1. 1d01b69 [SEBA-284] Pusblishing prometheus counter for gRPC endpoints by Matteo Scandolo · 6 years ago 2.1.19
  2. b96ba43 CORD-2773 Update to gRPC 1.9.1 and protobuf 3.5.2 by Scott Baker · 7 years ago
  3. b5ce186 CORD-1570: Re-implementation of XOS Security via xproto at the API boundary by Sapan Bhatia · 8 years ago
  4. 67654fa [CORD-1440] Moving the generative toolchain in a library by Matteo Scandolo · 8 years ago[Renamed from xos/genx/targets/grpc_api.xtarget]
  5. cb35e7f CORD-1097: Generate API from xproto by Sapan Bhatia · 8 years ago