Setting up the XOS Tutorial

The XOS Tutorial demonstrates how to add a new subscriber-facing service to CORD.

Prepare the development POD

This tutorial runs on a single-node CORD POD development environment. For best results, prepare a clean Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installation on a server with at least 48GB RAM and 12 CPU cores. Update the packages to the latest versions.

To set up the POD, run this script with the -e option:

ubuntu@pod:~$ wget
ubuntu@pod:~$ bash -e

NOTE: The above script can also automatically perform (nearly) all the steps of this tutorial if run as bash single-node-pod -e -t. However, you will still need to manually log into XOS and create an ExampleTenant, as described under Configure ExampleService in XOS below. The script will tell you when it's time to do this.

Be patient... it will take at least one hour to fully set up the single-node POD.

Include ExampleService in XOS

On the POD, SSH into the XOS VM: $ ssh ubuntu@xos. You will see the XOS repository checked out under ~/xos/

Change the XOS code as described in the ExampleService Tutorial under the Install the Service in Django heading, and rebuild the XOS containers as follows:

ubuntu@xos:~$ cd xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod
ubuntu@xos:~/xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod$ make local_containers

Modify the docker-compose.yml file in the cord-pod directory to include the synchronizer for ExampleService:

    image: xosproject/xos-synchronizer-openstack
    command: bash -c "sleep 120; python /opt/xos/synchronizers/exampleservice/ -C /root/setup/files/exampleservice_config"
        org.xosproject.kind: synchronizer exampleservice
        - xos_db
        - .:/root/setup:ro
        - ../common/xos_common_config:/opt/xos/xos_configuration/xos_common_config:ro
        - ./id_rsa:/opt/xos/synchronizers/exampleservice/exampleservice_private_key:ro

Also, add ExampleService's public key to the volumes section of the xos docker container:

        - ./ 

Bring up XOS

Run the make commands described in the Bringing up XOS section of the file.

Configure ExampleService in XOS

The TOSCA file pod-exampleservice.yaml contains the service declaration. Tell XOS to process it by running:

ubuntu@xos:~/xos/xos/configurations/cord-pod$ make exampleservice

Next, in the XOS UI, create an ExampleTenant. Go to http://xos/admin/exampleservice (caveat) and add / save an Example Tenant. When creating the tenant, fill in a message that this tenant should display. This will cause an Instance to be created in the the mysite_exampleservice slice.

Set up a Subscriber Device

The single-node POD does not include a virtual OLT, but a device at the subscriber’s premises can be simulated by an LXC container running on the nova-compute node.

In the nova-compute VM:

ubuntu@nova-compute:~$ sudo apt-get install lxc

Next edit /etc/lxc/default.conf and change the default bridge name to databr: = databr

Create the client container and attach to it:

ubuntu@nova-compute:~$ sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n testclient
ubuntu@nova-compute:~$ sudo lxc-start -n testclient
ubuntu@nova-compute:~$ sudo lxc-attach -n testclient

(The lxc-start command may throw an error but it seems to be unimportant.)

Finally, inside the container set up an interface so that outgoing traffic is tagged with the s-tag (222) and c-tag (111) configured for the sample subscriber:

root@testclient:~# ip link add link eth0 name eth0.222 type vlan id 222
root@testclient:~# ip link add link eth0.222 name eth0.222.111 type vlan id 111
root@testclient:~# ifconfig eth0.222 up
root@testclient:~# ifconfig eth0.222.111 up
root@testclient:~# dhclient eth0.222.111

If the vSG is up and everything is working correctly, the eth0.222.111 interface should acquire an IP address via DHCP and have external connectivity.

Access ExampleService from the Subscriber Device

To test that the subscriber device can access the ExampleService, find the IP address of the ExampleService Instance in the XOS GUI, and then curl this address from inside the testclient container:

root@testclient:~# sudo apt-get install curl
root@testclient:~# curl
 Service Message: "service_message"
 Tenant Message: "tenant_message"

Hooray! This shows that the subscriber (1) has external connectivity, and (2) can access the new service via the vSG.