| include ~/service-profile/mcord/Makefile |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)),vpma vta qt600)) |
| # use the rest as arguments for "run" |
| TARGET_ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS)) |
| # ...and turn them into do-nothing targets |
| $(eval $(TARGET_ARGS):;@:) |
| endif |
| |
| activetest: activetest-onboard |
| $(RUN_TOSCA) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/pod-activetest.yaml |
| |
| activetest-onboard: $(CONFIG_DIR)/files/activetest_config activetest-flavors |
| sudo cp $(CONFIG_DIR)/id_rsa $(CONFIG_DIR)/key_import/activetest_rsa |
| sudo cp $(CONFIG_DIR)/id_rsa.pub $(CONFIG_DIR)/key_import/activetest_rsa.pub |
| $(RUN_TOSCA_BOOTSTRAP) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/xos/ActiveTest-onboard.yaml |
| $(RUN_TOSCA_BOOTSTRAP) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/xos/synchronizer/activetest-synchronizer.yaml |
| bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_onboarding_ready.sh 81 services/activetest |
| bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_onboarding_ready.sh 81 xos |
| bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_xos_port.sh 80 |
| |
| foobar: $(CONFIG_DIR)/files/activetest_config |
| |
| $(CONFIG_DIR)/files/activetest_config: |
| cp $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/xos/synchronizer/activetest_config $(CONFIG_DIR)/files/activetest_config |
| |
| clean: cleanup |
| ./cleanup.sh |
| bash -c "source $(CONFIG_DIR)/admin-openrc.sh; nova list --all-tenants; neutron net-list" |
| |
| activetest-flavors: |
| bash -c "source $(CONFIG_DIR)/admin-openrc.sh; nova flavor-show activetest.vta || nova flavor-create activetest.vta auto 4096 64 2" |
| |
| .PHONY: vpma |
| vpma: |
| sed 's/vpmatenant/vpmatenant$(TARGET_ARGS)/g' pod-vpma-template.yaml > pod-vpma.yaml |
| $(RUN_TOSCA) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/pod-vpma.yaml |
| |
| .PHONY: vta |
| vta: |
| sed 's/vtatenant/vtatenant$(TARGET_ARGS)/g' pod-vta-template.yaml > pod-vta.yaml |
| $(RUN_TOSCA) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/pod-vta.yaml |
| |
| .PHONY: qt600 |
| qt600: |
| sed 's/qt600tenant/qt600tenant$(TARGET_ARGS)/g' pod-qt600-template.yaml > pod-qt600.yaml |
| $(RUN_TOSCA) $(SERVICE_DIR)/ActiveTest/pod-qt600.yaml |
| |
| activetest-tunnel: |
| $(eval NODES=$(shell bash -c "source $(CONFIG_DIR)/admin-openrc.sh ; nova host-list" | grep compute | awk '{print $$2}' )) |
| $(eval CONTROLLER_IP=$(shell bash -c "source $(CONFIG_DIR)/admin-openrc.sh ; nova list --image fusion --all-tenants | grep -o -E '172.27.0.[0-9]+'")) |
| @echo 'Run the following on HEAD NODE:' |
| @echo ' ssh -f -N -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p $(NODES)" root@$(CONTROLLER_IP) -L$(CONTROLLER_IP):9443' |