollToLatest()" checked="checked" title="If checked, window automatically scrolls to a new message when it is added" /><label for="scrollToLatest" id="scrollToLatestLabel">Scroll to latest</label>

+					<input type="button" id="clearButton" value="Clear" onclick="clearLog()" class="button" title="Clear all log messages"  />

+					<input type="button" id="hideButton" value="Hide" onclick="hide()" class="hidden button" title="Hide the console" />

+					<input type="button" id="closeButton" value="Close" onclick="closeWindow()" class="hidden button" title="Close the window" />

+				</div>

+			</div>

+		</div>

+		<div id="log" class="TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL"></div>

+		<div id="commandLine" class="toolbar">

+			<div id="commandLineContainer">

+				<input type="text" id="command" title="Enter a JavaScript command here and hit return or press 'Evaluate'" />

+				<input type="button" id="evaluateButton" value="Evaluate" class="button" title="Evaluate the command" onclick="evalCommandLine()" />

+			</div>

+		</div>

+	</body>
