Fix 'id' not found bug.
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/openstack/ b/xos/synchronizers/openstack/
deleted file mode 100644
index fda2300..0000000
--- a/xos/synchronizers/openstack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import jinja2
-import tempfile
-import os
-import json
-import pdb
-import string
-import random
-import re
-import traceback
-import subprocess
-from xos.config import Config, XOS_DIR
-from xos.logger import observer_logger
- step_dir = Config().observer_steps_dir
- sys_dir = Config().observer_sys_dir
- step_dir = XOS_DIR + '/observer/steps'
- sys_dir = '/opt/opencloud'
-os_template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=step_dir)
-os_template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=os_template_loader)
-def parse_output(msg):
- lines = msg.splitlines()
- results = []
- for l in lines:
- magic_str = 'ok: [] => '
- magic_str2 = 'changed: [] => '
- if (l.startswith(magic_str)):
- w = len(magic_str)
- str = l[w:]
- d = json.loads(str)
- results.append(d)
- elif (l.startswith(magic_str2)):
- w = len(magic_str2)
- str = l[w:]
- d = json.loads(str)
- results.append(d)
- return results
-def parse_unreachable(msg):
- total_unreachable=0
- total_failed=0
- for l in msg.splitlines():
- x = re.findall('ok=([0-9]+).*changed=([0-9]+).*unreachable=([0-9]+).*failed=([0-9]+)', l)
- if x:
- (ok, changed, unreachable, failed) = x[0]
- ok=int(ok)
- changed=int(changed)
- unreachable=int(unreachable)
- failed=int(failed)
- total_unreachable += unreachable
- total_failed += failed
- return {'unreachable':total_unreachable,'failed':total_failed}
-def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
- return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
-def shellquote(s):
- return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"
-def get_playbook_fn(opts, path):
- if not opts.get("ansible_tag", None):
- # if no ansible_tag is in the options, then generate a unique one
- objname= id_generator()
- opts = opts.copy()
- opts["ansible_tag"] = objname
- objname = opts["ansible_tag"]
- os.system('mkdir -p %s' % os.path.join(sys_dir, path))
- return (opts, os.path.join(sys_dir,path,objname))
-def run_template(name, opts, path='', expected_num=None, ansible_config=None, ansible_hosts=None, run_ansible_script=None):
- template = os_template_env.get_template(name)
- buffer = template.render(opts)
- (opts, fqp) = get_playbook_fn(opts, path)
- f = open(fqp,'w')
- f.write(buffer)
- f.flush()
- # This is messy -- there's no way to specify ansible config file from
- # the command line, but we can specify it using the environment.
- env = os.environ.copy()
- if ansible_config:
- env["ANSIBLE_CONFIG"] = ansible_config
- if ansible_hosts:
- env["ANSIBLE_HOSTS"] = ansible_hosts
- if (not Config().observer_pretend):
- if not run_ansible_script:
- run_ansible_script = os.path.join(XOS_DIR, "observer/run_ansible")
- process = subprocess.Popen("%s %s" % (run_ansible_script, shellquote(fqp)), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
- msg =
- err_msg =
- if getattr(Config(), "observer_save_ansible_output", False):
- try:
- open(fqp+".out","w").write(msg)
- open(fqp+".err","w").write(err_msg)
- except:
- # fail silently
- pass
- else:
- msg = open(fqp+'.out').read()
- try:
- ok_results = parse_output(msg)
- if (expected_num is not None) and (len(ok_results) != expected_num):
- raise ValueError('Unexpected num %s!=%d' % (str(expected_num), len(ok_results)) )
- parsed = parse_unreachable(msg)
- total_unreachable = parsed['unreachable']
- failed = parsed['failed']
- if (failed):
- raise ValueError('Ansible playbook failed.')
- if (total_unreachable > 0):
- raise ValueError("Unreachable results in ansible recipe")
- except ValueError,e:
- all_fatal = [e.message] + re.findall(r'^msg: (.*)',msg,re.MULTILINE)
- all_fatal2 = re.findall(r'^ERROR: (.*)',msg,re.MULTILINE)
- all_fatal.extend(all_fatal2)
- try:
- error = ' // '.join(all_fatal)
- except:
- pass
- raise Exception(error)
- return ok_results
-def run_template_ssh(name, opts, path='', expected_num=None):
- instance_name = opts["instance_name"]
- hostname = opts["hostname"]
- private_key = opts["private_key"]
- baremetal_ssh = opts.get("baremetal_ssh",False)
- if baremetal_ssh:
- # no instance_id or nat_ip for baremetal
- # we never proxy to baremetal
- proxy_ssh = False
- else:
- instance_id = opts["instance_id"]
- nat_ip = opts["nat_ip"]
- try:
- proxy_ssh = Config().observer_proxy_ssh
- except:
- proxy_ssh = True
- (opts, fqp) = get_playbook_fn(opts, path)
- private_key_pathname = fqp + ".key"
- config_pathname = fqp + ".config"
- hosts_pathname = fqp + ".hosts"
- f = open(private_key_pathname, "w")
- f.write(private_key)
- f.close()
- f = open(config_pathname, "w")
- f.write("[ssh_connection]\n")
- if proxy_ssh:
- proxy_command = "ProxyCommand ssh -q -i %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no %s@%s" % (private_key_pathname, instance_id, hostname)
- f.write('ssh_args = -o "%s"\n' % proxy_command)
- f.write('scp_if_ssh = True\n')
- f.write('pipelining = True\n')
- f.write('\n[defaults]\n')
- f.write('host_key_checking = False\n')
- f.close()
- f = open(hosts_pathname, "w")
- f.write("[%s]\n" % instance_name)
- if proxy_ssh or baremetal_ssh:
- f.write("%s ansible_ssh_private_key_file=%s\n" % (hostname, private_key_pathname))
- else:
- # acb: Login user is hardcoded, this is not great
- f.write("%s ansible_ssh_private_key_file=%s ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu\n" % (nat_ip, private_key_pathname))
- f.close()
- # SSH will complain if private key is world or group readable
- os.chmod(private_key_pathname, 0600)
- print "ANSIBLE_CONFIG=%s" % config_pathname
- print "ANSIBLE_HOSTS=%s" % hosts_pathname
- return run_template(name, opts, path, ansible_config = config_pathname, ansible_hosts = hosts_pathname, run_ansible_script="/opt/xos/observer/run_ansible_verbose")
-def main():
- run_template('ansible/sync_user_deployments.yaml',{ "endpoint" : "",
- "name" : "Sapan Bhatia",
- "email": "",
- "password": "foobar",
- "admin_user":"admin",
- "admin_password":"6a789bf69dd647e2",
- "admin_tenant":"admin",
- "tenant":"demo",
- "roles":['user','admin'] })
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/openstack/ b/xos/synchronizers/openstack/
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..c20dc8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizers/openstack/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file