blob: 6181b35e1a2e05d341b76d01ce6bb0ebb1248419 [file] [log] [blame]
Matteo Scandolo280dcd32016-05-16 09:59:38 -07001(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
2 if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
3 module.exports = factory();
4 else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
5 define([], factory);
6 else if(typeof exports === 'object')
7 exports["fp"] = factory();
8 else
9 root["fp"] = factory();
10})(this, function() {
11return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
12/******/ // The module cache
13/******/ var installedModules = {};
15/******/ // The require function
16/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
18/******/ // Check if module is in cache
19/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
20/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
22/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
23/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
24/******/ exports: {},
25/******/ id: moduleId,
26/******/ loaded: false
27/******/ };
29/******/ // Execute the module function
30/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
32/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
33/******/ module.loaded = true;
35/******/ // Return the exports of the module
36/******/ return module.exports;
37/******/ }
40/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
41/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
43/******/ // expose the module cache
44/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
46/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
47/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
49/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
50/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
51/******/ })
53/******/ ([
54/* 0 */
55/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
57 var baseConvert = __webpack_require__(1);
59 /**
60 * Converts `lodash` to an immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last
61 * version with conversion `options` applied.
62 *
63 * @param {Function} lodash The lodash function to convert.
64 * @param {Object} [options] The options object. See `baseConvert` for more details.
65 * @returns {Function} Returns the converted `lodash`.
66 */
67 function browserConvert(lodash, options) {
68 return baseConvert(lodash, lodash, options);
69 }
71 if (typeof _ == 'function') {
72 _ = browserConvert(_.runInContext());
73 }
74 module.exports = browserConvert;
77/***/ },
78/* 1 */
79/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
81 var mapping = __webpack_require__(2),
82 mutateMap = mapping.mutate,
83 fallbackHolder = __webpack_require__(3);
85 /**
86 * Creates a function, with an arity of `n`, that invokes `func` with the
87 * arguments it receives.
88 *
89 * @private
90 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
91 * @param {number} n The arity of the new function.
92 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
93 */
94 function baseArity(func, n) {
95 return n == 2
96 ? function(a, b) { return func.apply(undefined, arguments); }
97 : function(a) { return func.apply(undefined, arguments); };
98 }
100 /**
101 * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with up to `n` arguments, ignoring
102 * any additional arguments.
103 *
104 * @private
105 * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.
106 * @param {number} n The arity cap.
107 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
108 */
109 function baseAry(func, n) {
110 return n == 2
111 ? function(a, b) { return func(a, b); }
112 : function(a) { return func(a); };
113 }
115 /**
116 * Creates a clone of `array`.
117 *
118 * @private
119 * @param {Array} array The array to clone.
120 * @returns {Array} Returns the cloned array.
121 */
122 function cloneArray(array) {
123 var length = array ? array.length : 0,
124 result = Array(length);
126 while (length--) {
127 result[length] = array[length];
128 }
129 return result;
130 }
132 /**
133 * Creates a function that clones a given object using the assignment `func`.
134 *
135 * @private
136 * @param {Function} func The assignment function.
137 * @returns {Function} Returns the new cloner function.
138 */
139 function createCloner(func) {
140 return function(object) {
141 return func({}, object);
142 };
143 }
145 /**
146 * Creates a function that wraps `func` and uses `cloner` to clone the first
147 * argument it receives.
148 *
149 * @private
150 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
151 * @param {Function} cloner The function to clone arguments.
152 * @returns {Function} Returns the new immutable function.
153 */
154 function immutWrap(func, cloner) {
155 return function() {
156 var length = arguments.length;
157 if (!length) {
158 return result;
159 }
160 var args = Array(length);
161 while (length--) {
162 args[length] = arguments[length];
163 }
164 var result = args[0] = cloner.apply(undefined, args);
165 func.apply(undefined, args);
166 return result;
167 };
168 }
170 /**
171 * The base implementation of `convert` which accepts a `util` object of methods
172 * required to perform conversions.
173 *
174 * @param {Object} util The util object.
175 * @param {string} name The name of the function to convert.
176 * @param {Function} func The function to convert.
177 * @param {Object} [options] The options object.
178 * @param {boolean} [options.cap=true] Specify capping iteratee arguments.
179 * @param {boolean} [options.curry=true] Specify currying.
180 * @param {boolean} [options.fixed=true] Specify fixed arity.
181 * @param {boolean} [options.immutable=true] Specify immutable operations.
182 * @param {boolean} [options.rearg=true] Specify rearranging arguments.
183 * @returns {Function|Object} Returns the converted function or object.
184 */
185 function baseConvert(util, name, func, options) {
186 var setPlaceholder,
187 isLib = typeof name == 'function',
188 isObj = name === Object(name);
190 if (isObj) {
191 options = func;
192 func = name;
193 name = undefined;
194 }
195 if (func == null) {
196 throw new TypeError;
197 }
198 options || (options = {});
200 var config = {
201 'cap': 'cap' in options ? options.cap : true,
202 'curry': 'curry' in options ? options.curry : true,
203 'fixed': 'fixed' in options ? options.fixed : true,
204 'immutable': 'immutable' in options ? options.immutable : true,
205 'rearg': 'rearg' in options ? options.rearg : true
206 };
208 var forceCurry = ('curry' in options) && options.curry,
209 forceFixed = ('fixed' in options) && options.fixed,
210 forceRearg = ('rearg' in options) && options.rearg,
211 placeholder = isLib ? func : fallbackHolder,
212 pristine = isLib ? func.runInContext() : undefined;
214 var helpers = isLib ? func : {
215 'ary': util.ary,
216 'assign': util.assign,
217 'clone': util.clone,
218 'curry': util.curry,
219 'forEach': util.forEach,
220 'isArray': util.isArray,
221 'isFunction': util.isFunction,
222 'iteratee': util.iteratee,
223 'keys': util.keys,
224 'rearg': util.rearg,
225 'spread': util.spread,
226 'toPath': util.toPath
227 };
229 var ary = helpers.ary,
230 assign = helpers.assign,
231 clone = helpers.clone,
232 curry = helpers.curry,
233 each = helpers.forEach,
234 isArray = helpers.isArray,
235 isFunction = helpers.isFunction,
236 keys = helpers.keys,
237 rearg = helpers.rearg,
238 spread = helpers.spread,
239 toPath = helpers.toPath;
241 var aryMethodKeys = keys(mapping.aryMethod);
243 var wrappers = {
244 'castArray': function(castArray) {
245 return function() {
246 var value = arguments[0];
247 return isArray(value)
248 ? castArray(cloneArray(value))
249 : castArray.apply(undefined, arguments);
250 };
251 },
252 'iteratee': function(iteratee) {
253 return function() {
254 var func = arguments[0],
255 arity = arguments[1],
256 result = iteratee(func, arity),
257 length = result.length;
259 if (config.cap && typeof arity == 'number') {
260 arity = arity > 2 ? (arity - 2) : 1;
261 return (length && length <= arity) ? result : baseAry(result, arity);
262 }
263 return result;
264 };
265 },
266 'mixin': function(mixin) {
267 return function(source) {
268 var func = this;
269 if (!isFunction(func)) {
270 return mixin(func, Object(source));
271 }
272 var methods = [],
273 methodNames = [];
275 each(keys(source), function(key) {
276 var value = source[key];
277 if (isFunction(value)) {
278 methodNames.push(key);
279 methods.push(func.prototype[key]);
280 }
281 });
283 mixin(func, Object(source));
285 each(methodNames, function(methodName, index) {
286 var method = methods[index];
287 if (isFunction(method)) {
288 func.prototype[methodName] = method;
289 } else {
290 delete func.prototype[methodName];
291 }
292 });
293 return func;
294 };
295 },
296 'runInContext': function(runInContext) {
297 return function(context) {
298 return baseConvert(util, runInContext(context), options);
299 };
300 }
301 };
303 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
305 /**
306 * Creates a clone of `object` by `path`.
307 *
308 * @private
309 * @param {Object} object The object to clone.
310 * @param {Array|string} path The path to clone by.
311 * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned object.
312 */
313 function cloneByPath(object, path) {
314 path = toPath(path);
316 var index = -1,
317 length = path.length,
318 result = clone(Object(object)),
319 nested = result;
321 while (nested != null && ++index < length) {
322 var key = path[index],
323 value = nested[key];
325 if (value != null) {
326 nested[key] = clone(Object(value));
327 }
328 nested = nested[key];
329 }
330 return result;
331 }
333 /**
334 * Converts `lodash` to an immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last
335 * version with conversion `options` applied.
336 *
337 * @param {Object} [options] The options object. See `baseConvert` for more details.
338 * @returns {Function} Returns the converted `lodash`.
339 */
340 function convertLib(options) {
341 return _.runInContext.convert(options)(undefined);
342 }
344 /**
345 * Create a converter function for `func` of `name`.
346 *
347 * @param {string} name The name of the function to convert.
348 * @param {Function} func The function to convert.
349 * @returns {Function} Returns the new converter function.
350 */
351 function createConverter(name, func) {
352 var oldOptions = options;
353 return function(options) {
354 var newUtil = isLib ? pristine : helpers,
355 newFunc = isLib ? pristine[name] : func,
356 newOptions = assign(assign({}, oldOptions), options);
358 return baseConvert(newUtil, name, newFunc, newOptions);
359 };
360 }
362 /**
363 * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke its iteratee, with up to `n`
364 * arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.
365 *
366 * @private
367 * @param {Function} func The function to cap iteratee arguments for.
368 * @param {number} n The arity cap.
369 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
370 */
371 function iterateeAry(func, n) {
372 return overArg(func, function(func) {
373 return typeof func == 'function' ? baseAry(func, n) : func;
374 });
375 }
377 /**
378 * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke its iteratee with arguments
379 * arranged according to the specified `indexes` where the argument value at
380 * the first index is provided as the first argument, the argument value at
381 * the second index is provided as the second argument, and so on.
382 *
383 * @private
384 * @param {Function} func The function to rearrange iteratee arguments for.
385 * @param {number[]} indexes The arranged argument indexes.
386 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
387 */
388 function iterateeRearg(func, indexes) {
389 return overArg(func, function(func) {
390 var n = indexes.length;
391 return baseArity(rearg(baseAry(func, n), indexes), n);
392 });
393 }
395 /**
396 * Creates a function that invokes `func` with its first argument passed
397 * thru `transform`.
398 *
399 * @private
400 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
401 * @param {...Function} transform The functions to transform the first argument.
402 * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.
403 */
404 function overArg(func, transform) {
405 return function() {
406 var length = arguments.length;
407 if (!length) {
408 return func();
409 }
410 var args = Array(length);
411 while (length--) {
412 args[length] = arguments[length];
413 }
414 var index = config.rearg ? 0 : (length - 1);
415 args[index] = transform(args[index]);
416 return func.apply(undefined, args);
417 };
418 }
420 /**
421 * Creates a function that wraps `func` and applys the conversions
422 * rules by `name`.
423 *
424 * @private
425 * @param {string} name The name of the function to wrap.
426 * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.
427 * @returns {Function} Returns the converted function.
428 */
429 function wrap(name, func) {
430 name = mapping.aliasToReal[name] || name;
432 var result,
433 wrapped = func,
434 wrapper = wrappers[name];
436 if (wrapper) {
437 wrapped = wrapper(func);
438 }
439 else if (config.immutable) {
440 if (mutateMap.array[name]) {
441 wrapped = immutWrap(func, cloneArray);
442 }
443 else if (mutateMap.object[name]) {
444 wrapped = immutWrap(func, createCloner(func));
445 }
446 else if (mutateMap.set[name]) {
447 wrapped = immutWrap(func, cloneByPath);
448 }
449 }
450 each(aryMethodKeys, function(aryKey) {
451 each(mapping.aryMethod[aryKey], function(otherName) {
452 if (name == otherName) {
453 var aryN = !isLib && mapping.iterateeAry[name],
454 reargIndexes = mapping.iterateeRearg[name],
455 spreadStart = mapping.methodSpread[name];
457 result = wrapped;
458 if (config.fixed && (forceFixed || !mapping.skipFixed[name])) {
459 result = spreadStart === undefined
460 ? ary(result, aryKey)
461 : spread(result, spreadStart);
462 }
463 if (config.rearg && aryKey > 1 && (forceRearg || !mapping.skipRearg[name])) {
464 result = rearg(result, mapping.methodRearg[name] || mapping.aryRearg[aryKey]);
465 }
466 if (config.cap) {
467 if (reargIndexes) {
468 result = iterateeRearg(result, reargIndexes);
469 } else if (aryN) {
470 result = iterateeAry(result, aryN);
471 }
472 }
473 if (forceCurry || (config.curry && aryKey > 1)) {
474 forceCurry && console.log(forceCurry, name);
475 result = curry(result, aryKey);
476 }
477 return false;
478 }
479 });
480 return !result;
481 });
483 result || (result = wrapped);
484 if (result == func) {
485 result = forceCurry ? curry(result, 1) : function() {
486 return func.apply(this, arguments);
487 };
488 }
489 result.convert = createConverter(name, func);
490 if (mapping.placeholder[name]) {
491 setPlaceholder = true;
492 result.placeholder = func.placeholder = placeholder;
493 }
494 return result;
495 }
497 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
499 if (!isObj) {
500 return wrap(name, func);
501 }
502 var _ = func;
504 // Convert methods by ary cap.
505 var pairs = [];
506 each(aryMethodKeys, function(aryKey) {
507 each(mapping.aryMethod[aryKey], function(key) {
508 var func = _[mapping.remap[key] || key];
509 if (func) {
510 pairs.push([key, wrap(key, func)]);
511 }
512 });
513 });
515 // Convert remaining methods.
516 each(keys(_), function(key) {
517 var func = _[key];
518 if (typeof func == 'function') {
519 var length = pairs.length;
520 while (length--) {
521 if (pairs[length][0] == key) {
522 return;
523 }
524 }
525 func.convert = createConverter(key, func);
526 pairs.push([key, func]);
527 }
528 });
530 // Assign to `_` leaving `_.prototype` unchanged to allow chaining.
531 each(pairs, function(pair) {
532 _[pair[0]] = pair[1];
533 });
535 _.convert = convertLib;
536 if (setPlaceholder) {
537 _.placeholder = placeholder;
538 }
539 // Assign aliases.
540 each(keys(_), function(key) {
541 each(mapping.realToAlias[key] || [], function(alias) {
542 _[alias] = _[key];
543 });
544 });
546 return _;
547 }
549 module.exports = baseConvert;
552/***/ },
553/* 2 */
554/***/ function(module, exports) {
556 /** Used to map aliases to their real names. */
557 exports.aliasToReal = {
559 // Lodash aliases.
560 'each': 'forEach',
561 'eachRight': 'forEachRight',
562 'entries': 'toPairs',
563 'entriesIn': 'toPairsIn',
564 'extend': 'assignIn',
565 'extendWith': 'assignInWith',
566 'first': 'head',
568 // Ramda aliases.
569 '__': 'placeholder',
570 'all': 'every',
571 'allPass': 'overEvery',
572 'always': 'constant',
573 'any': 'some',
574 'anyPass': 'overSome',
575 'apply': 'spread',
576 'assoc': 'set',
577 'assocPath': 'set',
578 'complement': 'negate',
579 'compose': 'flowRight',
580 'contains': 'includes',
581 'dissoc': 'unset',
582 'dissocPath': 'unset',
583 'equals': 'isEqual',
584 'identical': 'eq',
585 'init': 'initial',
586 'invertObj': 'invert',
587 'juxt': 'over',
588 'omitAll': 'omit',
589 'nAry': 'ary',
590 'path': 'get',
591 'pathEq': 'matchesProperty',
592 'pathOr': 'getOr',
593 'paths': 'at',
594 'pickAll': 'pick',
595 'pipe': 'flow',
596 'pluck': 'map',
597 'prop': 'get',
598 'propEq': 'matchesProperty',
599 'propOr': 'getOr',
600 'props': 'at',
601 'unapply': 'rest',
602 'unnest': 'flatten',
603 'useWith': 'overArgs',
604 'whereEq': 'filter',
605 'zipObj': 'zipObject'
606 };
608 /** Used to map ary to method names. */
609 exports.aryMethod = {
610 '1': [
611 'attempt', 'castArray', 'ceil', 'create', 'curry', 'curryRight', 'floor',
612 'flow', 'flowRight', 'fromPairs', 'invert', 'iteratee', 'memoize', 'method',
613 'methodOf', 'mixin', 'over', 'overEvery', 'overSome', 'rest', 'reverse',
614 'round', 'runInContext', 'spread', 'template', 'trim', 'trimEnd', 'trimStart',
615 'uniqueId', 'words'
616 ],
617 '2': [
618 'add', 'after', 'ary', 'assign', 'assignIn', 'at', 'before', 'bind', 'bindAll',
619 'bindKey', 'chunk', 'cloneDeepWith', 'cloneWith', 'concat', 'countBy', 'curryN',
620 'curryRightN', 'debounce', 'defaults', 'defaultsDeep', 'delay', 'difference',
621 'divide', 'drop', 'dropRight', 'dropRightWhile', 'dropWhile', 'endsWith',
622 'eq', 'every', 'filter', 'find', 'find', 'findIndex', 'findKey', 'findLast',
623 'findLastIndex', 'findLastKey', 'flatMap', 'flatMapDeep', 'flattenDepth',
624 'forEach', 'forEachRight', 'forIn', 'forInRight', 'forOwn', 'forOwnRight',
625 'get', 'groupBy', 'gt', 'gte', 'has', 'hasIn', 'includes', 'indexOf',
626 'intersection', 'invertBy', 'invoke', 'invokeMap', 'isEqual', 'isMatch',
627 'join', 'keyBy', 'lastIndexOf', 'lt', 'lte', 'map', 'mapKeys', 'mapValues',
628 'matchesProperty', 'maxBy', 'meanBy', 'merge', 'minBy', 'multiply', 'nth',
629 'omit', 'omitBy', 'overArgs', 'pad', 'padEnd', 'padStart', 'parseInt',
630 'partial', 'partialRight', 'partition', 'pick', 'pickBy', 'pull', 'pullAll',
631 'pullAt', 'random', 'range', 'rangeRight', 'rearg', 'reject', 'remove',
632 'repeat', 'restFrom', 'result', 'sampleSize', 'some', 'sortBy', 'sortedIndex',
633 'sortedIndexOf', 'sortedLastIndex', 'sortedLastIndexOf', 'sortedUniqBy',
634 'split', 'spreadFrom', 'startsWith', 'subtract', 'sumBy', 'take', 'takeRight',
635 'takeRightWhile', 'takeWhile', 'tap', 'throttle', 'thru', 'times', 'trimChars',
636 'trimCharsEnd', 'trimCharsStart', 'truncate', 'union', 'uniqBy', 'uniqWith',
637 'unset', 'unzipWith', 'without', 'wrap', 'xor', 'zip', 'zipObject',
638 'zipObjectDeep'
639 ],
640 '3': [
641 'assignInWith', 'assignWith', 'clamp', 'differenceBy', 'differenceWith',
642 'getOr', 'inRange', 'intersectionBy', 'intersectionWith', 'invokeArgs',
643 'invokeArgsMap', 'isEqualWith', 'isMatchWith', 'flatMapDepth', 'mergeWith',
644 'orderBy', 'padChars', 'padCharsEnd', 'padCharsStart', 'pullAllBy',
645 'pullAllWith', 'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'replace', 'set', 'slice',
646 'sortedIndexBy', 'sortedLastIndexBy', 'transform', 'unionBy', 'unionWith',
647 'update', 'xorBy', 'xorWith', 'zipWith'
648 ],
649 '4': [
650 'fill', 'setWith', 'updateWith'
651 ]
652 };
654 /** Used to map ary to rearg configs. */
655 exports.aryRearg = {
656 '2': [1, 0],
657 '3': [2, 0, 1],
658 '4': [3, 2, 0, 1]
659 };
661 /** Used to map method names to their iteratee ary. */
662 exports.iterateeAry = {
663 'dropRightWhile': 1,
664 'dropWhile': 1,
665 'every': 1,
666 'filter': 1,
667 'find': 1,
668 'findIndex': 1,
669 'findKey': 1,
670 'findLast': 1,
671 'findLastIndex': 1,
672 'findLastKey': 1,
673 'flatMap': 1,
674 'flatMapDeep': 1,
675 'flatMapDepth': 1,
676 'forEach': 1,
677 'forEachRight': 1,
678 'forIn': 1,
679 'forInRight': 1,
680 'forOwn': 1,
681 'forOwnRight': 1,
682 'map': 1,
683 'mapKeys': 1,
684 'mapValues': 1,
685 'partition': 1,
686 'reduce': 2,
687 'reduceRight': 2,
688 'reject': 1,
689 'remove': 1,
690 'some': 1,
691 'takeRightWhile': 1,
692 'takeWhile': 1,
693 'times': 1,
694 'transform': 2
695 };
697 /** Used to map method names to iteratee rearg configs. */
698 exports.iterateeRearg = {
699 'mapKeys': [1]
700 };
702 /** Used to map method names to rearg configs. */
703 exports.methodRearg = {
704 'assignInWith': [1, 2, 0],
705 'assignWith': [1, 2, 0],
706 'getOr': [2, 1, 0],
707 'isEqualWith': [1, 2, 0],
708 'isMatchWith': [2, 1, 0],
709 'mergeWith': [1, 2, 0],
710 'padChars': [2, 1, 0],
711 'padCharsEnd': [2, 1, 0],
712 'padCharsStart': [2, 1, 0],
713 'pullAllBy': [2, 1, 0],
714 'pullAllWith': [2, 1, 0],
715 'setWith': [3, 1, 2, 0],
716 'sortedIndexBy': [2, 1, 0],
717 'sortedLastIndexBy': [2, 1, 0],
718 'updateWith': [3, 1, 2, 0],
719 'zipWith': [1, 2, 0]
720 };
722 /** Used to map method names to spread configs. */
723 exports.methodSpread = {
724 'invokeArgs': 2,
725 'invokeArgsMap': 2,
726 'partial': 1,
727 'partialRight': 1,
728 'without': 1
729 };
731 /** Used to identify methods which mutate arrays or objects. */
732 exports.mutate = {
733 'array': {
734 'fill': true,
735 'pull': true,
736 'pullAll': true,
737 'pullAllBy': true,
738 'pullAllWith': true,
739 'pullAt': true,
740 'remove': true,
741 'reverse': true
742 },
743 'object': {
744 'assign': true,
745 'assignIn': true,
746 'assignInWith': true,
747 'assignWith': true,
748 'defaults': true,
749 'defaultsDeep': true,
750 'merge': true,
751 'mergeWith': true
752 },
753 'set': {
754 'set': true,
755 'setWith': true,
756 'unset': true,
757 'update': true,
758 'updateWith': true
759 }
760 };
762 /** Used to track methods with placeholder support */
763 exports.placeholder = {
764 'bind': true,
765 'bindKey': true,
766 'curry': true,
767 'curryRight': true,
768 'partial': true,
769 'partialRight': true
770 };
772 /** Used to map real names to their aliases. */
773 exports.realToAlias = (function() {
774 var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
775 object = exports.aliasToReal,
776 result = {};
778 for (var key in object) {
779 var value = object[key];
780 if (, value)) {
781 result[value].push(key);
782 } else {
783 result[value] = [key];
784 }
785 }
786 return result;
787 }());
789 /** Used to map method names to other names. */
790 exports.remap = {
791 'curryN': 'curry',
792 'curryRightN': 'curryRight',
793 'getOr': 'get',
794 'invokeArgs': 'invoke',
795 'invokeArgsMap': 'invokeMap',
796 'padChars': 'pad',
797 'padCharsEnd': 'padEnd',
798 'padCharsStart': 'padStart',
799 'restFrom': 'rest',
800 'spreadFrom': 'spread',
801 'trimChars': 'trim',
802 'trimCharsEnd': 'trimEnd',
803 'trimCharsStart': 'trimStart'
804 };
806 /** Used to track methods that skip fixing their arity. */
807 exports.skipFixed = {
808 'castArray': true,
809 'flow': true,
810 'flowRight': true,
811 'iteratee': true,
812 'mixin': true,
813 'runInContext': true
814 };
816 /** Used to track methods that skip rearranging arguments. */
817 exports.skipRearg = {
818 'add': true,
819 'assign': true,
820 'assignIn': true,
821 'bind': true,
822 'bindKey': true,
823 'concat': true,
824 'difference': true,
825 'divide': true,
826 'eq': true,
827 'gt': true,
828 'gte': true,
829 'isEqual': true,
830 'lt': true,
831 'lte': true,
832 'matchesProperty': true,
833 'merge': true,
834 'multiply': true,
835 'overArgs': true,
836 'partial': true,
837 'partialRight': true,
838 'random': true,
839 'range': true,
840 'rangeRight': true,
841 'subtract': true,
842 'without': true,
843 'zip': true,
844 'zipObject': true
845 };
848/***/ },
849/* 3 */
850/***/ function(module, exports) {
852 /**
853 * The default argument placeholder value for methods.
854 *
855 * @type {Object}
856 */
857 module.exports = {};
860/***/ }
861/******/ ])