fix coreapi exception on MonitoringService MonitoringPublisher

Change-Id: If17213209564709b243536aca60f704217daa1cb
diff --git a/xos/coreapi/ b/xos/coreapi/
index 3ef547f..b69ea72 100644
--- a/xos/coreapi/
+++ b/xos/coreapi/
@@ -85,11 +85,24 @@
             if "+" in related_name:
-            rel_objs = getattr(obj, related_name)
+            try:
+                rel_objs = getattr(obj, related_name)
+            except Exception, e:
+                # django makes catching this exception unnecessarily difficult
+                if type(e).__name__ == "RelatedObjectDoesNotExist":
+                    # OneToOneField throws this if relation does not exist
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise
+            if not hasattr(rel_objs, "all"):
+                # this is in anticipation of OneToOneField causing problems
+                continue
             for rel_obj in rel_objs.all():
                 if not hasattr(p_obj,related_name+"_ids"):
-                x=getattr(p_obj,related_name+"_ids").append(
+                getattr(p_obj,related_name+"_ids").append(
         # Generate a list of class names for the object. This includes its
         # ancestors. Anything that is a descendant of PlCoreBase or User