Clone this repo:
  1. bb1eabf VOL-5239 - Fix latent linting failures by Joey Armstrong · 4 weeks ago master v1.16.5
  2. feeefe8 [VOL-5297] - (dep) Install pre-commit lint tool. by Joey Armstrong · 2 weeks ago
  3. a1e6ae0 [VOL-5297] - (dep for) Install pre-commit linting tool by Joey Armstrong · 2 weeks ago
  4. daffa90 [VOL-5297] - (dep for) Install pre-commit linting tool by Joey Armstrong · 2 weeks ago
  5. 4d6878e [VOL-5246] - branch and release bbsim by Joey Armstrong · 3 months ago

BroadBand Simulator (BBSim)


BBSim is managed via a Makefile, plese run the following command to display all the available targets

make help


More advanced documentation lives in here.

You can generate and browse the documentation by executing:

make docs

This project structure is based on golang-standards/project-layout.