blob: 468d4d608bcbcdf5f561f283c33a0b0b3efed5bc [file] [log] [blame]
arpiagariu827f3922016-06-06 15:25:28 -07001'use strict';
3angular.module('xos.tenant', [
4 'ngResource',
5 'ngCookies',
6 'ui.router',
7 'xos.helpers'
9.config(($stateProvider) => {
10 $stateProvider
11 .state('user-list', {
12 url: '/',
13 template: '<users-list></users-list>'
14 })
15 .state('site', {
16 url:'/site/:id',
17 template:'<site-detail></site-detail>'
19 })
20 .state('createslice', {
21 url:'/site/:site/slice/',
22 template:'<create-slice></create-slice>'
24 })
25 .state('editslice', {
26 url:'/site/:site/slice/:id?',
27 template:'<edit-slice></edit-slice>'
29 });;
33 $httpProvider.interceptors.push('NoHyperlinks');
35.directive('usersList', function(){
36 return {
37 //sites : {},
38 restrict: 'E',
39 scope: {},
40 bindToController: true,
41 controllerAs: 'vm',
42 templateUrl: 'templates/users-list.tpl.html',
43 controller: function(Sites,SlicesPlus){
47 this.tableConfig = {
48 columns: [
49 {
50 label: 'Site1',
51 prop: 'name',
52 link: item => `/#/site/${}`
53 },
54 {
55 label: 'Allocated',
56 prop: 'instance_total'
57 },
58 {
59 label: 'Ready',
60 prop: 'instance_total_ready'
61 }
62 ]
63 };
65 var sites;
66 // retrieving user list
67 Sites.query().$promise
68 .then((users) => {
69 this.sites = users;
70 return SlicesPlus.query().$promise
71 })
72 .then((users) => {
73 this.slices = users;
74 //console.log(this.sites,this.slices);
75 this.site_list = this.returnData(this.sites,this.slices);
76 })
77 .catch((e) => {
78 throw new Error(e);
79 });
80 //console.log(sites);
83 this.returnData = (sites,slices) => {
84 //console.log(sites,slices);
85 //console.log(sites.length)
86 var i,j=0;
87 var site_list=[];
88 var slice_list = [];
90 for(i = 0; i<sites.length; i++){
91 var instance_t = 0;
92 var instance_t_r = 0;
93 for(j=0;j<slices.length;j++){
94 if (sites[i].id != null && slices[j].site !=null && sites[i].id == slices[j].site){
95 console.log(sites[i].id,slices[j].id);
96 instance_t = instance_t + slices[j].instance_total;
97 instance_t_r = instance_t_r + slices[j].instance_total_ready;
98 }
99 }
100 var data_sites = {
101 'id': sites[i].id,
102 'name': sites[i].name,
103 'instance_total' :instance_t,
104 'instance_total_ready' : instance_t_r
105 };
106 //console.log(sites[i].id);
107 site_list.push(data_sites);
108 }
109 return site_list
110 //this.site_list = site_list;
111 }
112 }
113 };
115.directive('siteDetail', function(){
116 return {
117 restrict: 'E',
118 scope: {},
119 bindToController: true,
120 controllerAs: 'sl',
121 templateUrl: 'templates/slicelist.html',
122 controller: function(SlicesPlus,$stateParams){
123 console.log($stateParams);
124 this.siteId = $;
125 this.tableConfig = {
126 columns: [
127 {
128 label: 'Slice List',
129 prop: 'name',
130 link: item => `/#/site/${}/slice/${}`
131 },
132 {
133 label: 'Allocated',
134 prop: 'instance_total'
135 },
136 {
137 label: 'Ready',
138 prop: 'instance_total_ready'
139 }
140 ]
141 };
143 // retrieving user list
144 SlicesPlus.query({
145 site:$
146 }).$promise
147 .then((users) => {
148 this.users = users;
149 })
150 .catch((e) => {
151 throw new Error(e);
152 });
153 }
154 };
156.directive('createSlice', function(){
157 return {
158 //sites : {},
159 restrict: 'E',
160 scope: {},
161 bindToController: true,
162 controllerAs: 'cs',
163 templateUrl: 'templates/createslice.html',
164 controller: function(Slices,SlicesPlus,$stateParams){
165 //var sites;
166 //console.log(;
168 //console.log(this.config);
169 this.config = {
170 exclude: ['password', 'last_login'],
171 formName: 'SliceDetails',
172 actions: [
173 {
174 label: 'Save',
175 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
176 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
177 console.log(user);
178 },
179 class: 'success'
180 },{
181 label: 'Save and continue editing',
182 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
183 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
184 console.log(user);
185 },
186 class: 'primary'
187 },{
188 label: 'Save and add another',
189 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
190 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
191 console.log(user);
192 },
193 class: 'primary'
194 }
195 ],
196 fields:
197 {
198 site_select : {
199 label:'Site',
200 type:'select',
201 validators:{ required: true,},
202 hint : 'The Site this Slice belongs to',
203 options:[
204 {
205 id:0,
206 label:"---Site---"
207 },
208 {
209 id:1,
210 label:"---Site1---"
211 }],
213 },
214 first_name: {
215 label:'Name',
216 type: 'string',
217 hint: 'The Name of the Slice',
218 validators: {
219 required: true
220 }
221 },
222 service_class : {
223 label:'ServiceClass',
224 type:'select',
225 validators:{ required: true,},
226 hint : 'The Site this Slice belongs to',
227 options:[
228 {
229 id:0,
230 label:"Best effort"
231 },
232 ],
233 },
234 enabled: {
235 label: 'Enabled',
236 type : 'boolean',
237 hint:'Status for this Slice'
238 },
239 description: {
240 label: 'Description',
241 type : 'string',
242 hint:'High level description of the slice and expected activities',
243 validators: {
244 required: false,
245 minlength: 10
246 }
247 },
248 service : {
249 label:'Service',
250 type:'select',
251 validators:{ required: false,},
252 options:[
253 {
254 id:0,
255 label:"--------"
256 },
257 ],
258 },
259 slice_url: {
260 label: 'Slice url',
261 type : 'string',
262 validators: {
263 required: false,
264 minlength: 10
265 }
266 },
267 max_instances: {
268 type: 'Max Instances',
269 validators: {
270 required: false,
271 min: 0
272 }
273 },
274 default_isolation : {
275 label:'Default Isolation',
276 type:'select',
277 validators:{ required: false,},
278 options:[
279 {
280 id:0,
281 label:"Virtual Machine"
282 },{
283 id:1,
284 label:"Container"
285 },{
286 id:2,
287 label:"Container in VM"
288 },
289 ],
290 },
291 default_image : {
292 label:'Default image',
293 type:'select',
294 validators:{ required: false,},
295 options:[
296 {
297 id:0,
298 label:"trusty-server-multi-nic"
299 },
300 ],
301 },
302 network : {
303 label:'Network',
304 type:'select',
305 validators:{ required: false,},
306 options:[
307 {
308 id:0,
309 label:"Default"
310 },
311 {
312 id:1,
313 label:"Host"
314 },
315 {
316 id:2,
317 label:"Bridged"
318 },
319 {
320 id:3,
321 label:"No Automatic Networks"
322 },
323 ],
324 },
326 }
327 };
329 var data;
330 // retrieving user list
333 //Slices.get({id :$}).$promise
334 //.then((users) => {
335 // this.users = users;
336 // //console.log(;
337 // data = users;
338 //})
339 //.catch((e) => {
340 // throw new Error(e);
341 //});
343 //console.log(this.users);
345 this.model = {
346 };
347 }
348 };
350.directive('editSlice', function(){
351 return {
352 //sites : {},
353 restrict: 'E',
354 scope: {},
355 bindToController: true,
356 controllerAs: 'cs',
357 templateUrl: 'templates/createslice.html',
358 controller: function(Slices,SlicesPlus,$stateParams){
359 //var sites;
360 //console.log(;
362 //console.log(this.config);
363 this.config = {
364 exclude: ['password', 'last_login'],
365 formName: 'SliceDetails',
366 actions: [
367 {
368 label: 'Save',
369 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
370 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
371 console.log(user);
372 },
373 class: 'success'
374 },{
375 label: 'Save and continue editing',
376 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
377 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
378 console.log(user);
379 },
380 class: 'primary'
381 },{
382 label: 'Save and add another',
383 icon: 'ok', // refers to bootstraps glyphicon
384 cb: (user) => { // receive the model
385 console.log(user);
386 },
387 class: 'primary'
388 }
389 ],
390 fields:
391 {
392 site_select : {
393 label:'Site',
394 type:'select',
395 validators:{ required: true,},
396 hint : 'The Site this Slice belongs to',
397 options:[
398 {
399 id:0,
400 label:"---Site---"
401 },
402 {
403 id:1,
404 label:"---Site1---"
405 }],
407 },
408 first_name: {
409 label:'Name',
410 type: 'string',
411 hint: 'The Name of the Slice',
412 validators: {
413 required: true
414 }
415 },
416 service_class : {
417 label:'ServiceClass',
418 type:'select',
419 validators:{ required: true,},
420 hint : 'The Site this Slice belongs to',
421 options:[
422 {
423 id:0,
424 label:"Best effort"
425 },
426 ],
427 },
428 enabled: {
429 label: 'Enabled',
430 type : 'boolean',
431 hint:'Status for this Slice'
432 },
433 description: {
434 label: 'Description',
435 type : 'string',
436 hint:'High level description of the slice and expected activities',
437 validators: {
438 required: false,
439 minlength: 10
440 }
441 },
442 service : {
443 label:'Service',
444 type:'select',
445 validators:{ required: false,},
446 options:[
447 {
448 id:0,
449 label:"--------"
450 },
451 ],
452 },
453 slice_url: {
454 label: 'Slice url',
455 type : 'string',
456 validators: {
457 required: false,
458 minlength: 10
459 }
460 },
461 max_instances: {
462 type: 'Max Instances',
463 validators: {
464 required: false,
465 min: 0
466 }
467 },
468 default_isolation : {
469 label:'Default Isolation',
470 type:'select',
471 validators:{ required: false,},
472 options:[
473 {
474 id:0,
475 label:"Virtual Machine"
476 },{
477 id:1,
478 label:"Container"
479 },{
480 id:2,
481 label:"Container in VM"
482 },
483 ],
484 },
485 default_image : {
486 label:'Default image',
487 type:'select',
488 validators:{ required: false,},
489 options:[
490 {
491 id:0,
492 label:"trusty-server-multi-nic"
493 },
494 ],
495 },
496 network : {
497 label:'Network',
498 type:'select',
499 validators:{ required: false,},
500 options:[
501 {
502 id:0,
503 label:"Default"
504 },
505 {
506 id:1,
507 label:"Host"
508 },
509 {
510 id:2,
511 label:"Bridged"
512 },
513 {
514 id:3,
515 label:"No Automatic Networks"
516 },
517 ],
518 },
520 }
521 };
523 var data;
524 // retrieving user list
527 Slices.get({id :$}).$promise
528 .then((users) => {
529 this.users = users;
530 //console.log(;
531 data = users;
arpiagariu2744cfb2016-06-06 17:02:29 -0700532 this.model = {
533 first_name : users.firstname;
535 };
arpiagariu827f3922016-06-06 15:25:28 -0700536 })
537 .catch((e) => {
538 throw new Error(e);
539 });
541 //console.log(this.users);
arpiagariu2744cfb2016-06-06 17:02:29 -0700543
arpiagariu827f3922016-06-06 15:25:28 -0700544 }
545 };